Slowly but surely, we are wining the puvlic discourse...

Slowly but surely, we are wining the puvlic discourse. Reddit is becoming more open on the issues of race and the truth of black crime.

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There is no crueler fate right now than being born white in America.

Reddit is bad and you should feel bad for using it. No one cares what soycucks and highschoolers in select bubbles think.

Imagine being underaged and thinking this sentiment is new lol


Don't be fooled that's all according to plan, it's a bait and switch. They have segregated the majority groups into their own echo chambers were they are getting radicalized on race, religion and violence. Now they're using selective battlefields to steer up jew hate, while using the headlines to justify more censorship laws, which will take out the heads of all the dissidents prone to violent uproar.

This goes nicely with stretching out the time so that more invaders can be forced into the war zones. At any time the jews have the power to end our monetary system with the flick of a bottom, which summons instant starvation and war. This economical crash was planned since the beginning of the debt usury system, and the jews have destroyed the resistance of the entire western civilization, have weakened their defenses, created enemies within, and have accumulated every defense possible for themselves including China and Russia as allies.

What they are doing now is create white hate in others by radicalizing them with propaganda, and baiting whites for violence by annoying the shit out of them, while herding them into controlled jew hate. When the boiling point for white retaliation is reached, the jews are going to stage a historical false flag of massive destruction, that will be blamed on whites, and immediately followed by the economical crash. After all is said and done, nobody will remember the jewish involvement in debt usury.

Lmao, fat chance, you fucking kike.


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Bigotry sucks. You people get outshined on your home territory, and barely exist elsewhere. It isn’t *difficult* to point out that even high-crime demographics are overwhelmingly lawful. If it was right to punish large populations for the sins of tiny fractions, leftists would’ve been right to harass GamerGate.

I think they actually spread bigotry doing that - they unapologetically justified the same kind of lame guilt by association arguments used to hate all black people because of a few criminal. Yet the left’s bad argument is not the right’s good argument, and this memetic weapon deserves to fail. We shoukd be inclusive of all people, and assiduous in the endeavor of finding virtue in every population.

Let me rephrase that for you…nobody alive will remember it.

Nobody is really immune to an economic collapse, and virtual wealth tends to mean less than distance in extremis.

I can't say if that's the exact plan but it's true that they're 5 steps ahead and the average whigger is dumber than a box of bricks, always thinking they're 'winning', just as the hammer is about to come down.

History is the trendline of honesty. Are *you* living your life with your cards upon the table?

Pick one and only one
They're in that tiny fraction that is not representative of the whole. I've actually lived in majority black countries for some years, even some of the nicest ones told me stories of how they'd burn a local wild animal similar to a squirrel alive just for kicks, or how they'd trap it only to see if they could outrun hungry dogs. These stories came from one guy who holds two jobs and avoids crime to raise his family. I've lived in majority hispanic countries as well for many years and the stories I could tell you about them are quite shocking. Virtue is not present in the majority, while they may not be criminal they are in no way anywhere close to finding virtue nor should it be our burden to make them virtuous. Let them wallow in the very filth they love so much or join them and get the fuck out.


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being born White/European ANYWHERE is the cruel fate…but it isn't one you couldn't solve with violence right now, you just don't because YOU DON'T WANT TO…you would rather be a slave and die than be free and responsible and so you shall experience the fate YOU CHOSE.

There are no 'virtuous subhumans' user they are all animals, they need to be governed as animals, they think act and breed as animals. This includes the kikes as well because they are about as far from human as my dog is.

This right here is the root problem of all of humanities problems…the rejection and exploitation of nature. Humans still think they are above everything, even after they're getting their shit kicked in by every possible natural law. Humans destroyed the animal kingdom and are punished for it, they poisoned their bloodlines and are punished for it, they interbred their races and are punished for it, they polluted the ecosystem and are punished for it, they put human laws (lies) above natural laws and are getting punished for it.

When will humanity learn the crucial principle of life, that one cannot attack their ecosystem without also committing suicide? Nature created us, demands from us to struggle for balance, and will ultimately take us back when we die. Every action we take that goes against the laws of nature is a shortcut towards death.

When will non-whites stop hating the white man? They must know the jew is behind it.

Lots of blacks in the Caribbean, in Africa and the US are fully aware of what is going on in the world. The problem with blacks is that they are still enslaved to the jewish stronghold. They are utilized as weapons to spread violence and poverty, and living around these niggers is the biggest danger to all the other blacks. The blacks cannot escape the poverty carousel or are stuck kissing up to the jews for a secured place in capitalism. In between this there is seldom a real chance to educate the youth about the JQ, and as you know blacks are neither the brightest of the bunch, nor faithful listeners. In short…the jews keep them busy to prevent internal and external dialogue.

Then we have the Muslims, who I know a lot of. They know about the jews too, but they have a bigger problem…Islam. It's a self destructive religion, that by design will always end in war and flight. It's submission to Muhammad and the laws of the Koran, but these laws are so strict that Muslims will naturally start to ditch them the second they have enough freedom to do so, which brings the fundamentalists on the map who use violence to enforce the laws. It's an endless cycle of destruction that prevents civilizations from expanding, which is of course fully exploited by the jews. So yeah, the majority of Muslims would love to skin the jewish rats alive, but they also would love to survive Islam without living in either enslavement or war.


What a faggot you are. Non-jews run everything except for media and the one central bank. Get real nigger. Nobody is going to keep nature (exposure and removal of jewry) from happening. The cycle continues.

user, run doesn't equal ownership. It means to be enslaved to jewish crime. Dude, you run your life, the jews own your birth certificate. You spend your money, the jews own your money. You're allowed to participate in a world controlled by jewish organized crime…you are nothing more than a number inside a demographic to them.

This is based on the natural cycle of life and death. If anything the jews are a natural self preservation tactic to destroy the human species from within, which would explain why they are not creators, but solely liars and deceivers. But let me explain why they exist…original sin. Humans created the original sin by exploiting nature for themselves instead of coexisting with it and create for the benefit of all life out of it. The laws of nature predate the human race for millions of years, we were born out of it, and we created all our laws by mimicking nature. Nature is holding our lifeline, and defiling it means destroying ourselves.


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Its the sweetie/crybaby shill. Go die you useless gender studies sack of shit.

wow epic posts on reddit

Ever since the jews united the world to go against hitler for daring to put things back in order.

Non-jews own more than jews. Most jews live like trumpstein and kushner; loans after loans after loans becaus ewe "own" stuff.
What kind of nonsense is this. I have no certificate beause hippie parents. Besides, a copy of it is on public file where nobody owns it. And jews have no power outside of talkies.
The federal govt, the people of the US, owns the presses and prints. Only jews have control of private "cenral" bank. Besides, I barter with local farmers and community members. We have a barter fair twice a year.
Nobody "allows" shit but you, user. You are your own god. Wake up from your slumbered faggotry.
And they are nothing more than parasites like the tick, to me. That doesn't change that they think they are "god's chosen" and try to fuck everything up.
Fuck off jesusnigger. Trees are for cutting down and building a beir hall to prost nature. Only jews defile nature by not building with what they destroy and extracting personal value, usually pleasure. Besides, jews didn't exist until the first century.

No, see Hitler fought them back for 70 years in which we saw a somewhat revival of human freedom, which came with lots of great achievements, but the jews used this time in the shadows to make everything perfect for the next big strike. The ruthless insanity with which they drove capitalism against any natural law or human ethics, while polluting soil, air, and water , while poisoning, corrupting, destroying everything human civilizations stand for, just shows you determined they are to destroy everything by any means. BUT the whole exploitation of nature thing (original sin) started at the beginning of mankind, when they chose to just take whatever they want, instead of living in harmony, and using their powers to create for the benefit of everything. By going against their own ecosystem they became parasites, to which natural law responds with self preservation, out of which the jewish problem was born. It's punishment for going against the natural law, which means suicide.

Never fail to try and inspire your people, inspire them where you can. Unwillingness to fight for what is right makes you a coward. You long for an age not your own, and its that naive idealism you share with marxists. Thinking you can shape the age without struggle.
You dont wake up people by waiting in the library of truth, you wake them up by forcing them inside. This defeatism is pathetic.

By complying to the hivemind, avoiding it because you dont feel like the white people are worth waking up, you are part of the problem. The censorship everyone seems to fear is made possible by passive larpers like yourself. You dont need to delete anything to have effective censorship. You teach the people to be lemmings, be compliant, be weak.
Kill yourself.

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And reported for being a faggot.

They ‘want to’ but they ‘dont’. Sorry man but this is total and complete bullshit. Everyone does exactly what the want Whites don’t kill the jews or subhumans because the don’t ‘want to’ either. Coming to grips with the fact that EVERYONE does what the want is one of the most difficult truths for humanity. They would be doing themselves the largest favor of the 21st century if they would acknowledge this Truth.

jews own or control (or both) every important industry on this planet. Money, media, military, politics, education, science, commerce, marketing, arts, religions, pornography etc. And on the illegal side…human poverty, slavery (now called forced labor, human trafficking, sex trafficking), drugs, organ smuggling, child abuse distribution, weapons, war mongering, historical revisionism, tax fraud, money laundering, gambling etc.

Google Rothschild owns our birth certificates.

This would be important in a world were money is backed physical goods. The jews created usury, became money lenders and created debt and fiat currency…that is a scheme. Today our money is worth nothing, backed by nothing, and our debts are in the astronomical trillions. this will soon collapse and make the entire western economy penniless, which is why we are all gearing up for massive wars. Anyway…the money you're holding in your hands (if you're not a credit card faggot) is only worth as much as your jewish owner says it is. After the collapse the very same jews are going to replace it with a completely cash-less currency, which means humans will never hold money in their hands ever again aka slaves to the jewish system of dependency.

As do I. Enjoy it while they still allow it to happen, because the one thing the jews are doing consistently is robbing us of our freedom.

Stop paying your taxes then (to the jews) and report back to me from jail about how free you feel about it.

Who dictate the boundaries of your existence in this world. They are the lawmakers, the owner of the law enforcers, and the criminals breaking the laws all in one. It really is a parasite that needs to be cut out entirely.

Read this about the original sin
Also if you want to know the truth about religions just ask. I'm certainly not into Jesus.


Get the fuck out.

Josephus memed jews into existence. He is the sole source of all pre-first century jewry. There were no jews "at the beginning of mankind" but you knew that.

Incorrect. Indoctrination is a thing. Religions have indoctrinated all of mankind on subconscious level as to how we all are reacting to laws, to symbolism, and to morality. It was all created to control large groups of humans with the written laws in exchange for empty promises. Today the ones effected strongest from this are the atheists, because they do not acknowledge the thousands old years old indoctrination, festering inside their minds and so they fall victim to it when they start to worship materialism, capitalism and nihilism. All the while falling for obvious symbolism with which the marketing jews are baiting them, putting their faith into the false idols of entertainment, and getting corrupted by the lies of modern moralities that they get from the media, from the lying education systems, from the lack of religious understanding. This is why the atheist are the most fanatical supporter of jewish subversion. Just look at communism, it's a believe in nothing other than being against everything. Fuck contradictions, fuck consequences, I just wanna be part of destruction.

That totally negated everything I said, it's like the US isn't a slave colony of Israel, and pic related isn't a gay nigger and his transsexual boyfriend celebrating with jewish terrorists inside the WHITE house. All just coincidences.

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I didn't say that. What I meant was that humans committing the original sin (rejecting nature) created the punishment, which inter alia created the jews later on to destroy the human parasite, which destroys it's own ecosystem.

In short. Religions are solely human creations to enslave mankind to the written laws in exchange for empty promises. The natural traits superstition, faith and morality were hijacked into a lie, all the religious scriptures are tales of morality based on natural law, and the principal of God describes nature itself.

That's a bummer for most, and a terrifying outset, but it is also a necessary evil. Let me tell you why…Good and evil do exist, and natural law dictates that they have to coexist. To control big human civilizations one has to force morality onto them, otherwise chaos erupts. The means to achieve this is violence, but that comes with too much collateral damage, so laws were created, which also needed violence to enforce. This is where religion was born out of the necessity to make mankind accept laws without rebelling. So the concept of a god was put forward to give them something superstitious to worship, they were thaught to behave by tales of morality, they were given symbols to put their faith into, and the cherry on top…lies about imaginary achievements that makes them content and docile, like promises of peace, freedom, prosperity, enlightenment, a place in heaven, or virgins in an afterlife paradise.

Now we are in the present and all of mankind has thousands of years of religious indoctrination inside their genetic make-up. That means we respond to symbolism, idol worshiping and the concepts of morality. Especially so if you're an atheist, because that means you would fall prey to worship literally anything that benefits you personally, like money. That is all based on lies, it's ultimately evil, but it is now deeply festering in our human nature. We can not ignore this to go a different way, we must incorporate this religious identity and twist it away from the written human laws and back towards the laws of nature.

This is grade A autism in action
You're probably retarded enough to believe that crap about the US being a corporation owned by the British crown. People like you are irreparable. Kill yourself

Oh you wanna go into Vatican city, Washington city and the City of London? These are all jewish terror cells, networking from israel and all their islands and underground locations. There is a reason why the Vatican is full of pedophiles, while the crown lost the British empire, and while Washington is filled to the brim with Rabbis. I do not even begin to understand how this is all legally connected, but seeing it from the organized crime angle explains it all rather easily.

One of the many signs you dont belong here.

>Mfw nowadays you can find at least one or two posts about jews or ((( ))) with dozens of likes in most political conversations on any goy social media
Keep it up lads. Kike exposure and Anti-Kike sentiment is rising exponentially everywhere.

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Watch Owen Benjamin (on bitchute) and get your mind blown. Shit is happening.


damn, you low iq subhuman

Allow me to present an alternative explanation to this issue. See, the real problem here isn't race, it's women. More precisely, low-income black single mothers. Something has destroyed the black family: more and more kids are born out of wedlock and raised without a father. Naturally, the lack of positive male role models in youth can fuck you up.

But don't say that out loud, or else feminists will gang up on you, like they just did to Terry Crews!

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This is Zig Forums say the truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth…until you get disproved by even more fanatic anons. That being said; the black issues are still based on ongoing jewish slavery. They enslaved, tortured, raped, race mixed and exported them into modern civilizations, where they never had the chance to naturally grow, only faulty adaptation to a world they didn't understand. In the century since they were forced onto whites, kept in poverty, exploited for political and entertainment subversion, and radicalized into a weapon that spreads poverty and violence wherever they are send.
Say that out loud and make sure the feminists choke on it. And Crews is just another hedonistic Uncle Tom, who doesn't want to bite the hand that pays him. These people are neither dumb or blind, they chose to stick with the evil that is going down in Hollywood.

Though it wasn't created by humans.

same thing is happening with white females tho

fun fact: it first started with jewish women

I dare you to find an american jewish family that did not end in a divorce

About Religion…

As I stated before all religions were initially created to control large masses of humans with as little violence as possible. The trick to achieve this is to use the natural human traits superstition, faith and morality to enslave them to written laws in exchange for empty promises. This sounds evil, but it's necessary to enforce morality, otherwise human freedom, in a competitive civilization, will always end in bloodshed. The scriptures were templates to teach law and order, the crucifix was the symbolism that binds their loyalty, and to quell the human hunger for an undisputed leader they used superstition to sell the concept of a God. The corruption of this doctrine can be found in the laws, namely the ten commandments. All of these are against the law of nature and impossible to uphold for human beings. Either directly or indirectly they will constantly break these laws, which makes them either obligated to endless scripture studies, or they infinitely make up excuses for themselves as to why they broke the law. Both ways create passive human beings who are not of help/less of help for their communities. Here is an example for the biggest commandment (Thou shalt not kill)…completely against natural law and absolutely absurd in the lights of human history. And even if you not do the killing yourself, everyone is in one way or another indirectly supporting the murder of living creatures, be it the billions of animals that get tortured and killed every year, or the child slave labor that dies in the mines of Africa to accumulate the resources for your phone screens. And if you think you can buy yourself out of responsibility with donations, you're actively funding the jewish crime racket that is global poverty, which is exploited for human trafficking, drug+organ smuggling, tax evasion, weaponized migration and to fleece wealthy suckers out of donation money. In short…Christianity makes you a docile slave that puts his believes above the health of your collective/community, which makes you wide open to exploitation from outside groups.

About God…

What I do not believe in is calling divine the source of origin, and that every religious insight begins and ends with trust in superstition, because that's a human made limitation that ignores the origins humanity was made out of. Every way humans describe God…be it the creator of all life, the entity that connects everything on earth, the power that can hear our thoughts and feel our pains, the god that grows his power through our worshiping, the god that makes us part of himself when we die, the one that tests and challenges us, the one that shows us all the wonders on this earth, the one who dictates the morality of good and bad, the one who puts his own existence into the hands of his creation, the one true God…all this describes unmistakably NATURE itself. Humans not only based their religions entirely around what nature teaches us, but they decided to claim the achievements of nature for themselves and hide it behind a superstitious entity. Why? Because they think they can can get away with defiling and exploiting nature for themselves.

Oh hey, lets blame the women from a different angle. Still not swallowing your shit jakob.
Women have lower IQ, are more emotional and thus can be manipulated more easily. Grooming women is a thing. Raise them well, you will get a fine mother for your children in return. Let them run amok without men to guide them, and you get (((feminism))). And where does feminism come from?

Lurk two years.

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The issue was not the redditors. Lots of them hate niggers.

The issue is REDDIT.
These mega-corporations that have claimed rule over the digital public space are completely in the grips of world jewry.

Nigger, you're supposed to shill everywhere you can and make six gorillion sock accounts to spread redpills as much as possible.
All of the
was imkikey-tier bullshit.
Getting sucked into namefaggotory pettiness is retarded but always deposit redpills as wide and far as possible.

No, not really.
Social media is a cancer my man - if you are already infected, by all means, use it to spread the good word… But if you're not a cancerous peice of shit, don't become one merely for the sake of trying to shill Zig Forums narratives on social media platforms that will invariable eliminate your account, making it a complete waste of time for those who are not already invested in that social signaling paradigm.

Translation: Namefag social media is retarded, so unless you're already retarded, don't get involved just for the sake of trying to spread the word to an overwhelmingly NPC audience on a platform that will seek to destroy you for doing so if able.

Very fair point there, too.

The main issues are jews, women and shitskins.
And all of them must be solved by violence. That is what must spread into the mainstrem, to the point that no jew, woman or shitskin can go out in public without either being killed or beaten to near-death.

Why has Youtube recommended me Michael Jones videos recently then?

YouTube is all over the place in terms of censorship and opinion segregation. Sometimes they have an algorithm running that only shows you right or left wing stuff, then they have their comments disabled routines, demonetization, and recently they fuck with peoples stream qualities. It's all very inconsistent, as if they have internal conflicts of interest going on. Kinda like jews fighting jews about which way to proceed with the subversion. Also E. Michael Jones normally just gets takedowns at jew heavy topics, and then only for a short time at the release window to hurt his income. His channel itself is pretty safe and fans know to buy his stuff directly from his other pages so that he gets his much deserved dough. He really is fantastic to learn from.

First off, nice *reddit formatting* you absolute moron. Second:

While this is true, it also exposes the greater truth that it only takes a marginal increase in crime per capita to completely destabilize a normal, functioning society (read: one that is built and maintained by whites). There are a variety of reasons for why black controlled population centers are dysfunctional hellscapes wholly intolerable and unfit for a white family to reside in, but it's the crime that causes the downward spiral. If blacks merely retained their childlike mindset and intelligence without their propensity for impulsive acts of crime/violence then cities like Chicago and Detroit would actually remain fairly civilized as whites can stomach living beside peaceful simpletons (whites are perfectly capable of cooperating and living side by side with dullards of our own kind).

Yes, you are right that even a 5x increase in the likelihood of being a crime victim in a place like Baltimore is still not enough to guarantee you'll be a victim at any point over a 10+ year period. That still doesn't change the fact that such an increase is still enough to trigger all white citizens of good character to conduct a risk assessment and judge against living in such a place, thus dooming it to eventual collapse. Small changes around the statistical margins make a world of difference when binary decisions are being made.



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I didn't realize that speaking the truth was meant to be exclusive to Zig Forums, or that facts were narratives. Of course you should try to reach as wide an audience as possible; to do so is a big tenet of propaganda. Everyone on Zig Forums other than shills already knows that Hitler did nothing wrong, the Holocaust is a scam, there are only two genders, and White racism doesn't account for the fact that despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit over 50% of all violent crimes. Like it or not plebbit is a good representation of normalfag opinion and is in fact a prime target for subversion.


its sad to see a young white boy hate himself so much. Literal cult tier mentality, particularly the initiation of it

reach a target audience that is receptive to your message, because its truth the message will leak from your target audience to their social circles. Even friends that disagree with me politically have been made to agree that secession is the best course of option for literally all parties in the US.
sexes, gender is a construct of language for specific languages such as spanish and russian. Gender was made to apply to inanimate objects because living beings were given a sex even in gendered languages. You're falling for literal kike jewery by using the word gender to replace sex and this further destroys the tranny talking point. If gender is a language construct then transgenders cannot be a thing, neither can transsexuals because of chromosomes therefore only the mentally ill remain.
Horseshit. Your average normalfag does not put nudes of themselves online, advocate cuckoldry, nor do they circlejerk over lego's and obsess over the next star wars or superhero film. Your avg normie partakes in these things because they're the latest fad whereas redditors are the die hard fans of the subjects they speak of. They have an actual passion for their manchild shit, and passion is not something normies have a lot of. Redditors and normies are different, their biggest similarity lies in the fact that both of their social media platforms are curated heavily towards the left, reddit more than others which prefer to put you in an echo chamber. If you actually targetted normalfags on twitter or facebook then you'd be better off because influencing just one of them would give you more reach than influencing a redditor who has less IRL friends and a lower social status.
No it isn't and that's thanks to its insanely strict moderation. The thread about anne coulter shitting on trump has screenshots of deleted comments to give you an idea why it's nothing but a waste. Leftist subs will have zero consideration for truth, only delusion, "right wing" subs either need no subversion or are just as censorious as their left wing counterparts.

If you honestly want to see the fruits of shilling on reddit, try to convince a trumpfag on the_cuckold that demographics are destiny and trump is a traitor to his base. It's the truth and it will never be allowed.

You glow as much as a CIA nigger does, painfully obvious you're not from here. This is proper formatting, one line after a greentext quote. If you manage to continue growing this into a full paragraph then….

You continue here with the next section of a post. Kind of like what you were taught in school when it came to basic writing. Reddit spacing is what you're doing:

So far this is good

double enter again afterwards is retarded and only makes your posts twice as large despite having the same amount of content. Go home faggot, you don't belong here.

stay pure user