C.G Jung's observations concerning America:

C.G Jung's observations concerning America:

Do you agree with Jung? Most Americans, especially the WASP population, seem to regard themselves as some sort of representatives of their European forefathers on the new continent. This is prevalent mostly among the types we cannot classify as the so-called fifty-sixters or 'mutts' in general, but who by their physical charasteristics closely resemble traditional caucasoids. But further observation and examination of this so-called "white bastion" proves quite otherwise for looks can be deceiving.

We could take Donald Trump as an example. Werner Sombart, one of the greatest sociologists of all time, noted about Americans once: "they mistake bigness for greatness". Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color, especially those who have retained their Tradition. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin Indian, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy, or the size of the Trump Tower (apart, of course, from already Americanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,” in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche. Donald Trump, is essentially a white negroid. His whole stature, mindset and even the way he speaks reeks of the Negro mindset; "Big is good. Go big or go home. Big is great." and this also shows the absurdity of how most WASPs in America think of their identity as "white", even though sociological, psychoanalytical and even traditional observers all disagree.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Would you kindly tell some lies about Antwon Rose? I want you to obediently make Zig Forums look bad again for my amusement, and I know aryans can always be relied upon to trash themselves. No dignity at all.

Makes sense to me.


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Shieeeeeet this nigga is WOKE #MAGA

I literally had to look that name up. That nigger is so irrelevant nobody knows who he is. The biggest injustice is that the officer is facing charges for removing a future convict from this world.

Carl Jung is the Joy Division of psychology, he's a fucking honeypot for failed normies who like to posture over their surface taste / knowledge

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Daily reminder that Carl Jung, the Goy, is a disciple of Freud , the Jew.


They both came to hate one another.

Don’t care. Kill yourself.

No, this is important. You want an authentic identity, you shape it after something else than size.

Let me guess, either a Christian or Fascist?

Why? Are you sad your gf's bull is dead? Better find some other creampies to eat faggot


Don’t care. Your spam thread doesn’t belong here.


sage is only anti-bump, user.

Jung isn't a spam topic, and neither is the American Question. And no, talking about the American Question does not remove our ability to talk about the jewish Question, the Muslim Question or the Leftist Question.

jung was seen as the aryan counterpart to freud.

what is the point you are trying to make? did you just post all that in an attempt to insult americans, and if so why?

Since when are their ANY nigger lovers here? Seems you all came after master trenton pissed on your cereal. Eyyy, 50 deaths. Thats FIVE-ZERO, more than what you niggers can do exploding themselves. Why do you love niggers so much that you go the length of talking about their creampies you absolute sorry faggot?

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What a nigger.
Africans simply emulate.

All men who have ideals they want to implement are facisct.

Only if they do so with group force. However, if that force is violence, be it in a group or not, it is terrorism.

The brutality that unquestionably is a characteristic of Americans can well be said to have a negro character too.
Generally speaking, the taste for brutality now seems to be ingrained in the American mindset. It is true that once the most brutal of all sports, boxing, originated in England, but it is in the United States that its most aberrant forms have developed, and it is there that it has become the object of a collective obsession, soon transmitted to other nations. The heralds of this sport with it's ape-like swings towards the opponent's cranium were none other than celebrated negros such as Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson. It can now be observed that they have also openly put the duelists inside cages like in Mixed Martial Arts perhaps to celebrate zoo-like amusement of watching these beasts smack each other senseless.

Concerning the taste for getting into fights and coming to blows in the most savage manner it is enough, though, to consider the greater part of American films and popular detective stories: vulgar fist-fighting is a constant theme, evidently because it corresponds to the tastes of American audiences and readers, for whom it seems to be the symbol of true masculinity, another abhorrent Negroid element that many Europeans find naturally distasteful.

America, having forgotten all it's European tradition, has even degenerated the concept of 'duel' to that of ridiculous European antiquated rubbish. The duel is a method of settling disputes, following strict rules, without resorting to the primitive brute force of the mere arm and fist like great apes do. There is no need to point out the striking contrast between this American trait and the ideal behavior of the English gentleman, despite the fact that the English made up a component of the original people of the United States. Modern Western man, to a large extent a regressive type, is in various respects comparable to a crustacean; he is as “hard” on the outside – as a man of action, as an unscrupulous entrepreneur, as an organizer, and so forth – as he is “soft” and formless in his internal substance. Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme. But here we find another of their affinities with the Negro. Inconsistent sentimentality, banal pathos, especially in love affairs, put Americans much closer to Negroes than to truly civilized Europeans. Of this, observers can easily find clear evidence in a number of typical American novels and again, songs, as well as in cinema and everyday life.

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yes yes, white americans are all niggers. but today all europeans are actually arabs and africans, we can tell because european children are raped with impunity.

Something about the American mindset hinders us. Still white genetically and its shows through the cracks at times, but somehow very different in traits and outlook. The proof is in the pudding really when you look at the modern concrete monstrosities that make up the cities, the pop culture, etc. Or take a look of nationalist movements in America vs ones in Europe such as NordFront or Golden Dawn. What do we have in the US? E-grifters and namefags that keep on divulging into drama, someone gets doxxed, and they turn out to be obese, a faggot, a mutt, or a jew. Maybe it's the decades of male brain damage caused by circumcision, maybe it's the Europeans being able to do more with less. My money is on the former.

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Man why do people keep denying the conditions for their existence is beyond me, sure self restraint is good but only if it leads to precise action sometimes that action is violent. People who can't act violently are the truly despicable ones

I donknow man, all races seem pretty bit with the bigger is better bug. Japs with there super-duper battleships AND submarine aircraft carriers, and now with the mega-mecha and Godzilla.
Hitler with the uber-panzers and railguns, and the "biggest manmade anything" he planned as his new speech stadium.
What was so wondrous about the 7 wonders of the world? Mostly they were big. PS-Great Wall of China not included, or Mexican dirt pile. Tajmahal in India, etc. IIRC culture of NW US Indians revolved around building up wealth, then inviting neighbors over to watch you destroy it all in a big blow-out party, while you gloat about how dumb you are and generally "get in their face". Sounds just like one of Jung's Niggers.

That said, perhaps the niggery of America can be put to good use to make the Holocaust happen for real this time. Pic related.

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Irish rapper has arrived

The way an American speaks.

they do but all of them express bigger in different ways the german way was austere and controlled, cold. The greeks tried to apropriate the ideals in it's most serene and most pure form. The germans always saw everything as a military march towards the future

PS-IMO 110% of what Jung observed in Americans (if legit) can be attributed to the fact that these were the the descendants, if not current, pioneers and settlers who struck out into the wilderness to be their "own boss" etc.
You could subtract the Nigger completely and do you think a bunch of Frontiersmen of German origin will be diff in outward behavior from a bunch of socially stratified German "townies" and shopkeepers, who's main education is learning exactly what level of respect/disdain to give to every townie?

Sheesh, I've only taken one "psych 101" (98% PC BS IMO) but I'm confident I've just BTFO the great Jung.

And yet, an Aussie pulls rank on niggotry last week. Tut tut

Trump Tower seems pretty " austere and controlled, cold".

whatcha slidin, Father?

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generally considered the only structure in the world that actually improves its natural setting, even according to the Japs.

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Another fact that speaks how disconnected America and Americans in general are from the Tradition is their celebration of Christmas/Yuletide.

Is there anything more loathsome than to turn on the radio to hear those disgusting, negroid jazz-esque generic "holiday" songs? Those type of Americanized songs where some ethnic women with a raspy voice sing some sort of satanic mockery of “Jingle Bells” or other renditions of traditional Christmas songs, but now with a bluesy R'n'B twist or some other current trend that dominates the current U.S. pop music charts. Not that the traditional cuck Christmas itself is something I long for, not at all. The Christians stole everything from the Pagans in terms of celebrating the most holy day; from Yule Tree to Santa Claus (or as Santa was/is known in the Nordic countries as The Yule Goat). The frosty cousin of patriarchal Father Christmas achieves the final diabolic perversion in the COCA-COLA® mascot of Santa Claus. No more reindeers, no more ancient fertility rites connected to the darkest night of the year: the reindeers have been rendered useless by the Coca Cola Christmas Truck Tour which spreads the GMO diabetes poison to small children who have been brainwashed through Talmud Vision to associate this blackish sugary liquid with the spirit of the holiday itself.

The so-called “heraldic” colors of Santa, red and white, are shared – interestingly by both Santa Claus and the Hindu Kalki. American children, on the other hand, associate theses colors to the familiar trademark of Coca-Cola bottles where the company's logo is usually a white font superimposed on a red label, while in reality the red and white costume of Santa symbolizes the scarlet, white-spotted psychedelic mushroom amanita muscaria or fly agaric, which was used by certain Siberian shamans, and which some mycologists considers to be the sacred soma plant mentioned in the Hindu Vedas. Fly agaric is a favorite food of reindeer (who Santa has close affinity aswell), which is why the drinking of reindeer urine as an intoxicant is (or was) practiced in Finland, and elsewhere in the Far North.

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Not anymore

That America is dead.

It's the Jews

Hitler noticed this as well

As did Evola:evolaasheis.wordpress.com/2016/04/14/negrified-america/

TIL I'm very un-American/nigger in my behavior.



Nicolas was a greek, you gibbering fucktard. Christians didn't "steal" the niggerfaggot superstitions of pagans, Catholics let pagans keep doing their superstitious nonsense because it was easier than trying to explain how stupid it was. The kikes simply follow the same pattern of appeasing idiots just like the Catholics instead of mocking idol worshiping niggers like intelligent humans. Now kill yourself for being dumber than a wetback.

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Go worship your kike on a stick somewhere else, niggerlover

Many white Americans are waking up from their jewish programming, after 100 years of full bore bombardment, to turn them into retarded trash. Now is hardly time to throw the baby out with the bathwater, Moishe.

Sure am glad we have all this technology and civilization now, which enabled a small group of yids to project immense influence over our minds from a young age until death. Without this we'd just be simple "dumb farmers" content with small tight communities, organic homegrown food grown in soil that isn't completely depleted, large families and plenty of rewarding hard work for every man with a woman unconcerned about her career back home keeping the home. Good thing we hsve all of this "accomplishment."

I take it you've never tried any martial arts?

yes its true that americans are fairly primitive in this way. but there are positive examples of community cohesion, for instance, in europe you don't really share food the way people do in america.

Hitler supported boxing for male students. He's trying to astroturf accepting effeminization onto white nationalists.


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says the faggot who wrote an entire lifetime's worth of long-winded psychoniggerdry


Jung is retarded on this one. He has completely missed what is happening in the US and put the cart in front of the horse.

This is the only negro influence I have that wore on me. Wasn't like that normally as a kid until adulthood where being quiet and listening was considered "weird". He makes valid points although I'm not sure its fully just the negro. For his time I don't think he factors in the Judeo-Anglo influence mixed with the negro into his analysis. Both of the above are not too different from the negro.

Money, that's how. If there's one thing Jews know how to, it's to make money money and more money.

He frankly sounds like some upper-class twit who's never spent more than an hour around some of the genuine backcountry hicks nor their counterparts in Europe and it seems like a fucking alien world to him.

Yeah, I'm sure the small rural Irish/English/German villages where frontiersmen came from are never gossipy, the fundamentalist streak in burgerland definitely comes from niggers and not the giant amount of hardline Ulster-Scots and English protestant denominations that emigrated there en masse and flourished. and God knows the coons gave us instruments like the guitar and fiddle.


Jung also seriously believed in ghosts, telepathy and plenty of other voodoo bullshit. If that's not nigger tier I don't know what is.

How about the messiah cult, that of Yeshua.

The "gods" of Ancients were the ideal to strive forward and the reverence towards beauty of form and natural strength, and nature. They represent(ed) their spirit.

How the fuck can America actually have a nationalist group called Identity 3Vurop4 or whatever. It's ridiculous.

A typical American response

It's because the US, Can and UK have White Nationalist faggots and not normal people representing out interests.

You're not even close to his intelligence level. No matter how hard you sperg out and wave your niggerish arms.

No. Americans are what happens when you take a bunch of Anglos and drop them into a wilderness and Australia proves it.

Doesn't modern psychology reject both his and freud's theories/approach?

Black Superiority has become essential element for the new secular religion prevalent all over America.

American cultural psyche has also formed even it's own negrified Theology. In this trinity: Morgan Freeman is God, Nelson Mandela is the Son and Martin Luther King is the Holy Spirit.

The Adam of this new race is of course Will Smith who is portrayed in multiple movies as the All-American hero and even "Last man on Earth". He is Adam (First Man) of America and adored by all.

This is also apparent by BBC worship.


[Blasphemy intensifies]

Paid jewish shill thread.

It's too easy.

Reminder that these shills are allowed to post here now.

“The consequences of industrial society, have been devastating for the human being…”

Freuds psychoanalysis is not as common as it was 20 - 30 years ago, because it has been taken over by KBT. But it is still prevalent in some places.

And why do Americans even get upset by this type of thing? I guarantee that nobody displays the ridiculous over the top rage Americans display when their nation or ethnic group is criticized. American patriotism is not any sort of genuine Nationalistic feeling. It's a sick bastardization of Nationalism based on low-IQ nigger barbarism and fragility of the globalized American ego. They genuinely feel sad if they don't have their fat fingers around every country on earth.

Hmmm, IIRC every "Travel Guide" I've read about Mexico, China, South Korea, and bunch of others explains to Americans that you must never even hint that something in those shit-holes is less than wonderful in a way that connects the failing to that nation/race, and they have no sense of humor about such things as we have in USA.

Small group of Yids were doing pretty good without even the printing press doing that for reals during the Dark Ages, and would still have that grip on Goyim today if not for tech.

you need some sort of glue to keep nwo's army together without them realizing they are fighting for the demise of their own people and the west, and that's mutt/civic nationalism

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Nigger, that ain't true.

Big if true.

Talk softly and carry a big stick.


Before multiplayer videogames I may have agreed with Mister Jung; such conversational traits I have never witnessed in Western Europe. However, having borne witness to the Eastern European; I can say with confidence that the American is not the only white man that gibbers incoherently and endlessly. Nor is it the only white man that cares more for symbols of social status more than reputation; for yet again we see the Slav adorned in adidas. And loose of limb? Did Mister Jung never bear witness to the gay and drunken Welshman with his odd bumbling gracefulness?

Sounds like the dude just hated Americans. It's an interesting read, but these are hardly uniquely American traits and were certainly recorded in other white civilisations in many a history book.

we already know you are paid by kikes to post here

science is only just starting to be able to prove some of the precepts in jungs writing. on a sub atomic level matter behaves very differently. I guess this is the difference between an anglo american worldview which is very meat and potatoes versus the germanic which still has a stubborn remnant of the old instinctual ways of explaining reality. iceland had (has) a ministry of elves ffs.

It actually doesn't. Larger quantities and collections just get measured more often.

Too easy.

the slav did not come from europe originally, for a slav to be loud mouthed, brawling and getting drunk is not seen as out of the ordinary, infact we allow it because it isn't his fault. The American chooses to be this way i think this is what OP is getting at.

I thought that you implied that you were being post here by kikes like you usually do

If you're not even going to bother hiding, go back to reddit.

a spiritual negro calling me a shill? I've was quite convinced that this is white nationalist board, not pan-africanism subreddit.

Not for me, I actually used to believe all that shit until I actually had a near death experience and there was nothing but null and void. On top of that, if any of it was real we'd have concrete proof by now considering everybody has a good camera and 24/7 internet access via their phones now.

Henry Ford can rail against the niggerifcation of music and the nefarious influence of tin pan alley on it as well but he neglects one thing; you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Americans have drunk from this polluted slough of niggerjew culture and drank it deeply with much gusto. The same could be said of the drug crisis; nobody is kidnapping Americans off the street and taking them back to safe houses for a month of forced heroin and cocaine injections (well Al Capone did that to good looking women he wanted to enslave to a life of prostitution) . Americans love taking drugs. They love their nigger music, even (especially) the most toxic rap music. Just like they love their niggers victory dance in the end zone of a football field.

well the current united states military and the natsocs of yesteryear were heavily into all sorts of paranormal R&D; the difference is the natsocs had a semi hidden esoteric worldview that wasn't openly discussed. Of course there are also such thinkers guiding the anglo system, but their training and worldview is kaballistic as opposed to germanic.


I really believe that there's something else at work here; Spengler actually didn't place much weight upon race. He felt it was the soil. The soil transforms us. I've notice this with Chinks for example; back in the 50's or with chinks from the back woods that ate the old chink diet, they look different. More chinky. The chinks in America and Canada are transforming physically even without cross breeding because they're eating American food from American soil. The shape of their jaws are changing, their foreheads, their stature. Same with the Japs.

And if you carry this thesis to its extreme I think you'd find that if you transplanted the most meek peaceful blond Swede to the Mexico valley and had several generations living there in pure racial enclave, the minerals from the soil they ate there would inevitably turn them into savage cannibalistic warriors of the utmost cruelty. And their children and grand children and great great grandchildren would inexorably turn into something very much like the Aztecs, Toltecs or Tolmecs…without racial intermixing.

Well it's a known fact that your gut bacteria change depending on where you live and what diet you're consuming. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire physiognomy changes too after a few generations (i.e. will spics become tall?)