How to survive redpilling on Zig Forums

I’ve seen seriously despondent people who wished they’d never taken the redpill. I see wallowing in despair because they don’t know where the redpilling will lead them. Some want out, but the can’t escape. Others just get swallowed up by the darkness. Here’s how you can survive Zig Forums. It’s painful. You will never be the same again. But if you want to come out alive, and in most cases, better off, I strongly advise you heed these warnings/instructions.

1. Your first encounter with Zig Forums will be shocking. Everything you read will be either nonsensical conspiracies or just seem like hate speech. You will not understand half the things people are referring to. You will be the normie that everyone will be hazing. This is normal. You are not special. Everyone goes through this.

2. You will start to understand the jargons of Zig Forums. You will start to understand what the posters are actually saying. You will start swallowing redpills. Unfortunately, for the first 6 months, they will all be hate pills. Why? Because these are the easiest pills to swallow. You will find the truth about racial differences, women, Jews, governments, homosexuality, Islam and other degeneracy. You will start to hate. And this is the most dangerous stage of Zig Forums. You must continue because if you stop evolving here, you are doomed. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Keep pushing ahead user.

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Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg).

3. Once you have swallowed enough redpills, you will start feeling segregated from your immediate group of friends/families. You’ll find yourself opposing just about every popular opinion they have. You try to hold your tongue, but it gets harder and harder. You can’t understand why these people are so blind. You can’t understand why at some point in your life, you actually agreed with these people. It’s tough becoming estranged from your loved ones. So, don’t argue. If they are curious, you can lead them a bit. BUT DO NOT TRY TO FORCEFEED REDPILLS TO OTHERS IN YOUR LIFE. This is the most importante lesson you will take away from here. Redpills are something that has to be taken voluntarily.

4. At this point, you will fall into despair. You will feel alone. You will feel like everyone around you are just idiots going through life without a single rational thought. And then, you will become angry. You will know what true rage is. The strength and magnitude of this rage will surprise you.

Now, this rage is the crucial fork in the road. It is at this point that either Zig Forums will make you a man among men or an ostracized hateful racist neo-nazi. You can use this anger and become destructive (to yourself and others) or you can use it to become something better. It is up to you.

If you wish to transcend into the true redpilled state, there by achieving true happiness, you MUST adhere to and obey the following steps.

5. At this stage, you still have not taken the ultimate redpill; that is, you and you alone, are ultimately responsible for your actions. That you and you alone, are responsible for who you turn out to be. You, and no one else, is responsible for your happiness. You still have not understood that posts on this board about drugs, porn, feminism and other degeneracy are not just a meme or a lecture on morals but are instructions. Instructions for you to survive the brutal process that is redpilling and eventually, succeed in life. And the truth is, you can’t take this final pill until you’ve changed certain things in your life. And tomorrow, you will start this process.

6. You will wake up in the morning. You will take a shower to wake up. Then, come sit on your bed or a chair, and close your eyes and CLEAR YOUR MIND. FROM THIS MOMENT ON, THERE IS NO THINKING ALLOWED. You are not allowed to think. You will only do. There are no excuses. There is no rationalizing. You will simply do what needs to be done. You will open your eyes and go about your day. Either go to your job or your school and do your best. From now on, everything you do, no matter how mundane, will be your best effort. You will eat no processed food. When you are done with the chores of the day, you will go straight to the nearest gym and join.

7. You will lift weights. Slowly at first. It matters not how much you bench. It only matters that you are there and that you keep going there. And it matters that you are there for the right reason. You are not there to impress girls. You are not there to make yourself look sexy. You are not there to become a model. You are there to improve yourself. Period. You are doing this for yourself and no one else. When you get home, eat a healthy meal. Under no circumstances are you allowed fast food or processed foods. Spend 30 minutes on Zig Forums or some other similar sites. Read a redpilling book (check files and!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg). No TV. No Netflix. No video games. No porn. Try to go to bed early.

8. Repeat this for 3 months. It will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. But don’t give up. Above all, do not think. Thinking only leads to laziness and excuses. Every time you start thinking about making excuses not to go to the gym, GET ANGRY!!! And this is where you use that RAGE I talked about earlier. THIS IS WHERE THAT RAGE WILL HELP YOU INSTEAD OF DESTROYING YOU. If you find yourself lacking the motivation, summon that anger that Zig Forums has instilled in you. Bring it to the brim. USE THE RAGE. LET IT CONSUME YOU. Then, just get up and go to the gym and burn out the rage by lifting. As you lift, think of all the redpills you’ve swallowed and think about how mad it makes you. Think about how hypocritical and how evil this world truly is. Think about how when shit hits the fan, there are only 2 things that are going to save you; your physical strenght and your guns. Think about how the government and people in power force you to be less than you’re capable of becoming. How that no one on this god damn planet can help you EXCEPT yourself.

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9. In 3 months, you will notice a significant change in yourself. You will look different. You will feel different. You will notice that people react to you differently. It is because you will be more confident at this point. You will start affecting those around you more than they affect you. Some will resent you. Others will admire you. Fuck them all. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is you and how you are changing. Movies become boring as hell. Why? Because you no longer live in that fantasy world. You now understand that the mind numbing effect of mass media is INTENTIONAL. They are trying to control you. But you will no let them anymore. You won’t be able to watch any TV. You won’t be able to watch any major news outlet. It will all look like bullshit to you. And you will be right.

In 6 months, you will no longer be recognizable. Physically and mentally, you will be a completely different person. Dress neatly. It’s not a matter of dressing up, but being presentable that counts. If you want to be stylish, go ahead! Show it off. You now have the body to do so. But always keep taking redpills. Always be true to yourself. Keep immaculate hygienic pratices. Your house/apartment should be neat and clean at all times. Never lose sight of how you used to be. Keep telling yourself you don’t ever want to go back to being that person.

And now, you are ready for the next step. Financial security.

10. You will get your finances in complete order. You will payoff all your debt as soon as possible. No more credit card debt. This will be a lot easier than you think because you no longer have degenerate expenses draining you financially. No drugs, no smoking, no movies, no eating out, no concerts, no materialistic sycophantic women, etc. You will find more energy and more motivation to improve your income. You will no longer be held back from getting that better job because at job interviews, you will be infinitely more confident. Physical fitness and the lack of degenerate behavior will improve your intelligence. You will have a clearer mind and your memory will improve as well as your ability to concentrate. If you are a student, your grades will improve dramatically. If you have a job, your performance will greatly increase. It’s a feedback loop. The better you become physically, the better your mental capacity will increase, which in turn will motiate you to improve your body even more. Suddenly, women who you though were out of your league will start approaching you. But, here’s the thing. You are now redpilled. You won’t fall for the fake, bullshit crap that you once fell for. You won’t give a shit about this hot bitch looking to seduce you because you can see right through it. You can see her motives. You are no longer blinded by your hormones. THIS IS WHAT Zig Forums IS ALL ABOUT. SEEING THROUGH THE BULLSHIT. You are there user. You are redpilled. And life is fucking awesome. But do not get complacent. The battle is never over. Keep improving yourself. The only difference now is that it is no longer a struggle. It will be enjoyable to keep improving.

11. Now that you are a man among men, the time has come for you to help others. The truth is, no one heeds advice from a loser beta fat broke neckbeard. But as people see your success, as they see how sound your body and mind is, they will naturally gravitate towards you. If they approach you, slowly give them little redpills. Never force redpills. Give them suggestions on sites to visit, books to read. Always keep a careful eye on them so that they do not stray from the path. When they are ready, show them this post. Show them the way.

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Great post, but you forgot the finale…

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Why has the debate about Aryan Christianity been closed??

Hey Gen X. The 90's called they want their fluro rave pants back.

good repost. have a bump

You cockmongling retard.
I want to beat the faggotry out of you.
You did so well until point 10.
Then you just put the chains back on and betrayed yourself and your people by becoming a better slave for the system.

At least you have shown those who want back the bliss of bluepill blindness that it's possible.

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This is capitalist 101 blame the victim bullshit.. OP IS A BULLSHIT


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lol whatever fag


Go suck a cock spoon feeding faggot.

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He says as he sucks off a Zionist faggot.

How is getting out of debt or a single other item in #10 a bluepill friend?

You know you're over the target when…

Great job, user. These frail niggers obviously don't into the program.

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you can survive by listening to this song

I needed this. Thank you.

How can you have a book list suggestion with Das Kapital and Dugin yet no Mein Kampf? Only a kike would leave out Mein Kampf.

None of these books expose the Jew. This is a glownigger post for misdirection.


I remember when Zig Forums was actual discussion about national socialism, not lukewarm civic nationalism and /x/, but that's quite a while ago. This board hardly will shock a redditor nowadays.

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The National Socialism was real in my own mind.

Nigga I can't do this shit

Instead of being a gym nerd reading Mein Kampf, I rather be copping me some fried KFC chicken. After a bucket later, I wanna steal someones wallet and then run fast as hell and get cardio and fat burn that way. I already outrunned several cops today just getting to the grocery store to get me some Ramen Noodles for my shack.
Instead of caring out debt, I rather just go out with a (((White Woman))) of my same mixed heritage that went into $300,000 college debt.

The slightest nerve I have towards the redial at this point would be to join the US Military with the sole purpose of serving Israel. I don't seek to gain any experience about living on my own if I can save docile citizens from war. After serving in the military, I want to not go to college and collect military benefits at all. I rather just be a bum living in a confederate Shack posting on Zig Forums like OP is today.

The End.

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You weren't here before September 2016? Before Trump was hailed as the second coming of Hitler, before Pepe worship, before HWNDU, before the floodgates were opened and "too edgy for reddit"-types stormed this place?

Try mid-2015. Trump was never meant to be anything more than 'le ebin filler president' who granted us total schadenfreude and lulz. It's a shame that we haven't a meaningful victory since… when?

Brenton Tarrant.

They don't pay you enough for this lazy shit. At least try, nigger.
It's embarrassing.

Hamburger should be next

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Based shackposter

Well yes, but before Tarrant I mean.

You can't OP.
First you come here to laugh with those stupid poltards but at the same time it creeps into you and you don't notice it…
and then it's too late.

Nietzsche knew it: When pol gazes into the abyss, the abyss runs away.

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It's actually quite funny that you believe this works. Again, lazy. What a small, miserable life you must lead.

Yes, I have a very miserable life. I'm also a single incel, no income and no kids.

Why do you put any effort in all of this if you are so convinced that it doesn't work? Just ignore it and it will all end by itself, no?


No user in their right mind would use that photo. The fact you did shows you don't know what is wrong with it.

Vague mockery and insults?
logical fallacies are the tool of the yid.
Please continue. Show the class how this shill shit works.

Keep up the good work, OP.

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Too transparent, your whole hasbara team should be given sentry duty instead. It's more your level.

kek. Hasbara has no shame.

Whatever you say torfag avoiding anything relevant to this thread.
Logical fallacies glow. Continue. The lesson must come to its inevitable conclusion.

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Do you really think anons who read this sit down, rethink life and then never come back to /pol?

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[pic of that trannypol pig sucking the social welfare out of a cock]

Shut up newfag.

No, faggot. Nothing is a pill except the realization that judaism is human theocratic world despotism, masquerading as a religion, and thats all its ever been for thousands of years. They used to be polytheistic during the first temple, then mono, then destroyed by titus. they've killed more people than cancer and are the primary creators of: slavery, communism, genocide, islamic jihadism, global war, famine, and economic servitude. The united states claims it fought a revolution against king george the third, it did, but king george the third was an errand boy for jewery. Its getting close now to where they dont even care if people know anymore. They wear 9/11 costumes around the world to celebrate purim. Trump is their guy.

Christ insanity is un-Aryan and anti-white. Kill yourself.

"Incel" is a blackpill, spit the fucker out and then wash out your mouth.
The answer is simple, lower your standards, slightly, I'm not talking about fucking a 300lb sheboon just maybe a little lower than you might idealise and FFS don't catch yellow fever.
Plenty of good white women out there that aren't rabid feminists or complete roasties, just maybe a bit bookish or quiet, that can be changed.
Later, after you physically and mentally improve you can drop your (now hopefully redpilled) librarian and try to trade up.
Don't racemix but you can lower your standards on the white women you fuck, amazing things will happen:
1) You're no longer an 'incel' (volcel is actually more accurate for most of you fucking retards).
2) Vidya suddenly becomes boring, you spend time improving yourself, even maybe reading a book or two in between your lifting times.
3) You'll start to leave the safety of your fucking basement, you aren't a fucking mole, get outside and get some D3 in your blood.
4) better body, better mind, more confidence = better class of woman to fuck, eventually marry and have kids with.
5) Look back and laugh as you redpilled yourself on the blackpill 'problem', and succeeded.

after browsing Zig Forums for a few years, I exclusively jerk off only to interracial porn
was that (((their))) plan all along?
I literally can not get hard unless there's a bbc fucking a beautiful blonde

You are just there for the bbc.


Sounds like you may have a sexual degeneration problem. Probably should take a break from stroking it and take a walk

no. I can't watch 2 black men fuck each other
It has to be a beautiful blonde female who is getting penetrated

but if it gives me a harder erection than any other porn, how is it degeneration?
It feels like nature, evolution. Thank god white girls get to experience BBC in mass amounts for this generation
white guys always knew the dangers of it, that's why they forced segregation and outlawed interracial marriages.

You niggers do realize that neither the Zig Forums OP or /pol3/ OP wrote this, right? This post is older than today and has been posted here before

Why are you making a thread specifically for newfags? Go post this garbage on cuckchan or something and lurk more.

This is so accurate it hurts

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This board reminds me the jews

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Excellent post. We already have a Self Improvement General /SIG/ right here on Zig Forums.

the 2 years is mandatory

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Capped for future generations

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All I needed to turn the depression of the "red pill" as you faggots now call it, into an iron determination was Myth of the 20th Century.

Instead of living your lives off of Hollywood manufactured memes, like pills and fashion statements, use the simpler more profound memes graced to us by the natural order.

We are awake. As Hitler once said.
I've been here for over a decade, and National Socialism has always dominated the culture of /new/, Zig Forums, & Zig Forums. Why? Because jews. The awareness of jews. And their non-stop acts of aggression against our race, and the acts of aggression of foreigners brought to our nations by jews against our women and children.

We've always adhered to a policy of truth and honesty, and this invariably brings you do the JQ and the greatest mistake humanity has ever made, which was turning against Hitler in the one, critical moment when the best of humanity stood up and fought for the rest of us.

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my thoughts exactly

Idk if you're religious OP, but your post may have been an answer to my prayer. Thank you.

it really is this simple. revering and seeking truth makes you an outsider in clown world.

I've said it here for years and its never really caught on…

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Thank you for convincing me to drop the redpill, you guys are a fucking cult (and batshit insane on top of that) lmao

Goodbye jew.
But we both know you won't leave.

It gets easier after about 5 years or so, you can stop thinking about this shit all the time and enjoy life.

The first redpill is knowing that Trump will save the white race.

Nice repost faggot

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Jokes on you, this was my first post in almost a month and i came back just to check how garbage this place still is. Thanks for the (You) btw, it's probably my last. I'm leaving again. Farewell i guess, faggots.

Response to this thread which is implying that taking the red pill is somehow an unpleasant experience, and that people who took the red pill become "hateful" "neo-nazis" - both being judeo-leftist cliches, and assuming that becoming a Nationalist by whatever term you choose to call us was somehow a bad, painful thing…

And of course the post suggests that upon being red pilled one should stop thinking, work out a lot, and suggests what sounds like going back to being good little lemming, except with more exercise, and than "help people"…

I wish to address this "hate" and "neo-nazi" laden bad advice.. with some useful advice. Using tor I couldn't make a separate thread called "So you've been EDUCATED and EMPOWERED now what?" - so someone feel free to re-post this in a separate thread.

First of all my own experience - I come from a right wing background, so most of the things newbies learn here I already knew, I just went through a "catechism" when I was 17 or so, a couple of events, realizations, and finally the Turner Diaries (and Hunter).

Having become a Nationalist I felt like a powerful knight in shining armor who newly emerged form the fire, a brand new warship with gleaming steel armor powering out of the harbor to the open sea of the future, and the fight. I felt EMPOWERED and educated, it's what you should feel too.

But now comes the difficult part - what to do?

Nowadays there are few organizations, and what there are, are crippled, and full of informants, they serve as nothing else, than to waste your money, time, and get you on the enemy's radar. You will have Zig Forums, and other net resources as a very basic community, but a real-world community you might not have.. So what to do? where to apply your newly lit fire?

3 options.

1. Become an intellectual/activist
2. Become a sleeping cell
3. Go active (which I'm not telling you to do, or not to do - I'm just listing it as one of the options)

1. If you become an intellectual your task will be to learn, learn, and learn, and figure out how to destroy our enemies, to continually educate yourself, and to engage in internet, and real world propaganda. - I myself am an intellectual/activist. I enjoy thinking, learning, and pulling what can be considered "nasty pranks" on our enemies.

2. If you become a sleeping cell, you will do things socially. What you will do is join all kinds of clubs, and activities, usually sports, shooting, hiking, etc. and build yourself a good solid circle of friends. Than when things get ugly you will have yourself a nice little unit ready to go.
Some advice on this: join all kinds of groups, hiking groups, hunting groups, gun clubs. Pick people based not so much on politics, though not being liberals is a requirement, than personal qualities, things like integrity, courage, honor, trustworthiness - it's better to have a politically ignorant person who is cool than someone who more or less shares your views but is a rat. As a matter of fact be careful of people with views nearly the same as yours but less radical - it's these people you want to either be extra careful with or avoid altogether.
One note on this from personal experience: a while ago I got into a social group, and there was a patriotic type guy who was just a few notches shy of what I was, ideologically, so we connected on politics and became friends. And after this now, he knew all about me. Well one day he (that useless idiot) ran his mouth and accidentally ratted me out, so now everyone knew.. He screwed things up for me. And also the 6 years I knew him he did not do one single ounce of work - the guy was utterly and totally useless, as useless as a wet rag, the only thing he did was rat me out. People who are more moderate than you are so because of personal deficiencies, and people less radical than you have less reason to avoid detection - patriots and "wet-rag" rightists when befriended are a disaster waiting to happen…
So don't base things on ideology, base things on personal merit, and form strong friendships. Once again personal qualities and friendship. Do not try to educate or ideologize your friends, it is more important to hand pick good people and form strong personal bonds, you might steer them in useful directions like survivalism, shooting, have some educational advetures, (hunting trips, survival experiences, extreme hikes to Alaska, etc.) and even lead them a little in politics, just a little (just make them hate the system a bit, give them some injustices, ie. how the blacks take women etc, or give them a few mild books - ie Waffen SS memoirs from WWII - or something like that). Once again don't try to indoctrinate them - just have a strong group, and than if things get ugly, things get race-war, you will have a nice little war-band. Any harder ideology you introduce should only come shortly before going active, when things start getting hot, and look like things are about to cook. Just build a good strong group of friends. Base things on friendship, social stuff, not ideology, avoid ideology as much as possible.

3. Finally you can choose to go active. I won't encourage you OR discourage you to do this. I'm only mentioning it as an option.
Just one thing - if you do that, try not to get locked up. Dead or jailed troopers don't win wars. Breivik and Brenton Tarrant went to jail to put out a big message, and besides that they knew what they were doing, neither one of them attacked in a country with a death penalty, Sweden has very nice jails, and although there are lot of muslims in jail there Breivik did not attack any actual muslims (so he's living well), NZ is a small country, and has some nice jails too, and not lot of muslims, so Brenton with all his muscles will be big Mr. T there, he'll probably come out with 20-200 followers… but whom I do not envy is John Earnest and that Church guy going into US jails packed with colored folk… if you decide to go active just try not to end up locked up, or if you do get locked up, try to get locked up somewhere nice…

That's it. And whatever you do remember to have fun.

this is where I'm at but it's almost impossible to find quality men.

First off if you're fired up and impatient, and unprepared, you should spend a couple years as an activist, and educate yourself, and pay attention to social skills, and building up your physical strength too. (muscles give you social advantages)

Finding appropriate people is hard, but we must ask the question what do we mean by "quality people" - if you are looking for people who are tough, strong and believe as you do - you will not find many, or any, or they will want to take over when you do.

Now I know the type of people you're thinking about is outgoing, strong, huntnig buddy type people - and indeed those are the best people - but the question than becomes can you retain leadership of your group? - which with men such as these will be more difficult.

The most basic requirement is integrity and trustworthiness - they need not be rough and tumble people - and the second consideration is of you retaining leadership, and the strength of your group's cohesion. So while personal strength and other good stuff is desirable, all the people in your group should be physically and psychologically weaker then you, (otherwise someone else will take over and you're screwed), and on top of this you must either have a strong friendship with them, and/or they must have some need that makes them dependent on you for something. If you can do this, become the leader, with strong people than very good, but if not than you will have to look for weaker people who are socially not as adept as you, or have a social need that makes them dependent on you. But in either case people who have the requisite integrity.

It will take a long time to find quality people at parties and bars.

For strong-good people look in places which pre-select for those qualities, hiking clubs, athletic clubs, shooting clubs, volunteer firefighters, etc.

If you want people which will give you a stronger position of leadership look in chess clubs, computer clubs, comic-cons - places with weak people with no social lives - people who have a need - which will give you a stronger position as leader.

Quality people just means trustworthiness, nothing else, not ideological slant (well they can't be liberal trannies), not rough and tumble qualities. - Obviously those are advantages, but not necessities.

Group cohesion, and your position as leader, which is very important, will be supported by relationships built up over time, this is the main factor with people who are strong, or need - such as you are the provider of their social life, the planner of fun activities, and owner of the club-house, which should apply as much as possible in all cases, but will apply more if you choose to get yourself some weaker people.

Now this takes time and you will have to be very careful - you are going to have 3 types of people - 1. acquaintances people you invite to a party a couple of times, 2. friends who are mostly ok, but you will need time to test out over at least 6 months to 2 years, and from amongst your friends 3. keepers people you select out as part of your permanent group.

The peopel yu do not want are the ideologicaly similar dish-rag, whom you make a mistake trusting, or the ambitious asshole who when included will renell against you and overthrow you, the first one you shoud avoid, or treat with great care, the second you should screen out in acquaintance phase.

Now it's ok to fail once or twice, if things go south and you get a couple of problem people in your group, it's better to break up the group for a while and start again later with what resources you can salvage, than to behave badly, try to fix things with strong-arming, by kicking people out, getting hardline etc. - and be permanently burned by trying to force-fix problems. You fix problems and mistakes you might have made (ie by sucking in problem people) by backing off and letting the group fail, than starting over.

BTW for some reason I can't post a thread with TOR - so you might want to copy what I have written and start a separate thread.

Also put it to a text or other file and spread it.

Redpill is the local niggerjive for lies. Is it still niggerjive when white niggers do it, or should it be updated to aryanjive?

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Killer - but still not it's own thread. At least keep bumping it up - it's useful info.


Don't think "organization" think "social group". Don't think "recruit" with propaganda, think BUILD. Propaganda is not for recruiting, but for ACTIVATING others like you.

Don't look for people you need, look for people who need you.

Don't think "machine", think living thing, think "people".

Organizations are merely the final stage of a social movement.

The Communists consisted at their vital core of jews, and were preceded by several centuries of groundwork in humanism, democratism, and socialism, NSDAP consisted at it's vital core of WWI veterans. NSDAP was not built by Hitler preaching with 15 people in tow, it was built in the trenches, Hitler merely gathered them up and directed them, it was the final expression of a social movement.

Both the Communists, and the National Socialists when they reached the "organization" "party" and "state" stage were the products and expressions of social groups.

You read about organizations, how they did this, did that - what you don't read about is the groundwork that went into the social movements that these organizations were the final phases of.

The enemy starts out with people - his own people - the Yid- or Zhid people from the hills of Armenia, forged in the synagogues of Europe, and Russia.

You start with no people - so - get people.

By reading leftist stuff too

- The Blue Pill is blind materialism and mammonism. (Liberals and Communists) These people look at what could be and neglect what is. They think that Errors can be passed, without debugging.

- The Red Pill is blind Patriotism, and nationalism. Civic Nationalism, Crony-Capitalism, Conservatism.

- The Black pill is the truth of White Genocide and the modern clown world. This is where we lose Many good anons, they give up hope thinking that it is all hopeless. They fail to realize that the glory is in the Struggle, and the Duty, not in the results.

- The White Pill is the determination to struggle, and fight against the Black Pill. The White Pill is National Socialism, it is Eugenics. The White Pill is Lebonsborn. No longer theory the White Pill is Praxis. It is Aryan mutual aid, and Volksgemeinschaft. The White Pill is Anti-Usury, Pro-Natalism, and Pro Nativism. It is not Hate, it is Love & Preservation of Folk. It is Supremacy through Logic and Reason. It is responsibility. It is Duty

The White Pill is Aryan Vedanta.

Struggle - Always - Struggle

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You got all of those wrong. Please stop posting here.

What was wrong? sounds about right. We lost a shitload of anons due to blackpills.

Red Pill isn't capitalist or civic nationalist, it's not even a particular ideology, it's just a matrix reference to a reality under the illusion. White pill and black pill don't even exist, it's a shill term to replace the blue-pill/red-pill dichotomy. Blue-pill just means you believe in political parties in general (what that user thinks is the red-pill is actually the blue-pill), it means you watch too much TV, and get your opinion from e-celebs and shit. Red-pill means you're probably on the razor's edge of sanity because of how impossible the truth is to deal with given how hostile most people are to it. What that user calls black-pill is just pessimism and white pill is optimism, but again those aren't fucking "pills", they're just emotions. You are new and need to lurk more.

Train for the race war if you don't know what else to do. Or raise a white family off the grid.

Attached: src.adapt.480.low.alaska_off_grid_01a.jpg (1200x2111 70.21 KB, 359.25K)

Thanks user, that is art.

I would just switch "lifting" by kicking bags pads and asses at kickboxing or muay thai.

Did you literally spell cuckchan wrong when you put it in the search bar.. or? pic related when I first lurked there myself

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Lebensborn is a meme. It was a cover up for extramartial affairs of high ranking Nazis, i.e. degeneracy, not a wilful, sophisticated idea.
And even if it had been, active Eugenics is to race what command economy is to industry.