Best U.S. State For White Folks?

Which U.S. state in your opinion seems to be the best fit for nationalist-minded white folks, currently and in the near future?

The northeast (Maine, NH, and Vermont) are some of the whitest states but they also lean heavily democrat.

I'm thinking Idaho, Montana, and eastern Oregon might be a good fit.

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It's all fucked user.

There's a ton of Jews and Muslims in Boise, they run all the pawn shops.

Liberalism is in every city like a fungus. Butte, MT has a growing left leaning population and the kids think it is edgy to be like jay and silent bob.

Nazi cancer fuck off please. Go back to Namibia.

Come to rural WI.

Because I wouldn't talk to you or pretend to be gay? Get lost loser.

Imagine living in a "white" country where 12% of the population are niggers.


Attached: Flag2.gif (256x256, 15.89K)

Maybe it's just an American thing, but that doesn't make sense to me.

Cut off the cancerous limbs and hopefully the torso will live. Chemo won't fix the problem.

i live in NY. depending on where you are its not as bad as youd think.

I think that Oregon is best. The Land is fertile and the water is great, so off grid folk communities are very feasible, there are tons of Whites, and many are conservative or right leaning. It has only been over the past 20 years that Oregon has gone blue, this is a result of many Californians coming up. The economy is also great, and it is
Close to Canada / Alaska or the ocean, in case exodus is necessary.

Also there is that whole PNW front ideology that has entered our Aryan Zeitgeist.

Now, we need a Land Trust, and a network of Folk communities and mutual aid organizations to facilitate the White Flight to Thr state of Jefferson.

Not your blog. Rule 4 violation.


Utah isn’t bad minus the mormo cucks
Wi is nice I have some family up there too

The shitter the flag the better the state.

California - cool flag, shittest state
Oragon - dumbass flag, good state

fuck my spelling

Yet without organs you won't live long. And by organs I mean cities, port cities specifically.

I like this idea. Keep in mind urbanization leads families astray. Low population density is a great way to keep your family tight knit. Low population densities can be found in many states anyhow.

NH is purple, ME is red in the upstate. Those are the two I would recommend, rest of the US is too infested, other than West Virginia

it WAS washington until the fucking californians and seattle faggots ruined it.

die of aids, nigger fucker.

Portland (Oregon)

since you asked

Central and northern maine are still heavily white (go days without seeing any minorities, and even if you do - they are the kind that don't get uppity with the majority) and most people you encounter are right-leaning. It takes me an afternoon to get just about any normie around here that all races need their own country ala Israel (give me two afternoons to agree that majority of jews are criminals)

Now….south part of the state is utterly pozzed. All are liberal traitors. And if they are not liberals, they are conservatards that think we all should mix and eliminate the races. Just as upstate New York needs to balkanize themselves away from the NYC, southern Maine needs to be cut off from the remaining sane folk. Case in point, not enough right-wing fucking voted last election (apparently) and now we have almosy entirely democrat scum running the state. Which will be over-turned next election when decent people get their asses handed to them in taxes and faggotry in our public schools increases.

That, or its a complete loss and DOTR will come.

israel. Just clean the vermin out and you have an entire planet full of friendly neighbors.

you guys are fucking nuts suggesting Washington and Oregon, i've lived here my whole, half the "rural" people in Oregon are still a bunch of leftie faggots….i would agree Washington, my home, WAS a good place until about 10-15 years ago, the Californians have been coming in waves, it was manageable until recently, this state is lost, part of the reason i can shit post so much lately is because i took 3 weeks off work to fix my house up and get it on the market…..anyone with sense is getting the fuck out of washington, at the very least to teh east side of the state, but even there you're still getting butt fucked by the faggots in Seattle.

Thanks for the insights user. So where are you moving to?

West Virginia. Specifically the National Radio Quiet Zone.

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Maine, Idaho, Alaska, Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

Also this, WV pretty good, and Maine doesn't lean heavily Dem, it split its electoral vote last time and it's trending more and more away from liberalism (though the southern university area of the state is still liberal) the rest of the state is extremely anti liberal.

You have to keep in mind these vast territories are still ruled from cities which attract whistling, tight jeans hipsters with AIDS, and where women vote for dumbasses.

true but enforcement has to be done at the local level

Just find some nice BBC for your white daughters and get it over with

Not always - well not in the wider world anyway. Often rural politics and agendas dominate the city - well sometimes. At a state level anyway for larger nations.

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Just go to the whitest places in America. Montana and Wyoming are good for starters. If you go to Vermont, stay away from tranny hole Burlington.

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Gold (((Jerry))), gold.

So Maine it is? What's it actually like there?

Sweden… what have you done.

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And what will you do when 2030 comes and the whitest state is only 85% white? How are any of you even going to start families with your vile, pedophilic and talmudical view of women? No woman in their right mind is going to want any of you.

Americans are larpers. Not that Europeans don't have that problem either, but Americans take the cake on delusions.

if you found a good spot to live, DO NOT POST IT ON HERE. this site is monitored by the enemy, the same enemy that runs HUD, and they will make it a point to ship somalians there.

anyone half way intelligent would know how to find a good place to live


As if ZOG doesn't have full access to its own population census.

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i dont think you understood my post

You're an idiot.

from the look of it, it's filled with boomers. seriously the average age is like 50. whats a good white state for a young person to live?

found the woman

Found the jewish pederast.

tits or gtfo

lol yeah no shit

There isn't and soon the planet will be in the same spot if something isn't done.

I'd go with Wyoming. Even the nonwhites are total rednecks (all 200 of them), and "jew" is nothing but a verb.

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user… the government doesn't check Zig Forums to figure out where they're sending their next shitskin shipment. They look at census data and politically advantageous locations to break apart.

WV was beautiful when I was passing through on a trip, so much sprawling mountains and valleys. Land is pretty cheap there

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so is meth

made these up recently

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Exactly. What infuriates me as shitskins stared pouring into my town after 2016. It was an 99.9% White town. Only non-Whites were poojets at the gas stations. Now there are niggers and spics and I am angry. Worst part? It's not even kikes heading it up but Yankee cucks that have taken over.

Nice trips, the next Colorado. White right now, but they're so fucking liberal they're trying to import as many muds as possible, and once the mudslide starts, it can't be stopped. Same reason why the PNW is the worst place for the Butler plan.

All dead red neck states with no economy. Good luck making 6 figures in those states.


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Fuck… really? God damn it. I want to move to Boise or at least move close to it. Idaho seemed like a promising state but I pretty much have to be in Boise or at least within an hour commute of Boise.

I can testify that it is not North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia or Florida.

Why would you need to, Shmuel? Just because you need that much to rent a closet with 4 roommates in Jew York doesn't mean it's the same way throughout the entire country.

The disparity between Slavs and Non-Slavs is hilarious.

Montana (around Whitefish)

NVA nigger glowing bright hahaha

You're either jewish or thoroughly brainwashed by the jew. You don't need a whole lot of money to live well if you don't live in (((big cities))).

wow, who could have predicted this?>>13103359

It's white people, you fucking nigger

This. The only way to escape the Jewish attack on Whites is to immigrate to Israel. Alaska is another more moderate option

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going to be in easteren washington for about 6 months while i look for a place in Idaho,Montana or preferably Wyoming if i can get the wife that far out…probably going to be Idaho or Montana as we have family in MT and ID is still close enough to drive and visit family on the holidays….only saving grace is the property values here have gone insane and i have enough equity to buy a place out right in ID or MT where i'm looking and still have some money left over to buy some equipment and go into business for myself….i'm so fucking angry with what has happened to my home and being ran out of it, but on the other hand it's a great new opportunity….so really it's a wash?

i'm basically just going by population density, the demographics are all fucked everywhere so i figure move to the place that has the least amount of people and either wait for the world to go shit or i'll be dead and gone before "progress" catches up to me….Washington has gotten so bad that i live in the mountains but won't even leave my fucking house on the weekend because there's just too many fucking people here, what should be a 30 min drive to the ski resort takes me 3-4 fucking hours to get home….for me the problem is 2 fold, i just don't like people in general and have always lived in rural areas because i like being left alone and not feeling like there's someone up my ass every-time i turned around and the 2nd problem here is the politics, seriously, western washington has gone to shit on every single level imaginable….the land is still pretty but the region is just a shell of itself.

that said, most things in life is relative, i suppose if you came from a bigger shithole like Chicago or california…anywhere…westeren washington would seem like a nice place.

Yeah. Montana is a pretty cool state but I found that Billings is full of liberal types. I never went as far as Sheridan in Wyoming but it was extremely liberal there as well.

We can control the niggers.
(see pic)

It's the flood of others that bothers me.

once we are the minority it will take more than dressing up like ghosts to keep control.

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It's interesting how only now the population of Hasidics in NY are starting to move to Jersey City and colonize that area of mostly Blacks.
Blacks there aren't taking too kindly to their ways.

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Two options: stay and fight by any means necessary (I don't need to infer anymore), or run in flight and bolster the white population of another state while getting into political power in the region, whether it be local town, county, regional or the entire state itself.

Meanwhile, my text and dick disturbs the aliens

what do they mean by this? Isn't this just a graph of percentage of white people? Diversity just means fewer white people.

20% ,muslim.. How could a nation die so fast with out a fight?


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Try harder, redditard

not just muslims. BOSNIAN muslims. fucking scum. the drivers license test even has a bosnia/serb language option. they run shitty used car lots that are obviously money laundering for organized crime, and they run "hookah bars" which are basically underground nightclubs where underage white girls can get drunk and raped by sand niggers. not joking. they always get shut down…

New Hampshire or Maine.

The best way to do this would be county by county. States vary drastically internally.

That's what they're reporting. It's EASILY 30%.

Wealth and comfort, ironically enough, are the very worst for nationalistic countries. Italy before Mussolini was a sleepy backwater economy centuries removed from it's greatness, Germany's economy was crippled by the Treaty of Versailles, and Romania that was close to having Codreanu in power was a sluggish economy based around wine and agriculture.

No wonder the jew targets the less wealthy of the European states to push its pro-EU propaganda… the jew understands that (((wealth))) (that fake consumerist culture and economy based on speculation and horseshit) is an opium for the people that ought to be angry.

That is fucking great, better than most Zig Forums memes. If anything needs to get posted to social media it's this tier shit.

You don't need a lot of money man, especially not in real america (not Jew York or most of California). Materialism is the way of the jew

i'm kinda an old man, i'm also a dual national, i've lived and traveled all over the world, there's very few places that i haven't been, i mostly grew up in washington, no matter how far away i went, for how long i always ended coming back here, my family has long since left but i always kept coming back, i truly think there is no better place on earth, i spent my youth climbing and hiking…back before it was cool and before there were really guidebooks or anything…there is no place in the world like Washington state, it's land is truly unique, i've never been anywhere else that in a period of 3 hours you can drive from desert, to snow, to the ocean, and not just that but just the types of what it is, the Puget sound is a one off on planet earth, washington state has more glacier than any other state in the lower 48, the fresh water from the glaciers draining sound actually changes the salt content and allows for some pretty cool animals here…i just don't know now man, this is my home and i've been all over it and seen a lot more here than many will ever see and i know that more is still out there…..i love this place so fucking much.

that said, it's a fucking shit hole, the god dam liberals and the fucking Californians have shit all over it,like literally,people are shitting on the sidewalks.

we have the 2nd highest gas tax in the country and the population here has been exploding for the last 20 years, more so in the last 10, it used to take me 20 mins to get to index and 45 to ski resort, i don't even leave my fucking house anymore because it'll take me 3-4 fucking hours,3-4 FUCKING HOURS to get home from a day out…it should be a 30-45min drive, what in the actual fuck….

Washington state is fucking great but the people here and the number of them have just fucking ruined it….please if you consider coming here look into the local politics and social issues, we have some of the worst SJW faggotory in the whole country here and it's not going to change…it's too late, there's too many of them…it's California 2.0, move somewhere that at least has a chance to stay good for 10-20 years before it finally goes to shit.

i'm giving up a 6 figure job to move to ID or MT, thanks to the internet i can just make widgets from my garage and ship, i just got to live somewhere that has UPS pick up and delivery and i'm good..better to work for myself anyways….

lol, that said, i got 40 acres in easteren washington, maybe we should all just start a fucking commune, the people out there are mostly alright.

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Every time I see unedited vides from idaho, oregon or washington the sky is filled with smoke. Seems to me like a couple assholes flicking cigs out the window could wipe out the entire pacific nw. Good luck with that dumb sheeeit.

yeah, these areas were historically logging and mining communities, the faggot liberal tree huggers have basically killed logging to the point that the forests are now giant tinder boxes.

"California could save billions of gallons annually by undertaking significant forest thinning operations, according to scientists affiliated with the National Science Foundation and the Sierra Critical Zone Observatory.

“We’ve known for some time that managed forest fires are the only way to restore the majority of overstocked western forests and reduce the risk of catastrophic fires,”"

think about that….WE'VE KNOWN FOR SOME TIME, like over a hundred years we have known, yet the faggot tree huggers put us in this situation and fight us every step of the way in trying to fix it….yet just another symptom of the people here shitting on everything…