Trump moving to expand "Public Charge" parameters to refuse low-income immigrants


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First post for BASED TRUMP

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Bump, I just hope it is an esoteric metaphor to charge the goy public through more taxes


BASED. Hopefully the G-d Emperor brings in more bro-tier Sikhs.

Or traps from south America


January 10th



Wow this will reduce the rate of white genocide by .6000000% . it is another shoah

If only white men had the balls to take white women's rights away… oh well



How do we get trump to bring the balls back to white men?

6000000% more than White Nationalism.

Still can't get laid?

Hitler confirmed for a feminist


They can still sneak in when they're 8 months pregnant and get their new-citizen babies on welfare though, right? Because if that's going anywhere this isn't the America I know and love.


do cucks even have an argument against that?

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This isn't /r/The_Donald. We're against all non-White immigration, not just "low-income immigration".

It's a step in the white direction, the left is proving the point by whining how this will exclude Chinese/Mexican immigrants. Will it suddenly shift things to 0% non-white immigrants? Of course not, but it should reduce them, and increase the amount of white immigrants. But hey, feel free to promote some alternate approach like "let's import 5 million niggers a year to make white people mad and rebel, anything else is a slow boil!"

If you had a high income in Mexico, why would you move to Afrimerica? The purpose of immigration is lower the cost of labor for Walmart, McDonald's and Amazon. The kosher niggerpocalypse will go back to full throttle in 24 months. Trump should open up a beer and forget about America. It's too late.

Immigrants who take those bottom-tier jobs are the same type who are probably also on some kind of government service (food stamps, medicaid) so they can survive on the inferior wages. This will give us grounds to deport them. It's already happening.

People who still think Trump will save them have beaten wife syndrome.

The wall should have been built by now and all illegals deported. Trump should go away. Just stop telling white people there is hope. They should be packing their shit and seeking refugee status in China like the jews are planning.

How long do you think a president could simply ban all immigration for before he is over-ruled? You have to make realistic efforts that receive a decent amount of support.

He's in the process of expanding parameters so more can be deported. Once those are gone he can expand them further. There's a limit to the amount of ICE agents that Trump can hire to do this without funding from congress, so ultimately it may not happen until he declares a National Emergency. He did recently claim to get $22 billion so we'll see what happens there.

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Unlike liberals, Trump will build a strong civic nationalist state to protect us from antisemites and racists (muslims and nazis)
Terrorism and anti-jewish HATE SPEECH will be banned under G-D emperor Trump.
Long live neoconservatism! Long live Israel!
MAGA 2020

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They say that like it's a bad thing.

1st amendment can't be abridged by any bill made by congress. Including your anti semtism bills full of bullshit.

Yeah well we'll see how that goes.

Guess we can't have a country anymore because judg Nosenberg said "no". Go away reddit, and take Trump with you.

This WILL happen.

Jews used Chinese rail workers to overthrow the Csar.

Then they set up shop in Shanghai to help Mao.

I have seen mainstream historical record of a Rabbi in Shanghai telling occupying Japanese that the reason Nazis hate them is because they are fellow Asians like them. No joke.

Funny how Congress has worked so hard over the years to give away all of their power to various agencies so they will not be held accountable for unpopular rulings made by those agencies on behalf of congress and or the president.

Basically he will support immigrants from socialist countries that received a free education but abandoned said country due to poverty.
They will come to the USA and still receive government assistance for food and housing while not being in debt.

US Citizens will still suffer worse for it.
This is not a good idea at all.

It's exactly the same thing companies have been doing. Outsource departments to third parties for profits and zero responsibility when something goes wrong.

Makes sense. They spent big money on these
They had surveillance infrastructure and CCTV wiring all installed with RFID modules everywhere. They were touting these as smart cities. It will be an interesting experiment.

There's a quote out there saying something along the lines of if you think something won't happen you prevent yourself from achieving it. Let's assume that this gets repealed. I imagine this would be on the news 24/7 for the next few weeks. Constant coverage of a public discource on whether immigration is even necessary at all. A whole lot more fertile soil created than politicians just assuming that "we need immigrants" or saying that they contribute to things but never say what those things are. You have to push initiative

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Nsdap or national socialist.

It sounds good in theory, but like everything else, it will be abused by the chinks who lie about their intellect and education daily. You're just replacing brown shit with yellow shit.
Instead of this tip-toe fuckery, just ban all niggers and gas the jews.

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The way it should be, only natural citizens should qualify for social safety gibs.

Funny he has been harping on reforming the immigration system from day one and shills REEEEE daily over it.

So it could be changed bak by future presidents at a moments notice?

Oh well, still a good move. Happy that for once Trump isn't just twiddling his dick doing nothing.

>(((future presidents)))
They are selected.

I like the idea of this happening, because if the Jews leave North America to live in China, we can safely engage them there with less danger to our own populace. On the other hand, they will have the same idea and probably launch chemical attacks against NA from Asia.

Sounds like "Law of Attraction" ('member "the Secret" goy?) bullshit. If you think you won't fly when you jump off a building, then you won't.

You have a valid point here. That said, I don't know if that (((coverage))) would end up in our favor or not.

They will try, but with Trump already pushing against China on intellectual property theft, I think the U.S. will be extra critical on their academic claims too. Why do you think China was mentioned alongside Mexico as one of the countries whose immigration this would influence?

Since the Chinese emulate the Jews, I wonder if the idea that Jews are smart is partly due to them also cheating, but just being better cheaters (more able to cover it up) than the Chinese.

Funny how he has deported zero nonwhites from the country and built zero new inches of wall in two years, despite being elected on doing so.

Good thread, have a bump.



based and redpilled

Trump will cut it down to only millions of poo in the loos who lie about every single aspect of their educational background and produce more fake diplomas and certification than the rest of the world real ones combined, who always get that diversity spot and end up mutilating people and killing babies as trained medical "aides" and destroying major IT projects as "senior developers" with thier 60 plus grand entry wages without having ever actually done anything they are "qualified" for.

Over are the times when "legal" migration was dominated by …
oh wait it was dominated by exactly these poos all the time

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Trump is RAISING the educational requirements for these spots. It should be harder for shitskins to fake a competent Masters than a Bachelors.

That holds true here in the States with them in our universities, lots of them cheat and fucking slack on projects.

Nigger the
of india's "higher education" is fucking diploma mills, they're all possible phd qualified candidates. The only number that makes sense is 0 for these "people", why the fuck isn't india a tech giant on the world stage?

No more of these. I want to read a news article where Trump actually does something.

Translation: more pajeets coming to take our jobs.

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We're not England.

To replace the last remaining white people in those spots. The United States doesn't need these fucking people

It was 100,000 under Obama in his last year.

They're already coming in, stupid. Their numbers won raise, we'll just have a decrease in the vast majority who are uneducated, dumb laborers and welfare abusers. This would drastically drop immigration numbers.

Wrong. Chinks are already coming in. What this would do would not raise the number coming in, it would lower the number, and simply change the quality overall of the immigrant class. It's a good first step in culling the millions or shot shit-skins who come in this country legally per year. It would probably drop by well over 50%.

million or so*

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If I'm not mistaken, I think the anchor baby clause was completely banned all together. No more birthright citizenship.

It's called babysteps you ucking mongoloid. By gradually getting the public used to more stringent immigration policies, they'll beome more incentivized to accept broader "laws". You know, kinda like how the kikes slow-boiled their way to the gradual weimer infection western countries are suffering from.

Oh look! A Kike shill.

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Every story like this just reveals how disgusting things have become, and how little attention it gets from (((media))).

Basically we've been letting immigrants suckle on all kinds of non-cash benefits, and we only hear about it when someone tries to pull the plug.

I won't say that changing the rules to make things more difficult for low-income (read: nigger-tier) immigrants is a bad thing, but the point is not that we don't want nigger-tier immigrants; we don't want ANY immigrants from nigger-tier countries. We want corporations to be forced to pay a proper rate for American workers. That paki with a degree still qualifies under this law, and will come in and do your job for less than you would accept and under worse conditions than you would accept, because relative to the shithole he came from America is a paradise. And he's still a fucking stinking paki. Who wants a country full of them?

Constitutional Balanced budget amendment & Term limits on his first week in office would have forced the government to do something about the illegals.

If congress refused to pass them then he could have threatened to default on the national debt. What do you think that the voters would have done to them if the country defaulted because they refused to pass constitutional balance budge amendment as well as term limits?

I swear to fuck this fucking dude is the most fucking confusing mother fucker I've ever known
He runs on protectionism, isolationism, hard line immigration policy and anti- (((globalism)))
then proceeds to bomb syria for the kikes
he also passes a bunch of tarriffs on china and brings hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs back
then he puts another nail in the coffin of the second ammendment and bans bump stocks
then he keeps us out of the un migration pact
then he signs a bill basically giving the assylum to anyone to who crosses the border while also declaring a national emmergency which allows him to deport anyone he damn well pleases
I dont know if the fucking maga pedes are right and this is"4 d chess"
but the guy is a fucking sperg regardless

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ef8c16 understands

not sure, depends on who 'they' is supposed to be. You could take that two ways, is that Trump wondering if Jews fell for him being pro-semitic, or Trump wondering if non-Jews felll for him being pro-semitic

Bump stocks are useless range toys. Compare that to the 1989 "Assault Weapons" ban signed into law by the traiterous Republican George HW Bush, because he felt it was "the right thing to do". What a dick.

oh dont get me wrong
trump is definately an improvement on bush
who was a complete kike bitch
but at any fucking with the second ammendment is fucking gay
"shall not be infringed"
it sets shitty presitent regardless