Sick video of French-Chinese little girl being sexually assaulted by Arabs

This doesn't seem like unorganized and spontaneous sexual perversion…this looks like strategy of sexually humiliating and intimidating the infidels. Also the French police are trying hard to prevent people from showing it on social media.

Attached: French-Chinese_Child_Muslim_Sexual_Intimidation.mp4 (1280x720, 1.48M)

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Translation is 100% accurate by the way. You can spread this around with confidence.

My rabbi says sexually pursuing little girls is alright in the eyes of yahweh

Already a thread:

Your Elders of Zion and the Top Shabbos Goys even ritually sacrifice children in a most horrible manner but right now the priority are the proxy-invaders and the propagandist opportunities they present to us, so spread around this video.

Are the jews idiots? Do they seriously think that faking this video and spreading it around will make us attack Muslims? If anything, we will attack who ever let them in Europe (aka the jews). Jews may actually be spatially retarded.

Ahh sorry, forget this one.

Nobody cares

You cared enougth to post, faggot, but you're not getting your (((you)))

… what you think.

Muslims have internet shill squads too now i see…you can tell that you're Muslim by how obvious and uncreative you are…

Sure seems that way.

Because (((media))) talked about 4 and Zig Forums on news. Now we have JIDF shills, Wahabi shills, antifag shills and Boomer MIGA shills.

Nope, its common sense. You shills are deliberately trying to make us hate Muslims. When we should target the jews, who let them in the first place.

I don't especially care about the chink girl, but this is in France correct? Which raises the question– why in the fuck is the West importing all these vermin and their ethnic conflicts into the European homeland? If this fucking Arabs are so incompetent that they can't run their own gubment, that was why COLONIALISM was developed. "you fuckers stay where you are, let Euros run your gvt and the major positions in your economy, and everyone will be better off."
why the hell De Gaulle didn't INSIST that if places like Algeria and French Indochina wanted independence, they cough have it but they could NEVER come to French homeland–they or their descendants– under ANY circumstances.
Think about the situation as it stands now– the West pays foreign aid to a tiny group of fucking foreign oligarchs in their own nations, where they hoard it for themselves, makes the fucking general populace of these shitholes even poorer, and then they end up in fucking barges (funded by Soros) and coming to Ruope to destroy and rape.
Just wondering, how long do you all think it will be before we lose a major artistic treasure of the West, like Michelangelo's "David" or one of the the West's most famous paintings. Eventually, the West IS going to lose a major treasure.
Fuck's sake, they're already tried to bomb Notre Dame 3 times, tried t bomb Sacred Familia, and that's only the ones WE KNOW ABOUT.

m8 you're a retarded fuckwad. Nobody here is saying that jews are innocent somehow, but muslims are total scum. Fuck back to your muslim shithole and stop trying to larp white people are going to join forces with these goatfuckers.

jews and muds parallel in many of their doctrine.

It's not an either or user. when I was first getting "red-pilled" around 11 or 12, my support was distinctly with the Muzzies, esp in Palestine. THEN, the sunnis all over the fucking west began to show their true colors. I don't even mean the terrorism shit, I mean the fucking mass rape of young Western girls from the UK to Finland to Sweden.
I STILL have great respect for Hezbollah, since they seem to only want to be left alone and they fight the Jew with extraordinary bravery in their own lands. But as far as the Sunni, I am shit out of sympathy for Pakis and the rest, who are openly raping our young girls.
Who, exactly, do these fucking scum think they are and do they know NOTHING or European history? Did they really think people would let all this go, and there would be no backlash? They may be underclass, but they are still OUR underclass. And none of this will go unpunished.

Wow. Why make a fake video ?

The fact that your labeling the entirety of the muslim population in europe already arouses my suspicion that there is a Mossad operation going on. You jews are deliberately stirring up hate against muslims so Islam and Judaism can unite to combat anti semitism. Netanyahu even mentioned uniting together against the muslims to combat "hate".

uniting together with the muslims to combat "hate"*

Sorry typo

And I'll tell you something else– no matter how hard ZOG tries to hard these rapes of our pre-teen girls, eventually thy all come out. And all it does is enrage people more and more until eventually some, like Tarrant, cannot hold in their rage anymore.

No, you are a muzzle who doesn't see either. Where you you from user? Pakistan? Well, wherever you are from, out the show on the other foot for a second. Imagine whites were in your nations, and thousands and thousands of White men were "grooming" and then raping underage Pakistan girls. We're not talking about a few or even a few hundred, talking about TENS OF THOUSANDS.
Tell me–in all honesty– what you think the action would be,

Islam is cancer.
Sand niggers are trash,
Muslims should be slaughtered.

Statistically, "tens of thousands" is a very small number. There are 44 million muslims in europe. Thats just 0.01% of them raping. Even if my numbers are not entirely correct, im still sure that the numbers should not be more than 1%

Oy, vey. Look how hard I'm projecting.

Yes, because normal white people hating shitskin scum on our lands is so impossible right. I've drunk vodka with muslims in their own country, I have no problem with these people who live in their home. But the migrant filth has to be killed to the last man, woman and child. They are invaders, pure and simple. Just as the jews are, so don't try to play your shitskin tactics on me. Facts are both jews and muslims are cancerous filth and must be terminated from our lands.
Only way i'll work together with a muslim is when I know for a fact that I will shoot him in the head later on.

So you are a maki correct? Let me give you headline, tell me what you think the reaction would be: TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN ARRESTED AND CHARGED IN SUADI ARABI WITH RAPE OF GIRLS RANGING FROM AGES 9-15.

Now, tell me what you think the reaction of your cp-religioniss would be? Since 1945, you fuckers have gotten way, way too used to Whites who are demoralized to the point of not even defending their own women and children. But you don't hold back the tide forever. You keep kicking and kicking and kicking a "deactivated" bomb, eventually it will explode right in your face.
And le me play the prophet by also telling you th0 as tyrant

I agree that Muslims should stay into their own countries. But there must be a way to deport them without the hate. We will need the Muslim population to like us so we can ally with their respective Arab nations to attack Israel in the next world war. The jew knows this, that is why they are trying very hard to divide us. If you haven't read the news, arab leaders literally made the "elder of zion" a mandatory in public schools.

Didn't people mention that once the muslim population reaches 5%, things start going to shit? Like India has 10% of them and still struggle to dampen the problems for almost 2 decades. How many jews do they have over there thwarting the country's well being

I still cannot get over this. I have a hard time believing you aren't a Jew, bc this is such "Chuzpah" only a Jew could really come up with it. and it's not only that. how many of us do you think watched the Danish and Norwegian girl being beheaded with a rusty knife and made an internal resolution right there?
And you know what makes it all the worst? THE WEST HAS NOT LOST A WAR TO YOU SCUM! In the past, bring the Ottoman (where you'd steal Eastern european males and brainwash them to fight for you as Jaeserries since your own fighters are fucking terrible).
Eventually, one army or another is going to be turned loose on you people, and ZOG is not going to have the power of the shekels to interfere. And your type os going to get fucking fucking DESTROYED by men who have been waiting for direct revenge for fucing years ad ywarkkkkk


We don't need them for SHIT.

Kikes get deported too. Let them fight it out.

You don't understand the history of Islam. And don't take it from a Jew like Robert Spencer, get it from a real source. America, in its history, has been involved in exactly ONE "good war," where the purpose was to defend ourselves and our brethren. That was the Barbary Pirate Wars.
As the early 19th century progressed and the US was trying to trade, these Muslims from "The Maghreb" (i.e., North Africa) were hijacking ships. So, Jefferson sent an ambassador to find out WHY. What was their explanation? That the was "jihad," ordained by allah and that it would not stop, as Americans were Christians and as such infidels, who were able to be robbed under Islamic war.
the Ambassador thanks the dune boom for his time, conveyed the message to Jefferson, and the Us began preparing for war under the motto "Millions foe defense, but not a penny for tribute" at a time when over 1-% of the US GDP was going to pay these fuckers.
I've read several books, but it's been a while so would be helpful if anyone had a suggestion. May of the Southern counties in Tennessee and other states are named after the heroes of that war, along with large number of streets.
If you are looking for a White pill, I HIGHLY recommend the books on Western actions taken during this war. Keep in in mind that during these wars, the muslims hip napped and enslaved THRE TIMES (!!!) as many negroes as were ever taken by Jewish slaves for sale in Brazil, the americas, and Suriname among other territories. If people don't believe me and want sources on this, happy to give them.
Begin with the book "Empires of the Sea:The Siege of Malta and the Battle of Lepanto and the contest of r the Center of the World" BY ROGER CROWLEY.


I don't get why anyone would need inbred retards as allies

surely there is a quality dunecoon with a good heart but they're 1 in 10 million. you're safe to say there is no loss in aimless extermination.

Attached: no.webm (640x360, 265.17K)

Bumping. Someone needs to report this to a media outlet so I can show everyone how peaceful these people are.

Mohammedanians are cool! There is literally no reason why their presence in the West should worry you.

Didn‘t you know that they hate the jew? The will help us to get rid of them. They are so selfless!
Those of you that don‘t want Arabs or other Muslims in your land are jews – I SWEAR!

You‘re so right, brother. Not all muslims!
Just individual cases, troubled minds -THAT ARE PAID BY THE JEW I SWEAR

See, it‘s nothing.

It is the Mossad that is implicates innocent brothers and put their images on newspaper.
And hey, that little sluts asked for it, don’t they?