Homosexuality is promoted because it's an advanced FORM OF CONTROL

For several reasons:
And so the homosexual is the (((ideal citizen))), and we all are to emulate them, even if you are "straight" and sexually attracted to the opposite sex.

Attached: GAY.jpg (760x380, 60.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No shit. It's also in the Talmud.

If the homo is the ideal citizen, then I have to ask, for which country?

This isn't Israel.


"Hah, thats cute goy, but animals can't have countries, only humans, only the jews. You see goy, you can either have unicultural nations and a multicultural civilization, or multicultural nations and a unicultural civilization. Obviously, the latter - a philosemitic unicultural civilization - is optimal. Thats what we mean when we say 'diversity is our strength'."

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If you fight Homosexuality, they seem like the underdog and the immoral can rush to their defense.
If you allow Homosexuality, the public can oppress them as they please without it being a political issue.
Regardless, we are free citizens. We should be allowed to do what ever the fuck we want if there is no victim.
What we should not have is Homosexual teachings in our schools or Homosexual styles in their hallways or classrooms.
Of course, the reactionaries will always instigate a fight about Homosexuality… this fuels the conflict and causes rebellious teens to experiment during their hormonal years.

Long story short, you're all retarded if you think that Big Brother Government should do anything one way or the other about Homosexuality. You're always going to do more harm than good if you attempt to meddle with society. People are like a force of nature; in fact they are a force of nature. Trying to control and meddle with Human nature is like shaking a stick at a hurricane.

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It was a form of control when people were sane and you could blackmail the queer with exposing them. Nowadays… the cocksucker gets a party and promotion for being a degenerate.

"Unless held a figure in a community that shuns homosexuality, of course. Why do you think we established this paradigm, you silly goy?"

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You're retarded… I'm sorry… There is nothing we can do for you… Go please some boss for the rest of your life and beg for his forgives as you fuck up on a daily basis. Maybe one day your boss will give you a big enough of a raise so that you can get a better apartment.

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So, even if you are a heterosexual, you are meant to act as if you are a homosexual.
How do you do that ?
You do that by taking part in the "open brothel" of casual sex, hookup culture, clubbing dancing, PUA-Pick Up Artists, easy sex,…
In other words, you engage in fornication by having many transient (short relationships, a lot of different sex partners/Girlfriends) sterile (contraception/condom/abortion), all for "pleasure"…In other words, you are meant to act like a literal faggot. Like the homosexual, you are meant to have the most sex partners as possible and "having fun while you still can" just like homosexuals. Of course, you'll very hardly manage to top the +1000 different sex partners of the usual homosexual, but that's the model you are told to emulate and to follow.
Of course, it's also a tremendous factor in cultural and demographic suicide.
(((Their))) formula is the following: Sodomy and Low wages. And yes, heterosexual casual sex is like Sodomy.
But it is not all…The low wages also come with (((Usury))), to compensate for the very crappy wage. So you are being FISTED and SODOMIZED by both your boss that give you crappy wages and the usurer bankers who enslave you by debt because of the crappy wage, and they both are protected and put forward by the homosexuals and gay sodomites themselves. That's what happened in Florence a long time ago and the result is that they died and the city has since then became a open museum, even if they pretty much were the most advanced city in the world.
That's why sodomites and usurers go the same circle in Hell according to Dante: the sodomite takes what is fertile (sex) and turns it sterile and the usurer takes what is sterile (money) and makes it fertile (usury, compound interest, debt)…They both lead to cultural and demographic suicide and they are against the order of the universe and against the essence of things.

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"I know who you are goy, a good little Schwartze who does our bidding."

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Check em goy.

Those selfish morons will be old and bitter one day. Their material gains will be meaningless as their pet dog licks the face of their rotting corps.

Reproduction at this point in the tech curve just pours death into life. If everyone insists on reproducing life extension will overpopulate everything and be intolerable. If we stop reproducing mass rejuvenation will become economical without crashing earth’s resource basis.

What a nigger….

George Orwell said it in one of his essays succinctly; when you want to take away a people's political freedom, replace it with licentiousness, trade liberty for libertinism.

The English have been subjected to this for a long time; that's why they're such outrageous screaming drunks in whatever warm weather resort they go to; public nudity, wild out of control boozing, public fucking, drug taking. That and the cognitive dissonance they necessarily suffer from as a result of being constantly told they're proud and free while in fact they're humiliated slaves who can't even comment on 12 year old girls being pimped to shitskin gang bangs.

didn't read a word after goy, you nigger

You are all meant to be subservient to joylessness so your economies crash and your currencies lose all that drive people to seek them, so that you die without being rejuvenated.

Backwards, inverted, dishonest. If you would give to people the freedoms you merely claim they have, they would be wealthier. Give to the people the right to trade openly in drugs and they will swiftly sort between those who can handle freedom and be profitably employed as chemists, and those who die in their own laboratory accidents.

Thank you, I wanted to link this short video.
In summary, the video says that even if you are a heterosexual, you should act like a faggot and not have a family and children.
Why? Because like that, you'll receive the "sodomite wage" (crappy low wage + usury from the bank) instead of the "family wage" (the salary of one man to provide for a house, a wife at home and for the children).

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Block is an acknowledged Anarchist, and Friedman was a Keynesian.

Fry yourself

You lie. Gay people gentrify areas, while you would have people suffer as slum slovens!

Overpopulation destroys resources while antisexual attitudes keep society atomized and weak!

Ah yes and all those babies born from extasy rave girls who have had their egg cells damaged by the drug so that their children will never be able to read. Yes liberty, libertinage, and libertarianism.

Do what thou wilt. Gotcha.

Except that you do not exist in isolation, you butt-punching faggot, so your degenerate actions have a negative effect on the broader community as a whole. OP was right. Faggots are such despicable narcissists that they cannot see anything but from their own perspective.

The New World Agenda intends on giving everyone a sodomite wage so that having a child will be a luxury or an cumbersomeness burden.

Both parents will have to work so that the Child is raised by over regulated daycare systems that function like littler toddler prisons.

Most parents will require subsidies and will therefore be loyal to the state because of their dependents. They will always vote to continue receiving handouts.

The Elite will still have a few children that they abuse and neglect because they are too busy fulfilling their vices. The doctors and psychologists will pump those kids up with all of the vaccines and the psychology drugs will dumb them down and suppress their development.

Then, the world is inherited by the dumbed-down brain washed elitists who just follow the regulations and guide rails.

Then, the foreigners come in to take their place and niggerfy America.

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How does a drug that only interacts with the brain damage eggs?

It seems to interact with the genetic code in DNA that determines the formation of neural tissues.

And now, the (((oligarchs))) are placing the homosexuals as their proxy warriors and as their puppets to rule us with an iron rode.
Because first, the homosexual is "never wrong".
Second, he always is right, because he is ultra-narcissistic.
Third, being a homosexual, he always is a constant victim (according to Jewllywood) and every legitimate criticism against him and his policies will be labeled as "homophobic hate-speech" (It's very similar to the whole "anti-Semite" intellectual terror ad-hominem to shut down every discussions and to demonize and even persecute dissent of the Jewish tyrannical agenda)
Fourth, since they are homosexuals and they won't have any children, they don't care for the future and for the next generation, they live a constant death-wish and a will of seeing the world destroyed. That's why it's useful to have them as the puppet for the Oligarchs, they don't care for the people and their future, they only care about their position of power and their death wise (just like Michel Foucault)
And many more reasons obviously.

Attached: Meditate.mp4 (1280x720, 12.11M)

Foreigners already control the government you dumb faggot

Let me just quickly dismantle religion by logic. So god is referred to as the principal object of faith, something almighty to believe in. That's also called a superstition. In nature every superstition is followed by curiosity, which eventually leads to knowledge, which replaces the superstition. A superstition therefore is naturally the way towards knowledge. Strangely the deities of pretty much all global religions are representing the end of knowledge, and the beginning of unconditional faith.That's why every argument you will have with a religious follower will ultimately end with him saying "you have to believe". That to me sounds like a roadblock, to prevent a secret from coming out.

Now let's make a quick detour where I explain the origins of control to you….

1. Ownership - guy has an apple, another wants it. Conflict happens.

2. Leadership - I'm the boss, gimme that apple. Conflict happens.

3. Laws - You must give me that apple for this is how it's meant to be. Conflict happens.

4. Law enforcement - gimme that apple by law or these guys will kick your ass. Conflict happens.

At this stage the violent response towards the one seeking control of the other was forced back as far as possible, but the huge size of civilizations still created too much collateral damage of slaves defending their goods. So the question was raised "how can we make them "believe" to give us their shit for free?

5. Religion - the deity speaketh "share those riches for free and in return you get as many empty promises as you want"

This is where natural law took over and created a circle. To catch all the non believer, who didn't fall for the obvious scam, the controllers forced them together with terms like atheists or infidels. thereby creating division between the groups. Fast forward and thousands of years of religious indoctrination, have crept into the subconscious structure of everyone, and the atheists are now naturally longing for the same natural traits of superstition, faith and morality, but unlike the religious fools they don't have anything to direct it on. But what's that the jews are selling? Capitalism? Materialism? Idolatry? Symbolism? Tada…the atheists became the most fundamentalists group of worshipers of them all. Materialism over everything.

6. Materialism - The hedonistic way of attributing worth to items aka Ownership. And the circle closes.

So with that out of the way let's dig for what kind of secret they tried to hide behind a god. So what do they attribute to their deities? The creator of all life, creator of all the wonders in the world, the power that connects all living things, the one who makes the rules, the one who takes us in when we die. Hmm, interesting…where did I heard all that before? Oh yes, it totally describes NATURE itself. So what is nature? It predates the human species for millions of years, gives us evidence for all it's creations and wonders, it connects everything, we become part of it when we die, and it also gives us a fundamental set of laws that cannot be altered. In other words it represents ultimate truth, in a world full of human lies. So what we have here is humans who were created by nature, who then created religions, created the concept of a god, and finally claimed the achievements of nature to the god, while using him as a roadblock to keep the natural laws a secret.

So why do they do this, how can you control others, without the laws of nature? By creating the laws of men and exploiting the everlasting shit out of the human species. Literally every step the controllers did, was a step away from nature. From replacing the nature based religions to the destruction of blood, race, cultures and nations. Always against nature and towards laws that they control by simply standing above them.

Relevant document.

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What happens to an area after a boom?

The prices in the gentrifies area become unsustainable. Ghetto residents commute to work at the gentrified areas, and all of the gentrified residents eventually move to other places. Then, the market crash happens, and the gentrified area becomes the new ghetto.

Holy bell, provide evidence you dummies. Your comments are worthless without it.

Eggs don't have DNA.

It is going to get a whole lot worse… you ignorant nigger…

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I doubt you've got anything to actually frighten me.

Schizophrenic bullshit, or a deliberate shitpost designed to make anti-gays look retarded?

This exchange confirms it, this entire thread is a gayop.

(((Feminism))) was a plot to destroy the foundation and stability of marriage, this wrecking fertility and demographics.
But it also was a economical conspiracy to double the work force and half the wages of everybody, so that they can destroy the family wage and impose the sodomite wage.
here is a short 2 minutes video on that concept.
here: video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1132308685466816512/pu/vid/1280x720/x2CvNeBCmIWRQFIO.mp4?tag=9

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Mitochondrial DNA is the small circular chromosome found inside mitochondria. These organelles found in cells have often been called the powerhouse of the cell.[1] The mitochondria, and thus mitochondrial DNA, are passed almost exclusively from mother to offspring through the egg cell.

There are many plots all working at once. There is one agenda;

the Marxist agenda is a lie. People always want more power, and the Marxist agenda gives those who rule over it unlimited power.
The motives are there, and the logic is 90 I.Q. so all of the useful idiots think they understand it.

Stupid is indistinguishable from brave. The only difference is the reason.
Why do you want to be brave in the face of your enslavement to Marxism?
What are you fighting for?

Don’t forget that it is used as a way to destroy and stigmatize close male friendships

Old news.
The solution was always to kill degenerates and jews. Always promote and glorify violence against degenerates and jews.

You can't have a good-faith argument with these followers of E Michael Jones because of their reliance on petitio principii. They already know everything there is to know because of divine revelation, so there is no need for dialectic, the basis of argumentation. If you begin with the principle (in this case, homosexuality is bad), you do not need to buttress your claim except insofar as to find rhetorically appeals to the audience. I am not suggesting that there are not legitimate arguments to be made (>>13329954 is one of them), but that they are not made in good faith because they already know the answer they claim to be seeking. I recommending visiting the resident Muslim board on this site to see an example of the same exact arguments made on this one by Zig Forumss.

But, when in doubt, just call the interlocutor a faggot, that will show him!

Referring to this guy. Promotion of gay identity has most definitely resulted in the stigmatization of homosocial relationships.

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Imagine actually defending homosexual on this very board, while most of us know that faggots are dangerous people who will groom your children, recruit them by sodomy, or by massive LGBTPedo propaganda in school at gun point.
Sodomy and homosexual destroys the Moral Order of society and it leads society astray toward decay and destruction.
It was no coincidence that it was illegal and criminal to engage in Sodomy and even punishable by death sometimes.

Attached: Meditation.mp4 (1280x720, 2.78M)

salty shills are the best shills

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I sure hope so.

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Refer to my point above, that you already know everything, thus you will not scrutinize your own beliefs. You keep talking about sodomy, which reveals your ignorance on another point: it was Philo, a Hellenic Jewish philosopher, who was the first to associate the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah with male sexual activity. Furthermore, I have no idea why you are conflating homosexuality, which is the topic of discussion, with 'sodomy' or anal penetration.

And lastly, I have not defended anything. I believe that there are strong arguments against redefining the conception of marriage that was based on the categorical ability of men and women to father children, against promoting to children the concept of 'free love' or institutionally teaching them anything to do with sexuality in general, against encouraging sexual relations between married men, or between bachelors, and against non-vaginal penetrative sex. Regardless, I don't entertain hysterical notions about the eschaton being immanentized because we aren't engaging in witch hunts against the private sexual lives of individuals. While Christians, Muslims, Jews and post-Christian liberals are thrilled by the discussion of homosexuality, whether in a positive or negative sense, I would rather focus on more pressing matters like fomenting revolution against psychopathic elites.

The sodomites work with the (((Usurers))).

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The video here: invidio.us/watch?v=wynn9BKxDJ0

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To further explicate:

Take a look at the catalog. How many threads are there regarding a dissection of the institutions of power, like the CFR, Brookings Institute, the oil oligarchy and other instruments of elite power? How much actual discussion is happening regarding the 7000 or so individuals that have the whole world in their pocket, and are actively waging genocide against their foremost enemies? Instead, there's lots of discussions of trivial topics. I don't think many people are here to discuss the actual political liberation of white nations, I think they are here, because they are paid to be, because they have a short attention span and because they cannot prioritize what is and what is not important.

Furthermore, the Christians that surround EMJ and soak up his every word without a critical thought much like Hasids around their Rebbe, seem to believe that if only white nations would return to traditional Catholic catechism, suddenly all our problems would go away. I do not believe that the apocalypse is on the doorstep, and I think this reflects a cowardly and complacent worldview that rather than proaction against our masters, we should focus on converting the hapless and rudderless masses.

The association between usury and sodomy is ripped straight from Aristotle, as Catholic philosophy in general is Aristotelian. Rather than look into Aristotle and read him for himself and criticize the claims made against buggery and usury found there, Jones is just parroting seventeen hundred or so years of Catholic tradition. Devotion to tradition, not critical thinking, is what Jones is all about.

You glow in the dark.

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Christians correctly note that the elites are trying to create a modern day Tower of Babel out of the whole planet. Curiously, I read the passage that describes this story. God intervenes in history to prevent the creation of the tower to scatter the individuals about the earth. Is that what you believe will happen? You are going to wait and hope and pray that God intervenes? 76 million Europeans died during the world wars, and not one of them was saved by your God. Not one. God, it seems, is perfectly willing to let us all be enslaved by Jews and their gentile accomplices, and that's all ok and dandy because eventually—eventually—the rapture will happen and Jesus the Messiah will come back and surprise, surprise, just like the Jewish messiah, Jesus will rule the whole world as a one world government out of Jerusalem. Have you even read your Bible? Do you really believe in Jesus' return (after two thousand years, still waiting) and his thousand year reign over the world? I would rather fight these genocidal maniacs than sit around and pray that God—a literal Deus ex machina—will intervene and save us all.

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Yes, because I suggest actually organizing to fight back against the plutocrats working daily to destroy white people—even white Christians like yourself—I must be a spook. Funny that, apparently spooks want us to resist the elites. Oh, wait a minute, they don't because their one job is protecting and expanding the power of elites.

On the other hand *yawn* I'm getting a little tired, aren't you? Why don't we stop talking about the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bank of International Settlements, the Bilderburgers, and keep shootin the shit about homosexuality. Because that's what's important right now. Gays. Religious dogma is important, not political resistance.

If you are completely blind to see that homosexuality and LGBTPedo is being pushed everywhere on everyone's throats by the Jews and that this promotion is an attack which is intrinsical political, and that we have to counter, well we can't help you.
And it's not about just 1-2% of the population, it's also about a vast majority of the whole population who are told to behave and think like Gays in engage in this implicit death wish degeneracy that undeniably will lead to cultural suicide and demographic suicide. The promotion of homosexuality is a very serious and very grave tangible threat, and not just some "religious theological zeal".

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yes. i do believe it. you know why? because there actually are different languages.

jews need to be saved by faith just like the gentiles.

And every knee will bow, and christians will have the privilege of becoming (((servants))) of the big nose himself. The nose's paradise is basically Thulsa Doom's kitchen, but the jews get to keep fucking and never go in the pot.

I am not completely blind to it. I see it. It is very clearly being promoted because it depresses birth rates, and more importantly it causes general mayhem on the ideological battlefield. I don't support its public promotion.

On the other hand, it is a naturally occurring variation, along with bisexuality which is far more common but also far less frequently discussed. The majority of homosexuals have not suffered sexual abuse as children, and similarly the majority of abused children do not express homosexual behavior as adults. The idea that they 'reproduce' by 'grooming' children ignores the fact that there are well adjusted, unpromiscuous and traditionally-minded healthy adults that nevertheless exhibit a consistent pattern across their lifetime of a lack of attraction to members of the opposite sex. E Michael Jones cops the belief that homosexuals lack a strong male presence, or a stable father-son relationship, straight from Freudian psychoanalysis, which I consider amusing given that he is a traditional Catholic. There are a number of biological factors, most likely relating to the hormones of the mother during gestation, and environment ones, that lead to homosexuality. Molestation, and lack of a father figure, very well might be the most well known environmental triggers for it, but the constant frequency in diverse populations (2~3%) and the far higher percentage of men that engage in homoerotic or bisexual behavior sporadically as adults and adolescents, seems to indicate that it is a naturally occurring biological variation and may even provide evolutionary advantages to the group. But knowing the EMJ crowd, I imagine you don't believe in evolution either.

Speaking of homos

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I very disappointment in you, Zig Forums

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Instead of giving your shitty paraphrasing of E. Michael Jones, just drop a link to his videos and/or excerpts from his book on the subject.

user this aren´t your tipical cock lovers, they are people who deserve a bullet on their head, then a oven and finally their own cricle of hell.

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But the question remains, how do we weaponize it?

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First off you got your definitions wrong at the college, the correct word is commune. The ist isms made you all mental ward fanatics that's laughable from a distance. I wouldn't really care if you were mowed down by a machine gun either. You can push the idea but freedom always beats you cause it can go around you while you march off the cliff to your own death.

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Hitler's best friend was a Homo, Ernst Rohm head of the SA.

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The degenerate attachment can only hurt, but you already know that.

Here's a tip: all presidents are fags.

Homosexuality is the observable symptom of a disease. I don't look at vomiting people and think, "Better behead them," and so it is with people afflicted by homosexuality. I feel bad for them and wish there was some way I could help them, as if they were puking.
I find it very conspicuous that there seems to be no scientifically pinpointed cause for homosexuality. We've managed to isolate the genes for predisposition to alcoholism, for down syndrome; we can splice viral dna with that of corn so that it produces pesticide in its cells; all this and more, yet the cause of this disease (let alone establishing homosexuality as a disease) eludes us.
Make no mistake, a disease it is, especially when one takes into account STD's, rectal cancer, suicide rates, hard drug usage, and a long list of other bad things. I hate to be trite, but it really does seem like a conspiracy to infect large amounts of people with a debilitating disease, and denounce anyone who objects as a bigot.

I thought all presidents were transvestites?


The legends are actually pretty wild and crazy, but of course the trap loving homosexuals don't give a fuck about any of that.

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He probably just watched him on Nick the Spic and thought he'd bring pearls of knowledge to Zig Forums.

I did a long post month ago with extended video about all his videos concerning Mayor Pete and homosexuality but nobody cared.
I think people don't want to get thrown +15 hours of videos right in the face.

Not homo, so don't care.

nice try but I follow EMJ for quite sometimes now.

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You fucking absolute retard. There are ZERO statistical predictors that support the fact that homosexuality is innate, wether genetic or due to in utero factors. This was studied extensively in the 60s-90s by looking at identical, non-identical twins, siblings, extended family; it's not innate you fucking liar. And it was shown that the strongest predictors are childhood abuse, trauma, parental/peer rejection, drugs&alcohol, etc.
Science proved the homos wrong but they still clinged to and propagandized the "born this way" meme for its strategic use; if they're born this way, they can't help it, therefore it's wrong to discriminate.

­>There are ZERO statistical predictors that support the *hypothesis that homosexuality is innate

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Welcome to the trap age

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lol the 90s is LONG over

To be fair, a couple people on the far right are gay or have made arguments in their defense, mainly these two people:


Also, militant anti-homophobia actually comes from Judaism.

Yes, this was the deliberate lie sold to the masses in the attempt to get them to accept gay marriage. Nevertheless, the rest of the post was just one big 'no u'. See the second pic here:

As noted in the twins study here, the factors creating a sexual unattraction to the opposite sex are predominately 'post-birth' factors. One of these is certainly a lack of a strong father figure and male-male sexual contact at a young age, but these cannot account for its constant synchronic frequency across cultures and ethnicities at around ~3% and diachronic persistence from the past till now. Mother nature has given human populations variation in personality types and sexuality (such as asexuality, or a relative disinterest in any sexual activity at all, which characterizes the priestly and of late the scholarly classes of various societies, i.e. monks, Newton etc) for unknown reasons, but if these variations are properly regulated, as they were in traditional societies which did not tolerate the asocial tendencies promoted by Hollywood faggotry meant to tear apart the philia of white countries, you wouldn't notice. They are a small part of the population and in fact you have already met many of them just by statistical probability but you weren't aware of their personal attraction because they were prosocial and healthy unlike the displays of the Rainbow Coalition of the Oppressed would have you think. A society that does not tolerate these behaviors would still have men who are attracted to other men, much as that might be icky to you, because, as already stated, their frequency throughout time and among population groups is fairly constant. That is, they will just express affection in private such that you aren't aware of it (or as an unspoken but open secret like with King James), which in my opinion would be a far better situation than what we see today.

The frequency of ethnocentric and prosocial behavior spans across personality types in a population so their is no reason to believe that gays are inherently anti-ethnocentric just because they are roped into the intersectional paradigm, as some would have you believe. The leftist media is rife with discussion of how 'racist' white gay men are. Furthermore, because media relies on shock and awe generally to sell yellow press, you will hear about disgusting things like young children being sexualized in hellholes like NYC and San Francisco, but they don't report on the fact that many gay men actively oppose this and view it as morally deviant and socially backward because of guilt by association.

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Degenerates will rue the day they chose to become the useful idiots for the left. One way or another, it is inevitable that society will turn against them. Unbridled tolerance in the face of truth or religion or nature is a pipe dream. The jew knows this too, but doesn't give a fuck. They did it with niggers, women, immigrants and now with the deviant dregs of society. Order will be restored, but the path to it will be very messy

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nothing like a sissy black boi

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I was looking for this document last night, but only managed to find a render of the final page - thanks user

Attached: What's JUDAISM (ft Abby Chava Stein)

All sheboons are sissy bucks under the makeup.

The problem is that there's no end to their demands.

- public acceptance
- gay marriage
- christian bakery faggot wedding cake fiasco
- pride marches
- gays can adopt children
- pride marches with blowjobs in front of kids
- sexualization of young children ← [you are here]

there's a chakra around anus

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A kike is behind that.

Sounds to me like you didn't get your raise and want to blame it on someone.

There is literally no reason a faggot wouldn't want a raise just because he doesn't have children. The most important aspect is that they don't reproduce and are morally bankrupted. All else is moot.

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