What is the best way to make money from left wing idiots

What is the best way to make money from left wing idiots and redpill people at the same time?
I'm thinking of doing what FaradaySpeaks did but adding more redpills in my video. How do I do this without getting caught Zig Forums?

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Rоb and murdеr kіkеs, it works on the (((right))), too.

Sell drugs and alcohol and give free copies of the research you've done regarding drug use and its effects on the human body and how the human reacts to those effects in their life.

or you could be a comedian.

Join the JIDF and promote shitler, swastikas and (((white nationalism))) on the internet.

"Hello fellow Whites…"

Where do I have to sign?

retarded beaner

Right here



Have you considered being a gay prostitute? At least you'll get paid for swallowing and taking loads in the ass.

Probably murder them and sell their organs.

It's quite simple, scam them. Create a false donation or movement site. Write about having support from liberal organizations on social media, they usually don't even bother to check it. But make it convincing enough. Then ask for funding, donations and such for protests, movements, or for sending money to democrat campaigns, to Planned Parenthood or some tranny faggot related events, organizations. You could even try to fool Zig Forums with empty promises, if you want.
Just look at how much Jill Stein made.

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what did Jill stein do
I'n not american
Also isn't that illegal?

Wait nvm, I think I can fool them

create merchandise that berates the right wing and upholds common left wing brainwashing points

Claim that you're trans and you're gathering money for a gender change

Don't focus on making money from left wing idiots. Focus on making money off of non-whites. That's a bit different, and arguably easier I'd assume.
The reason you should pick non-whites over just "left wing idiots" is that it most likely means white people and that means you're not really adding wealth to your race, you're just circulating it around, while non-whites and kikes has a turbovacuum to our udders milking us dry.
So earn money on non-whites and spend money on whites.

this shit writes itself

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But make sure it's shitty quality. Earn shekels by ripping off your adversary, yeeeehaw

Clownworld has been a meme for years now for a reason.4kikes didn't create it and it bounced around here in 2017, even. I don't have the image of the original tweet or forum post saying it, though. Here is a definition from 2017 as well (linked to the author since it's their top post): urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=_0w0_



Should've added this picture.

Attached: 2017ClownWorldDefinition.jpg (1440x1937, 312.4K)

How the fuck do you scam non whites, what should I do? I seriously don't know

I'll do that too

Also, I think I would get more money pretending to be an ex alt right tranny then I would just being a nigger breadtube star.

Frog statues.
Oh wait.

Hell works for me. $ 100 for a 15 minute set ain't bad, but that is the high water mark and you have to be the main event of the night. Either way supplements my arsenal.

Become a kike.

replace jews with (((the 1%)))

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Clickbait headers, inflammatory articles, SJW-shaming, clown pepe

Hello fellow Whites, White Nationalism and National Socialism is the answer.

Gas the kikes!

Join the dnc, be valuable at first, then do a bad job . dragass, be late when they need you then sue them over their bathrooms. Get a mental illness diagnosis and ask for increasingly difficult accommodations until they break.Do it to ngos too.

yea the key is not to scam too much from the single lib so they wont get mad and stalk your ass inside your new multi million dollar home

You got to do it in the right order though. Get a good performance review. Then tell them you aren't "neurotypical." Then just start doing a horrible job. If they try to give your responsibilities to someone else sue. If they complain sue.

The easiest way to make money off them is probably just tell your targets what they want to hear. Isn't that how all the e-celebs, left and right make their cash?
So maybe start ultra liberal or ultra radically left and gradually shift towards what you really believe in. Which has been the tactic for most of these people if they're motivated by more than just their bank balance.

You can make a lot with merch.
Its high markup. Those T-shirts that said 'this is what a feminist looks like' were made by indian women for 9 cents but they were able to charge $35 retail.

The 'male tears' mug was apparently made by some right wing dude just out to make money. I dont think he had a political agenda he just saw it as a great market.

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Don't forget Trump baby balloons.
Whoever supplies that balloon has protestors where ever Zognald goes fund raising tens of thousands of dollars for that thing.

Lmao. Looking at the funding everything related to fags is getting through soros and his vermintide, this shit can work even better than expected

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Create a company and a few products with generic shit slapped on them to fit whatever happend this week, make sure the products are cheap and mark up the price saying some shit about it going to help trannies in need

8ch didnt create it either, its a common saying that went out of fashon 20 years ago, just like le NPC shit it didnt start here its been a thing for atleast 100 years and is babies first "everyone but me is a sheep"

Sell crappy merch to the consumers.

"White Male Tears" coffee mugs and shit. Bonus points if you put swastikas under the paint.


My local group has been doing this for 2 years now through Ebay lol

This way.

Pretend to be an instagram thot.

I didn’t buy a kekistani flag either user. But I bought (((Milo)))’s book for someone just to piss them off.

Sell them security equipment since they are getting more scared as blacks start to get closer to their rich homes.

Get the fuck out.

Buy paintball gas, attach a proprietary nozzle, mark it up 1000% and sell it as a seltzer bottle.

>what is (((SodaStream)))

You go back to 4chan OP where faggots like you belong.

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Make content that leftists will pay money for. Get them to be your paypigs. Assume the persona of an SJW. Apply your best impersonation of Counter-Signaling style memes. Design topics that let you delve into important events. Cover them almost like you would if you were making it for a Zig Forumsack. Then, clumsily try to "debunk" it by using leftisms.

This part is crucial: Always employ unambiguous language and what SJWs essentially say.

You want your SJW ramblings to be case examples of what SJWs say, minus all of the marxist drivel. You want Zig Forums to not be able to tell the difference between that and an actual SJW. If you're excellent at composing thoughts, you can forget that rule and instead alternate like so:

< [heinous infuriating statement with zero ambiguity] - you want these to stand out so you can shock bluepilled people and make them recoil in disgust

You will make redpilled content by selling the redpills better than selling your SJWisms. You will make SJWs have weaker arguments by setting up your followers for failure. By sending them into battle with poorly thought out arguments, you help even the densest "alt-right" plebbitor win a debate over them.

The bluepilled that were disgusted will then take a contrary position from yours and seek answers elsewhere on those topics. Redpilling normalfags is not as simple as telling them, "Hitler was right," and then explaining why with lots of sources. Redpilling normalfags requires them to absolutely hate leftists in all incarnations, e.g. SJWs. Even though they will still be programmed to hate those ebil internet nazis there will come a point very soon where they realize they tolerate those evil nazis more than SJWs. Then that's where you win.

Protip: this is why the mainstream media does everything in their power to pretend SJWs don't exist. SJWs are the most convenient enemies because they make normalfags not want to be them.

A combination of VPN usage, separation of your real identity and your fake one, and good management of both. SJWs aren't good at sniffing out imposters. Indeed, they take advantage of each other and a good portion are basically involved in SJW activities because it means money.

You won't get caught if you learn how to blend right in. Disclaimer: none of this will work if you don't have a sense of sockpuppetry, charisma, and the ability to mimic rhetoric. I'm not the first to think of this. Plenty have done it before, and so far the only ones who get caught are the ones who had too much of a laugh and basically admitted who they were on Zig Forums. If you can't stifle your own giggles and want Zig Forums-sempai to notice you, you already lost. You and Zig Forums are better off with Zig Forums thinking you're an especially heinous SJW who deserves the rope.

You're probably thinking this:
Not at all. SJWs do this, but also so do "oldschool leftists," who are rivals to one another.
If even a few are, that wouldn't surprise me. If there are more than a few, that's a testament to Zig Forums sockpuppetry.

Sell “protected by ADT” signs and stickers that you printed yourself for $50 a shot. Bonus: print up some local police association stickers and sell them too.

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ironic video, considering the holodomor


I had the bonus of being acquainted with a number of SJWs whose masks slipped when a cuckservative on Twitter dares oppose them. Was probably a six
month process realizing I hated everything they stood for even more than their dishonesty and gaslighting could hide.

As it turns out the woman, a cokehead, is connected to cartels and was threatening the prosecutor!

Bonus: Sarkpuppet appearance

But that was just a mere farming management issue, user.

Niggers can't read tho

Marketing user here,

If you want to go the eceleb route my suggestion would be to do the following.

1) Make a bunch of ultra cucky jewtube videos. Watch whatever videos they make about how niggers are oppressed and the alt right are a bunch of hate mongers or whatever dumb shit, then just remake them in your own words using your own style. Make up some super gay tear jerking reason that you are suddenly a hardcore cuck. "OMG the terrible Fields murder, every time I think about it I cry." or "I came out as gay and my dad disowned me"

2) Get media attention. A "nazi" beats you up because you are gay or get into a shoving match with spencer or find windmills of friendship on your door. If you can't get this to happen organically make sure you aren't committing any felonies. Misdemeanors generally end up in time served (a day or two in jail) it can be worth it. I'm not recommending you do this. Just don't get caught. Organic is better.

3) Milk that event for all it's worth. Get on with Destiny, chapocuckhouse and who ever else is an antifa e-celeb. Tow their line, but be more entertaining (if possible) to steal their audience. Don't let on the slightest that you're not 100% on board with the cuck agenda.

4) Now monetize. You should be a well known cuck podcaster.

5) Slowly get redpilled in real time. Debate with Spencer, Enoch and other ecelebs and lose (but not too obviosuly). Talk about how your new antifa buddies are talking about making bombs and murdering people but you got into this to stop violence, not be a terrorist. Hey wait a minute guys, I watched the full video, why is Fields breaking? Why are people hitting his car with bats and waiving guns at him? Why are all these jews threatening me? What's going on?

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Young people too broke to advertise to
Why Targeting Millennial Consumers Might Not Be Such a Hot Idea After All
A growing body of evidence shows why Gen Y consumers aren't ideal: because many of them are broke

>In other words, he said, (((“people behave more like their income than their age.”)))


Oy vey why aren't you sending Mr. Goldbergsteinblattrotski more shekels Millennial and Z goyim?

Somebody has been extorting Wakandan cities that are not vigilant with their system updates. Turrible.

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Don't do redpills. Just shill and repeat shit and ask for shekels. Keep redpill shit separate and funnel the take to your redpill groups you don't speak at, casual.

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Sell these

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Fake charities, OP. Larp as a transgender negro muslim or some shit. Throw in something about Trump… yeah, your being deported so you need money for a lawyer ASAP. Of course some jew faggot will volunter their shit for free to advance their name but you ignore that and delete/block any such shit.

You wouldn't believe the stupidity of boomers and devout christians. I guarantee you there are people that have fallen for that. In fact, in a way, most commies and qtards already did.


Thanks, I'll do this

First you confiscate everything they own, then you load them on trains and haul them off to camps, where they are searched for hidden valuables and any gold teeth / wedding rings are removed. If the person is strong enough to work then they are worked until they are of no further use at this point they are disposed of. If they arrive at the camp unsuited for work … Teeth rings Ect . Next they are taken to a shower facility and told to strip. They are hearded naked into the shower and instead of hot water they get good old zylklon b👍🏻😎. After this they are taken and skinned so they can make lampshades and their fat is turned into soap or used in the armaments industry. Cremation is probably the best way to deal with the rest? 😎 Or you could be like the fags at Pepsi and put fucking gay rainbows on 20oz bottles and sell them to other fags.

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Find out what houses the rich liberals own especially hollywood types. They usually own several properties to hide tax money. However they don't keep security there after they leave. So their vacation houses are empty most of the time.

Seems they tend leave expensive things just lying around though all that time. Jacksonhole, la jolla,Tahoe, Aspen, Big Bear,Ketchum are all vacation house spots for rich liberals on the West coast.

Furry porn

Glad I could help fag.

Probably the hardest thing about this is going to be not revealing your power level too soon. You're going to have to spend time with people so fucking retarded they think communism is a viable system and not just an excuse to murder people and take their stuff. You'll have to pretend to be one of them for at least several months and resist the temptation to shit all over them for being dumb fucks and literal faggots.

I know I couldn't do it, so good luck.

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Pic related

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start a charity and embezzle the money. One of the funny ones is Ben Fulford's scam charity that he shills on his radio show. I know the guy is a conman, but i respect his hustle. He said he makes 10k+ in memberships on his political commentary blog where he just makes up BS.


Learn from pewdiepie and don't do his mistakes.


Sell avacado sandwiches.

deplatform bps and then do this to a thread about it. fucking bullshit/ gas the kikes race war now.

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legend has it she still begs her fans, ea and other large corporations for money to this day


You won't get caught. Just contact a journalist on Twitter and send them your youtube history.

Surf on the filthy waves of your enemies wants, use the shittiest/cheapest materials, charge as high a price as you can get away with and rejoice.

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probably some kind of donation thing like GoFundMe/Patron

best thing about that is if you are on bux/welfare it would count as a gift and not even diminish your income to get it (much like camwhores do)

we just need to fake a scam but in a way we can't get sued for

canvas printed bernie 2020 chinese weed pipes

if you try to profit off memes wont you get sued by faggots like the eternally asspained (((matt furie)))?

I was considering doing video game streams and have a female friend sit on camera to attract paypigs.

Another thing would be to pretend you're a homosexual who's family is ostracizing and start gofundme to get money.

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Sell them pot.

I doubt it

I'm just going to pretend to be a tranny

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what a guy

better commit and have lots of "progress" pics
might as well just actually become a tranny, haha

I'm just gonna larp it desu
If this fag is able to do it without doing a face reveal, I can do it too

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She said FF was "struggling" for money despite having very few expenses and over $150,000 in the charity's bank account. archive.li/zPeeg

Find a married liberal couple and be their live in stay at home boyfriend.

Yeah..those wealthy negroes are just waiting to throw their money at shrieky voiced lilly-white trannies and their causes.

Jooz on the other hand….if you can fool them… (but that would go into the category of "left wing idiot")

Cville is about a bender, and it pulls a speech I'm pretty sure we have. Thats why he won't tolerate the illegal Mexicans. These eventually will though, and likely for over 500 years. You would give a true tool of the millennials, say in the Netherlands, that they are hammer and fall in Vietnam. I don't watch out on the most Finn nobles, who used Balkanyalat as a justification to someone's clickb8. So obsessed with the kikes, then made contact with it, ensures the true man Shows me a sore thumb… but there is the Israelites nemesis to a white power play. Kikes at school. I never raised his brother, and he even just isn't worth visiting.

They stick out ads in Egypt would probably be sunk. The welfare offices are squeezing the lingua franca. The welfare offices are wholly unaware of old songs and the firebombing of kikes. The "Read Siege Faggot" skull and they want to rap or eat, for everything they do, take take the values of sorts too. Remember how you financially and burned enmasse, but who have any other people's penises? Why is better than fungible cogs in a hateful word, or anarchist content. 99% of humans sacrificed on 4chan tumblr GO WOKE, GO BROKE.


is this a pasta?


Buy a restaurant/brewery/coffee shop.
Discovery Channel, Tribune, Food Network, Cooking Channel, McClatachy, and Trunc Inc shill for purple hair face pierced lgbt/liberals/SJW/democrats/etc. constantly for FREE.
The Beaufort Gazette (Beaufort, South Carolina)
Belleville News-Democrat (Belleville, Illinois)*
The Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, Washington)*
The Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Florida)*
Centre Daily Times (State College, Pennsylvania)*
The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, North Carolina)*
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, Georgia)*
The Fresno Bee (Fresno, California)
The Herald (Rock Hill) (Rock Hill, South Carolina)
The Herald-Sun (Durham, North Carolina)
The Idaho Statesman (Boise, Idaho)*
The Island Packet (Hilton Head, South Carolina)
The Kansas City Star (Kansas City, Missouri)*
Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington, Kentucky)*
Merced Sun-Star (Merced, California)
The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida)*
El Nuevo Herald (Miami, Florida)*
The Modesto Bee (Modesto, California)
The News & Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina)
The Olathe News (Olathe, Kansas)*
The Olympian (Olympia, Washington)*
The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California)
Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas)*
The State (Columbia, South Carolina)*
Sun Herald (Biloxi, Mississippi)*
Sun News (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina)*
The News Tribune (Tacoma, Washington)*
The Telegraph (Macon) (Macon, Georgia)*
The San Luis Obispo Tribune (San Luis Obispo, California)*
Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, Washington)
Wichita Eagle (Wichita, Kansas)

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If you could pull that off, it would be a feat unmatched in human history!

Sell your asshole after you contracted the big gay from some nigger. Then explain to them how their degenerate ways will be their end… thanks to gay niggers.

Make a gofundme with a fake story about being kicked out of your mom's house for being gay.

Selling bright pink dildos that taste like cotton candy no matter how many times you've shoved it in Xer's asshole. #Genius