1st generation Irish born citizen with eastern european ansestors

I'm a full Irish born citizen with parents that are both immigrants from Moldova. I love the country of Ireland and feel deep patriotism for my country whenever we learn about irish language and culture in school (however I can't speak more Irish than the average irish citizen). My plans for the future is to marry an Irish Catholic girl and have Irish born kids that go to Irish school and speak the native tongue of Ireland.

Attached: 220px-Erin_Go_Bragh_flag.PNG (220x144, 23.74K)

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You cunts are subhumans.
t. Cornwallian

Isn't Ireland the new Nigeria?

Go fuck yourself colonist pig 🐖

Right. What are you here for? A participation award? I have family in Ireland too, maybe I should make a thread about it.

needs more victim complex 6/10
must try harder, op

You are not an Irishman. You are a moldavian in Ireland.

That's every thread, mate.

Not a yank. If you're worried about retardation you need to stop making assumptions.

see op, more like this

He probably has better teeth than you to be fair.

Cor blimey, mate. Britain shall rise again!

Attached: 5d223350dfd15cac4efa5cd8c724022ea4ebf932bf3d403f0319eb0eba25d9aa.jpg (684x1024, 211.99K)

like Ireland without the expectations


What's your point? To reiterate that you are a parasite?

don't worry, Ireland is a special kind of shithole

why do i never hear anything about ireland

Attached: interior of the Crown Liquor Saloon, Belfast, Northern Ireland.jpg (960x720 276.2 KB, 181.7K)

/eirepol/ is their hangout on Zig Forums but there isn't much activity on there. It's not a big country so all the degeneracy being imported is opening the people's eyes very quickly. You can have Zig Forums-tier conversations with the cab drivers fresh from the airport. That was a load of fun.

evil forestless place

based and redheadpilled

*unsheathes sword*

EXCELLENT blogpost, where do I subscribe?

what is the purpose of this blogpost, nigger