Jewish NYT Columnist Unwittingly Calls for National Socialism

You guys, we need some kind of "conservative socialism."

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Don't mind if we do, (((Mr. Brooks))).

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Don't they have kosher nationalism in europe?

You had to use alt right? You had one job, and you said alt right, instead of national socialism.

I'm not sure if Israel counts as Europe.

It's best to let him figure out he was describing national socialism on his own.

Every nationalist group in Europe is kosher, yes.

Evidently by Twitter's rules I was making fun of his disability. I guess that means they agree he's retarded.

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thread of the year

It's a great place to find gems like this.

nigger, it's fun as fuck to fuck with normalfags

Look. Every party have to go to Israel so jews can't call them nazi. Some parties like UKIP are kosher. But not all of them. At least Europe has political parties. America have two parties that are basicly same.

Checked, but I refuse to cuck to the globohomo in order to participate on their platform. This is funny though, OP. Thanks for your service.

Imagine that! Economically Left & Culturally Right. David Brooks is one of them oriental geniuses. Deserves a special old fashioned yellow hat.

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I mean, National Socialism isn't economically "left" by any definition of leftism, but it's still funny nonetheless.

It wasn't an accident, and if you don't realise why by now, you never will.

lel. I had my account for years and called out (((them))) on the regular. I was never banned until I used the word "retarded".

how is it cucking to globohomo to spread red-pills and fuck with normalfags? It's more like operating behind enemy lines. And if you are successful in red-pilling you are cucking THEM with their own platform.

Economically Left and Socially Right is literally the old Democrat party of FDR and the like before the Southern strategy. As a blessing, at least FDR and Truman hated niggers.

Roosevelt, meh, but Truman also hated commies.

What the fuck sort of definitions do you use?
Natsoc has always pushed for universal healthcare and education, welfare, and a state controlled market economy.
How is that not left?


Marxism isn't the first and certainly isn't the only theory of socialism: It's just the dominant one. If you look at national socialism objectively, it entails a mixed economy, with a little more nationalization than would be acceptable right of center by contemporary standards (at least in America). Granted, on the left they prefer to call it "socialized." On the right they prefer "nationalized." Literally the same thing.

It's difficult to place it on a 2D political map and depends on the way it is framed. A lot of traditional conservatives, libertarians, and others who wish to distance themselves from national socialism try to place it squarely on the left, whereas those on the left naturally place it on the right. They associate "racism" with the "far-right." so it's difficult to accept national socialism was meant to be a centrist option. The party in Germany was maybe leaning a bit more to the left until they got rid of Strasser. Is Strasserism left wing fascism or right wing socialism? There's really no consensus, and since we are operating outside of mainstream and socially-acceptable political thought, scholars just want to label it and then back away without much discussion.

It its. Other so called "socialism" are capitalism spiced with weflrare. Just read something basic about economy.

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Means of production are not expropriated and exploitation via hiring labor is not abolished.

Saying that the only socialism is Marxist socialism is akin to arguing communism has never failed because real communism has never been tried yet.

What type of national socialism?
The one they made up or the true natsoc?

Natsoc shouldn't be labeling them selves left or right after realizing the right vs left dichotomy is nothing but divide and conquer.

National socialism is just the truth and should be known as such. Is third position and should be known as such it is for it's people and nation.

Lurk moar

Socialism of the non Marxist variety but of the tribal variety is not leftist in any way. The terms leftism and socialism are not interchangeable, the kike marx hijacked the term but Hitler restored it to its original non leftist roots.

This except add to it that real exploitation of labor and the erasure of all cultural non material aspects of life, rendering people into jewish production zombies, is carried out by the jewish class which replaces the fake concept of exploitation through wage labor.

Marx and Engels didn't establish the concept, but I wouldn't exactly say they hijacked it because they were the first to develop a theory with a full canon behind it. Others had toyed around with the idea, but they were the first to run with the ball. Also, I think Engels is only listed a co-author because he was wealthy and financed Marx to never work and spend his life drunk and dicking around. He wrote a couple books and a bunch of drunken ramblings of critiques and manifestos.

I don't think Hitler held the same stigma regarding what is or was "left wing."

Protip: "Socialism" was coined by a man who died when Marx was still sucking his mothers khazar milkers and denoted a philosophy that was an antithesis to "individualist" philosophies driven by self-interest. National Socialists have a stronger claim to the term than Marxists do.

yeah, i'm a little drunk and was googling images, and this is one interpretation of how Heidler, I mean Huettler, I mean my dad was illiterate so my name is Hitler, would have viewed it.

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If you any of you think "Hitler" is a normal spelling of a modern German origin name, you are vastly mistaken. I am a native English speaker, but I took German in high school and 15 hours of it in college. I'm not quite fluent as I haven't used it in years. I can read it fine, then listen to it and write it OK, and lastly, speak it, meh. After I became accustomed with German and had a linguistics class or so, I remember thinking how the fuck is "Hitler" a W. Germanic name?

It's not. It's a bastardization/corruption of a W. Germanic name. His name signals right away he came from the illiterate lower classes. Heidler. Seriously, his name is misspelled, and it bothers me.

The most infamous man in history has a misspelled name. This has to bother anyone with OCD tendencies. It's like when you run across some black guy named "Micheal."

Really nigger?
Also did you read prussian socialism by the way?

Look on the bright side, drunk user. Now all the anglophone zoomers know something much closer to the correct pronunciation of his name. Otherwise we would have been calling him "Heeey-dler" or "Hiiiii-dler" like faggots for 80+ years. So it's a trade off.
Now go to bed and stop shitposting in every thread. Polite sage.

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Hey it started out a legit thread, don't sage because I got drunk.


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I'd wager your own family came from such a shitty illiterate lower class position that they left Europe and became mutts :'(

Careful now. I came from the fallen gentry. We Wuz British Nobility. We lost all our property when slavery was made illegal.


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These are great.

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Checked for you get to come up with a caption.

That means you can call your sons Heidler and no one will notice!

That's actually a pretty decent name.

Too late.

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ahhhhaha fuck these are getting out of hand. Fucking great.

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Isn't Brooks a Neo Con?

I think so. He's on Fox Jews fairly regularly.

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dude these are amazing.

You are correct.

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I wish

user, you a meme master, unless this shit already hit 4chan, I didn't notice, and you're uploading them. Otherwise, you are a meme master.

I am but a humble farmer.

do you think these are safe for my normie friends on facebook?

>(((alt right)))

Except leftists I guess?

The Simpson's picture represents the field I work in. I can't help the spacing; I'm an oldfag.

>(((alt right)))

Also like, I'm like more of a libertarian, like.

why are you talking about (((alt-right))) then?


dude chill the fuck.

it's just a joke, bro.

everything is ironic.

Checked for use at your own risk.

i'm trying to maintain my sanity while being a normie in the real world. it doesn't cause cognitive dissonance, just frustration.

what in the actual fuck?

Comedy gold.

Why do kikes lack so much self awareness.

So they finally agree with me.

Hitler may have been wrong, maybe Jews can figure it out.

Hilarious. #yanggang anyone?

Conservative socialism isn't national socialism you insane nazi bastards.

Handel's "Moses in Israel" isn't retitled "Commander!" in one of those realities.

It's whatever we say it is.

You crackhead

When this faggot is talking about a movement that is "economically left", he's talking about Marxist socialism which is egalitarian and redistributes money to the weak and demotes the strong. The NSDAP didn't do this. The NSDAP's version of "socialism" only benefited productive members of the nation.

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