I know people hate discussing 4cuck but is 4/pol/ even salvageable at this point?

I know people hate discussing 4cuck but is 4/pol/ even salvageable at this point?

The mods and jannies seem COMPLETELY co-opted and shills use bots working around the clock to push useless threads like twitter shit, questions that just (((happen))) to have naked women in the OP pic, low effort bait, and just all around GARBAGE.

Discussion is near impossible and you get called a retard/nigger/every slander they can think of just for daring to discuss something. Then if you complain they'll tell you it was always like this. It's not. You can look in the archive and see threads from before, TREMENDOUSLY better. Trying to discuss LITERALLY anything will start a brigade of insults.

Quality threads are slided to the bottom and get next to no replies.

Coincidentally, this rapid decline started to happen right around this was passed: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countering_Foreign_Propaganda_and_Disinformation_Act

Which essentially makes it fully legal for the US government to go onto these boards and derail ALL discussion. Couple that with Mossad's work and Zig Forums has finally fallen.

Bans are handed out like candy, usually standard fare 3 day bans for deviating from not just politics, but basically anything outside their desired threads. I've seen endless quality threads get destroyed by (((moderators))) and janitors. Meanwhile you click the main page and all you find is

It's so fucking tiresome. And what worries me most of all is the rot is working overtime to take this place over too. Perhaps even more so than 4/pol/, even though we've been more resistant.

Be watchful anons, they want to destroy us and once we're gone there won't be many places left. We need to keep up the fight. We need to bump quality threads and allow honest discussion.

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Other urls found in this thread:


8pol is only better by a small margin.

Slowly ive comin here more and more

Moot has officially given 4chan over to feds ýears ago and installed SJW soy shills as mods. This is one of the catalysts for the second exodus to this site. At least you are now opening your eyes to reality and can now choose for yourself if you want to eat trash or not.

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These are old pictures. Please excuse the faggot pony.

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It's been unsalvageable since it started.
All the things you are complaining about has been happening for years, is this stale pasta?
Either any which way you have to go back and stay back

4pol is fine for shit-posting and meme generation, but it has basically become a reddit colony since the Trump-Niggers moved in.

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I go there all the time, they handle the shills better than we do.
I think a lot of the real Zig Forumsacks left this board, and all you have are a handful of real channers & a flood of shills, left here.

I'd like to know where the real Zig Forumsacks left to, but I know that revealing that here would just give the shills their next target.

Attached: Smile.jpg (525x596, 35.12K)

They left the basement. Fire is rising.

son of a bitch is in business with Qatar and the Rockefuckers >>>/gamergatehq/331048

Share what you have on the GG wiki, because right now nobody is sharing or spreading information

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Jeez, this sure sounds familiar.
Does it not?

I'm sorry, but infinity Zig Forums has become utter garbage in the last couple of years. It was good up until the 2016 elections. Conversely, kikechan Zig Forums has always been shit but there's still flow of discussion and rapid posting. This place is definitely dead. For example, one of the most important things going on right now is the yellow jacket's movement, yet we have one or two threads here that are shilled to death and no one posts anything relevant. On 4chan they follow it, being extremely retarded, yes, but at least there is some flow of information there.
Same goes for Syria and other stuff.

I would love to know too. Megucca and .pl are pretty much dead too.

And have an unpopular opinion. "The Jews" threads with no further information are part of the fuckery. They act like porn threads. They want you to stop thinking and stop digging, and they also want you to get so accustomed to 1488 talk that you spout off on your main account so they can get you fired. Keep on the lookout for actions, slogans, and relationships.

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There's no comparison. 4 is a flea market, 8 is like a high street men's shop.

So my "moot and Valkenburger were laundering cocaine money" theory is more valid than I thought.

Came in this thread to say the same, user.

The same thing is happening in Brazil. The left dominated the virtual enclosures thinking they were totally relevant.

This thread is a bait



Nigger. This board only became shit once Ronald Watkins took over. Kikey was legit mentally ill and it showed, but at least actual discussion and investigations took place. The most activity in such things we have now under (((globalization))) is literal retards willingly raising money for the IRS to fund ZOG.

Not salvageable.

The jannies are deleting nigger hate threads which has been a staple in the past. They are deleting other important threads - while allowing the cuck/interracial nigger porn threads to become commonplace

I was permabanned for posting a nigger with a small penis, masturbating on a French train - some may have seen this video as it has been posted there many times for years (it's part of the funwithblacks series, number 102). Apparently they are permabanning for it now-and denying appeals.

4cuck is fucked

Attached: banned.png (779x538, 96.92K)

oh no, such an intellectual and important topic

bots and AI's require zero shekels, so there are those clogging the forum with perpetual trash. The bots and AI's have been perfected, and are likely using 4cuck server resources directly; but to what end? How much time, resources and material are being wasted just to make it/keep it a containment zone?
they can't play whack-a-Zig Forums forever

CuckChan is DEAD.
Nobody visits the site anymore, because it is full of JIDF and libtards posting bait threads promoting (((muh diversity)))

Fuck Cuckchan

Attached: 4chan.is.DEAD.jpg (1009x1483, 200.02K)

Cuckchan is mostly visited by irrelevant countries like Romania and (((Swedistan)))

8pol is so overrun with shills, that the white noise of 4pol is starting to become more and more preferable.

The Ocasio-Cortez nigger propaganda over a cuckchan pol is very strong..

Attached: ocasio_cortez_socialist moron.jpg (2040x1509, 733.91K)

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Think about it. The first thing that comes to mind is that cuckchan .pol. is suffering a long raid from the commies. The 2nd option is that the posts are being made by S&C engineers for d&c purposes. The 3rd option is that seasoned Zig Forumssters and former MAGAtards gave up long ago and are going for some pedal-to-the-metal acceleration towards the unknown
No one who's serious should be there, and a backup meeting place (or places) should be established to keep them playing whack-a-Zig Forums

That image is fake as fudge

I'm beginning to question if 8/pol/ is even salvageable.

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The site stats speak for themselves, the site is dead… the traffic died.. only JIDF mongoloids, gov shills, swedish and romanian retards live there
As a matter of fact, this thread is a desperate cry for help to bring more traffic to (((4chan)))

(((Socialist))) detected.,.
Engage the gas

Attached: Gas the Jews.jpg (600x395, 55.77K)

Shills make 20 posts a minute and captcha niggers solve 20 captchas a minute. It's plain to see who benefits from this.

It's an edit by the fake Ben Garrison. The original is about the jews and their #1 golem.

Moot was whining about how he made no (((money)) from cuckchan, so he sold 4chan to the ZOG, and then once his retard (((company))) failed (let's face it, the guy is clueless when it comes to making money) he became a (((JOOGLE))) employee..
This is who (((they)) take care of good Goys.. shut up and take the money LOL

are you autistic?? who gives a flying fuck whether the image is "fake" or not.. the important thing is the message.. and the message is right no target

I have noticed the quality on 4/pol/ suddenly shift one day and couldn't do anything about it. It started when I was getting banned for starting /SIG/ threads there. Could get one going at all. Only found 8ch due a youtube pol music video. Thank god some of you anons of good taste in music. Otherwise I would have never have found /SIG/anons again.

comped site is comped, news at 11

Think Philippines assasination mid 80's. Heavy copper plate with accelerat behind. Can be mounted to moving vehicle if need be. No armored car can stop it. It's pretty much an assured kill, and being mobile they would never know it's there.

It so obvious, the joogle captchas are there so the ZOG IT can keep track of any idiots who venture inside (((4chan)))
The whole place is a deserted joke

You guys know about this, right?

For Chrome:

For Firefox:

It's funny that he named his company Canvas, given that 4chan was the first major site to disregard IP addresses and cookies and track people based on canvas fingerprinting. He made it impossible very difficult for people to actually stay anonymous on his anonymous board, because 4chan would collect all this metadata to create a unique fingerprint.


there hasn't been any real, Zig Forums level OC since 2014/2015. That is the common thread among shitposters. They don't want to post on a popular site. Becoming popular defeats the point of creating Zig Forums-centric OC and truly huge aspirations. Now it's just a matter of time before something new pops up as the continuation of veteran shitposters that are doing something else now, while new blood/ideas pour in. There's a whole new batch of completely fucked over people looking for a new home and methods of expressing their frustrations using low-tech that can change the world

The fact that "effortposting" is a deriding term there should tell you all you need to know. 8/pol/ is starting to show the same semblances with more and more spam threads than usual that have only a few lines, clickbait titles, and single sentence replies. Though I still see plenty of people typing paragraphs here, and reading usually shut ups the shills for a bit. Remember anons, you want to maintain quality, fight your shortened attention spans, read, and reply to those who make good, long posts. This also relates to 8/pol/'s more slow paced nature, since you're able to post, leave for a while, and the same threads aren't in the back of the catalog or 404'd unlike in cuckchan. I hope these two things never change.

Are you retarded? 99% of that entire board is nothing but shills

I think it's pretty common knowledge that sites like 4chan know everything you post based on your IP. Fingerprints are just an active bonus. Over the course of your posting history you might reveal tidbits of information that can ultimately be compiled to give an accurate reading of who you are. Most people don't have to worry, they're inconsequential. As for the people on this site…

As for 4chan, what happens is when a site becomes popular, and goes against the narrative. The owner is paid a little visit from the Jewish Mafia, Italian Mafia, Russian-Irish whatever you want to call it mafia and ends up with a horse head in his bed.

What a lot of people seem to not recognize nowadays is that it's not just orders from the globalist elite controlling Hollywood and subsequently our world but the fact that it is run, and is called an actual mafia.

You can look it up. The Jewish mafia exists.

The problem a lot of people have here is they continually try to fight the enemy using the enemies terms and using inflammatory words that will obviously cause the NPCs to go into cognitive dissonance mode and shut down.

For example, if you tell them the Jews run this country they'll call you crazy. But if you ask them if the Mafia rules this country you could get some interesting answers. If they say no you can fill them in.

Then you just happen to mention that they're Jewish-Italian. Boom. Redpilled.

Redpilling people is like walking around a minefield. Except you can actively see the mines if you look carefully. You have to go around them to get to the other side. When that happens, you've done it.

Only when you've gotten to the other side can you begin to remove the mines. Some people have particularly strong mines in their head that can't be removed, they're too far gone. Don't try to argue with them, focus on those who will be receptive.

I think contrary to what most Gamergate fags think Zig Forums was extremely high quality before late 2014. It still remained high quality despite SJW mods until after the 2016 election when the people left and shills were able to blend in and create bots.

After all, Zig Forums started all this. Credit where credit's due faggot.

nigger lover

Agreed. DO NOT RESPOND to garbage "what does Zig Forums think of…." and other e-celeb shit threads. Contribute by adding to redpill, /sig/, and antiporn threads the kikes shill those the most.

This. Kikes complaining about "effortposting" and screeching "tl;dr" are simply trying to get people to lower their standards. Board quality shouldn't be looked at as being uptight, it's actually a way of fighting shills and raising discussion standards. If we had decent mods, they would be banning anyone posting tl;dr as a response and dismissing entire posts as "effortposting," alternatively called "essayposting" by these semitic filth.


I visited for the first time in many years just for OP. Looks dead and stupid to me. Can't even post unless you're like a comcast user lol so you have to ask whose on there. Little kids using their dad's computer to post old images mostly. Nothing to save there. Nothing.

4kike has been shit since nearly the beginning, oldfags are ether left to do other things in life, are overly nostalgic manchildern or are LARPing about being and oldfag.

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4cuck is dead. I just received an error message earlier when I tried to upload a thread saying “uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse”, and then it asked me to buy a 4chan pass to bypass this. I didn’t violate any fucking rules on the site, it’s just doing this for shekels. Fucking kikes.

Lots of threads being shoaed here too.
Wonder who it could be?

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I'm so sorry to hear your IQ is down at Jamal's level.

Plenty of good info in those threads like new nigger chimpouts, new nigger violence, redpills, etc. Also serves the purpose of battling against nigger-cuck porn spewed by little faggots like you

You might want to check with Colin Flaherty if you disagree.

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Imagine actually believing this.

Effortposting was a term here until about a year ago.


Keep up the good work, kike

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The fact that you're fucking proxy-hopping defending cuck mods deleting nigger hate threads just showcases how much of a federal agent you are.
Nigger hate threads are culture, and when it is removed, staples of the site are also removed with it and changed with something else. Maybe you wouldn't mind trannyggers flooding the catalogue with tyranny discord cults, in fact a Jew like you would gladly applaud that as powerful, justice, bravery
Blow your brains out

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