Situation in Venezuela Update: "They are trying to Kill Me" claims Maduro

‘Foreign mercenaries’: Maduro accuses ‘the devil’s puppet’ Guaido of plotting his assassination
Published time: 24 Mar, 2019 05:12

The president of Venezuela has accused Juan Guaido of plotting to kill him, after the opposition leader’s aide was arrested as an alleged terrorist and charged with recruiting foreign mercenaries to carry out attacks and sabotage.

“American imperialists want to kill me. We just exposed the plan that the devil's puppet [Juan Guaido] personally directed to kill me,” President Nicolas Maduro told his supporters on Saturday, claiming his government has “evidence” on the opposition’s alleged criminal activities.

Roberto Marrero, chief of staff to the US-backed opposition leader Guaido, conspired with his boss to finance terrorist acts in Venezuela, Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez told the nation on Saturday, accusing the arrested members of the opposition of trafficking hitmen from Central America.

“Assassins and paramilitaries have been recruited using large amounts of money so that they can be sent to Colombia to receive training,” he said. “Marrero was involved in contracting people from Guatemala and Colombia to comply with the recruitment and training plan for assassins.”

Information gathered from Marrero’s cell phone indicates that the opposition was planning to put together eight to 10 hit teams, each comprising at least eight mercenaries, to carry out assassinations, sabotage and acts of terrorism against government institutions in Venezuela.

Sobre denuncia anterior informamos que fue capturado jefe paramilitar de los más buscados de Colombia:Wilfrido Torres Gómez, alias Neco. Es uno de los jefes de sicarios ingresados x la ultraderecha desde Colombia. Solicitado con código azul x Interpol x homicidio y sicariato
— Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv) March 23, 2019

At least 60 people had received special paramilitary training in Colombia and half of them have allegedly already infiltrated Venezuela, following the failed attempt to bring in the so-called humanitarian convoys from the US on February 23.

“At least 30 paramilitaries hired from El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala –trained in Colombia– entered Venezuela. We are looking for them. We have already identified some,” he said on state television, showing screenshots from Marrero’s phone as proof and accusing the US of running the operation.

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Leftypol disapproves of this situation. Communism is the perfect system of goyim control. Viva Maduro!


The only reason the ZOG hates the Venezuelan government is because they tell the people the truth: the line separating "Colombia" and Venezuela is an imaginary line, separating a single Spanish-speaking Nation. Just like the line separating that thing called "America" and that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.
Just like the line separating that thing called "Austria" and German is an imaginary line, separating the single German Nation.

He's like the only fat man in that starving commie shithole.
Think about it…

I'm very confused by the whole situation. On the one hand, he's a commie, so we should hate him, right? On the other hand, Russia was okay working with him (Russia are good people) and Trump has opposed him…

Trump opposing him could be genuine or 3D chess, but would it be chess to appease anti-dictators or to appease anti-communists?

If it's genuine, then I'm not sure if that's good or bad for Maduro because I'm still not sure of where Trump stands. His support for Israel/Jews might be genuine or be elaborate chess leading to some penultimate fruition of war vs Israel not to be seen until he wins 2nd term.

Since leftypol doesnt like what Trump is doing and the mod of leftypol is a fucking asshole dictator stalker piece of shit… I hate commie Maduro.

America wants control over the oilfields. They crashed the Venezuelan oil price resulting in protests and then set up a "democratic" politician for the people to vote who is just an american puppet and will give them venezuelas oil for free.
Russia doesnt want to have america & israel controlling such vast amounts of oil.
America/Isreal couldnt give less of a shit if he was a commie. The only problem they have with him is that he was selling his countries oil at a high price.

They always seem to have a Cold War mentality going on when it comes Venezuelan commies and commies in general. Why is that? And they're not even full on commies, apparently they are just "social democrats" who are still capitalistic in certain aspects. Also, I wish communism in the West wasn't cucked to all hell by anti-White, homosexual, globalist, and feminist ideas as well as identity politics. Then maybe I would have supported it more likely other than giving it up altogether. Plus, Venezuelan spics are tired of him. No need for ZOG to intervene, though.

t. former reader

Attached: 800px-President_Maduro's_approval_rating.png (800x552, 172.96K)

Speaking English != being the same people

Yes, because that was what the Iraq War was all about, right? Totally not just Israel telling American ZOGbots what to do. It was because all of the US soldiers being "majority White male" wanting to kill off le poor and oppressed shitskins. Surely, that's a great argument of why you would want to kill Whites. Just look at the many horrible and raycissst things they gave to the world:

- European languages
- advanced technology
- light bulbs
- the internet
- telecommunication
- electricity
- smartphones
- modern architecture
- modern transportation
- advanced education
- science
- biology

Oh it's so horrible and oppressive, isn't it goyim?

Yeah, I'm not sure what that guy you just replied to was talking about. Sounded a bit like globalism to me. Even if it means White countries being separated from other White countries, it's not a bad thing at all. Do you really think Germans would love the idea for their rightful homeland to be merged with the homeland of Poles? With said Poles being now considered "Germans"?

The Québécois are obviously a different European Nation. In fact, they would have already created their own separate Nation-State by now, if it wasn't for the ZOG of the North aka "Canada" making sure the votes were rigged against the Parti Québécois.
And notice this ZOG-faggot specifically leaves out the English-speaking European Nation part. That's because this ZOG-faggot doesn't believe in the concept of Nations at all. That thing called "America" is founded on anti-nationalism, splitting the single English-speaking European Nation in the process. "America" is anti-nationalism at its core, and "America" definitely isn't a Nation at all, but walking corpse that died in 1865, and has been living ever since on the brains of the children of the White Nation.

authentic im sure, if the spics actually eat this pile of horseshit he's feeding them, they deserve to rot in their shithole country


The Spanish-speaking spicks are a single Nation, from the tips of Chile all the way up to the Arizona, Texas, Florida, etc.
When the White Nation Liberation begins against that thing called "America," the White Nation Liberation Army will gladly make territorial concessions to niggers, spicks and the Québécois, if they're willing to help us fight the ZOG. We're gonna 'Balkanize North America.

It's like he learned nothing from Saddam and Gaddafi

That's because all they think is brown skin good, white skin bad. I need that pic that shows that the British people are not considered native to Britain (in fact, there's no such thing as being native!) despite being there since before antiquity while the Maori are considered native to New Zealand despite colonizing it in like what, 12th or 13th century AD?

ZOG loves Maduro

Yeah no shit bro.

It's the zionist neocons again.

On the third hand, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE?

And if I WERE to care, why the fuck don't we kill all those muds and take that land for ourselves?
This is fucking stupid.

Is he the next Ghaddafi?

Attached: 1546322195546.jpg (784x784, 260.75K)

If you don't want to stick out so much, put the board names between forward slashes, like this:
Zig Forums
Zig Forums

Israel and US intelligence is going to turn Venezuela into Libya. Maduro's life is dependent on whoever becomes president in 2020. If it stays Trump he lives because Trump won't want to throw America into a war. Biden, Kamala, and Clinton is certain death.

Other way around, mate.

They all have the same view on foreign policy, despite their stated differences.

It has nothing to do with Communism, Socialism, or Capitalism. It has to do with Russian activity in South America and oil.

Trump won't throw the US into a war while in office. It would tarnish his name. He has loyalties to Israel but he made it clear that he doesn't want war.

If Hillary won the election we would have instigated conflict with NK and placed US troops in Venezuela already.

We have continuing wars that he was elected to end, and all he has done in that direction is lip service. He has also been trying to bait Iran into attacking since day one. To their credit, they have abstained from retaliating. Whether he tightens the blockade this summer and forces them to action remains to be seen.
It's easy to speculate what would have happened if Hillary had won in 2016, but she is out of politics and no longer relevant. The national DNC will run another loser this time, probably Biden, and ensure another Trump term.

(sarcasm detected)

Wiki Chavez then search "s-e-m-i-t-i". He and his successors were well awake to the problem of the Jew.

Maduro comes up for election soon enough. As long as the opposition doesn't (haha) get their hands too dirty with the CIA (ahahaha) they should be able to have someone run against him. Hopefully they'll ignore the USA and not boycott the elections and tell UN observers to ignore the elections this time.

Maybe Russia will finally get a solid base in South America, expand into Cuba, and force-m8 the era of taxpayer funded War-for-Oligarchs to end. Or at least slow.

A chad surrounded with Amazonian female bodyguards and keeping his country, full of different clans, stable and prosperous. Comparing with a fat cake eating kike-pig with the mindset of a spoiled college brat on (((sociology))) degree. That's cute.

Just like that wall down in Israel separating one semitic people.

Chavez is a commie kike and Maduro is a kike.
But kike, Russia is run by oligarchs.
