To you "Law Enforcement" types who are allowed to read this

What are you going to do when your overlords that have been forcing you to arrest white girls and turn them over to slavers, and cover up the crimes done by Tyrese, Ahab, and Mohammed are all arrested and shot?

What are you going to do? Are you going to stand up for what is right, for, literally, the first and only time in your entire "greedy to climb the career ladder at XXX agency" lives?

Are you going to assist people in turning the (I can't use human words to express how laughable the term "justice" is when applied to this) Justice Industry in the USA into something that actually executes traitors, murderers, pedorapists, child porn producers, slavers, etc, and provides appropriate punishment AND restitution for crimes?

What are you going to do? Keep being Hillary's Little Bitch, or are you going to MAN UP and do what is RIGHT?

I know some of you reading this have a heavy conscience from all the innocent children you have failed to protect, all the good men you have incarcerated, and all the destruction you climbing your precious career ladder have caused.

Are you going to make it right? Are you going to come clean? Will you confess your crimes? Will you confess, at least, the crimes of OTHERS?

Yes, you will. Jesus is raised from the dead. Some day you WILL face him. Ask him to be your Lord now, to fill you with the Holy Spirit, and guide you into a body of believers. Only when you de-Satan your own soul can you de-Satan the place where you work.

Quit. The. Evil.

And do the right thing. For some of you, this is your last chance. God's judgment is coming, and like the heathen tribes who all turned on each other and annihilated themselves when facing God's people in the Old Testament, don't be part of that heathen tribe that is going to be eating itself even as the Democrat Party is doing.

Get out and get clean, in the name of Jesus Christ!

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's still 2016 wherever OP is posting from.

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Exactly my point. Loyalty to a failed traitor. Why are they still doing it? Why are they still continuing as if she has any power?

We're going to tell everyone we we were just following orders. You'll all believe it because we're pretty upstanding people. Then we'll kill your leaders and take over, thereby creating a police autocracy instead of whatever dumb shit plan you had.

This is why traitors are first.

OP sounds like a homosexual.

"Justice Industry in the USA into something that actually executes traitors, murderers, pedorapists, child porn producers, slavers, etc, and provides appropriate punishment AND restitution for crimes?

What are you going to do? Keep being Hillary's Little Bitch, or are you going to MAN UP and do what is RIGHT?"


You are obviously new to shilling.

Police have more rights under tankies than fascists and for actually good reasons such as fighting liberalist imperialism rather than a discipline fetish. I don't see why I shouldn't support reds to become a better policeman.


Ironic, considering you are contemplating literal treason.

Why the hell would you, or anyone, ply for slaves to "do the right thing"? All (((law))) enforcers must be killed along with jews and liberals. They have no place on our world.

Hillary is more POTUS today than Trump.

Most officers only care about their pension, this is why they're given just barely enough to live off of during their stay as police officers and then are given a pension that could be taken away anytime they misbehave or say something that otherwise should have been kept underwraps. They're not gonna risk their lives for you, me, or when some monkey can't keep his hands out of his pockets at no matter what cost, they really want that pension. They also realize that you don't bite the hand that feeds you and that there's nothing you could do to save all those kids that are being sacrificed to feed those psychopathic politicians lust of wanting to dominate a weaker being. They're just happy that their family is safe and taken care of and their masters make sure to personally know and keep their soldiers loyal to them.

Not sure what you are getting at, here, bot?

Not wanting to freeze to death means you're gay, how?

Opfor. People that are actively targets by foreign powers within the US because they won't join the club of miscegenation or corruption.

You'll never see them wearing the color red. Because wearing red as a red means you're queer.

The blackpill which I never wanted to swallow. Some Brits told us about how most police officers are redpilled but gave up on maintaining order. As soon as they arrested some dipshit, you find him a week later in the streets pulling the same kind of crap. Judges have demoralised the guardians of order. Also you got filthy hags who hit the wall as superiors threatening officers to be lenient with minorities because that would deconstruct their "beautiful" diverse society.

Imagine being so stupid that you have to blame all of your failures on the jews. It's not the Jews fault that he's more successful than you. He works hard while you sit on a website all day bitching about Jews. Boo-hoo. I am especially embarrassed for you if you are white, because you have a decent IQ, and can likely speak the language in a first world nation with plenty of opportunity. You may not have what it takes to be Trump rich, but it's very easy to earn a decent living in the Western world.

when it breaks down, we go for the race traitors first. bubba can deal with tyrone. but only men like us keep track of the race traitors. theyve made their choices, and their actions against their race was their trial.

we eagerly await the day

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What's treasonous about upholding what America's foundation was built upon?

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Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3.

In what way?

another garbage thread

post something interesting or don't post at all

Most cops are retarded faggots that became one specifically because they're a coward & a bully, so they'd relish a commie government. The others are just insanely delusional but might flip. On the whole, not friendlies, but we'll see.
On the military side, most of em seem to be Q larpers actually - they're all assuming that their chain of command will do the right thing when the time comes. So a mixed bag, probably /ourguys/, although their conditioning to follow orders means I'd not go holding my breath waiting for them to save the day.
The glows? Who knows, bunch of kiddy fiddlers & psychopaths themselves. As for cops, they'd benefit far more from an unaccountable commie state than a NatSoc/Fascist/whatever state that actually punishes government employees more harshly and likes personal accountability.

Unfortunately for you after Nuremberg the precedent has been set that that's not an excuse. Orders or not, that won't save anyone who collaborated.

I’ll do what I like in my free time. Don’t tell other how to spend their time, you’re not as wise as you may think you are.
You can’t argue with Zig Forums as a whole we have a variety of opinions. Many of us are ecofascists, some libertarians. Don’t strawman us to make yourself feel superior, you come off as arrogant.
People don’t blame their shortcoming on successful people here and I doubt many other places either. Again, strawmanning us to feel like you are winning an argument with a whole board. Jews aren’t the reason I didn’t clean my kitchen last week, that’s retarded of you to say.
I personally am studying to go into STEM. Others have their own lives. Again this is a board of a whole group of people with a variety of opinions. You are fighting against a stereotype which is what the “racists” you hate often do. This board is for talking about politics, if you don’t understand the background to what we say I suggest you go to our higher quality threads which requires lurking.
You sound like you are completely full of yourself. You must really think you are better than everyone else here huh? You know nothing about us personally, so why do you assume so much about us? Is it the stereotype you were given by the media and Hollywood movies? We are people just like you, some believe it or not more successful than you. You sound like such an self absorbed asshole who thinks they know everything about people. You don’t. And you don’t understand nazism.

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There is nothing wrong with being Jewish.

The precedent that Nuremberg set is the winner makes the rules.

oh sure, that will work..

By all accounts Trotsky was much smarter than Stalin. The smartest aren't the people who win when revolutions come.

US LEO are the finest on Earth, beyond reproach


I have a wiener you can blow instead of blowing hot aired low grade bullshit our way.

KYS faggot

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." ― George Washington

One does not start what has already been started. Silent enim leges inter arma.

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Power is never in the place we look at.

This is just a role playing fourm.

It's what Britain's law enforcement did. What makes you think the US will be any different? The state has purposefully "diversified" all law enforcement leadership positions, filling them with hedonist perverts and degenerates that spend more time shilling faggot rights and attending LGBTP parades. Crimes committed by the camelfuckers will just continue to be covered up, because to acknowledge them and take action would make too many people uncomfortable.

Keep telling yourself that kike.

Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit

That is correct. And you can see what time it is from a mile away. The education system, the media, and the governance did their best to keep it at bay, but it's coming. The fire will rise.


The Great Replacement is very real.

there's literally only one thing stopping us from killing the jews, traitors, muslims, nigger gangbangers, and other psychopaths: trained white men. Cops, alphabet, military, security, mercs. These should be our primary focus. We'll never "redpill" the normies into getting off their asses; they aren't built for it. We'll never get to personally go punisher on the jews ourselves, their white guard dogs will kill us. But if we can get the guard dogs to quit or flee, then we have a shot.

I have no fear of brown guard dogs.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

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By that metric I'd say alot of CIA are traitors.
Thanks for the legal justification.

Then why the fuck do i have to listen to politicians spew drivel about reparations

Apparently not considering he never saw Stalin's betrayal coming. Or that ice-axe.

I feel like this is mostly American rhetoric. Law enforcement (and military) in large parts of Europe are still guided by a desire to do something for their volk, their country, their future. More than the majority of law enforcement and the military can be expected to be rightwing.
If you have no love for your people, you will not sacrifice your time, your labour and even your very life to defend them.
Sage for shitthread

Kill all jews, muzzies and shitskins.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony
< Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

If you saw some bad shit during your time as a fed or as a civilian, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to report it to a judge or a military officer.

Sorry to break it to you but we dont arrest white girls and turn them over for slavery. The only real issue we have is not being able to shoot drug dealers. Those people are one of the main things fucking up society.

what about the govenment and politicians?

Provided you gentlemen aren't interested in white genocide and are interested in Duterte style drug dealer extermination I for one welcome our new police autocracy.

What about those muslims from the UK that raped 1400 girls? The cops didn't give a shit about them. And when some white guy talks about it in public, they arrest him instead. Yeah, clearly the cops are complicit, even if they're not directly selling girls into slavery.

Because it's not always obvious (((who))) the true victor is.

He knew he was targeted for assassination. That's precisely why he was in mexico in the first place.


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Thank you for posting this, it was helpful that you tried to subvert the thread and turn it into a D&C operation. Take all of my shekels for your hard work.

Fuck off jew.

Cant really speak on that but it just seems so far fetched. I can only vouch for USA.

How many times must we go over this.

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Cringing is for ratfucks and kikes. The only manly emotions of disapproval are disgust or hate.

This OP does one useful thing. It demonstrates how fucking retarded christ cucks are.

Praying to a false Satanic idol isn't going to make anything better.

exactly, and remember those are always UNDERFUNDED police pensions so the cops can't ever split the loot and run, because there is no loot, yet.

About the only way those pensions are getting paid is if something close to Marital Law happens.

I've taken the first week of real Police Academy (called PC832 in CA) that is min for park rangers, etc.

Its all about how if you get someone to "give consent" for a search then you don't need to worry about probable cause, or the Constitution. Your first year as a cop will be getting trained to avoid real criminals and hassle normies and intimidate them into "giving consent" for search for minor shit like weed.


Hard to be a traitor when your government is made up of foreign loyalists who have betrayed you countless times.
Some real fuckin 4D chess right there my nigger.

Here's a mind-bender for you, Sgt dipshit.
Those drug dealers are not actively supporting a regime which defends child murderers from prosecution. They don't see grand illusions cast upon the public, such as Sandy f'ing Hoax, realize it's the government who are the biggest criminal GANG in the world, and turn a blind eye when paying half their labor to support said criminality.
You want law and order? Top down mother fucker! Anything else is tyrrany and it's your fucking GOD given duty to face any fucking peril, be it life or shekel, to stop it!
Dereliction of fucking duty, asshole! Guilty!

If you're a libertarian I want you fucking gone forever, and if you try to shill your faggot ideology, I will do everything in my NEET power to delegitimize you.

Pigs are masons and will get roasted like a hog roast under ground
Traitors get the rope first fag

It wasn't always like this.

fuck your sage

Man, I wish I was so animalistic, I not only couldnt tell that jews rule the entire planet, but also never even read any of the hundreds of books about jewish world government, written by jews, because I was too focused on my hamster wheel, and how shiney it is.

They are reddit refugees, I hate that fucking word now
Drop that shit from your vocabulary.

Kill yourself jew.

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jews aren't the united states.

Enemy ≠ "currently at war." Enemy means any nonwhite.

Missed the first post moishe.

It was when you welcomed ZOG you faggot traitor
Also fuck ( ( (masons) ) ) especially

Reminder that this is low IQ shilling, that can't even properly use (((echoes))) because your jewish ego gets in the way.

I don’t like white and blue. It’s gross

Well said OP. This and the journo one is good thread.

Oh hey,as a white person its almost as if maybe, just maybe bigotry folks cause friendos to lose all faith in humanity. Im literally shaking rn, lets unpack this. Just shut up and listen. Oh boy, its called being a decent human being, not problematic. This! So much This! I mean WOW….just wow! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, I literally cant even, Who hurt you? You do realize that y'all toxic to POCs and arent wholesome. Who hurt you? Let that sink in.

👏👏👏👏👏👏 YAAAAS QUEEN SLAY 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Only fucking thing I couldnt do was that fucking checkmark If I could it would of been perfect.

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>>>Zig Forums

Checking those truthful trips!

No, and you homos need to get out. I am tired of your bullshit.

Faggot, the cemetery is up the hill. Get where you belong.

You're acting like the government are the bad guys user. They're just people like you and me and a good portion of them also can't stand the bullshit that's going on. Remove special interests and things will start to fall into place. We're all gonna make it. You'll see

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More like, when the piggy doesn't get his pension because Shlomo invested all the dues in a Chinese dildo factory.

Bump because the cunts need to read this

I don't think this zogbot is larping. You must understand that most if not all people handed over power are either hand-picked sociopaths that are either violent or powerthirsty, brainwashed mindless drones or spineless pussies "following orders". Even if a small portion of pigs and feds had any semblance of conscience that isn't virtual signaling with politically correct catchphrases we would not have reached at this point. They ALL are our enemies, they are those who stand before you and the hordes of weak pussies ruining your lives, driving your people to extinction and raping your children and they kept doing it long after they first handedly seen the truth in the front lines and they don't have the luxury of the gated community White liberal to claim ignorance.

it means you're still following a false religion, christianity is the content to judaism form. Christianity was and is a religion for the jew, you just refused it because you wanted israel conquered through force and conquest.

Go for it, faggot. I'd in all honesty prefer a police autocracy over the current regime, but for that, you good little piggies would have to turn on the gov officials and board members that own your ass. And between some kikes and sheltered richfags on one hand and the armed police force on the other, we all know who the master is and who the slave, and the former isn't you.

They deliberately fail candidates who pass to high in the entry exams because they don't want people who can think. Let that sink in

t. former wannabe police that fucked it off