The thread over there was causing my browser to screw up.


Attached: foia foreign nationals in congress.png (1000x1333, 1.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1534322635435.jpg (547x735, 40.86K)


Sad part is that everyone in the thread is a retarded zoomer and believes 4pol is a safer environment to discuss this, despite the sliding.

Attached: da.png (390x494, 181.3K)

I can't wait til they make it illegal to question the nationality of government figures. We know they wanted to with Obama.

and the (((mods))), don't forget those


America at the hands of Isreal - Classified.

Pretty big happening and you fuckers are posting in paganism threads or some shit. Fuck you limp wristed assholes.

I hate this newfag meme. It's yt comment teir white noise, like most shit newfags post. Good idea though OP

Don't leave out China and the deepstate - some people in congress are literal deepstate agents, a separate breakaway civilization tbh, and there are lots of Chinese interests at play.

Remember Feinstein's driver?

Also, lobbying purchases all of those idiots in DC for any interest, foreign or not.


One third of my federal representatives used to be levin and levin both dual citizens.

major arithmetic error there

You were not fucking lying, all my computer has fucking lag now

Attached: 7.png (411x405, 256.95K)

Also I think moot may have been sighted in that thread, there were a few posts by a ? flag

Every slope is bug owned, every jew is pissraeli owned. Fuck off back to kikechan.

No, either post it here or fuck off.

I do think we are entitled to know everyone who holds dual citizenship, and with which country. However, even the "Americans" without dual citizenship take the payoff. EVERY congressperson signs a pledge to Israel and gets a check from AIPAC. This was proven by the Al Jazeera doc "The Lobby" that came out a month or two ago.

They are all in the pocket's of Israel. I agree with you.

Romney was and is a company man.

Attached: bypass ss.jpg (850x400 436 B, 57.5K)

Why do you think I posted it here?

I think it should be illegal for dual citizens to hold any public office, elected or hired.



"Foreign agents."

What is the significance of this when our entire government and all of Western civilization is directly controlled by them by proxy?

sadly this

Here's a question.

You know that Bittaker torture case? Aparently the FBI as a recording of a girl being tortured before she's killed in a highly audible manner with a hammer.

Since they're dead including the Perps, how likely is it that I could use the FOIA to get that audio recording?

That way when somebody attacks the death penalty you can send them a link to the recording. Perhaps it could be put on the wiki of the murder case.
