"Men becomes trannies because they are deviants" study

Can someone tell me where it says that?
This study was supposed to prove that


MRI scans show men become trannies because of arousement and sex. I found it posted here.

But I don't find anything like that in the study

Are there similar studies?

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Other urls found in this thread:


How surprising

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They're faggots.

They get off to imagining themselves as female.

You didn't need a study for this. It's obvious. If you know what homosexuality already is and you've heard of autogynephilia is, the rest is obvious.

Sage for, "I can't read but here's my thread."

I sure hope nobody here is into tranny porn. On an imageboard full of it.

Of course not, don't be silly. Trannies are degenerative garbage while traps are pure, based and redpilled aryan waifus

I'd spread my boypussy for Jesus


I unironically hate traps and other tranny degenerates and I was one myself at one point. I'm not even joking. If you saw me in person, you would think I would be the least likely candidate to ever become a trap, especially given how much facial/body hair I have, and how much i'm aging already due to my degenerate habits (like smoking), but I actually managed to pull it off with nothing more than some makeup from my mom that I took, my own clothes (not necessarily even clothes that belonged to the opposite sex either, just my regular clothes that I wore a certain way to appear feminine), and using special angles with my Android phone, and even then I didn't even need to use any kind of angles or poses/gestures/expressions to look like a qt trap, I just did it for theatrics, without any filter or anything, and the next thing I know, I got literally FLOODED with messages on Grindr within a few minutes of creating my account. I can make some excellent queer bait.

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You don't need a study, I'm living proof.
Porn is a slippery slope downward, add in some emotional abuse and you got a recipe for disaster.
I'm now recuperating and fighting my fetishes (long way to go).
I'm sure that if I had liberal friends around me or if I would have been less self-conscious, I would have permanently ruined my body and mind.

And just in case you're wondering, yes I got rid of my body hair first.


Thats an obvious one.
Find me one tranny that is sane.
I havent found a single one, theyre all always about one thing, sex.
I always burst out laughing when i run across a tranny in a game and they tell me theyre into girls cause theyre straight.

No one was wondering. Glad you mostly escaped the degeneracy. Now you just need to get a hold on your attention-seeking behavior.

Glad you're recovering user, you should man up, gain muscle, eat more meat. I personally sometimes too tempted to masturbate to some degenerate shit. I think i need to go full nofap, if that can even help.

I haven't done this shit since. This happened back in September/October 2016, back when I was 18. I haven't done this shit since, because it was too much trouble for me. I've personally always have been very right-wing, it was just something that happened in the random. Probably because this would be my best chance at getting laid or something like that. I always got picked on which lead to my low self-esteem, and my social anxiety was what lead me to not talking to girls too much. I have been flirted with before by women, but I didn't budge, either because I was too nervous or because of the circumstances to which it happened. I dated girls on a number of occasions back in middle school but quit the dating game after getting cucked hard by one of them and she destroyed me emotionally. I figured I wasn't mentally prepared for that kind of shit and am still focusing on bettering myself first before I decide to reenter the dating game. But the circumstances under which this stuff with me being a transvestite were very weird and I don't want to get into too much detail.


It is great to know that you have decided to spread your disgusting POZ to hetersexuals now that you are 'straight'…I hope you never have children and pass on your defective genes.

And you can do that over at >>>/christianity/ far far away from our board.

Don't bully him, at least he sorted himself out before an heroing.

God, I am tired of hearing from fat effeminate Gaels bloviating in-front of their bookcases full of Jewish psychology crap. With their scruffy ginger hair.
This shit gives me narcissism.

Makes me want to rape in my local glen.

I would have supported him an heroing (not like we need more 'people' on the planet. It will happen anyway. That is what this thread is about. Would you want him to POZ up your daughter now that he is 'straight'?

Sounds like he will remain a hermit with all focus on our cause anyways to me.

Some are idiots looking for some tranny privilege.


Also this. Extremely deviant, by definition.

Then again, this 'study' has such an incredibly fucking small sample size, I can't say its liable to represent anything of import scientifically.

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Conclusion: There is no evidence that trannies are even 'feminized' in any way - they're just straight up freaks.

Translation: Trannies are fucked in the head, and instead of trying to FIX THEIR ABERRANCY, our society thinks its better to engage it as legitimate. Can you imagine if we did that with like cancer or some shit?
In fact, that'd be a great meme to push - cancerestites. They just FEEL like they have cancer, and so, you have to treat them like they do. That, or some variation, could be fun.

It's like your taste buds when you eat a lot of junk food. Good luck user

Do you or anyone have that picture with the tranny child standing right next to some literally naked tranny freak?

Or similar pics

God I love Zig Forums

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What this guy said. I don't think I even have time for women anyways, and if that's what the majority of white people believe, if it's good for my race, then whatever so be it. I am a warrior for my race. I've always focused on the cause first and foremost.

Kill yourself.

Watch Sam Vaknin's video about homosexuality. Homosexuality is narcissistic sexual self-worship and transexuality is product of severe perversion. That's what the mainstream perspective would be if we weren't controlled by neo Marxist scum.

But transsexuals then?
Trannies, they do it because they're blossoming faggots, right?
But ts people, what's the secret alchemy there?
Some days you just want to throw the entire alphabet deviants into a massive grinder…

Shit, that's deep to read. I'm lost now. Are trannies and trans the same kind of people or not?
= _ = Needs coffee.

This is well known, though you won't find any discussion of it in the Kike media. I recommend getting a copy of the book Men Trapped in Men's Bodies: Narratives of Autogynephilic Transsexualism to understand the psychological compulsion of trannies.

OwO what's this?

That is what faggots themselves think about trannies. Faggots think trannies are faggots with a mental disorder.
Given what is known about autogynephilia, there two possible interpretations.
1. The faggots just don't understand anything about the psychological makeup of the autogynephile, and just project their idiotic view of the world on to all sexual deviants.
2. The faggot does understand something about autogynephilia, and so when the faggot says trannies are faggots with mental disorders, they are revealing something about the underlying psychological mechanism of faggotry itself.
I have tried to investigate both of these ideas, but I found faggots eventually shut up and won't talk any further. Trying to get a faggot to read books like Men Trapped in Men's Bodies I have found to be impossible. I have yet to determine if the faggot shuts up because they have been discovered, or simply out of shame for looking foolish and not understanding what autogynephilia even is. My hunch is the former, and I have a theory that goes something like this: autogynephilia in the post-pubescent male leads to classic autogynephilia, in the per-pubescent male, it leads to homosexuality, due to the nature of the sexual imagination being different.


Traps are /ourguys/

Reminder that these shills are not banned and that Zig Forums is permanently destroyed.

Is an Israeli clinically diagnosed narcissist who talks all about, surprise, a condition he is himself inflicted with. For him to discuss everything through the lens of narcissism seems within his attention whoring interests.

These sexual topics tend to make it to the top of the catalog, curiously.

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i want to fucking kill myself, fuck im blackpilled right now

Most studies are unrepeatable horseshit with tiny sample sizes to push an agenda. No conclusion is better than false conclusions.

You don't really need a study to prove that.


Correct. But that isn't a refutation of anything. His ideas are quite good in many respects.

Read this paper, it explains everything.

Blogposting degenerates crying for parental attention… Get your shit together lads and put on the big boy pants, the kikes that lurk/shill this board are laughing at you if you're not one of them.

they are nutcases, plain and simple. everytime i see a trap, i think of 'two weeks'.

Attached: 2 weeks - Total Recall.mp4 (640x360, 4.13M)

Are you retarded? That picture is the best red pill as to how fucked up the tranny sitaution is and how they're going for children.

Does anyone have the picture?

I think it was "lactasia"

I have it at home. I will try to remember to post it.

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Believe it or not, one of the unplumbed depths (sorry, no pun intended) of the Tiger Woods controversy contained a piece of this story. In an alleged email to one of his mistresses, Tiger wrote to her that he dreamed of being married to her, and coming home finding her sandwiched between actor David Boreanaz and athlete Derek Jeter. Tiger described to her that he thought she would love it, if this actually happened.

Transgenderism is just a kikey name for human sexual mimicry. It's a reproductive strategy, and is expressed in many species, some are very removed from primates e.g. cuttlefish.


Make all the special snowflakes aware of this, and that science has officially declared them not-special. Also that it only properly manifests itself in sexually mature individuals, so anyone pushing transgenderism on kids deserves a slow and painful death.

That certainly explains a lot (transgenderism could be pure mental illness), but it may also present with human sexual mimicry (a reproductive strategy).

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I've often suspected that faggotry required some (or all) of a combination of a high sex drive, narcissism (Muh dick..? Muh dick! I love muh dick so much I now love all dick), and childhood homosexual abuse (early imprinting).

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hes literally narcissist getting attention for being a narcisisst, may as well read theLastpsychiatrist

Goddammit, Zig Forums. That's it. This is what 2800 years of Western Civilization has come to. I'm joining the fucking muzzies, because at least they don't put up with this shit.

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The fighters put makeup on them, Muslims started this shit

We've hung on despite middle eastern slave cults, and you want to tuck tail and run back to the foreskin gobblers because you saw a little evil? Have you know concept of their depravity? Man up or die in a fire.

Any sexuality away from the norm is because of some sort of sexual corruption. Watching porn also makes you enjoying looking at dick.

It's fine to fuck kids in Islam. How about you use your brain and diverge and help form something new? Because you're a peanut brain and need to be led, like a sheep. Don't worry, my cool new religion will be right around the corner to save you.

It said that heterosexual male-to-female trannies have a very similar brain to men rather than to females like with with the homosexual male-to-females. Basically they have autogynephilia, and gays are physiologically fucked in the head. Are gays a hybrid of male and female in the brain? That would be pretty fucking gross. Kill them, give them a lobotomy, try the save them. That is worse than a neurological illness like schizophrenia. What the fuck.

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Why even bother becoming a woman if you're into girls anyway. Thought this was just a meme. Must've been hellish tough for the researchers to find people like that lol.

Becuase most on imageboards have very degenerate fetishes induced from browsing them often.

They do, you know the guys who purity spiral all the time with zealous conviction often hold some really fucked up fetishes themselves. They do indulge but in private rather than in the open which often leads to things being more fucked. E.g. priests abusing kids in Catholic church is worse in Islamic countries.

My advice try to find a girl (or a man if you're a female) that you can actually be with and love. You only need 1 partner to continue your lineage and can ignore the nonsense circus that others participate in. It's not like this didn't happen in the past, it was just more obscure and hidden away from the public eye. Nor was the internet everywhere so they could mobilize and spread degeneracy everywhere. Internet is probably the thing that caused the spread because it's much more accessible to find degenerate things here than in the past.

White men specifically are targeted for eradication. By confusing their sexuality and aggressively marketing female consumerism to disenfranchised and frightened young White men, you can shatter their sense of self and get them to self-castrate for shekels. Get them addicted to their own disintegration. The problem solves itself, Shlomo. Clever, huh?

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so are you saying the wackowski brothers are pretending to be trannies or that schlomo might not be that clever ?