Chinese ambassador accuses Canada of 'white supremacy' in Huawei case

Chinese ambassador accuses Canada of 'white supremacy' in Huawei case

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Seems like they're taking lessons from Western leftists. How long before other nations will use this excuse to get from us what they want?

That's hysterical. The faggots will probably cave, too.

The chinks are becoming more and more like jews as each day passes. I'd consider them more of a threat if it weren't for the fact that they're building their "empire" on a foundation of sand.

White Supremacy is such a perfect meme of the jew since even when Whites are a small minority of the population, White Supremacy can still be leveraged because either once upon a time or right now somehow a White has left his mark on this institution so it must be White Supremacy for why a minority isn't getting everything.

>(((White supremacy)))
All this Huawei case says is that the cianiggers want their own backdoors side-by-side with the chink ones, once the Chinese government caves in the kikes in government will OK their stay.


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Han Supremacy Jew Supremacy Arab Supremacy Nigger Supremacy (planet of the apes) these are the real forces in the world today nya~

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Getting real sick of your shit, avatarfag.

That's exactly what they're doing. They know (or believe) that these are magic words that will make Western governments give China whatever they demand. Look at how many Chinese the Canadians let immigrate before Britain's lease on Hong Kong expired. Look at how much of Canada's real estate market is controlled by Chinese buyers. And they have the nerve to accuse anybody of "White supremacy?" What the fuck does that even mean?

Not to mention that they can't utilize crypsis the same way as jews can.

Suck it nya~

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If Canada was being led by it's founder, they would say yes!! They are white nationalists!

>This led Macdonald to make clear that Chinese exclusion was necessary to ensure European dominance. He warned, “if [the Chinese] came in great numbers and settled on the Pacific coast they might control the vote of that whole Province, and they would send Chinese representative to sit here, who would represent Chinese eccentricities, Chinese immorality, Asiatic principles altogether opposite to our wishes; and, in the even balance of parties, they might enforce those Asiatic principles, those immoralities . . . , the eccentricities which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles, on this House.”
The founder of Canada, John A. Macdonald.
He then claimed that the Chinese and Europeans were separate species: “the Aryan races will not wholesomely amalgamate with the Africans or the Asiatics” and that “the cross of those races, like the cross of the dog and the fox, is not successful; it cannot be, and never will be.”
>Chinese exclusion was necessary or, as he told the House, “the Aryan character of the future of British America should be destroyed . . .”


This is bigger than anyone can imagine.

But this is where it get really interesting…..

Can you imagine having one of your top IT guy working for the other team…..

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They used the magic words.

Trudeau will get down on his knees, blow President X Jinping on national television and with nut still on his face will sign the papers to officially hand Vancouver over to the Chinese government.

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Never. The guilt is for the common Joe, not the kikes and shabbos goy at the top.

Chinks do not actually feel anything, they only feign emotions to manipulate others.

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Planet of the apes is the real force to be reckoned with. You ricemonkeys are going to learn your place in Africa when the black man rises up.We're gunna take your little anime waifu pillowgirls and show dem da BBC

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you a'iiigh whiteboi. Ill let you watch me savage dem lil asian girls. I know chu like dat.

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How'd you know kanye cucked ivanka for me? do not mention this anywhere else, only between me and you.maybe someday i'll let you come here and fuck kushner while i watch.

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reminder about the time chinks got thrown out of a swedish hotel because they hadn't booked a room ahead of time

So… can someone explane to me why a third country can unilaterally declare a moratorium on two countries from dealing one with another. And then a fourth country can enforce that.

How exactly is it illegal for China to deal with Iran? Why does America get to decide that and why is Canada obligated to detain people who refuse to comply.

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Kill yellow niggers and also CSIS.

Huawei did the business in Hong Kong through HSBC which has Western investors.

So theoretically, you wouldn't punish your girlfriend if she fucked the nigger who stole your bike and called you a "white devil?"

I think the issue is that to do business in the United States you have to respect the sanctions as well. Huwaei exec is being charged with fraud for selling tech to Iran under a shell corp and lying about it to US authorities.
It all seems convoluted and silly but I'm not a corporate lawyer.

da chinks jewed too hard

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Crime was reselling HP gear or Iran. HP acts under US jurisdiction and when you make contract with some country firm you accept its country jurisdictions. All US contracts specifically forbid reselling to sanctioned countries. Huawei bitch signed this waver.

As for Canada they hahv extradition agreements with US, that means they extradite criminals who violate law of any country in any country bound by this agreement.

the idea that our government has no backdoors in huawei is ridiculous seeing as huawei stole our already comped code including the "bugs" and added their own backdoors. this has nothing to do with handsets or iran but the control of infrastructure; most base stations in europe for instance are made in communist china this is a major liability.

this really has nothing to do with iran. this is about the fact that huawei has intricate ties to the PLA, which is the armed wing of the CCP. Huawei sells telco equipment at below cost to gain control of a countries cell network, it just so happens that this has been done in several white countries hence the cry of "white supremacy" when there is pushback.

Based John A

Checked, we call them the jews of the east here, but with even less empathy.

More to it than that. China has pwned Canadian government systems for a while now. I think Trump is helping Trudeau behind the scenes get some of the garbage out of his It systems. Huawei stuff was known spyware at least a decade ago to the honest Ottawa security expert. Tony (((Payani))) Clement centralized IT, we used to call it "Shared (with the CHICOM) Services".

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The jews are advising their new greatest ally well. You should be ashamed, China.

Chinese know that whites are superior.

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Hahahahahahaha lulwut?

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10/10 would hit with a shovel

Uh, "if you do business witht hem you won't with us." This threat works best when a country gets all their crap and supports their entire economy buying their shit.

Canada is fucked because they shovel off so much chink crap as "american made" when all the materials comes from chinkland. Christ most of their maple syrup even comes from the US.

not most of it, but enough does

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I'll have to dig up the less froggy article because they admitted a lot more comes from the US than when those fucks are trying to portray. They got very defensive once the stories started hitting.

An aside but of note is on our end like in Vermont, the feds are trying to kill our business by making them add an "added sugar" label to our syrup even though there is nothing actually added, the addition comes when you apply syrup to non sweetened foods. Kikes fucking marketing and regulations to kill our industry.


It throughout kikes and pet niggers vs China and every other bad goy, from the literally
kike lawyer bullshit, to the slander campaign
to the real reason
and you have 30 MAGA niggers in every thread shilling their "that one deceased American who said something about China was a Joo remembaaa? China da Joo fellow goyim"-"""redpills"""

All we need is (jew) kvetching to verify.

you know, sometimes its better to stop digging.

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he literally mentioned canada

The other major issue is that Huwaei spies on its users and uses encryption systems that western governments have been struggling to reliably and quickly crack.
The US doesn't want that tech in Iran because it will cause issues during the inevitable Iran invasion.

i gotta admit i follow these china threads just for the shills. they still use actual people and not chatbots, i guess they haven't been (((supplied))) with the code yet.

Yeah look at what the monkeys did with a space rock, just wait until they are provided with cheap chinese calculators made from shit found in space rocks.

Everyone knows that the Chinks are just the jews of the east.

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looks just like the emperor

Asians have always done this. They're so ethnocentric themselves but won't hesitate for a second to use these kinds of things against us when they need to. They aren't our allies.

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What ever happened to all the actual White albinos? According to my older family members there used to be a whole lot more of them around, red eyes and all. Did they all get rounded up or something and everybody just forgot they used to exist in normal society.

They're still around, but albinism in white people also has the side-effect of drastically shortened lifespan. They generally don't live long enough to breed.

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You had to live in white towns to see them. I was friends with an albino in my old swiss hometown. This was until 99 when I moved. I bet he was killed with the town by section 8 niggers around 2006. Holy shit, its all gone.

There goes that credit score.

They also tend to stay the fuck inside because sun bad.

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WTF, acting like children having a tantrum. Reminds me of gypsies scamming.

It's funny that they actually think this will work. The west doesnt give a shit about china kvetching. Now if it were Israel, that would be a different story….

Know what I've realized? 95%+ of the shit like "White Privilege" and destroying monuments and demanding removal of White men statues from schools, etc… gets its start in South Africa. I assume with Chink money and worked on my chink psychology depts. If you want know what what the Jews have in store for Europe and the US in 6-9 months, just read the South African papers carefully.
Also, all the bullshit about "no biological difference between men and women" originated in South Africa with their demands for a "de-colonized education." The really fucking scary aspect of this is that South Africa has 85% of many of the world's rare earth minerals. If you are wondering why there is a shortage of intel chips suddenly? Go deep into the rabbit hole and tory answer will be Chinks in Africa.
The even more important aspect to the Chink takeover of Africa is that a ton of the shit used in making weapons and even in refining gasoline, you need to get that from Rare Earth liberals in South Africa. Once the chinks have a monopoly in all this, the West is FUCKED.
Are Western military leaders too fucking incompetent to understand this, or the understand it all but just don't care, which makes them treasonous? In any case, watching "Chinese colonial Africa" is going to be entertaining. Oh, if you haven't seen "Africa Addio," do yourself a great favor and watch it now. Though you may need to torrent it the Jews recut in and totally changed the entire film for US audiences and made the film "certified Kosher." You need the real one with the sarcastic, Italian barter who shows then smashing beer barrels and oranges that comes from Portuguese Angola, nigger herding uo muslins like cattle and then murdering them, it's hilarious.

This can't be true and you must be reported to Uk police for "hate speech." In that garbage movie "Crazy Rich Asian," the film opens with Chinks requesting a room they have not booked, and when they are defined it, with one one call the Chink's father simply buys the hotel.
So, are you trying to tell me that's not how it really works? Surely, the media wanted lie to me, would they?

Trudeau Sr. was a communist sympathizer during the cold war.
Wouldn't be surprised if Jr. was basically a Communist Party China asset. I remember when he was first elected there was some minor scandal about him going to $10,000 a plate fundraising dinners with Chinese real estate developers connected to the party.

That's Koreans. Chinese are too downright retarded to be jewish. They're closer to niggers. Koreans on the other hand actively infiltrate the relatively uncucked Japanese society and pretend to be Japanese while throwing shitfits about takeshima and demanding reparations for WWII. Just like jews who pretend to be white and kvetch about the shoah in western nations.

koreans imo rank a distant last among the east asians. there is nothing in that society they really did themselves. its all from the west. cars, phones, tvs, plastic surgery, baseball, pop music, you name it. and then they're so insanely proud of themselves.

the japs and now chinks show some forward thinking and innovation at least within the bounds of their collectivist hive mind cultures.

Chinks will always cry racism the moment they don't get their way, and people don't tolerate their retarded behavior. Bugmen isn't even appropriate anymore, because there's no hint of man like adult behavior in them. It's more appropriate to call them larvaemen.

They are like overgrown infants, every last one of them. They even have the fat you'd expect on an infant. Even what China considers masculine is infantilized: fat, chain smoking men, with purses.

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That's a heavily cleaned up retelling of events. What happened was that they showed up to a hostel, with no room booked for the day, no call ahead about arriving early, nothing. They then go and sit down in the lobby. So far this isn't a problem. But then, they start making demands of the staff, throwing garbage around, and dragging around and moving furniture, and trying to sleep in the lobby, and telling other guests they need to leave "their" area.

The staff at this point asks them to leave, which they refuse. The staff then asks them again and informs them that if they don't leave they have to call the police because they're making a scene and breaking hostel furniture and equipment and throwing garbage all over the place. They refuse to leave again. The staff call the police, who on arrival politely ask them to leave, to which the Chinese respond to break down into crying and fits of kicking and screaming on the floor like actual fucking children. At this point the police has no choice but to drag them out, to which the chinks start screaming that they're being "killed".

And that's not even going into the infamous problem of street shitting the chinks bring with them everywhere they go.

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Hahahahahahaha I fucking wish

Thats a heavy load of bullshit. What happend is some limp dicked faggot on the internet was butthurt so he just posted some shit and a load of other butthurt faggots just picked it up, then another faggot copy pasted it and added more shit and so on.

The faggots where asked to provide a source that at least confirms half of the shit he calim which they refuse dumping screenshots of faggots, trash blogs and screeeching "muh shills im being shilled"

And thats not even going into the infamous problem NSA bots shitting up Zig Forums.

chinese street shitting tourists are well known all across europe.

No, they literally take lessons from the jews. The chinks have been learning kike business since the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was first printed in their country. They literally thought it was a business manual. I wish I was making this shit up.

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Well some other faggot made that shit up and yet another faggot parrots it. Whats the difference. Just like the retarded blogger myth that a book on Jews ruling Amerimutts alegedly reaching a punny million sales worldwide somehow makes it a 1 Billion population "housholditem".


You already failed, shill-kun. You already failed.

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Source? I can't see how the chick on the right could possibly fail to breed, wit looks like that.

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Thanks, this was the only answer that came close to making sense. However that sounds like a contract violation which would make it a civil not criminal issue.

Another day in clown world.

We can't do jack fucking shit in the face of communist subversion, but if somebody interferes with our maple syrup supply, hoo boy! Watch out!

I fucking hate this country.

As long as it took you to write that comment.

Beat me to it.

It pretty much is. How to fuck over your competition.

Their entire state, political system, and culture was invented by jews. China was wiped out in the 50s and 60s and replaced with a jewish proxy society, they aren't "becoming more and more like jews" they are a literal tentacle of jews doing things for the jews.

the lines are being drawn

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Fuck off China

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No real regime change happened in China in the 50s and 60s… it was Mao Zedong's authoritarianism throughout both decades. The real changes happened under Deng Xiaoping, who made China more inclined toward corporatism.

I do not think China is part of a Jewish conspiracy. They do not recognize Judaism as an official religion like they do Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Buddhism. They also have an incentive to be against Israel because Israel is an American ally.

I do take my syrup seriously

this is absurd though, we have enough inspection of goods that i'm sure the vast majority of any goods we need comes through the US.

polite sage for not the topic of the thread

The Soviets didn't even see Judaism as a religion.