In new attack, Trump threatens more tariffs against European Union

“Get ready for more tit-for-tat scrapping to follow,” said John Woolfitt of London brokerage Atlantic Markets.

By Philip Blenkinsop from reuters

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Since when as dumbf ever helped us once?

His hateful rhetoric enabled white nationalists to commit 70% more hate crimes last year than ever before

don't worry, he is a huge pussy and will blink in 2 seconds

Hahaha this damage control:

It's not working, kids. In fact too much shilling is giving away the plot. Trump's support is twice as high as when he was elected. You cucks are impotent and can't stop him. It's cute that you try, but your employers are going to be mad when they realize you're ripping them off. David Brock was murdered because he was lying to his employers about his effectiveness.

Theres almost no north altantic freight,sure they can all get tariffs like he's Oprah, but what is subject to traffic besides liquor store merchandise?

Big surprise.

Germany makes a lot of medical and technological devices which are still top class, and their largest customer is still the USA for all of these exports. Without the US market, Leica's survey equipment arm would collapse overnight. Japanese use their own survey equipment as does China, but the best is still of German make.

Carl Zeiss is in a similar position but may be better equipped to handle tariffs as they have made significant investment here in the USA and have bought up a number of concerns while keeping the employees and stateside facilities.

Another one is obvious, automobiles. German exports of autos to the US are way down since the Volkswagen and friends emissions scam, another couple nails in that coffin and their fate is sealed.

Trump never does anything unless its give money to Israel.

god, you are an idiot

Go on, Mr President. Take down the EU.
Britain stands with you.

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post ignored


So did Germany say something bad about ww2 again?

They wanted to buy some Russian gas and Mackinder rolled over in his grave.

Surprise level: 0

Bad goyim trying to cut off the atlantic parasites again, oy!

The fact that Germany wishes to become more reliant on Russian gas is a signal that they don't consider Russia to be a national security threat, and therefore their involvement with NATO is a fraud.

Of course their involvement with NATO is a fraud. Their "membership" was imposed on them by a military occupation. When the Soviets left, NATO stayed. NATO's mission is the core fraud here.

Filthy *ermans GOYIM are rejecting the US of muttmerica, AGAIN!

Attached: Nation of subhumans showing Holohoax propaganda.jpg (450x365, 87.72K)

NATO has no real mission any more, it should be ended. But the bases we took when Germany capitulated will stay in US hands.

So you support the termination of NATO and the reimposition of occupation forces in Germany? I do, it's the only way we can save Europe from communism.

Trying harder, mutt.

Attached: amerimutt_is_found_out.png (216x234 277.81 KB, 9.72K)


Even if NATO is terminated the US bases aren't going anywhere, shill. You can cry and weep all you want, but there's no strategy which will allow you to fully cope with that truth.

yeah fuck those euros, let's back down on tariffs on China and other non-white nation's though
t. drumpf

wew lad it's like you haven't read the news for a decade



>(((NATO))) shill is calling people shills
What a surprise. Muttmerica is going to be dead thanks to trump. It is actually the best thing he did for us all. Screwing muttmerica's partnerships with all the lesser countries in typical schizo fashion.

Only because of (((NATO))) and mutt occupation of Germany.

How many billions in aid do they give Israel?

Pinpoint targeting of shitlib voters, on par with Chinese heartland centered tariffs


America is dead boomer, didn't you hear?

Oh you're just a chatbot. It's hilarious how you always manage to out yourselves.

Hilariously the Chinese soy and corn tariffs haven't done much damage, the excess grain was simply routed into pig, cow, and chicken gullets.

Does imkikey pay you guys to tote your white nationalist agenda?

Attached: wrong hood.gif (300x224, 1.78M)

Remember at the rallies when we would all chant
Good times, fellow magapede.

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Its as almost if the Americans and Russians have been filling euro heads with trash for decades. Gotta de-nazi those damn nazis.


I'm not even sure what's he's talking about with the cars tons of people where I live are driving Audis and Benzs?

Most EU member states are over 56% white

You're seething that the wall is funded and happening, it's OK. Fence-coping is your go-to. At least with Trump we are enhancing our border security. Hillary wanted to have completely open borders as she admitted in her Goldman-Sachs speech.

Attached: mutt coping this is what subhuman amerimutts actually believe.png (768x1024 66.76 KB, 129.9K)

So this means the jews the run it are cool now, right

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the fucking delusion on these MAGAniggers. Show me a map of the southern border, how much is fenced and how much is not, you dumb fucking faggot

Attached: trumpkike der jerbs are coming back.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

this is what happens when you let cuckchan overtake the board, the elections was a mistake.

Hope you enjoy your fence, imkikey.

Reminder that when asked to post a map of new wall constructed, Trump bots always stop posting.


That's a joke, right?

Just a quick reminder that EVEN the FAT, GAY, AUTISTIC JEWISH board owner of /v/ deletes these posts and bans them for being spam, while the moderators of Zig Forums leave them up.

Probably hits to close to home for that fat mutt lol

I don't get it, if you cuck fags don't like Trump, why wouldn't you promote a Democrat who can win? You can't stop Trump by shilling on this board. You need to go shill on Reddit and rally those soyim behind a candidate who can beat Trump on the issues.

This is just massive coping salt. When he wins in 2020 I'll be here to rub your inability to make sound tactical decisions in your faces. Instead you're promoting joke candidates like that Chinaman and some gay mayor.

Zig Forums has lost its mojo, using the same techniques which failed to stop Trump in 2016 will only lead to more failures. You're just not that great at your jobs, kids.

Try harder

Of course not cuckchan brought over it's white d&c shills and they are here to stay.

I'm barely trying at all. Unlike you faggots, who try your best and keep on failing.

That faggot is still alive and you need to fuck off back to Reddit, Trumpnigger.

It deletes them because they strike nerves, you retarded neocon shitskin.

It stopped itself already.

Attached: trumpkike at it again.jpg (605x411, 50.21K)

Where's the map of the wall?

The country is doomed, I'm not trying to stop trump, but I don't want to listen to MAGAniggers fellate him either

He was killed for his failures and other shills will be terminated by their employers for lying about their effectiveness as well.

When he wins in 2020 I look forward to your howls and tantrums. You simply can't stop him no matter what you post here, you have to get the Democrats to promote a non-globalist, pro-border-security, anti-UBI anti-war candidate but you won't because those values clash with your soy-infused world view.

You've already failed. Don't worry - I won't let you forget why you've failed after he wins again, and until then I will remind you of the inevitability of his impending win in 2020.

You can see it from space on Google Earth.

Where is the wall map?

Wall map where, kikey?

Should be really easy to post it and BTFO us all then?

With what? Niggers and spics?

Attached: Nigger smarter than average amerimutt.jpeg (800x1100 1.15 MB, 125.19K)

It's not working, you're failing to stop Trump right now. You'll never stop him until you redirect your shillbots toward Reddit and get those dumb fags to get behind a pro-US candidate. But you're Zig Forums commies or government shilldroids, so you can't. You have your orders but your patron expect results. You've failed to deliver any results whatsoever, and your Drumpf-posting is just a type of salt. Delicious salt.

Agreed. Trump is not only going to win, but he will win easily.



Attached: cuck_report.gif (326x248, 32.53K)

What do you gain with this, I ask?

Over half of the Florida felons who got back their voting rights have now registered as Republicans. Try to keep up with the news. He's also nearing 50% support among the general population of blacks and hispanics.

Another failure of shills and the media, you can't even keep the brown people in their pens any more.

I'm a white male, the Democrats have made it very very clear numerous times that they don't care for white men.

This is the most cuckchan post I’ve read in weeks, you’re a fucking shill or a newfag, thinking ANY figure emerging from “western democracy” isn’t a globalist spiritual kike is entry level at best, actually feeling so moved as tho the 4th Reich is rising because trump (just another globalist who went into presidency for his own self interest, aka, to name his price to the zog) won the election instead of the ((projected winner)) of Hillary Clinton makes you look like an uneducated 18 year old who’s been watching too much Ben Shapiro owning libtards compilations.

Nice word salad, cuck. The Nazis failed. Instead of clinging to that broken ideology you should be adapting to current conditions on the ground.

It's simply not working.

Read the rest of the thread the EU is based now.

Oh fednigger torpedo, waste your time elsewhere. No one buys that shit about BASTE nigger felons. Even if true, why should anyone want to be apart of that "coalition" of felons, niggers, spics, and christcuck boomers?
No the failure is yours. Fag.


Don't you get it yet? Until you execute the Jew and Shoot those shitskins invading, it doesn't matter who's ass sits in the white house.

Trump will win, you'll be salty, and I'll be here to rub your nose in your stinking failures like I was in 2016. I'm still doing it today ;^)

It did when the USSR existed.

trump can't even utter the words 'white man', enjoy your replacement, while you cheer on the people replacing you because they have a an R by their name and not a D

OK fednigger, why don't you go first? You seem to have a strategy all figured out. Of course your actions wouldn't lead to more draconian measures and more rounds of anti-white-male media articles and legislation.

Trump is real acceleration, you're proof of it. You're just so dang salty, it's delicious.

So where is the map?

He won't even say the word white at all

It's not working, it didn't work before, it's not working now, and it won't stop Trump in 2020. I suggest a course correction. You need to be shilling on Reddit for a candidate who can beat Trump. Despite two years of "Drumpf's an orange kike" his popularity has almost doubled. He will easily take the popular vote in 2020 and over a dozen permanently blue states will cast their electoral votes for him. And I'll be here to mock your failure.

I voted for trump you stupid nigger

Unless it’s “I denounce and repudiate white nationalism.” Or “I want all white nationalists imprisoned or executed.”

You’re ban evading for a reason, jew. You’re the same paid shill in every thread. Trump mathematically cannot win in 2020. Go suck jew cock back on reddit.

You realize you are the only one supporting Trump on a board that once called him the god emperor

>(((US))) and (((EU))) trying to fuck each other up
I have no problem with this.



How is trump a solution you mental mongrel? Is he naming the Jew? Is he against globalism and internacional oligarchys and shadow groups? Is he stopping imperialistic wars in the Middle East and cutting off support of israel? Is he exposing corruption in the USA government? Is he giving citizens their rights back (all the many laws that allow your government to spy on you, your weapon purchase restrictions)? Is he repealing the welfare state for niggers and minorities? Is he deporting immigrants? Is he imprisoning and executing the MSM reporters, and owners? Is he repealing discriminatory and racist plans like affirmative action?Is he ACTUALLY doing something for the WHITE AMERICAN, is he trying to reconnect them to their European heritage and traditions?

Post a screen shot of it and make us all look dumb


Why can’t you post a map of the “new” fence that supposedly exists?

Hahaha, this is the best you can do? It's pretty sad and it won't stop Trump. Mathematically he's already won.
If California passes their EC popular vote law he will take all 50 states.