Trump cuts aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

Let's see all you defeatist loser shills on this website try to spin this. We're Making America Great Again with or without you.

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But not to Israel. Israel #1

Fuck this orange kike cocksucker

Damn I should have voted for Hillary.

yeah prbly.

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Not only that, but cutting aid will cause worse conditions in these countries causing more spics to join caravans. Our borders must be closed to will non-white immigrants as well as all aid being cut off.

Yup, exactly right.

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Now they're going to even more destitute and come up in larger caravans. Cutting aid to them is a great thing, but it has to be matched with a will to machine gun invaders.

Ah, you beat me to it.

Lmao you are just an anti-Trump shill, cutting aid or increasing aid is both bad in your eyes haha

fucking this. r/The_Donald needs to fuck off with their zognald bullshit.


Are you fucking brain dead?
"I want more immigrants coming in than ever before" Illegals don't matter when he wants more shitskins coming in "legally" than ever before. God damn, I don't know whats worse, never trumpers or always trumpers…….

So you're playing the part of the trumpshill.

Now here's the question boys and girls: Is this a legit reddit-nigger-tier .gov trumpshill OR is this someone LARPing as an obnoxious trumpshill retard to bait responses?

Taking all bets.

Try not to be so obtuse. Things are a bit more nuanced than that you insufferable faggot.
Cutting aid is fine if we are willing to machine gun shitkins at the border. But cutting aid BEFORE sealing the border TIGHT is going to be a fucking disaster.

Sure is hard to tell sometimes. Also


Yeah, but US money isn't even real at this point dude, its basically monopoly money that people keep pretending has value because jews tell arabs to tell everyone else it has value.

Fuck it
If we make it to some joke of a ‘20 election then I’ll write Her name is. Cap this I’ll fucking do it


Thanks for stating the obvious like it's supposed to be some sort of revelation. Not sure what that has to do with foreign aid though.

We're going to legalize caravans. Large caravans, probably bigger than any of you here have seen. Even our border agents - do we love our border agents? Let's give a hand for our border agents - you know, the Democrats. They don't want to fund our border. ICE, they want to defund ICE, can you believe it? - Now our border agents, they work hard, they're on the border and they say to me, they've never seen anything like this. Caravans the likes of which have never been seen before. We need a wall folks. We need a wall so that the wall has a big door. I like doors - Have you seen Trump tower? Big beautiful golden doors - You know I'm a builder, that's what I do. I like to build ok? I build, well ALOT. - So we need a wall, and don't even worry about it. We've started the wall, we need to finish the wall. - Now the caravans, they don't go through a wall. To process our caravans we have the big beautiful doors. We want migrants, but they have to come in legally. We want them to come in our door. Large record numbers, way bigger than Obama's numbers that I will tell you. Hilary didn't know how to get the migrants through the door. [LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP] Now now folks, we're setting records. We're going to have the most migrants pretty much since, the beginning. #MAGA. Thank you folks.

Gotta give it all to le based israel.

Why does he need to pay them there, when they can come to the United States of Open Borders?
The time for politics is over, mutt. This thread is further proof of your weakness.

Democrat operative or just a defeatist shill? Don't worry your friend already convinced me to vote for Hillary in 2020.


>but they come in based on merit
does jidf really not realize how cleverly he's using civcuck nationalism? or just a vain attempt to meme it back into the bottle?

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You didn't seem to realize it.
You mentioned foreign aid relative debt, as thought US debt matters at all.
Maybe you became temporarily retarded and forgot.

Hmm, still can't tell.
Definitely coming off as retarded, but probably just LARP given the shillary focus.

No you fool, vote in the PRIMARY election and vote for the most insane democrat you can. Yang or Harris. Vote for a non-White.
On the off chance you are not clever enough to figure out why, I will explain;
The reason for the former is because we need to destroy the US economy. Only by destabilizing ZOG can we ever hope to successfully revolt
The reason for the latter is because it is more enlightening for the lemmings to have a non-White committing genocide upon then than a White one. If you do not understand why this is so, then your IQ may be below 80
I'm not accusing you of anything but you have no idea how dumb many people who post here are.

You don't seem very clever my man.

Yeah still no thanks
We need reverse immigration , we need negative immigration. You catchin wind here chief? Remove ALL invader scum period , fuck off we’re full , less than zero immigration. We have too many various mudshit immigrants (invaders) here already.
You should leave with them while you’re still able

You'll never get that while the US government stands.
So, I guess that just leaves one option then…

In the New Testments of Prophet Tarrant we are guided by his revelation from God and the 14 words to secure the future of our people….now if we were going to ‘secure the border’ against 20,000 people how would we disabuse them of the perception that the USA is their new ‘gibs me dat’ heaven (in MeinKraft, of course)? Meaning, what is the most expidient way to stop 20,000 people in their tracks? Obviously bullets, but we need something better, faster, less obvious.

That means pajeets and chinks you fucking moron.

They won’t leave unless we kill them.

American posters who still support trump are of a lower subhuman caste. With their greased hair political pundits and reddit speak.

They don’t ‘come based on merit’. FUCKING HELL have you ever worked with one of those INCOMPETENT retards?

Everyone here came to that conclusion years ago, welcome to the club.

Defeatist shill, democrat operatives don't talk about US debt and never in such an inspid manner.


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Cut aid to every single country. Immigration numbers should be in the negative milions.

So what's your point then? Since its fed reserve funny money you're going to just pretend it doesn't exist? I assume you still traffic in US dollars, yes? So I guess it kind of DOES matter who owes who and where those dollars flow.

I can't tell if you're being intentionally obtuse or if you are actually mentally retarded. Look up what the metrics for "merit" are in these proposals.

Awwww too bad so sad I’m crying buckets of salty tears for them
It’s ok though cause I’ll use my salty tear bucket to put them out. Hahahaha just joking no I won’t

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Here's a secret: I'm not just a member…

How can I be a defeatist shill if I'm outright saying I don't support your kosher stooge? That doesn't make any sense.

I think I made it pretty clear.
Nope, not really. Again, its monopoly money we only engage as though it represents value because jews tell arabs to tell everyone else it does.
US will never pay back its debt, and it won't matter at all. Prove me wrong.

Trump 2020

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He still has to get congress to approve it, which will never happen

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okay faggots let's keep giving the money to the beans then.

It's staggering how absolutely stupid you are. You clearly lack reading comprehension. I said cutting aid alone without closing or borders to them is futile. BOTH good, but have to be done together. Stop being a fucking moron.

Either that, or find a new job, because you fucking blow at this.

Let me guess, more anonymous sources? I notice you aren't linking the article either.

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Why is this not a good argument? South America is actually on his border(remember those things?).

Guess Israel is getting a little less aids lately. Gotta serve them first.

Kinda easy to see why they wouldn't be supportive at this point my man.

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You say you're going to pretend federal reserve notes don't exist, and then in the same post you admit that your very life revolves around them. How long can you live without them? And then you imply it doesn't matter where that money goes, but how important is it to israhell to get their 38 billion? In the long run the debt won't get paid off because it CAN'T be paid off, thats middle school math knowledge and doesn't make you clever. The point I'm making and the point of the thread is about foreign aid in the here and now, not some hypothetical future you've imagined in which reserve notes no longer exist. Try to stay on topic

why the fuck does us have to give money to every shit hole, just fucking anex these fuck all ready and enslave their people

Don't ask me man, the psychology of you losers isn't worth grasping. Have fun voting for Paul Nehlen in the general, we'll all be voting to reduce aid to 3rd world shitholes.


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Where did I say that?

Or that?
Wait, you think because I use dollars sometimes that means my life revolves around them?
Wew, are you jewish?

Forever. Quite literally the entirety of the rest of my life I could live without them. Why do you ask?

Are you ACTUALLY getting caught up in the fact that I consider USD to be pretend currency and that I laugh when people like you get upset about the debt because I know that its never ever ever going to be paid off and that there will be no consequences of import?
Hah, that's funny.

Israel has nothing to do with central america, shit is a complete red herring.
lol giving these countries crazy amounts of money in aid YET THEIR PEOPLE ARE FLEEING POVERTY AND VIOLENCE? Seems fucking legit, kinda sounds like whatever billions they're handing the governments is going into the hands of politicians while people starve in the streets and form shit stain caravans where they'll either be raped murdered kidnapped or killed, OR make it here and pose a strain on our system.

I have to ask you, its your psychology my man. How can I be a defeatist shill in your mind if I'm outright mocking your guy? Doesn't add up.

I'm a registered democrat now, so I can vote in their primary.
I'm going to vote for the weirdest Dem that looks like they have a shot at winning. Seriously, the most fucked up one, that's the one getting my vote.

And there's nothing you can do about it. Which is one less vote for your guy, because I voted for him last time and now I'm not.
And I've convinced my entire family and work group to do likewise. We're all in Pennsylvania.

Does that upset you?

Don't worry. Trump's own actions have ensured he mathematically can't win Florida at this point anyway.

Can anyone explain to me this weird obsession with The Wall in the US? The Wall by itself won't do shit, as we've seen enough videos from the US and Europe showing how shitskins climb the walls while law enforcement watches and libtards stand with their "refugees welcome" signs. The real reason shitskins now come in droves is because they smell weakness, and the wall by itself won't change that. The only way to break the tide is to show strength by using force. First start with non-lethal weapons: tear gas and rubber bullets, and then send those who get through back, without any exceptions. And if they don't understand nicely and continue coming, escalate to lethal. Without that kind of demonstration, you can build three walls inatead of one - it won't change a thing.

Here, and I quote you goldfish-brained fuckwit

Its a meme that lots of stupid people got behind because they're stupid and so people coming into their yard, in their mind, justifies a fence… Because they don't realize, even with a fence, the home owner's association's ruleset ensures people can walk on their lawn and will walk on their lawn and camp on their lawn and piss on their lawn while reading their newspaper, and there's nothing they can do about it, even if they built a wall. Er, I mean fence.

Good. A C C E L E R A T E

You're a weird guy.
No, we dealt with you losers last time and this time will be even easier as Trump continues to cut aid to the 3rd world.

Oh, you thought I was serious? I was mocking you. You must be really autistic if you didn't realize that.
What, you actually thought I was saying I didn't believe USD existed? Man, I'm sorry user, I didn't realize you were that autistic.
Let me be clear: I was mocking you viciously for actually being concerned with the monopoly money of the US.

So it DOES upset you, is what you're saying?

ICE officers are notoriously DemoKKKrats, and why wouldn't they be, given their racism? Real pedes are fine with people from other nations who want to become American patriots, so long as they love Israel, the constitution, and Qanon.

Nope, I was mildly irritated at your embarrassing misunderstanding of fiscal policy but it's getting quite entertaining. Keep dancing for us.

Implying you do. More lies.
And yet another lie. There are intelligent posters around here, but you ain't one. You've already spiraled into incoherent vitriol, you should take a break for a while before you sperg rage out.

Imagine what we could do with $43 billion over the next ten years…
The New American Dream is the dream that all of our tax dollars go into our own country and people.

So what do you think the governments of those three countries will do? Prohibit their citizens from getting out of their countries? They can't do that, neither politically, nor physically, being the shitholes that they are. So the only positive thing from this piece is that Trump maybe saved some taxpayer money from being wasted on the shitskins. But it won't stop the flow of migrants from those countries, in fact the flow may even intensify as those shitskins that relied on USAID financially lose their income.

So what you're saying is, you're super triggered right about now? Oh, good.

Implying I don't.

I didn't even read the rest of this one either.

Reminder that these countries have received US tax payer funded aid for years. The 3rd world trash in Central/South America still flood across the US border. Even after years of aid from the US and international aid groups Central/South America still remain a major problem. There are enough homeless in Central/South America to have a caravan of 50,000+ every month for years.

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The US is totally fucked at this point.
If you haven't seen the writing on the wall, I pity you.

Its nothing to be upset about though, given the US government is the single most anti-White organization on the face of the planet, as your first image demonstrates amazingly.

Can you imagine getting so triggered that you start projecting how triggered you are onto other people while crying about them not reading your shitposts… My god… Its horrible.

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No, we should be supporting genuine nationalist causes across the world, not enslaving people like a bunch of fucking semites.

I've personally always been against the wall, despite it being a fun meme. Walls are an eyesore and they disrupt wildlife migration. What needs to be done is we need to annex a tract of land from the Gulf to the Pacific, deem it no man's land, and anyone caught on it unauthorized is to be treated as an enemy combatant.

He's right you know.
We shouldn't enslave people.

We should genocide them.
Like the semite deity all these Christians seem to love. Just wipe the slate clean, recolonize, done and done.

If we don't, the Chinese are gonna do it anyway.

Well, if they want to play the escalation game, there is always the chance that Trump starts shooting them dead at the border. He can use our greatest ally as a template and excuse.

His game seems to be pushing the enemy into overstepping all legitimacy ASAP and then doing what he wants to do by appealing to the fact that no compromise was ever possible and he has the power to do as he sees fit. E.g. he has wall money now and probably can spend indefinitely if he chooses. Tbh we all know that, while necessary, the wall isn't the primary goal. The only possible win is to awaken enough sleeping normalfags that the drastic measures required to save the fucking world are palatable, regrettable as they may be.

Regarding all of the kikes in Trump's orbit: I hope this is a case of "keep your enemies closer" but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't trust Trump's motives, but it hasn't been demonstrated that he's just another good goy. Obviously this is desirable deception for a good goy so, again, I'm not holding my breath.

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I don't have to imagine. I'm quite literally perceiving it. It's not hard to linguistically analyze the tone of someone's writing, and you've given away more tells than you'd believe possible. Also it's obvious that you're not a Zig Forumsack, I can tell that too. And the more you flail around like a retard the more obvious it becomes. Although, to be honest, it was pretty obvious from the start. I don't know what you think your angle is here, it's somewhat inscrutable. Something about voting for democraps, I can't be assed to figure out what goes on in the minds of retards. Whatever it is, it's pretty embarrassing to watch. You should go be a retard somewhere else.

everything Trump does is for the Jewish Great Replacement agenda.

if he does some minor pro-American move, that is only a calculated ploy to throw Americans a few crumbs to camouflage his Jewish program.

Cutting aid will only have the last few holdouts heading for USA.

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This. White people need to move to Mexico, vote in Mexican elections, vote for gibs for whitey, never learn Spanish, never pay taxes, shit out a dozen kids each, drink and drive and run over little Mexican kids, get deported to the US but just come back in a week, sell heroin to Mexican kids, rape and murder…



It's basic economics, you absolute faggot.

cute comment, it does however reflect the futility of voting compared to violence, but we don't see a Christchurch every single day either now do we?

Thanks for your boomer take from 2001.

Obama was the most anti-Israel president ever?

and he deported more illegals than Bush…

I kinda miss that nigger now.

dude I have a kick ass Ford F250 4x4, a house, Comcast cable with 487 channels, fucked, how do you figure? have you seen how cheap a base 70" TV costs nowadays at BestBuy?
I living large with some big balls.

Yes, your experience in life is what I was referring to, but I wasn't talking to you, because as you say yourself - you're living it. Its you.

Enjoy it bro. Them demographics gonna gitcha.

I'll watch it on TV

HAH HAH HAH. We should make a moat for the wall with your salty liberal tears!

I cannot miss a lying traitor who has appointees in play fucking things up for everyone.

you don't have to pretend to be retarded to show how retarded you really are

almost had me for a minute. Nice to see trump cleaned up our foreign aid, 3 down!

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Of course goyim. Trumpstein needs more shekels for glorious Israel.

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Pedo cartoon fags are actually more worthless than niggers and Israelis combined. KYS