"Yellow vests" protest movement knocks out 60% of all speed cameras in France

Members of the "yellow vests" protest movement have vandalised almost 60% of France's entire speed camera network, the interior minister has said.

Christophe Castaner said the wilful damage was a threat to road safety and put lives in danger.

The protest movement began over fuel tax increases, and saw motorists block roads and motorway toll booths.

Some protesters feel speed cameras are solely a revenue-generating measure which takes money from the poor.

The BBC's Hugh Schofield, in Paris, said evidence of the vandalism is visible to anyone driving around France, with radar cameras covered in paint or black tape to stop them working.
But the extent of the damage - now believed to affect more than half of all 3,200 speed cameras in the country's network - was unknown until Mr Castaner's statement on Thursday.
He said the devices had been "neutralised, attacked, or destroyed" by members of the protest movement.Speed limits in France were already controversial after the government lowered the limit on many main roads from 90km/h to 80 (50mph) early last year.

Protesters angry about the increase in fuel taxes complained of the rising costs of a commute for those priced out of living in urban centres - and turned their ire on other costs such as toll roads and speed cameras


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The speed camera known as Remy Gaillard is still evading capture
Remy is a yellow vest.


Yeah yeah kikenvermin glownigger, we get it. you want to export your psyop that turned whites in France into ravenous niggers who will be the excuse to bring in the EU army; and spread this bs movement to all western nations to initiate the final crackdown and destruction of whites.

yawn, get a better script

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That's nice. >>>Zig Forums

this, OP is a faggotkike


Fucking A. I hate speed cameras with a passion. They have nothing to do with safety. Its about Orwellian control and (((money))).

Your nose is showing. Have a bump.

This is a great and productive idea.

Could this be the perfect time to steal some really sweet lenses?


shut the fuck up

They haven't even touched the road, and everyone knows these things aren't to increase road safety, they're there to increase revenue. That's why they aren't usually built in the most high-traffic areas, but in areas where it's easy to get slightly too fast (on-ramps to the highway, downhill…)

This is my fetish. I've been destroying these cameras for a little while now, sometimes they're just hard to kill. I snuck up on one and killed it without incident, just a lot of hiding from traffic and booking it in retreat after finishing the mission. Another one was similar, but when I cut the wire, it blew up in my face like a flashbang. I kept trying to cut, but I couldn't see that my bolt cutters lost their teeth. I retreated after that because of the explosion, and looking back it was still flashing. Make sure to cut all the wires, guys

My thought upon reading the title: "40% more to go"

Set a fucking example for the rest of us in the West. Do something useful in the last 200 years you French faggots.

French faggots.


Fuck off moshe. Let them bring in the pansy EU military. That way full revolt can happen. I say French anons should destroy anything govnerment related, including traffic lights. Break it all down and force their hand.

Only things that are an affront to the people should be destoyed. Things that are useful like traffic light, stop signs, stuff that stops people from wrecking their car should be left. Go ham on speed limit sign no/pay2park signs, cameras, jewish shit like that. Make sure to put spikes under cop car tires too if you can sneak up on an unoccupied one

Yeah you’re right. No point in falling on your own sword when that time can be better spent. I heard they wanted to start targeting banks. Which is a great idea. They should just strong arm rob them than burn them down. It’s not like the police can stop a big enough mob. And think of the pay out? Not to mention the currency instability it will create if enough banks are hit. The elite will take a huge hit.

Such a good goy. Yahweh will be very pleased when I talk to him tonight.


The EU army is a joke compared to French army. Let the violence escalate and see what happens.


Glass etching acid will do a better job than spray paint…

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There is no EU-army you dipshit American.
Shut the fuck up about things you know literally nothing about.





is just a paid shill. Don't let him derail the thread.

Nice use of African necklaces, it'll make the niggers feel right at home.

Kek, all it would take is a few minimum wagies to go around with rubbing alcohol to clean the spraypaint off.

When are the yellow vests going to employ the superior 'draw dicks on everything' plan?

You disgust me.

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gas yourself nigger and never come back

You are a hero, user.
Might I suggest using a high powered laser to burn out the lens. The wires are not so expensive to replace. The camera lens on the otherhand is.
Alternatively, if you could make a small hole in the box and pour in a mixture of 50/50 gasoline and motor oil, then light it (safely), the damage done to the internal components would be immense and they'd have to buy all new equipment.

Make it expensive to rule us.
God speed, user. You are a hero and I mean that. You are braver than almost everyone else on earth who merely thinks of doing these things.

like real, card-carrying members?

Will they have their membership revoked?


Fire is still one of the greatest weapons for political activists.

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How do you target a production line when it's all the way over in China?

We don't have them where I live, and we do just fine.

If you could read, it went on to say many had been physically damaged.

The modern ZOGmerican economy is based not on industry but on service industries. Banks, insurance corporations, social media corporations, etc. And everything is dependent upon the electrical grid.
The more technologically advanced the sectrity systems get, the more vulnerable they are.

You cut power lines, and they shorted through the metal of your bolt cutter, turning the metal molten.
Anyone know of a non-conductive material strong enough to cut these lines?

Destroy the cameras. Not just damage them.
And do it worldwide. Not just in France.

You're not only a shill, but a stupid one.

Thank god user was wearing gloves.

But can you into molotoving of these things?

Based French, THAT sends a message.

levels of judaism in this post not thought possible by the minds of goyim

Well, it depends.
If he was grounded, then yes, things could have gone badly.
But electricity takes the easiest route, and metal is easier than the human body.

You can touch both poles of a car battery, for instance, and nothing happens, because the voltage is too low to overcome the resistance in a human body.
But put a piece of metal across them, and watch the fireworks.

EU army.
Good source of guns for White Frenchmen.

aluminum and steel cables? depends on the diameter. ceramic would go through aluminum and copper, might go through steel. titanium has low conductivity. something like these? remember your rubber boots though.

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Hypothetically -_- one could approach an electric substation during a storm or at night armed with a sixpack of your prepared Molotov cocktails and if you have a good arm, begin hurling them into at the transformers. Alternatively, you could construct a contraption to launch them much further. Wearing gloves of course. Like a wooden "crossbow" that employs those rubber water balloon launchers that you can buy at most stores. That way you might be able to launch them up to 300- 400 feet.
Aim at the transformers. They are among the most vulnerable and expensive pieces of equipment.

These speed cameras are actually a good candidate for thermite. They're outside and isolated, so won't burn down other stuff by mistake. But you'll totally fuck what's inside the box. Just be safe and use a long enough fuse, so you can gtfo.

Everyone always says "thermite this, thermite that"
Have you ever tried using the stuff? Home made thermite sucks.

What's the difference between homemade and the kind you buy from the thermite store?

There are thermite stores?

maybe I'm overthinking this

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Shoot a hole in the transformer casing to let the oil drain out, watch the fireworks when it shorts out.

You can also collect the oil, if you have a diesel car, for fuel…

They're delecate but not that delecate. A couple men unloaded some kalashnikovs into a substation in California and failed to cause any fires.
As for collecting the oil, please never ever take evidence of your patriotic acts home with you. It's not only that you'd be spending too long at the scene of your patriotic acts. But if the ZOGbots ever came to suspect you, you do not want a direct link to your patriotism sitting in your car as evidence against you.
(destroying "government property is an act of patriotism, not a crime because the government are criminals)

Bolt cutters you fool!

Read post again retard

That clip starts too late. Bad editing.

You'd be burning it.
And without the oil in the transformer, the insulation on the coils will heat up and melt, shorting out the transformer.
It doesn't have to burn to stop working.

It's afraid.

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One's made in a lab with quality control and high surface area, the other is crude

The media works for Jews, you never expected any truth out of it, did you?

More like the media are israeli companies.

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this is beginning to look more and more like an insurgency, slow escalation, sabotage etc. sabotage more than anything grinds down your adversary because it is costly and destroys morale. i suspect the next step will be other control infrastructure ie cctv and wireless infrastructure. it's a game of chess with each side trying to provoke the other into violence.

There still is no EU-army dipshit.
Stop spreading misinfo.

this is whole point: 1. draw the EU army into france 2. tie them up in a never-ending mission with no exit strategy. 3. negotiate from a position of strength


I'd love to see what happens if mobile phone service in France is completely knocked out. People in 1989 got by just fine without having internet access, texting, and phone service in their pockets at all times. I'm not sure if modern society could even function without those things because every system has become dependent on those services and the speed they enable.

i suspect the state would spare no cost to get the towers working again, last thing you want is normies losing access to the government's side of the story.


Speed limits and strict enforcement are for niggers. Only subhumans who can't drive need them.

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Wtf I hate sovereignty now

Snowflakes continue infiltrating infrastructure. Anything that's declared a threat automatically receives draconian investigation and enforcement. "Threat" is the new "racist".

They are for mailing you a ticket if you are even slightly over the speed limit, which they then gradually decrease over time. You know, for your "safety". And the ticket prices keep going up, for your "safety".

Scared? How whitephobic. Zig Forums is a board of peace!

Yes I was, both times so no fingerprints, so my hands are dark for camo, and of course so I don't get zeus'd. That and the handles are non conductive so I'd probably be ok there too

these would probably work, and I already wear GI jungle boots from the Nam which are rubber on the bottom. Just don't expect them to cut anything tougher than copper and rubber, because those probably won't even cut a cyclone fence

This fucking cuckold.

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The yellow vests have zero qualms with immigration and ethnic replacement. They are boomers who want more gibs, it's all. Or at least it's what you get with Drouet on top.

THIS; EXACTLY. You nailed it brother.

So what’s the solution to all the corruption and bullshit then?

Anti-terror laws will be used against people who attempt this in the 5 eyes countries. They will be detained.

Good man

That would only work against them in the long run. Good luck selling that army to the public and getting recruits after pulling that shit.

There is no EU army kikel

Excellent idea.
I've been meaning to build one of those dvd burner laser/flashlight combos – for purely educational and informational reasons, of coursh, but I'm worried about catching a reflective surface and burning a hole in my retina; anyone know what kind of protective eyewear I would need and where to purchase?
Thanks in advance.

Personally, I don't care for the commercial brands they only carry at the big-box thermite stores.
I only purchase fair-trade, organic thermite from my local, independently-owned-and-operated businesses I know and trust.

My first thought.
A lot simpler and more discrete than some of the methods being suggested, plus the damage is much harder to repair than spray paint or tape.

You're doing God's work, user.

How do you set them on fire, what burns?

May I suggest spray foam, home insulation kind. Maybe have to drill a small hole, but guaranteed results.

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The plan was always to recruit the muslims. Seeing that would only encourage them.

Use a method that makes it obvious that it does not work. Seeing the destroyed surveillance equipment will encourage and give hope to people who see it.
A method that disables it but is not obvious still makes people going by it uncomfortable and feel like they are being watched.

If you want a more discrete method, Gordan Ramsay said on Top Gear he used food plastic wrap to wrap around the speed cameras. He did it in a way where it's unnoticable, unless you look at it up close. So maybe food plastic wrap and scotch tape?