Why are normies so terrified that there are objective reasons to have children?

They literally call you crazy as this guy here, when you tell them that there are rational reasons to have kids.

Why are some women so afraid of their sacred potential to have children?

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Because of jewish propaganda disseminated by the media corporations nonstop and through the indoctrination/education system.

Because modern society and cultural Marxism brainwashed them so they think being mother is for poor and stupid women who don't know to stand up for themselves.

It means their entire existence is a lie.

get rid of the jews first faggot

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literally falling for the propaganda

Good, I'm glad these leftists aren't reproducing. For every one that is able to somehow buck the trend, there's 10 kids that grow into fucked up adults.

The problem is that women turn into bitter, feminist, leftist cunts, when they grow childless into old age.

They might be saved otherwise, when they are young.

Go back to reddit faggot. Stop posting your comments here

Sluts and bugmen can't even handle the concept of personal responsibility, let alone the concept of being responsible for the survival of another human being.

To supply meaning to nihilists is to be a party poopers. Nihilism is taken on to be antisocial, offering opposite calls into attention cognitive dissonance.

Nah, I don't want kids user. I just want to be eternally comfy in my little apartment, never having to care/worry about anything ever again. If I could I'd sell my apt and move somewhere far away from people so that I can be totally alone. I really hate people and their stupid drama and never ending antics.

What are you talking about?

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Feminist propaganda. The only good thing, even despite my antipathy to Christcuckery is that while leftist atheists barely have any kids, fundamentalist Christians in the United States put out like 5 or 6 kids on average

Just be a cultural Christian, user.

Self-genocide is good for these people who are ideologues of a destructive belief system. It means they wont have much standing with children after their generation dies off as the youth can always see stupid for what it is even if they have to stay quiet about it to get through the education system. Fuck them.

Downside is these same childless bitter old hags are the same ones importing foreigners and molesting kids. If anyone should have the right to exterminate their bloodline its us, not them.

That’s essentially what I am now. I’d rather live in a Christian theocracy than a multiculti hellhole, anways. I do plan on taking a page out of the evangelical playbook and want to have 5 or 6 kids in a rural area, raise them to be redpilled

In my experience? A constant requirement to move around in early adulthood.

My peer group in university usually moved 4 or 5 times though the 4 (nurse/geologist/engineer) to 10 (lawyer+MBA and pathologist) they were in school. We're trained that we need to be absolutely mobile to even have a chance. Kids made many of our peers not escape our dying hometowns so now they sit chronically underemployed.

With women its even worse as they have the beauty card which can help them out immensely, but that gets burned when they have a kid. I've dated an otherwise wife material widow who's stretch marks and past grade 4 tear will make it very difficult to land a high quality guy. This is what worries women who want kids like she did, her late husband had some undetected heart defect and died 2 years after he started working as a pharmacist.

A globalized world does not inherently give the stability we need to breed in a post birth control world

This one Jew doctor claims to be a Christian and goes to church, lives in a rural white community where everyone else at the Church has 1 or 2 kids because that is all they can afford, meanwhile, somehow "because he's a doctor" (though he is probably rich from some other jewry), he is able to have 8 kids.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the true status quo of your "fundamentalist Christians", more like the white folk among them having 1 or 2 kids, while the niggers and spics and Jews they are forced to accept have 4-8.

Nah bruh, it's a trap and an illusion which only Jews are allowed to exploit today, from what I've seen,

Who cares if redditniggers don't have children, they would just come out retarded like their parents. Eugenics exist for a reason.

Yeah. Because they're crazy.

Because they're stupid and have been subjected to a lot of propaganda.

normies are selfish and want to live vapid lives that revolve around themselves. having a kid makes them put someone elses priorities first.
also, having a kid ensures that someone is there to help you whne youre old, which directly conflicts with what they told themselves.

now, add in the fact that most of them dont have kids right now out of choice, so reminding them that it was a mistake is going to hurt them deeply. its like pulling the bottom brick out of their cognitive dissonance. they will violently defend that bottom brick

Mostly propaganda. The insanity comes from an inability to think past the moment, so long-term ideas are unheard of for them. Reminds me of when some leftist woman kept calling my wife a waste of space and a leech because she's a stay-at-home mother. It bothered my wife enough that she asked me if I felt she was a leech. She cooks, she cleans, and she's raising my children properly. If that's a leech, then it's one I approve of.

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He's not wrong. What we need is to overthrow this monstrosity of a government.

It's not so much thinking in the moment. Otherwise niggers would never have kids. It's the inability of liberals to willingly do anything that's even the slightest bit difficult. They are soft people through and through. They know they are weak that's why free shit and erasing competition appeals to them so much. A meritocracy means they'll lose.

They fetishize actual hardship because it's foreign to them. Very few people willing give up their life of leisure. Everyone needs to be forced into work.

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I am a newfag, and even still I've seen your IamColonial here 2-3x in the past week. So I say whoever is posting his comments here, is in fact IamColonial.
Furthermore, I think everyone here knows reddit is completely cucked. No need to circlejerk over it

You don’t get to have your own thread.

you're not welcome here >>>/cuckchan/ >>>/reddit/

We are at war. The entire western civilization is Palestine. This is war propaganda. Do not listen to it. Fight jews.

What about the survival of your people? If only for the sake of keeping the people who represent a given culture. But I suppose the normies think that any race can pretend being part of any culture. They're such hypocrites because they generally love their Asian cultures but would go WTF if there were people other than Asians representing Asian cultures.

What horseshit is this?

Jews. The answer to why society is fucked up in some way is always jews.

Ayo user, hol up n sheeit, but dem wyte bitches be fine as fuck bro. Let dem have they fun wit Jamal and me, sheeit. Y'all niggas trippin

Please tell me why I should stay with my girlfriend/wife if its not to commit to a family?
Thats the one reason you get a wife.

But user, don't you see! Your wife is oppressing you, when she has your kids, because you would have the moral integrity to stay with her, even in difficult times for the sake of your kids!

I would glady kill a Normie with my bare hands.

Nice they wouldn’t even see it coming either



Two generations of anti-child propaganda.
Two generations of anti-housemother propaganda.
Two generations of jew media portraying (White) children as life-destroying parasites.
A generation of young women who unironically believe their unborn child is a parasite (unless it gets harmed by a man other than an abortionist employed by her, while in the womb, or the father is rich, then it's a baby.)

most people are sheep, if you want to have all white sheep not have kids our population will be reduced by 90% and become entirely irrelevant, they need to be shown the right way

I moved on average every year and a half until I was 40. It can be pretty ridiculous what a fucking white male has to go through just to try to get ahead.


< if I post frogs and talk about jews they'll buy it

Go on, I've heard James Laffrey describe something similar in his small Tennessee town.
Also, I can't recall the video title, but there was a YT video of some West Virginia pastor who looked like a Soviet jew (beady eyes, "mongolized" snub nose, balding, fat, etc.) bashing "you dumb gentiles" (verbatim) for hating jews.
I've also seen a Catholic priest in Poland in a video where Pope Francis fell or something who looked pretty damn jewish (curly black hair, mongol nose, arching eyebrows, etc).

They can't chase the illusions if they have kids.

You don't belong here. Get out. Go back to your own country.


What many haven't accepted is that normies don't have the ability to think. They must be told what to think and conditioned to accept and enforce that way of thinking. This is why redpills have little effect on them. The redpills are for the select few who are genetically predisposed to think for themselves and reject such conditioning. More specifically, those who can not only see the truth, but act on it.



I'll be honest, I'm never going to have kids. It's not that I don't want to genetic offspring, it's that I simply can't deal with the degenerate women today. They are repulsive on every fucking level imaginable. Knowing I've taken myself out of the cuck plantation for women ensures that at least 1 woman out there will suffer massively, the consequences of her degeneracy will be to die alone like she deserves to.

I'd contribute in every other way possible to help our race, but I can't see a future where I'll ever have kids. I won't sacrifice my convictions at any price.

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Bingo. Make the normies against children and have them be complicit in their own genocide. Children are also a symbol of hope and therefore hope of a white fututure and thus they symbolize to the normie litrawlly Nadzee shit.

Man suffers primarily from a spiritual problem, not a political problem. I used to think the same as you until I converted from pseudo-Traditionalist to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Our church is filled only with white and the women are wholesome and upstanding. It's very nice.

Let's be real here. Even if you got a relationship, the likelihood that you'd get to have biological offspring is negligible. Even if the bitch gets preggars, the probability is such that it's likely some other dude's brat. Timder and the like make it a push of a button to cuck you.

I'm agnostic, religion is a no go for me.

I think it's 1/5 kids aren't their father's children. DNA testing should be mandatory at birth.

That's why you don't marry degenerates. You would not have that problem if you belonged to a serious religious community. I am not saying you have to join one but I find it baffling that you have not taken up something to select from a better pool. Why would you even think of dating atheist cosmopolitans? Those people are dead-ends. There's nothing more to it.

Paternity tests will be outlawed in twenty years. Mark my words.

France already banned it.

I live in a traditional religious Bible-thumping region of rural America, and infidelity is common practice here. Church girls are some of the biggest sluts and hypocrites on the planet.

Capitalism, media, churches telling women to give their lives to god, marxist education from a young age, basically jews and jewish thinking.

Religion is the glue that holds society together and fundamentally the worldviews are oftentimes more logically consistent than atheism. I was once a hardcore atheist (even subbed to the Amazing Atheist (please no hate)) but that all changed after seriously studying philosophy in a top tier university. I only hope you realise that atheism and agnosticism are dead-ends and can produce nothing for us. We can already see its fruits.

Before I became an atheist, I was a Baptist. Being a Baptist is actually what made me an atheist. Protestantism is an extremely warped and cucked perversion of Christianity, so I don't doubt you. The general theology produces crypto atheists. Nothing good has ever really come out of it. But protestantism and Catholicism aren't the only religions out there. There are other options which are far superior and logical. Hell, I'm no pagan but even Paganism is a viable alternative to modern nihilism.

Because for many millions its too late. Awakening that ancient desire is painful unto despair and death for them. Denial is their only defense.

Preachers are scum of the earth. I've got a list of them who need rope, some will snap the ropes, so cable will have to do.


Agnosticism is the only logical conclusion one can make given the lack of evidence. I'm speaking strictly from a scientific perspective. I want to believe there is something more than all of this, that there is some point to our existence, but I can't make that leap on faith alone. I don't see any difference between theism and atheism from a scientific perspective, but I will say that theism is significantly better than atheism in terms of society/civilization.

Define the term Atheism. I have reason to suspect your claim.

Millennials are the most selfish generation ever born.
Honestly anyone born between 1981 and 1996 should just be executed.


The vast majority of self-described agnostics are actually atheist by definition. They just don't know that yet. Let me guess, you were led to believe that atheism means making the unsupported and baseless claim that there is no God, right? That isn't what it means. If you aren't currently convinced that there is a God, regardless of evidence or lack thereof, then you are an atheist. There is no middle ground between theism (Belief) and atheism (Lack of belief). "I don't know" ls irrelevant to "I believe/disbelieve"


I'm not looking for a debate here and I don't have the time – but lack of evidence of what? God? How is someone to provide you with scientific evidence of something that is transcendental and non-material by definition? That's like asking someone to provide you with scientific evidence of truth which is not scientifically observable but still exists.
The problem with the empiricist world-view is that it fundamentally breaks down very quickly because not everything is material. For instance, the claim everything can be verified by science or ''everything is empirical is a claim which is not verifiable by science itself. The truth value can not be checked by science. Therefore, the empiricist worldview contradicts itself at the fundamental, presuppositional level. It's totally illogical.
For further reading on this, watch this short video that features sir Roger Penrose, an eminent Oxford mathematician. His argument is that numbers exist in a Platonic realm and that belief is held by most mathematicians. Here's a bit of his background:

The idea that everything is material only is a psyop to demoralize you.

Strong doubt belief in God's existence. Basically, I was a fedora tipper.

Regardless of feasibility or lack thereof of acquiring proof for a non-material entity, the burden of proof is and will always remain on you so long as you claim such a thing exists or try to detail the entity. That's how it works. I may come across as abrasive, but this is because I am tired of those attacking, belittling, and misrepresenting my atheist/irreligious brothers.

And of course that's what you would believe, you see it as a binary choice 0 or 1. However, I see it as probability. The fact mathematically is that there is an infinity of numbers between 0 and 1 that is larger than the infinity of integers. on a probabilistic basis, if a lottery had a chance to win of 1/infinity, well the you'd be the dumbest motherfucker on earth to bet everything on it. On the other side of the coin, 1/infinity that there is no God is just as stupid. So yea, I'll stick to my agnostic position because it's mathematically infinitely more logical that the actual truth lies between 0 and 1, not 0 or 1.

Right I understand. That's basic stuff. What I'm slowly beginning to get at is these non-material realities like maths can be used to build a strong evidence-based case for God.
To examine your world-view for a second, you only accept that which is empirically observable yet the truth is not empirically observable, so how do you ever hope to prove your claims? The burden of proof is on you but in order to ever prove anything you will have to reach outside the realm of empiricism and therefore contradict your presuppositions at the fundamental level. You can not justify any premise from an empirical or nominalist perspective.

Do you currently 100% believe there is/are (an) all-knowing, all-powerful God/Gods that watch(es) you masturbate?

I'm still slightly agnostic, but this video and some other stuff, mostly convinced me of God's existence. I'm still trying to figure out the philosophy myself, but I hope it will be useful for you.

A Solipsist Apologist? Too bad I'm not actually an atheist that bases all on the material aspect of reality. There are things in the Bible that contradict spiritual and material truth, is all I can tell you, but I only said this because you pushed the envelope.

No, my beliefs have nothing to do with solipsism. Completely, utterly wrong.
So what what do you believe?
Define both of things.

I don't know. I couldn't imagine they would bother with such trivial things. But it's certainly possible in many, many sets of infinite probabilities. The possibilities are only limited by what we can imagine, and that's a trivial drop in the bucket compared to what we can't imagine.

I think it's more probable that all of this might be a higher dimensional scientific simulation.

Per the nature of the argument there would still have to be a God.

The pillarstones of Solipsism. Your purpose is to render the perception of evidence-based truth and blind faith in a book as to be on equal terms "Oh you're just as faith-based as us" and to discredit established fact by cultivating self-doubt. This is how all Solipsist Apologetics works, and your posts run along the same vein.
I don't discuss my belief with non-believers. Or that would be my stance if I were a Solipsist Apologist.
Spiritual Truth is knowledge and logical processes gained from blood heritage and sources of old that concern nature of reality not bound by material, such as purpose and unmanifest nature of the big entities/great spirits. Material Truth is simply what the facts are.

or a scientific team of higher dimensional beings

The masturbation bit was messing around.
You don't know whether or not you believe? I didn't ask whether or not there literally is/are a number of God(s), only what your current conviction is.

Also jews jewed White governments to force Whites to pay for shitskins in White countries. Whites could support 8 kids if it weren't supporting muds and kikes. You can offset that somewhat by opting out of some withholdings. More if you become self-employed.

If you don't have anything to fill the void created by rejecting jewish horseshit, it will get filled with something else, typically another type of jewish horseshit. The only way to correct this is to fill the void with truth, which take time and focus to attain. Most Whites are pressed for time and attention away from the truth even when seeking it. Can you blame wayward Whites for not attaining truth under these circumstances? Why don't you help your race by pressing on Whites within your circle of influence regardless of pushback from them? If you don't do that, you're just as a demoralized fag you cast upon others.

Jewish Kaballah faggotry. Fuck off.

Yeah, it would still be a God of sorts.

I never claimed that the mind is the only thing that can be known to exist and that knowledge of anything outside the mind is unjustified. My beliefs have nothing to do with that philosophy. Also, my job as a chemist ensures that I do have to practice my empirical judgement and believe in object reality :).
Nope. Wrong.
"Philosophy Basics" shows quite well that you are unfamiliar with solipsism. You are merely confused here. All people unfamiliar with high-level philosophy think it's just parlour tricks. You've outed yourself as noob-level here, dude.
Fine. Just do more reading before you go spouting off terminology which you don't understand next time.
Spiritual Truth is knowledge and logical processes gained from blood heritage and sources of old that concern nature of reality not bound by material.
Blood heritage is material. As for the rest – I'm sure you know the burden of proof is on you for that.
And that, my nigger, is an oxymoron and you are in fact retarded.

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I'm about to sleep and therefore only skimmed your posts. It created the, admittedly false, perspective that you promote Solipsism as opposed to the less non-material perspective you actually believe. My bad, I apologize.

You just admitted you fell for a jewish meme to destroy your race. This is something to be ashamed of, not proud of. Your conviction should be to man up, get your nest, plant a woman in it, and raise White children. Your boys should be trained to face to bloodshed and your girls to support future race warriors. Anything less than participating in the fight is outright cucking to jews.

Sleep tight, user. I love you and so does God.


There was a webm that gets posted here about John Money and David Reimer and their transgenderism fraud/abuse and it lead me down a rabbit hole about this DGSS organization which has been propping up a conspicuous number of (((New York Progressives))); one of them was John Money, another was Herman Musaph, who founded another organization called the NVSH, and their outlined principles struck as me as disturbing.

Attached: NVSH.PNG (1288x753 24.11 KB, 139.03K)

Which one? I'll pray to Lord Kek for you. Ogdoad bless us both.

Sure, but only if an offering of tendies is involved.

Look at you parroting the feminist line. You think you're more of a man than I am being a cuck to a degenerate woman? Small minded faggot brainwashed by feminists. You go right on ahead and build your nest, I'll be out there flying high.

My friend who is a doctor and went to the best medical school in Australia has stated numerous times that this is quite true.

Quit invoking Kek, there isn't an Ogdoad. Some fools kept preventing it from every happening.


Now I know you're a jew. Only a kike would think building a White family is feminism. Get off my board and out of my country. Your time is limited.

I misspoke, John Money and Herman Musaph themselves were not from New York, but they are also among those who have been touted by the organization. Here are a couple other conspicuous characters.

Attached: Westheimer2.PNG (1694x915 343.94 KB, 122.7K)

The kike courts say otherwise, and they'll take all your shit for the woman.

If this were post happening and you accused me of being a kike, that would be the last thing you ever did.