Seeking suggestions for an offline, real life redpilling campaign

After years of contributing on imageboards, I feel the time is right for spreading redpills offline. Today, people on the internet are caught in secluded bubbles defended by unthinking algorithms and wagecuck censors . Mainstream social media is a total locked down echochamber where bluepills (Jewpill) are propagated without encountering opposition or real debate.
Normies either never encounter redpills online, or see them through the lense of Jewish indoctrination goggles.

What people here need to understand is this : 2 year degree 9-5 wagecucks are too caught up in a preformulated mainstream narrative for questions. Since first attending school as children, most have always lacked enough time for intensive self focused thought. Days blur into weeks, then months and years, eventually decades pass without the normie leaving autopilot mode, only accomplishing tasks imposed from above by authority. Making money to eat and pay bills so more money can be made is the central objective, in a self reinforcing trap.
Their education ends after leaving college. After graduating they become what society defines as "independent adults" but this is actually a contradiction. Instead of true self sufficiency, modernity creates a cycle of dependency upon complicated industry with a bevy of failure points, in turn all based on human ingenuity.
Peasants of old preindustrial days faced starvation when their own crops failed, together with other now rare challenges and this encourages modern Western attitudes of condescending egotistical superiority towards past generations, faith in onward infinitely marching unstoppable "progress" forever and ever because the majority no longer starve and have less hardship, more freedoms than in any previous era. In fact the West has traded natural capability for artificially enforced security. The diseases which once eliminated weakness now have cures and these cures encourage decadence and degeneracy. In the past disease spreading foreigners, homosexuals, and assorted invaders were necessarily kept away, purged to protect social and personal health. Europeans knew they brought physical disease, those who did not and trusted a foreigner would be exposed to incurable pathogens and possibly bring them back home. In this way social and personal health were tied together as one, and the immune systems of both were kept strong.

Today, those physical illnesses are largely defeated - plague, scarlet fever, malaria, smallpox etc. They still exist in nonwhite nations, and I think it's interesting how those same nations tend towards traditional values and ingroup preference. While foreign hordes invade Europe, Europeans do not take up arms and kill them but instead protest and vote for conservative leaning governance. Almost nobody actually enforces old values backed by centuries of tradition, instead they have been replaced with worthless counterfeits. Those who stray from tradition have no reason for fear. Satanism is now becoming openly acceptable. Old and righteous taboos against homosexuals, pedophiles, race mixers and other threats are now weakened and openly assaulted by those invoking "progress" and "equality."
Stability and comparative security in white nations is creating complacent stagnation.
Our populations themselves become more senile, more feeble every day when our ancestors being more naturally inclined lived shorter lives with plenty of children knowing and accepting death. This is why self sacrifice, death in battle was more palatable then. Life was more painful, shorter and a sense of urgency prevailed. Waiting until 30 for children was not possible when death awaited at 50 and your farm needed more workers. Every person in every peasant family needed to work after age 3.
Now, many never actually work at all. Obesity ravages our people, as physical labor is viewed as "old fashioned" and deprived of dignity. All of these things are killing, both emotionally and physically Europeans.

Keeping factors listed above in mind, what kind of methods should I use in a redpilling campaign in a society where the majority are resting on decaying moldy laurels, complacently thinking this is the way things will always be, that fighting back is not justified or if so impossible, and the old taboos are replaced with ones against muh raycism and muh antisemitism?
This is not the 1930s. Hitler rose to power because the people of Germany were starving, their economy was in ruins, Weimar degeneracy was rampant and the crushing weight of war reparations left them at rock bottom.

In America most people can still comfortably wagecuck, ignore the approaching tidal wave and buy mainstream narratives. Or is this wrong, and I live in an area with too many old boomers? Are Gen Z and millennials really reviving the 1930s spirit of radicalism?

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given your pic related you should run for gov of your state or district or whatever but run with the most extreme policies you can imagine and combat the ant-"white" and anti-male and anti-volk undertow before it sweeps more poeple away. You will not get elected but will lnspire others to do more radical non-violent shit.

and to 15200c's point, be positive not negative. Dick Dastardly always lost because he sought the destruction of others instead of the glory of himsolf (or his people).

Post leaflets, flyers and stickers.

Fuck off we have more reach here than we ever would out there.

Whenever a normie gets confronted with this information, it encounters an instant mental block. Instead of actually thinking about those words and their meaning it is dismissed as "Racist", "Nazism", "Antisemitic", and imagery of dead bodies from the Holohoax.
Then, the normie goes back to living his life just as before with an unchanged worldview.

It's very sad, but truths which threaten their worldview get dismissed by true normies. Since day 1 they have known only bluepills, and must maintain a purely blue mind.

Keep using imageboards, by all means but I am thinking about starting a real life campaign.
I thought about this, but am too worried about the cameras, how they could track me down by examining them and identifying which type of printer and what kind of ink created posters. Also if an investigation began the government could use algorithms and mathematical formulas to map out the probability of each local demographic putting out posters, their names, their locations, etc.

Its like they have all angles covered. What if the CIA has secret quantum computers and knows who we are, predicts our actions, sets up traps, is using mind control on us individually and those other people putting up posters are encouraging real anons to do so, as part of a plan to make us out ourselves and justify mass arrests?

I just can't stop thinking about it. What if they are just waiting for us to do something in real life, so they can move in and "suicide" us?

I am also planning to increase my spotty IRL activism user. What works for me:
1. Flyers, IOTBW etc.
2. If you attend a Uni, drop red pills in class discussions & essays
3. MAGA Clean up - get together WHITE conservatives MAGA etc. Do what Identity Evrope does and clean up a different park 1-2x a month. RedPill your participants, they are already conservative.
4. Infiltrate local GOP-MAGA, attend events & redpill, this includes college student Republican groups (good way to meet frauleins)
5. The NSDAP started with 8 men, our Fuhrer dropped red pills in bars. Do it. Be a Fuhrer.

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Anyone on these boards discouraging you or any user from IRL activism and redpilling is a jew shill. The jew fears Zig Forums in the streets.

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Eat a bullet on your state capitol's steps.

Oh and leave a note why you did it.

Get a cheap printer from a pawn shop and pay in cash, don't use it for anything else. Wear a disguise when you post them.
They still haven't caught the Missoula flyer guy.
You are more easily tracked online than in real life.

The time just doesn't seem right for Zig Forums "in the streets." Trying a Beer Hall Putsch would be suicidal, considering how powerful the U.S. government is and lack of any real living standards crisis.
Weimar Germany's government was severely weak. The U.S. and its international system are incredibly strong. I'm waiting around for the system to have a major crisis, but most angles are covered. Shitposting on an imageboard is really just boring me out and draining my energy.

Or so they say. Missoula guy could have been tracked down, or maybe it was a false flag. If they did find him, perhaps after examining available options keeping him free but under surveillance best serves (((interests.)))

Ok, but maybe they didn't. No risk, no reward.

How could they not find him though? With modern tracking technology it should be easy. That's what makes me worry. Modern tech is so advanced and the most powerful is all kept secret for use by alphabet agencies. How many risks can be taken in this world of no tolerance and massive reprisal?

how about start with getting NEETs like you to leave their mother's basement????

If NEETs are so harmless to ZOG, why do people here keep using the "mother's basement" strawman? If enough males drop out of society the economy would collapse creating conditions for actual change.

Follow your supreme leader. Go to Europe get a tall white girl, Sweden has the best and they all want to escape the rape capital of the world, declare yourself a mus, marry ten of them, have ten kids to each, that's 100 peeps. Get ten friends to do the same, that's a town and voting power. Home school them the truth.

Roasties are not my priority, I will never trust them with society the way it is. They are all self centered bitches.
I'm rapidly becoming blackpilled. It's like the best thing I can do is give up and become a hermit to deprive society of any added value from my existence.
Or just wait until I die from old age, hoping for a "happening" eternally while all hope runs out.

Become a radical, in word and in deed, and those with the mind and soul for it will follow you.

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Dubs of truth. What's known today as 'Homelessness" is one of the most revolutionary legal things you can do. Not only because "starving the beast", but also because it:
1. strengthens your resolve
2. makes you learn to adapt and survive with bare minimum.
3. makes it easier to operate off the grid and train without jeopardizing your possible career/schooling.
Obviously it isn't for everyone, but it legitimately is a revolutionary act in this soviet capitalist society. And no matter what, we'll have to fight for our lands back anyway, so why not do your part to get this shit goin'?

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We've been doing this for thousands of years m8. As much as I love the man and his inspiration, WWII didn't turn out very well for us. To succeed, we can't play their game. We just have to play our game, very very well.

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Just start using the word "nigger" everywhere you go in public.
Drop the hard "R".
Don't be afraid.

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you flooded our countries with spics and niggers, now you will suffer the future you choose by dealing with the problem that you created by getting shafted by people who didn't create the problem. nice try rabbi.

This is paranoid thinking, try not to do that.. We have to proud of what we do, not fear their possible reprisals. Nothing got done in history by people who followed the law to a T.

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Please leave, you sick fuck.

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Good men have never followed the Law too well.

I feel like an easier solution than making normies swallow redpills is to spreading patriotism among normies rather than going for the redpill at first. With patriotism comes an interest in nation history, and with that comes a bit of conservative thinking, and being more critical towards the modern world. Which does not only make the normies more political, but also makes them aware of the fact they are apart of a people with a proud history.

1. It's much easier to spread patriotism
2. Once normies are patriotic they are much more likely to listen to a fellow patiot (redpilling)
3. Patiotic normies might seek answers themselves

I'm speaking form my own experience:
> learn about (((history))) and true history

All this happend just by myself, no one led me to do anything. All those around me at that time was normies (family and friends), but i still ended up to this day almost fully redpilled and based, and i belive it all started with patriotisim. Hope this helped.

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Drop QR code tracts that link to uploaded red pill data on the bsv blockchain.

I've been wondering about the subtle manipulation of blue pilled propaganda. Malcom X is a prime candidate for this as he was, before leaving Islam, in support of racial separation.

A basic example is the use of MLK jr "judged by the content of their character, not skin color" applied to whites when the talk of privilege comes up. I've heard this used fairly commonly, and it has the advantage of subtlety as opposed to just calling people niggers.

The problem is that it would have to be masterfully manipulated, and for most would likely just further enforce their current beliefs for no reason other than that he is black.

It has to be somewhere in between benign and triggering. If it's triggering you get the NPC aggro, if it's benign there is no conversion. If anything these should be used for openings to further red pilling.

"A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself."

Malcom X (the problem here is that he later denounced his extreme views, but as an opening it still might be useful)

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Agreed, this was about the same path I took.

We're fortunate in that just about every level of the pipeline to rationality is constructed already. Unfortunately a lot of people fall through the cracks between each step. That's why (((they))) now have to resort to ever greater numbers of controlled opposition, to exploit those fault lines.

This dude is right but be wary of many who would try and confuse your patriotism accusing you of being racist or something like that. Never ever back down and do not reply them in kind, at any moment you get accused of being anti-whatever just spin it around to make it pro-yourself. i.e. "americans killed so many indians" should be replied with something akin to "there is no denying that Europeans fought with and against the aboriginals of the Americas, but the prosperity of our country allowed us to pay them back for all their suffering and allowed their continued existence when their flame was destined to end and for that we must be grateful of our glorious nation and its history" or some faggy, elongated message that will take hours for a low iq leftist to pick apart and will immediately make low iq right wingers feel like you said something deep and profound.

Also my suggestion is to use the same trick the "illuminati" does, as in, spam your symbol, but be very subtle about it and use it to redirect people towards your message or location or whatever, also never use some already ADL disapproved message but be creative i.e. spray painting a swastika makes you a fucking loser faggot, use crosses or black suns but don't just make some big show of it, use redirection, put it in places people would look only if they were already into it, hide them in plain sight, even better if they're giving some direction towards someone or something

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Start small put posters in your neighborhood and more.

That's why you open with the holohoax. Once proven a lie, and their control, then this seed of doubt can be nurtured into a tree.

The perfect flyer, leaflet and sticker.

Telephone /pols, Starbucks, train stations, supermarkets and more.

/irlpol/ club for College Anons and the occasional Highschool user. I'm gonna try starting one at Kirkwood Community College and see how it goes. I need a minimum of 12 signatures from other students, and a professor to vouch for me, and the club will be started.
Now, since I basically just doxxed myself, I think I'll just leave this reply here and exit the thread.

what are you talking about dumbass? pedophilia is superior and was actually tolerated for entire humanity. it's modern politics who outlawed pedophilia in order to force males to go after old ugly used roasties
pedophilia makes you go after fresh, virgin, fertile women. it should be encouraged.

So you think producing children as your property and force them to work at age 3 is great? you want those times back?

Work = slavery
we should avoid work
obesity is caused by jews and jewish foods

kill yourself

Nothing wrong with pedo if you're raping non White children.

I'm a White adult man, with multiple college degrees, and I've been homeless on an off again, simply because I hate the basic idea of wage-slaving for money and all that implies. I lay up a store then drop out repeatedly.

Nonetheless, I don't think many hu'whites here on nu-pol could manage what I've seen successfully in the end. Maybe I'm wrong. Watch primitive-technology bro's channel, then you decide. Be warned though, the stark reality of urban decay filled with feral niggers is much harsher than the simple outdoors he enjoys. You better get your limbic system in top shape if you expect to survive out in the zoo. This shit will be stark and in your face when it drops. Doom Paul warned you. Most of you faggots will perish. Only the resolved will survive in the end, and only the survivors will decide the next level we ascend to.

Okay, so you recognize some very key factors in all of this, namely:
Your "wage cucks" will never become aware until their small, personal world is threatened or disrupted. That is the nature of the peasantry, and the only thing that will inspire action from them in mass is an environmental shift, namely an economic depression and/or governmental collapse. This accomplishes two things: It irritates them to the point of looking for solutions (i.e. people to solve their problems) and it frees up their labor and greatly worries them (since they lost their job).

You, little user, cannot create such an environmental shift. But what you can do is cultivate local power by redpilling people near you, organizing them, and preparing yourselves to support whatever organization that arises which can further the cause successfully.

Effective redpilling campaigns are often very subtle and personal, involving conversations between friends and dropping a few hints and facts every now and again to get them thinking for themselves. Postering and so forth is useful to stir the pot so to speak and bring out some reactions and attention. Remember that the game is getting people to "notice things". Once people begin noticing what the famed 1% really are, once they begin noticing the degenerates who run the movie studios and banking institutions, once they begin noticing their neighborhoods decaying from diversification, they will begin to notice other things as well.

And once they begin noticing, they will want to talk about it to make sure they are not going mad, and they need to hear people speak about it who are respectable and truthful in that. Mainly that comes from friends and family, but it can also come from personalities (I won't mention any e-celeb types here, but they can be a resource) and redpilled media. What people need to talk is the right context in which they believe they can speak freely and that their thoughts will be appreciated and not punished. That's where local organizations can help by both providing context by which such discussions can occur, and by bringing certain questions into the public forum by covert or overt means. They can also invigorate and inspire their membership to improve themselves and their communities and even get themselves into local politics (which are often easy to get into since no one pays attention).

Not everyone will be interested in this, but it only takes 10% of a population to strongly hold a belief and vouch for it for that belief to take over the consensus. Most people are utter sheep and will follow whomever they think is their best shepherd that all the other sheep follow. The free-thinkers are the ones who can adopt the redpill, and once enough are made and rallied together they can move the zeitgeist positively.

So, do that. Talk with people, drop redpills here and there without fully showing your power level necessarily, conduct postering campaigns if you want, get a few good men together to form a club aimed towards self improvement and spreading redpills, and evolve its purposes from there.

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Start somewhere, the time will never be right. You make the time a right time.

realistically you will get your ass kicked, or if you can fight, it will lead to confrontation resulting in going to jail. You can't go around screaming 'NIGGER JEWS" like you would on xbox live or youtube comments. You have to be subtle, don't boil the frog too quickly. This is unsavory to digest and most normal people do not want to rock the boat. They don't want to be labelled as ignorant pieces of shit so they shun you and speech that is wrongspeak.

oh wow, a lazy child abusing torfag, tell us more Chaim.

I've seen this before, so I'm just going to ask. Are you telling me that my local police department can find out my identity through the printer i use to print IOTBW flyers?

I'm going to have to call complete bullshit on this. I was robbed a couple of years ago by a drug addict neighbor. The idiot posted my belongings on their Facebook. I sent this to the detective. The person was detained and released. No charges.

your local PD isnt going to find you through your fucking printer you complete fucking spergs.

Bump, ideas incoming

Way too many shills and slide threads on this board lately

Not in the sense of protests and shows of force, but in the sense of getting off the computer and talking with people near you and spreading these ideas around your community. That's what needs to be done right now, and imageboards will not help you find good people around you to network with and get redpilled.
No, Missoulanon here. They want that fucker's blood, as well as all of the others who have been posting fliers and memes and shit around here. They never find any of them because the worst they could charge them with would be littering. The police are urged on by the shrieking college administrators to do something, so they half-assedly investigate to placate them.

That yellow dot matrix stuff is for big-boy crimes, not petty municipal stuff. Do like said to get a printer with no background if you are that fearful of yellow dot matrix stuff. Rule your paranoia, not the other way around.

Because the "people" notice NEET behavior as pathetic and detestable and so use that as an insult. The real power brokers in the world don't hole up like NEET's, they go out and meet people and get things going. The government might care only insofar as the spread of ideas which the internet is very good at doing and some NEET's have an advantage in.
If enough people stomp their feet, I'm sure they'd make an earthquake. That's the level of logic in thinking that becoming a bum and not working will affect anything except your morale and assets.

No shit. Stop being so pathetic and improve yourself. Go read the SIG thread, get off the imageboard, and get your shit together.

Becoming homeless is one method of "going into the wilderness". There are other methods of this, but they are all about going through the agony of suffering which takes you away from distractions and forces you to become stronger or perish for it. Other forms of it in various severities include literally going out into the wilderness, going to jail (hopefully not for very long), unplugging completely, traveling abroad, soldiering, and hard manual labor.

This part I agree with. The only thing holding back most of Western society from speaking and rallying against the degenerates is that they are afraid they would be immoral to do so and/or they would be punished for doing so. These two restraining beliefs are reinforced at every possible moment by the (((press))) and (((other services))) that crush the few people brave, foolish, or unlucky enough to get caught expressing the wrongthink. They have no moral superiority, and they cannot punish everyone without destroying themselves. Taking back moral confidence is paramount to redpilling success ultimately. People on here and elsewhere who hold these beliefs need to believe and assert the fact that they are ethically sound and necessary for goodness in this world.

Patriotism is redpilled in itself. Once you learn to recognize and love your people, their history, and their accomplishments, you are well set up for the rest. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf how he was lucky enough to be taught patriotism in school well before he himself became redpilled. After the patriotism came the "noticing", and then the rest is history.

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Yellow Vests have already been doing it IRL.
After the dollar loses its reserve status, there will be opportunities in the US.

OP is based.

I'll tell you the three most powerful persuasion techniques.

1. Fear of loss (Becoming Mexico, becoming Venezuala, becoming a minority, etc.)
2. Potential for gain (money, women, power, kids, etc.)
3. Sense of belonging (Family, religion, community)

I'll tell you what finally got me to admit Zig Forums was right. The fact that Jews provide 50% of DNC donations and 25% of GOP. Suddenly it all made sense.

I was not anti-Semitic at ALL. I had even considered converting. Now, I'm Afraid…. You were right about what has to be done. I don't want to believe it. But it's true.

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As long as you're not our copywriter…

I like the concept of trialing new channels for redpilling, but I think defending where we're strong should be the top priority. The internet isn't perfect, but the online world is becoming more and more decentralized. This is huge for us. In a free marketplace of ideas, without the constraints of kike algorithm manipulation, we win.

I like Pastor Steve Anderson's video to appeal to normie intellect and rhetorical/emotional frequency. They need primers and social proof/consensus to convert and disseminate.

I read this as: "When the faerie folk bring us gumdrops, we'll have a fun time."

The dollar will never lose its place as a reserve currency. What do you think will replace it? The Euro? The Yen? The UKPound? The Canadian dollar is actually the closest runner-up, and Canada doesn't have a big enough economy to tolerate irregular swings in currency value. Nobody else does. There is no alternative to the dollar, and the US is willing to drive that point home by force, if necessary.

Stop waiting for a blowjob from a supermodel to fall into your lap. Get up, get out, and get something done. Stop waiting for Christ to return and fix your problems.

Couple questions for you guys. I am newly redpilled insofar as I never really accepted this ideology until I found Jared Taylor a couple months ago.

In terms of discussing White Nationalism, the argument that convinced me was the fact that your race, your people, are an extension of your family. Putting this fact into words explained a sentiment for me that I had FELT for a while, but never really knew what call it. Yet this doesn't convince others, they say that while what I say is true, what stops it from extending this to the rest of the human race? I would reply by a shared history, a shared system of ethics, and closer genetic ties. To which they reply that it is simply all various degrees of separation, and that ultimately "we are all human,".

I guess what I am asking is what are the logical arguments you've come across for racial nationalism, and patriotism? To me it simply seems natural and inherent, yet I cannot articulate this well.

The rabbit hole only gets deeper. Inhumanity is deeply embedded into the Jewish psyche.

This is kind of meta, but I wonder if kikes can feel it? You know, feel their own disgusting nature relative to everything else. I think that's why they tend to hate nature so much.

This. The dollar won't kill the US, the death of the US will kill the dollar. This is because what backs the USD is not any particular tangible good, but faith in the US as an economic actor. As long as the US remains as a productive economy, the dollar will exist.


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(Hitler dubs ftw)

I have had two ideas that I've held onto for quite a while now.

First idea: Boycott foreign produce/wal-mart propoganda

This idea is a straight-forward in-public approach. It's obvious to me that if you removed all mention of "Nazism" from Mein Kampf, your average small-town conservative would be entirely on board. The trick is arousing this spirit without ringing Pavlov's bell. To take a lesson from Bezmenov, use intellectual judo. Manipulation.

Make leaflets to pass out at Wal-mart urging for a boycott of foreign produce. Many conservatives are against the idea of foreign competition for labor, many bleeding-heart conservative Christians are sympathetic to impoverished foreignors, nearly all conservatives want a wall and is America-first. This campaign uses this to our advantage. "Mam, don't forget to buy American;" these are words that will not be disputed and will speak directly to the patriotic (however misguided) part of the person. Are you REALLY America first?! This is essentially the message. Additionally, we make known that this kind of movement benefits the poor in the foreign countries as well.

This could easily sway the minds of an entire small town with little effort. This target group of conservative small-town wal-mart shoppers have EXTENSIVE facebook reach and will propogate both political and inane material far and wide. Give them a little push, a little moment to feel that they are significant in their political world view, and they will do the work for you. An ad in the local paper wouldn't hurt, either. The best part is, it doesn't really matter if they actually go through with the boycott at this point. The goal is to simply guide the minds of the people and feed their nationalistic spirit.

Although a concerted effort of this kind is profitable in its own right, this could potentially lead to a step two of this plan: a local petition. The petition is simple: "Would you like to petition your local supermarket to sell only American-grown produce?" This involves no threat of boycott to the supermarket, just a petition to change to the will of the customers. It would be hard to say no to signing this petition. After signing, the petitioner would be surveyed, "Would you be willing to join a boycott of this super-market if they do not change their policy?" This is the catch. You wouldn't say no to the petition, so would you put your money where your mouth is? Are you REALLY America first?! The petition would include this question next to the signature line with an area to sign their initials in the affirmative. This way, the petition could be presented with weight to the supermarket manager.

Of course, no supermarket (especially walmart) would acquiesce to such a petition. Again, this is part of the plan. Ideally, the petition would include an option to provide one's contact information (phone, email) as well as a copy of the leaflet. The leaflet would ideally include a link to a facebook support group, website, copy of the leaflet for printing, etc. Facebook likes are a great way to gauge the impact of the campaign. If enough people leave some kind of contact info, whether by petition or facebook, an additional third step may be implemented, wherein the people may be urged to actually go through with a boycott of wal-mart, but again, any actually boycotting is a beneficial side effect of the campaign to envoke a nationalistic spirit. Were this movement to gain substantial momentum, the next logical step would be a boycott of foreign manufacturing with the same spirit.

I suggest implementing such a campaign at the most kiked supermarket in your town, the idea being that (((wal-mart))) deserves our ire before a mom & pop store. Customers will feel less loyalty towards such corporations as well.

I've made a rough draft of the leaflet, pic related.

This is obviously meant for those who are already susceptible to our cause. However, in my travels I have come to know both the right and left intimately. As Zig Forums is generally aware, both sides are heavily brainwashed and live in idealogical isolation (echo chambers) from one another. There are common lines based on truth that bind some groups without their knowledge. Pseudo-hippy lefties tend to be anti-corporation and anti-sweatshop, and are some of the best about shopping local, buying American, and being self sufficient. This is a clear commonality with the intellectual right-wing. Could this be a profitable venture for a similar campaign targeted at these people? Outside the scope of my idea, but it's possible.

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Damn, well spoken!

Oh, Sweetie…

There's enough genetic distance between the whites who've evolved together for thousands of years and the others that we are now distinct subspecies. We are qualitatively different, not just as a matter of degree, but in our basic drives. Pic related is Mexicans going apeshit and butchering cows because the truck carrying them was in an accident and the driver didn't have a gun to stop them. Imagine yourself witnessing a crash between two trucks, one carrying cattle. Would you grab a machete and kill one of the stolen animals? Or would you act like a human fucking being, considering you have money and there's no famine in Mexico?

They're different, user. They don't belong among us because they get in the way of our destiny. Nothing will change that, nor will the Jews stop trying to mud up our gene pool with Aztec and Zulu DNA until we're all stupid and violent mobs.

Also, Taylor is a gateway drug. The first hit is free, but Dr. William Luther Pierce names the Jew. Learn from him when you're strong enough.

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What backs the dollar is you. Your promise. Your signature. You biological property. It is worthless without it, and you can choose to be free of that slavery. Trying getting even seasoned anons to make this shift is akin to screaming in a vacuum. for now

I am eyeing up the Turner Diaries, but have a plethora of literature that I intend to get through before hitting the hard stuff, you know? I don't want to immerse myself in this ideology without a decent foundation for political understanding.

That's the issue, the left cannot deny that there ARE genetic differences between us and them, the science is obvious, but how those differences manifest I have yet to find any solid consensus. I want to believe you, but you know that I cannot blindly accept user's word, I need a scientific peer-reviewed paper, but we won't ever get any honest investigation into racial differences in this day. I know many would say "simply look at THEIR nations, and how THEY act in OUR nation," but even then, too much of the colored man's mentality is correlated with impoverishment.

I would love to give it up, because you are right. The population's faith in the dollar, us, the people, keep it afloat. You sound like an accelerationist. Collapse isn't desirable, an awakening of white racial consciousness would be better. If the others want to fight, then it will happen, but too much is up in the air with a national collapse.

Found the jew. How's the Saturday morning shift treating you little one?

You're not fooling anyone, faggot. You've been banned for your bullshit in other threads going back at least a few months. If the mods weren't also fags, they'd have sent a team to end you in your goddamn dyke den.

I haven't posted more than 20 times on this website. I guess your schizophrenia brain got fooled…

Don't bother with the race war fanfic. Work through his lectures, which are (temporarily) available on JewTube. Vid related.

The (((left))) denies exactly this, loudly and longly. It's their religion. You won't win a religious argument with facts.

You will find no consensus. Scientists who bring this up get vanned overnight. Francis Crick discovered DNA, and he got fired from an institute he founded because he suggested that Africans are genetically stuck with low IQ, relative to Europeans. Philippe Rushton had his work purged from Canadian universities over race comments. People with distinguished publishing histories have had their doctorates revoked for suggesting the races aren't equal. So, unsurprisingly, there's a paucity of literature about niggers' shortcomings.

That's a mistake. Hitler once said his greatest gift to the German people was to teach them to think clearly. You do likewise.

Peer review in heavily politicized fields is bullshit. It's a form of arguing from authority to trust magic science men to tell you what's true. The whole point of being a white man who browses Zig Forums is to think for your own fucking self. You already know what you need to anyway.

Enjoy your ride, by the way. You'll never go back, but try not to kill yourself when you figure out why the Jews want power in the first place.

My second idea is a guerilla campaign.

The 'it's okay to be white' posters were great. They were a great way to point out the lunacy and radicalism of cultural marxism. They planted little thought seeds into the minds of those on the fence. What they didn't do, however, was shift the Overton window. This is a tricky task. Many, both user and shill, have tried to capitalize on IOTBW with ideas for successive campaigns that aimed to be more specific and informative. The obvious problem with such ideas is that they ruin the powerful simplicity and subtlety of IOTBW. However, a more specific attack is still needed. I suggest something like "Jew Facts". If you were to seperate and organize your knowledge of the chosen people into short, self-contained sentences, how many redpills could you come up with? Hundreds? Thousands? Put each of those sentences onto stickers. I doubt sticker paper is terribly expensive. A little blue hexagram, circumbscribed with the following: Jew Fact #476 Questioning the holocaust is punishable in (how many is it now?) countries. Stick these in bathrooms, at bus stops, on lamp posts, playgrounds, wherever. This is just a pipedream of mine, but I can imagine the result of undeniable facts about jews subtly sinking into the consciousness of the masses. The hardest part would be amassing and compiling the numerous jew facts, but it shouldn't be too much trouble for Zig Forums. Pic is in the same spirit

Aside from my ideas, OP, I agree with other anons in the thread, talk about it to who you can when you can. I've opened a number of people's eyes just by being their friend and being honest.

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Good luck competing against mass media, educational system, and finance.

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(Checked, Satan)

Like I said, I almost converted.

They don't see it. It's basically that they see two races, Jewish and Non-Jewish. Closest comparison I can think of is WW2 Japan. They are a race of near gods and the others are sub-humans the way we view nigs, which they consider the same as us.

They are terrified of Annudah Shoah. It motivates knee jerk defense of their shitty fellow Jews no matter how bad, and supporting demographic engineering to "stop" it. They don't THINK they are evil.

It's so deeply rooted that the ones who abandon ALL aspects of the religion keep this. People who never read their Torah still keep this. That's what turned me off of Reform. I read the OT, they weren't practicing that. It was a new religion, Post-Bolshevik Holocaustianity.

Some little stickers can go a long way

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Take the REAL redpill. Jews did nothing wrong, other races treated them like shit and now when Jews are finally fighting back people begin hating them for it.

Prove me wrong


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Mobilize masses to make a Yellow Vest-like protests. Add violence to the protests.
Without violence, nothing good can be achieved.

That's great user but, there's still more you can do to help here, I've thinking of making a Thread Revival General for making old slid threads prop back up and good keep threads alive

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Thousands of years of filthy, degenerate, destructive, kikery isn't "fighting back', you filthy, degenerate, destructive, kike.
If you want to see what "fighting back" looks like, keep poking…

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I think this is a great idea, you should make a more polished poster design and start a separate thread for it. This campaign could probably even be outsourced to 4cuck for more coverage

Campaigning strategy is one of the main things we need to observe more about leftist political action. Marxist student unions create new generations of politicians who have effectively been trained in campaigning, and they are well funded in the process. Their funding is often just "skimming off of the top" of tuition fees, and not many people see the connection between all of the marxist/faggot nonsense seen around universities and the student unions. The actual wanna-be revolutionaries who jerk off to Foucault, Derrida, Marx, etc. after learning about them in their critical theory classes flock to these groups, and many universities have off-shoot special interest groups run by these sorts of people too.

Left-wing grassroots political campaigns are obviously a lot more protected and "socially acceptable" than right-wing ones, since being anti-establishment and right-wing at the same time usually means you are some type of natsoc/fascist, and with the Gilets Jaunes that is where much of the criticism of them is focused.

Stuff like "It's ok to be white" is all well and good but the necessity of it being underhanded just illustrates the position we are in. Until our ideas have proliferated enough to the point where they aren't taboo, alternative measures should be taken. For example, many leftist/marxist groups operate public gardens and other community organizations. They assume the position of being a community pillar in order to propagate their ideas with some subtlety.

The only community organizations which are remotely right-wing are some churches, and the tide is turning against us on this front: theology is heavily subverted; many preachers have marxist leanings. The only really right-wing churches nowadays are those run by evangelicals who think Israel is their greatest ally. So, on that note, one of the greatest challenges facing the political right going forward is having relevant community organizations which are in line with the ideology. What do you guys think?

pics semi-related

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You require some level of corporate, financial, and legal control of the society in order to run a successful propaganda political campaign.

Basically you have to infiltrate the plutocracy first. So ourguys would need to become top ceos, top lobbying group leaders, top industrial leaders, and influencers of think tanks which direct policy.

This is how power works in the modern world. If we try to run a political campaign without any institutional backing the cia niggers will try to assassinate any leadership of said movement. You need some infrastructure control. Not even a majority, but some.

t. fed

coups are fast and quiet


I think you should look into eco-fascism/deep ecology. I've pitched the basic tenants at normies and they tend to be pretty open to that idea, a lot of people are really open to saving the environment… even if it's by force.

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The first major step is having racial consciousness as a white. Show other whites how you should feel to be white in today’s environment. Easy redpilling…or is it?

I think the best way forward to steadily build up grassroots support for a future cultural shift is to create a positive movement that promises people a better future. It can’t just be against things, but it has to put forward a positive vision of its own. For the right, the best way to do this is with people taking initiative to create separate but loosely connect organizations each dedicated toward single issues that need to be addressed.
Most normies will only be motivated by issues that affect their life, so the best way to get them on our side is by becoming the side that champions these issues. The dissident right has to establish itself as the side that offers an alternative to the problems caused by neoliberalism and the hope for social reform. Have somebody create an organization in rural areas that address opiate epidemic, have someone in the cities create an organization that addresses cost of housing, have someone create an organization that addresses student debt cancellation, etc; and all of these orgs have a culture of far right belief underneath them that people drawn to it absorb. People will hopefully see that their hope for a better life lies in supporting these groups and ideologies. In time, all these separate groups will have cross pollination in an organic way, and its disparate members can make real world connections without relying on hostile mediums.
I think this is less fragile that trying to rely simply on the political establishment giving you what they want.

always wondered if a group of drones could go to a busy public shopping/concert area and drop/spam loads of red pills printed on flyers.
after drop they could quickly fly off, if needed self destruct at remote area to prevent capture. rich anons could buy new ones.

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(((They))) would probably just track where the drones flew from, who, where and when they were purchased, how the fliers were printed, and disappear or suicide the person responsible.

We are living in a dystopian police state. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA has a secret, well developed quantum computer AI and everything we do is known ahead of time.
Maybe they know nobody here will ever do anything, and keep the site running because it collects data to feed the computer.

Take some of the best memes. Print them with some well written info.

Bring stapler. Staple to every power pole.

Put links to websites and a bitcoin donation address on every flyer.

Also anybody remember big mails from the mail order days.

You just get a bunch of people to print a flyer then stuff envelopes and mail the shit out.

For lulz mail to the same people over and over again. Either they get redpilled or they go nuts.

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We colaborate on a copyleft magazine everybody prints and delivers it. For the lulz.

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Cameras are everywhere. Also the feds could find out how the fliers were printed, create a mathematical formula and track who did it.

If they don't already do this, in the future they will have quantum computers and easily find out who committed every previous "hate crime." Anyone who does anything will be arrested or suicided.

I like to use ridiculous hyperboles. I.e. saying that I am a strong independent black womyn, whilst I actually am a white male. Or saying that I love Israel, because they kill so many people and cause so many wars. Or that I think white people should be enslaved for 100 years, because white-on-black slavery happened.

If you're worried about getting busted for something that isn't even illegal maybe you should drink some more soy milk and go back to twitter faggot.

Publicly available laws don't matter, the alphabet agencies and secret societies have their own secret laws and rules.

I think it's basically over. Back in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s there wasn't a camera on every street corner, the government didn't have access to supercomputers, the masses were not completely brainwashed and mind controlled, and demographics were on our side.

If anyone does anything, they get identified easily. After all, so few redpilled people take real life action, the feds have an enormous amount of resources available for each incident.

You sound like Francis E Deq Esqire right now.

I'm not sure why everyone is so scared. They can only kill you once br0.

Don't blackpill, federal LE portrays itself as ubercompetent, but they usually are fuck-ups letting all sorts of things go on behind these scenes for years and not be able to react to it.