Want to crush Google so they can't rig the election? Here's how!

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations act (18 USC, Chapter 96) contains a lot of interesting items detailing what constitutes racketeering. Here's a few:

§201 (relating to bribery),
§664 (relating to embezzlement from pension and welfare funds),
§1028 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents),
§1029 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with access devices),
§1351 (relating to fraud in foreign labor contracting),
§1425 (relating to the procurement of citizenship or nationalization unlawfully),
§1426 (relating to the reproduction of naturalization or citizenship papers),
§1427 (relating to the sale of naturalization or citizenship papers),
§1503 (relating to obstruction of justice),
§1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal investigations),
§1511 (relating to the obstruction of State or local law enforcement),
§1512 (relating to tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant),
§1513 (relating to retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant),
§1542 (relating to false statement in application and use of passport),
§1543 (relating to forgery or false use of passport),
§1544 (relating to misuse of passport),
§1546 (relating to fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents),
§1831 & 1832 (relating to economic espionage and theft of trade secrets),
§1954 (relating to unlawful welfare fund payments),
§1956 (relating to the laundering of monetary instruments),
§1957 (relating to engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity),

(F) any act which is indictable under the Immigration and Nationality Act,
§274 (relating to bringing in and harboring certain aliens),
§277 (relating to aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter the United States),
§278 (relating to importation of alien for immoral purpose)

Alabama: (334) 242-7300
Alaska: (907) 269-5243
Arizona: (602) 542-5025
Arkansas: (501) 682-2007
California: (800) 952-5225 (?)
Colorado: (720) 508-6000
Connecticut: (860) 808-5318 [CT Antitrust/Fraud dept: (860) 808-5040]
Delaware: (302) 577-8500
Florida: (850) 414-3300
Georgia: (404) 656-3300
Hawaii: (808) 586-1500
Idaho: (208) 334-2400
Illinois: (312) 814-3000 | (217) 782-1090 | (618) 529-6400/6401
Indiana: (317) 232-6201 [Consumer Protection: (800) 382-5516]
Iowa: (515) 281-5164 [Crime Victim Assistance: (800) 373-5044]
Maine: (207) 626-8800
Maryland: (410) 576-6300 [Director of Victim Svcs: (410) 576-6405]
Massachusetts: (617) 727-2200 [Consumer Advocacy: (617) 727-8400]
Michigan: (517) 335-7622 [Chief Legal Counsel: (517) 335-7622]
Minnesota: (651) 296-3353 | (800) 657-3787
Mississippi: (601) 359-3680 [Governor: (601) 359-3150 ]
Missouri: (573) 751-3321 [Consumer Protection: (800) 392-8222]
Montana: (406) 444-2026 [Prosecution Services Bureau: (406) 444-2026]
Kansas: (785) 296-2215 [Complaint Center: ag.ks.gov/complaint-center ]
Kentucky: (502) 696-5300 [Criminal Investigations: (866) 524-3672]
Louisiana: (225) 326-6079 | (225) 326-6757 | (877) 297-0995
Ohio: (800) 282-0515 [Bureau of Criminal Investigation Tips: (855) 224-6446]
Oklahoma: (405) 521-3921
Oregon: (503) 378-4400
Pennsylvania: (717) 787-3391 [Organized Crime Tips: (866) 847-2255 ]
Rhode Island: (401) 274-4400
Nebraska: (402) 471-2683
Nevada: (775) 684-1100 [Consumer Protection: (702) 486-3132]
New Hampshire: (603) 271-3658 [Criminal Justice Bureau: (603) 271-3658]
New Jersey: (609) 292-4925 [Citizen Services: (609) 984-5828 ]
New Mexico: (505) 490-4060 | (575) 339-1122 [Electronic Complaint Service: secure.nmag.gov/ecs]
New York: (800) 771-7755 [Immigration Fraud Hotline: 1(866) 390-2992]
North Carolina: (919) 716-6400 [Criminal Division: (919) 716-6500]
North Dakota: (701) 328-2210 [Bureau of Criminal Investigation: (701) 328-5500]
South Carolina: (803) 734-4200 | (800) 922-1594
South Dakota: (605) 773-3215 [Criminal Investigation: (605) 773-3331]
Tennessee: (615) 741-3491 [Antitrust: (615) 741-1671]
Texas: (512) 463-2100 [Crime Victims: (800) 983-9933]
Utah: (801) 366-0260
Vermont: (802) 828-3171
Virginia: (804) 786-2071
Washington: (360) 753-6200 [Complaint About a Business: (800) 551-4636 ]
West Virginia: (304) 558-2021 [Consumer Protection & Anti-Trust: (800) 368-8808]
Wisconsin: (608) 266-1221
Wyoming: (307) 777-7841 [Criminal Division: (307) 777-7977]

On the other site:

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Other urls found in this thread:


To my knowledge literally no one has ever been prosecuted for harboring illegals despite many people publicly admitting to it.

Too bad orange faggot could easily solve this problem.


Attached: trump collusion israel 2.png (1066x993, 973.25K)

Good numbers.

See pics.

Attached: Treat Invaders Like Invaders - Analysis.png (1189x408 20.26 KB, 146.38K)

One problem at a time.

Are you a redditor or just stupid? This won’t happen.

First pic wont work, that's not the legal definition of treason.

Although arguably anyone who lends aid to israel or saudi arabia knowing that they are the state sponsors of 9/11 are guilty of treason.

The Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge
< Luke 18:1-8 >
Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. He said,
And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

How would it not be giving aid and comfort to the enemy by attempting to remove the Commander-in-chief for acting on the Constitution's obligations?

Could him not enforcing this law be grounds for impeachment like when Roy Moore got impeached for not enforcing?


I hope they do rig the election. Best case scenario for ethnic separatism is some dumb wog broad in the big-chair.

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Too bad he is a fucking orange yid fellating faggot indeed. What an asshole , he could’ve done such great things

Fuck you and fuck your rabbi jesus too you semite
Kill yourself heeb

Actually, yes.
Art 4, Sec 4 specifically lays the obligation to protect the States from invasion upon the Federal government; Art 1, Sec 8 links Military + Funding + this defense obligation.

Not relevant.

That's sedition, not treason. Search "us code treason" and "us code sedition"
If you need me to explain any parts I gladly will.

No, officials have no duty to enforce the law. They kind of do, but not really. If some bitch is like "I got raped by a tyrone" they can get fired if they don't at least talk to tyrone and file a report, but they can just say "I believed his story" and drop it.

That's specifically a military invasion by uniformed soldiers.

This is


< INVA'SION > noun s as z. [Latin invasio, from invado. See Invade.]

Contemporary of the Constitution.

Thanks for admitting that illegals are a foreign invasion.

I never denied it.
In fact, take a look at these pics I posted: .


Common definition vs statutory definition.

Most famous example is rape. Fucking a consenting 14 year old isn't rape, but it is under the law.

Things like assault, rape, treason, invasion all have very specific legal definitions that differ slightly from the common use.

This. Semantics is the arena of the Jew. They almost charges the AG for perjury when he said that secretive surveillance was spying.

Except if you accept statutory definition here, then you are implicitly asserting that the Congress can at-will alter the Constitution sy changing the definition of "Invasion".

( ( ( semantics) ) ) vs truth
I’ll side with the god damned pee pee poo poo pissssssssssssssssssssssssass

Yet they wont prosecute cops for perjury when they admit to lying in court.

When we win, the courts need to be reformed.

Yep, and SCOTUS can at-will delete your constitutionally protected rights.

Gun laws, commerce clause abuse, sobriety checkpoints, all examples of this

What makes you think anyone in the government wants to stop Google? The governemtn isn't going to prosecute itself.

See – we need to make so much noise over it that it becomes easier to just RICO their asses.

Also, there's a reason that they're set up as companies rather than explicitly gov't agencies; as such, it's much, *MUCH* easier for gov't to disband, disavow, and destroy them.

The law does not serve you. The law serves the corrupt, and the corrupt want you dead.
Do better than Nasim.
git fucked glowniggers

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Let's be honest. Everyone here would be statisfied with a mere slap on the wrist as judgement.

You stupid fucks! Laws are not going to fix this!

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Nope; I want pic-related, proverbially speaking.

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If you don't own a dictionary you can look up words online these days.

Fuck yeah. And tens of millions in fines auto-earmarked for steel and cement border security.

Nobody here would be, you retard.

Stop being a faggot. Every election is rigged. Some more than others.
Find out about black box voting

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The German police have found an arsenal of weapons that belonged to the murderer of the German politician Walter Lübcke during searches. According to the German media, two men who may have been involved in the purchase or concealment of the weapons were arrested during the house searches on the night of Wednesday to Thursday.
On Wednesday the previously arrested neo-Nazi Stephan E. confessed to having shot 65-year-old Lübcke in front of his house on 2 June. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung he also told that he had a lot of weapons and ammunition and how he got there. Most of the weapons were found by the police hidden underground behind a house owned by 45-year-old Stephan E's employer.
Christian Democrat Lübcke was a leading administrator and politician in Kassel, Hesse.

Sounds like one of those threads were we need to make those flyers like, 'Demand Voter ID to stop Russian Interference.' kekkle.
What could we make instead?
'Demand Google Algorithm Transparency to stop Russian Election Meddling?'

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Source required

Sounds reasonable in theory, but leftyfags would think Jewgle was transparent if they said they were even if that was a lie.

No, I want to trust bust them so they can't do the shit they did to me to anybody else. I hate the CIA, and DARPA is basically ran by fags these days.

The left keeps trying to force me to become Mexican.

Got any specific examples of law-breaking?

The Left doesn't care about abiding by the law.
They only care about getting more power.

(infinity trips of truth!)
Nice get
100 bucks, 10 men and 10 rifles would solve the immigration problem overnight, save tons of lives and secure the future of our country. 100 bucks for ammo. Shoot 50 wetbacks trying to cross over the course of a day at equally separated border points, allowing them to hobble back to their shithole countries and tell the rest that the US is fucking full!


Never thought i'd see the day when google get's RICO'd for overstepping their bounds…

I guess they weren't that powerful after all. LOL

Trump election or Google . Who do you pick user

It's worth another 4 years of Zion Don in exchange for Google being broken apart and nationalized plus Sergay Brinstein and Larry Pagestein unable to walk the streets without being beaten to death.

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so if it comes to it, Zig Forums will side with trump

So who will replace google? Apple? Amazon? M$? Duckduckgo?

Oh well, google only has 20k employees. I'm sure they will find job in some other company soon enough.

holy shit BUMPAROO!

Literally why immigration takes place in the first place, suppressing the wages = bigger profit.

Thank you, friend — let us PURGE EVERYTHING!

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Zig Forums was recently nuked by Jim from the front page for covering the recent Google leaks and Israeli-US false flags to blame Iran and push for war.

None of these jewish megacorporations would still be active if the legal system worked. If you want justice to function, you have to take it into your own hands.

its basically a cartel of a handful of families that control all the money in the world now.

Good luck becoming rich without their approval. If you try, enjoy getting suicided.


shits going down..

google messed up big time

Why? Are you seriously conzernd that Biden win?

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No; I'm more concerned at the state of having giant corporations which are above the law and involved in everyday life.

Bumping for exposore and keeping Google in the spotlight.

Thank you.

It's no longer funny that people think the system is able to be fixed.

Yes, the democrats are pledging to give health care to illegals while their major cities are tent cities. He could throw them into jail but all trump does is token attempts.

Kill their whole staff and owners. That is how anyone, anywhere, can easily stop any globo-corpo-homo.

Killing every single one of them will work. Money has no power. Jews have no power. Leftists have no power. We do.

There's a perfectly good solution in the OP… and here you are jumping straight to KILL EVERYONE!!!!! — Nice try, FBI.

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