Chinese Colonists in Africa Seem to Be a Tiny Bit Racist

Chinks waking up to how niggers act. Realize the white man was right all along. Niggers wishing they could un-kill some of the whites and get the Coke machine working again.

The New York Times has reported on a curious phenomenon – Chinese workers in Africa turn into gigantic fucking racists within minutes of meeting their first niggers.

The story, by (((Joseph Goldstein))), documents the stories of lazy Kenyan niggers about all the times angry chinks told them off for being fucking retarded, made them work for the food whites used to give them for free, and even hit them in frustration over constant, day-after-day demoralizing failure.

Most of the young nigs interviewed for the story live in Kenya, which used to be an okay place when the Britfags were running it, but which has now (predictably) defaulted on its gazillion-dollar loans from China. China, which is absolutely not an international loan shark, took payment-in-kind in the form of contracts to build multiple major infrastructure projects. Today, Kenya has more than 40,000 Chinese workers living in it, nearly all of them terrified to leave their fenced compounds when the noises start at night.

In a stunning demonstration that Tay’s Law is the only law, Chinese overlords have even rediscovered segregation and Apartheid, and are imposing separate facilities on the indigenous savages – with a hefty dose of physical abuse, apparently:

Experts on foreign affairs have predicted that China, which entered into its One Belt, One Road project as an effort to flank the United States in trade and uplift much of the world at the same time, has largely abandoned the denial of the preliminary planning and the bargaining enshrined in the early projects. Seasoned Africa-watchers identify the current Chinese treatment of the Kenyan people as belonging to the “anger” stage of mourning their hopes for Africa. Historians of the European empires predict this will be followed by a deep, abiding depression, which will hopefully reach catharsis and acceptance, followed by a Chinese bioweapon exterminating all 1.5 billion niggers in the world with targeted viruses and cluster munitions.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry could not be reached at press time, which is odd because it’s a government ministry and you’d think they have a voicemail. Kenyans interviewed for the article could also not be reached because they all died of AIDS between their initial interviews and press time. Curiously, the ghost of Cecil Rhodes could be reached. In fact, he’s haunting the Times offices right now and laughing his spectral ass off at every tearjerker story about how everybody’s mean to blacks for no reason. As of press time, kike reporters at the New York Times are reported to still be totally clueless and insist on pushing an increasingly untenable equality narrative.

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Kike-and chinkfree post.

sauce absent.

Oops. Here's the link. Archive thinks I'm in Europe, so fuck it:

Thaaats better.

Wait, this is from October of last year. The fuq.

What are you, my fucking editor? This isn't the fucking Real Time with Bill Maher, nigger. The stories go up when they get found, not when the AP sends it over the wire.

I got all the way through that before I spotted the derailing tactic. Won't call you a kike shill because there's no way (((they))) care about this thread, but shit man.

Yes, this isn't Buzzfeed nigger. Learn to code.

The poor man just wanted some fucking gravel.
Why couldn't he just get some fucking gravel?

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mufuggin ello man keepin us prood blak warrors don

You're right OP., we should talk about this because it might even offer a solution to big Qs like world hunger and overpopulation.

What we should do too is jump on the bandwagon of investment in trying to change africa for the better. In 50 years africa and many eastern european countries that didn't allow refugees +australia will be at least 20% asian. Hungarian politicians talk about not letting refugees in, while they let big chinese investors in and their families, and now most stores that offer cheap products are chinese own.

The chinese are making a comeback, only a fool would deny it.

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
The Хinjiang Uyghur Αutοnοmοus Region 新疆维吾尔自治区


Um, in case anyone didn't get the memo, the Chinese in Africa were rayyciss all the way up until the end of October; but then after that, everything became terrific, and there was no more rayycissm in Africa. HOORAY!

“Africa is China’s key to world dominance.” they said.
“The Chinese can get the niggers to work.” they said.

i predict a chinese torture video of a nigger
and it will be worse than any gore webm we've seen
i'm just curious if the triad has their pockets in africa yet

Hope springs eternal. Somebody should really tell them that niggers can't even read English.

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Fuck you. I'm stating the obvious. Where are the white investors when it's about the survival of the white race?

It's not about making africans work. It's about importing the chinase population surplus just like the A rabs, thus conquering the world.

The visuals alone are fantastic.

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Chinks going to outright genocide niggers out of Africa. Than blacks will cry save us white man.

You may want to second-guess that container of Chicken Fried Rice at such a low cost. Yesterday, Mkwekwe wrecked a Chinese company truck. Today, he's chillin' out in your grocers freezer

While I don't doubt the sentiments [who could?], coming from the Jew York Times, a proven hoax outfit for the judeonigger American war machine, I'm inclined to believe the incidents are exaggerated. The US intends to displace China in Africa and will rely heavily on its ugly, half-nigger population to try to find common cause with the dumb niggers who can't dig their own wells or build their own roads and need the Chinese to do it for them.

Easy answer to your question about white investors, they're either cowed and afraid of the powers that be, traitors or have already been ruined by the powers that be.

Why on earth would the United States try to colonize AIDSfrica? We have enough niggers already, and diamonds aren't really all that rare and valuable. Also, to my knowledge, there aren't any threats to Israel on the Dark Continent. So why invade at all?

Topkek. A 5000 year old civilization hasn't even created an alphabet yet trying to get niggers to read.

I say let them. Africa is a treasure trove of natural resources that are untapped along with millions of acres of prime farmland. The world would benefit from an African genocide.
…and China. Who the hell would stop them from doing so? It'd take a nuke.

Wew lad. You got meme'd epic style.


I call this the "Mistah Kurtz" phase.

A friend of a friend works or worked for a company with diversity. He said that the company has to arrange it so that nigs and chinks have different work shifts. The guy once witnessed chinks and nigs get into argument since they were in the cafeteria at the same time. Don't remember the exact reason.

Chinese toilets are notoriously filthy. I wonder about Kenyan ones


There's 360 million homeless chinks; they could eradicate the shitskins and just move their homeless to Africa and make it a province of China, like Tibet. lmagine that.

It's the same with Mexicans and niggers on the warehouse floor. If we didn't split them up, they'd be constantly fighting with each other. Oh I mean, diversity is strength!

Mao actually tried to switch to the Latin alphabet, because commies are traitors above all else, but Stalin – another born traitor – talked him out of it. So they went with simplified Martian runes instead.

Kenyan toilet?
It is the lighter coloured area…

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There are other funny outcomes. Chinks love to coerce each other through absurd public shaming. It will be truly hilarious for example to see chinks try to publicly shame a nigger sow. She'll pull out her bloody jam rag out of her diseased cunt and ram it into their fucking buck teeth. Imagine the endless keks when the shitskins have had enough abuse and finally become enraged without any thought for their individual safety and just storm the chink living quarters swinging pangas with an insatiable thirst for bloody revenge.

Even the japs could invent a phonetic alphabet but fucking chinks are too worthless for that.

Would be hilarious but unfortunately chinks would be rolling out the tanks and planes at that point. They're the type to roll down their own chink college student kids with tanks, they will give no fuck to mulching some apefricans.

Contains video of chink on racist rant

Oh boy, 'er we go. THIS is what I've been waiting for. The greatest battle of our time between chinks and nogs is about to commince and "whites" are too fractured to do anything. The rivers will be red with blood when the chineese disregard for human life meets with niggers disregard for responsibility.

Literally picrelated.

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How's that Third Worldist solidarity working out now ya dumb chimps?

Cmon son. This documentary is absolutely required viewing for this thread.

$4 BILLION for a 300 mile rail road?

kek, the jews got nothing on these chinks.

Just like those uighur muslims, lol. What uighur muslims? There never were any muslims in glorious China, this is clearly filthy western propaganda. This whole situation is too much like poetry.

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And why did they build the railroad on pedestals with spans like that and not just do a cut and fill?

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Other minerals.

Dude, read up on chineese history(non-marxist). Chineese corruption is legendary. It was even legal during one of their empires.

Earthworks are hard and require less maintanence. These concrete columns will require more money (by chineese firms obviously) for maintanence and repairs. Imagine if a train breaks down in african heat with diabled conditioning on those pillars, I wonder if chinks plan to boil niggers alive in these.
And the chink have already got boots on the ground in a "peacekeeping" mission. THERE WILL BE BLOOD!

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Thanks user for the info. This will be a comfy movie. I've seen snippets of it but never knew where it was from.

Yep and imagine a derailment when some drunk niggers working as the engineer and brakemen send a big freight train barreling off the trackss.

It sure would be a shame if this inspired racial hatred against Asians by Blacks. Diversity is our strength, after all.

Indeed, africans need to be more tolerant of chineese traditions.

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Ha. That's the dream. When the insect AI collective recognise the worthlessness of the various parasite and out of date breeds around the world.
Looking forward to when the pheromone trail leads to israel and they acid wash the entire country with their accumulated industrial run-off from the last 50 years.

keeps wild animals off the tracks.
or do you want to stop the train for every negroid bandit or gazelle that finds it

Why? The train has bumpers to deal with fleshy things. Do western faggots really stop trains after they hit every tarded willife to dumb to stay off the tracks?

actually the only smart idea that ever came out of mao.
and the only idea he ever got talked out of .

probably more to avoid niggers stealing the tracks and selling it as scrap metal.

There are barely 2.41 million homeless chinks out of a population of 1.3 billion. Still enough to eradicate every last nigger in Apefrica though.

I shudder at these two word put together after reading up on Maos brilliant plan to increase harvests by genociding sparrows. After they faced obvious insect infestation later they had to import sparrows from USSR. I just lol every time when I remember how communism can lead to a SHORTAGE OF SPARROWS. The good thing is, they can probably organise a SHORTAGE OF NIGGERS in Africa XD

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Chinks have a phonetic alphabet but it's only used as an intermediary stage for teaching pronunciations of characters to children.

Honestly as a white man I've been thinking of moving to Africa.

There I could enjoy a simple life. If I bring an AR and live among villagers I could rule them like a king. I'd take the best of their women for wives and brighten their genepool. They would also be assigned to guard duty to maintain the security of my fortified compound (brick house).

Seriously. It sounds like paradise. Especially I could import old movies, pretend it's the 1950s, and never again have to listen to anti-white male propaganda. No more tv, no more music, no more billboards. Just pure, bliss.

ah yes, the 4 pests if i remind correctly.
and i get the gist of your feeling about associating something positive to that retard, but there is that.
and it's probably making it worse for him and his drones by precisely not demonizing blindly.
it means the criticism on everything else is just genuine observation.
one could hope, but i could settle for said shortage of niggers being just in our lands, but i'm not picky.

you'd just end up with a bunch of basketball american.
plus, shagging poop golems?
no thanks.
there is a Reason if 12 générations of nigger slaves only ended up collecting 15-30% of huwite genes, despite said genes being invasive in nature:
it's that noone in their right mind would fuck that.
also give the amusing corrollary point that even owned as a slave by a white man, a negress is still less likely to get raped, than by living free next to her own fellow rape ape.
really makes you think.

You sound like you're trying to CONVINCE me not to do it. Who would not want someone like me to go to Africa and give them pure Nord genes?

Admit it cunt. It'd be one hell of an adventure and it'd be one hell of a story.

This is old news. Maybe the Chinese have stopped being racist since then.

Pretty sure this wasn't part of the original article…maybe…
I was in Kenya before the Brits left, it was a decent place, people seemed to get along, it seemed quite civilized and relatively prosperous.
I'm a bit sad to hear it's started sliding to such divisions and apparent animosity, under Chinese supervision. I saw nothing like what your pic indicates, I have trouble believing that's near any major city…but it was quite a few years ago, I admit.
Maybe Africans should simply own and operate African enterprises?
We all know, that without white racist interference, Africans would be living in Wakanda, and flying around in antigravity pyramids and such.

If only white peepo hadn't forced the Chinese to invade…

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That gave me a hearty chuckle

i'm not trying to convince anyone, just laying out the points.
if it strikes you as an attempt to convince, then maybe it's because on some level you realise that what i said is either the naked truth, or is at least sensible enough that it questions your beliefs.
as i said, it should make you think, and i'm glad for both of us that it did on some level.

Get out shlomo, no sane white man wants to get anywhere near those gross groids.

How in any way does my post subvert anything?

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And we will whisper NO

Fake news! Only white people can be racist. Chinese are a minority, so they can be prejudiced, but not racist.

Though tbh I'm concerned about the bug people getting unfettered access to such vast resources and land. If they manage to displace the Bantu, they would be in a position to execute an irl zerg rush on any country that they wanted… Unlike the niggers that Israel is sending, the bugs would actually be reasonably organized. At the very least, they would shit up Africa even worse than the niggers and cause environmental problems globally. At least niggers don't make plastic and smog.

Choose one.

One hundred years from now the negroid species will be extinct and Africa will be a renamed 新中国.

'New China' that seems about right given the bugs amazing creative abilities.


Who will strike first in this inevitable war with Africa? The kangz or the bug people?

Bug people will strike first and if niggers attack them they'll genocide them without them knowing it.

You can't control unruly beasts without sheer force.

China doesn't have that. If they tried to do that the Eurocucks and Amerisharts would uproar over Raycism.

Only thing they could do is start a war by proxy to install a favorable regime, but those never last with nigs.

Would you name it New York, if you had the chance to name something new?

I can't WAIT to watch this go down.

For all the moralfagging the west has done about Africa, even the governments there know not to put their foot in a steaming pile of shit.

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They have "peacekeeping" operations in Africa already. Look how well the USA "peacekeeping" in Somalia helped bring peace to the googles.

Yeah, a bunch of zergling chinkblood. Their only military tactic is to just throw massive amounts of bodies at the enemy to overwhelm them. A roaming gaggle of native savage niggers could probably take out a platoon or two.
They couldn't even use 250k soldiers to defeat 5,000 Koreans on a hill they made out of sand for months.
The Chinese are a joke when it comes to military strategy and history proves it.

China has millions and millions of soldiers and is a society where human life is cheap and disposable. It can easily field all the boots on the ground it needs, and will have no trouble using sheer brutality to enforce Chinese will.

China is proudly racist and doesn't give a shit about that. Chinks are going to slaughter the niggers, and then laugh out loud as liberal Western nations commit suicide by accepting hordes of fleeing niggers as refugees.

They died on the Titanic, you fucking moron.

it seems to me the chinese are in the progress of making a mistake in africa that may cost them their government.

regardless, posting that stuff can help to redpill the chinks about their own government, to a small extent



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next stage: Dox and bury all of these journalists who want to save their pet monkeys. Help the glorious racial realistic bugmen kill the nig!

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Step after that, kill the bugs with an engineered virus.

Aylmao Vs sexual Predator
whoever wins, we win.

Dear journal.
Today OP wasn't a faggot.

Arabs beat their niggers, Chinese beat their niggers, Mexicans ethnically cleanse and beat niggers the fuck out of Compton, LA, etc.etc.etc. How the fuck did we lose to such a beta race as niggers?

Can't forget the jews in israel. They beat their niggers so hard it sterilised them then they forcefully ship them to shitholes like sweden.


Incite both to kill each other. Strike the survivors while they are recovering, to kill them all.

White guilt. I'd rather interact with Asians than blacks or Jews or other races. Although I still heard Korea and Japan women like being blacked and some nigger online wrote how he was an IT manager in China and fucking Chinese girls but my gf (Vietnamese) told me that's all bullshit and only older and ugly asians or prostitutes date niggers because blacks are dirty and gross

And what will they do ? Finger waging ? The chinks are as big a pack of psychos as niggers are they don't have feelings so it'll be no different than with jews genociding Palestinians because nobody can win a nuclear war . They can't even do anything like with South Africa either since doing anything like that to the chinks will collapse the world economy . I think this was always destiny and Sir Charles Darwin knew it