Putin Trashes Marx and Lenin: Marxism Was Wrong, Family Matters

Vladimir Putin loves the traditional family. It is so refreshing to see a world leader talk about family with such vitality, such dedication, such awe and respect.

On national television, the Russian President said that Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin were wrong in their theories about the traditional family. Putin says children need to experience the love of both a mother and a father.

The video includes English subtitles:


Other urls found in this thread:


Putin is a kike, Orthodoxy is a kike religion for kike slaves, OP is a kike. Fuckoff.

Room temperature IQ detected. Orthodoxy will always be better than atheism – and I'm not even Christian

You're the one displaying kike behaviour schizo. Putin is far from perfect but he's the only one in the White world to address key issues that the Western politicians would shriek from.

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Shoo shoo jew. Putin was too soft on kikes but hes a much better leader than any the West has seen in decades.

Go live in Russia and come back and say that with a straight face you dumb fuck. Where'd you pick up on your
meme, exactly? Ohhhh right. chans and dreams. Eat a dick.

He's pretty aware though in regards to (((them))) and his country's history though

Regardless of what you think about him with regards to the pillaging of Russia by the oligarchs, men are still men there who have the balls to stand up to the central Asian immigrants there. And women generally are not as whorest as the Western women in the West that retain many traditional values.

There's fertile ground in Russia and elsewhere for an Nationalist awakening. America is dead but Eastern Europe is far from over.


The idea that Russian women are not whores is the stupidest, most inane, silliest, least realistic, LARPest, fucking single-braincell meme fanfic shit I have ever read in my fucking life. You are Society for Creative Anachronisming IRL and it is sad and kiked and lol.

Moar Atheism Moar Degeneracy, More Homosexuals fucking each others buttholes. Atheism FTW. Beastiality YES!


Absolutely based. It's political theater to piss off Israel and leftists in the US of course, but it's still absolutely based.

Listened to this Putin Q/A and it was pretty cool listening to him shit all over liberalism as well as citing how the west is sick of that shit. I have never listened to much from Putin but no wonder why the media and liberals hate the guy so much.

I don't really need to, I see thousands of Russians on social media from various backgrounds every week. Even the Communists there as no way near as close as being cucked as the liberals that masquerade as Communists in the West. A traditionalist women with flowers singing in studio was behind Russia's famous image of taking Berlin who's more traditional than the likes of Lauren Southern.


The sight of white people angers and terrifies this kike

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Here's to the old Christian Russian Empire.

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I've thousands of Russians added to me and not just Thots but traditional women that reaches a large audience on TV. Russia being so poor for most has stopped non-White welfare lynches from exploiting the system and flocking there America, Germany & Sweden. That's their saving grace.

Sure thing, pal. Russia and Hyperborea can coexist in your brain as Timeless Perfect White Sanctuaries. I don't give a fuck if you choose to delude yourself. Seriously I don't.

itt: low brow bolshevik propagandists

1488 & neck yourselves, you slavic sacks of shit.

The top shekel here is that Putin is making a fool of Western leadership and as well, playing to the 'common man/pleb' on some of the most fundamental and basic concepts of human society and existence. Don't kid yourselves anons, I'm willing to bet many of you would love to have stable environments to raise families, specifically WHITE families, but Putin has been on the offensive with the West on a cultural front, and is making strides. Simply the fact that he is being bashed by the western kike media shows us just how much 'over the target' he is.

Remember, the original Soviets tried the whole 'everyone is equal/Men are women/Women are Men/Family is not the nuclear/central unit' blah blah blah. If fucked them over so hard for a whole generation that they went right back to pushing traditional families, or family raising because it fucked their demographics and culture. How much of a harder time do you think the Third Reich would have had invading Russia had Russia not whacked out half it's citizens/population? Anyway, regardless of Communism, Capitalism, National Socialism, etc. etc, the family has been the center of society for many many many many generations. Deal with it.

Vladimir Putin hired men hacked in the 2016 election. They wanted to instate distrust in the media in favor for a strong Republican candidate. He isn't acting as a brother of the Pre-Counterculture America, he's acting as a adversary for unstable regimes.

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B-but leftypol told me family is bourgeois!

I'm not kidding i've seen threads there on the topic.

Should I hate them or feel bad for them?

Who gives a fuck? You loyal to America's existing political system or something?

Why not both? It will make killing them an emotional roller coaster.

You are paid to post here. You care more than anyone else.

Yes I believe in the sacred Democratic systems that created a equal balance in our country. Are you favoring a foreign government over our intelligence agencies?

Maybe Putin is a good guy?

Can you guys help me troll the Harlem Children Zone Promise Academy? We can spam their internal tech support with definitely-not-racist tickets like "shiet mane I can't turn this thing on it

ain't got a touch screen" -Jamal Niggers


Who cares? One marxist, left-wing professor, speaking from his position of authority on knowledge, will socially engineer support for the opposite, because the average person is a sub-human herd animal that needs to be led by authority, and Putin is no authority on this topic. Only "muh intellectuals" are. Marx, the grand intellectual who never contributed a single thing to society. A man who never worked a real job in his life. A man who has zero experience with life. He's a top tier "intellectual" and thus an authority on all knowledge pertaining to society. You can't convince people with words, only titles. The average person is an NPC.

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Fuck you, Dugin

i don't know about that lol

Facebook advertisements and Seth Rich giving the emails to Wikileaks means Russia had influence in the election. If you knew anything Russia were routeing for Bernie Saunders. Go back to Twatter and never come back, NPC clown.

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They're twenty years behind in liberalism to the West. Easily. Getting your perspective on a few camwhore thots from Russia doesn't give a proper representation of them overall. When do you see the young Brits & Yanks singing traditional songs with flowers on their hair on TV that are one with nature?

Vladimir Putin (who spent 26 years of his life as a KGB agent) says whatever he needs to say at the moment.
Educate yourself on the Russian deception (Golitsyn's two books: «New Lies for Old», «The Perestroika Deception»):

Putin talking about how he was (is) an honest communist and KGB agent:


Putin never said that «Russia is for Russians»:

Putin is not «liquidating Jewish oligarchs» as the Russian payed shills would like you to believe — in fact, he is close friends with Jewish oligarchs who rule Russia e.g. Abramovich, and his judo partner, Rotenberg.

«Stop romanticizing and idolizing Russia»:

Thread on Duginism, Russian deception and the «alt-right»:

Westerners are being duped on a massive scale, as Putin sends one sort of message to the outside world, while Russia receives the opposite message. Putin would like for the West to see him as a patriotic, masculine figure — «the savior of the White race» — while he keeps telling Russians (whom he does not even refer to with the ethnical term «Russians», but prefers a word that does not exist in English and merely means «people of the Russian Federation») to be a united nation of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, while preaching about equality for all the ethnicities of the Russian Federation. One can not even create a party that is truly nationalist (i.e. solely stands for Russians, and not other ethnicities of Russia) as it is against the law. Right-wing forums are full of payed shills shilling for Russia. They use basic shill tactics (e.g. calling anyone who points out the truth about their Judeo-Masonic tricks a «glownigger»), they are easy to spot. Do not be a dupe. Do not side with the barbaric üntermensch who were the firsts to establish a communist state and fought against the Axis then enslaved and raped half of Europe.

At least he's promoting healthier values than our shit-tier fully blown aids kike ridden Western ones. The only sad part is he doesn't constantly reference "The West" or the U.S. that has looked down upon the Russian peoples since the Cold War.

I mean fuck it, why not shit on us we would.

i am talking about real life observations and experiences not tv or internet. western women are just more open about it because they feel no one is judging them.

This general line of thinking was pretty well established in the Soviet state itself once Stalin came to power. The chaos of the early Bolshevik state left a pretty negative impression and was largely the catalyst that turned the communist party inside Russia into a vehicle for Russian nationalism for factions of the state.

Reminder that Cucktin outlawed holocaust denial and any pro Nazi sentiment

The ideal position to take is send 200M traitors to Greenland into re-education camps for at least twenty years. The way we do this is become in-between an National Socialist & National Bolshevik. Have the value of the NatSoc's but have the ruthlessness of the Bolsheviks. We must evolve to our surroundings to win.

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Can’t stop loling at schlomo s nightmare meme

the fucking crazy shit marxists said about family

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Wouldn't that imply that they should defend their own people and not help their masters genocide white people?

Western glowniggers are treasonous scum, and it's no way around that they are NOT fucking helping us stop our own genocide, by making sure that pro-whites can get money, since we are all poorfags.

If there had been a patriotic bone in any of the western glowniggers, top social media executives would have started to have accidents the first time a pro-white was banned, so fuck you to all of treasonous glowniggers, for not even helping one little bit. .

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Absolute disgusting, and Zig Forums unironically agrees with this shit. A lot of leftists do. It's absolutely insane. This kind of thinking should be relegated to obscure cults. Marxism is the biggest travesty of the last two hundred years. It's the worst ideology ever conceived in human history.

Well said. Most people on this site are extremely infantile and are led by emotions rather than the ability to understand reality. They hope for a «White sanctuary» so they project it upon Eastern Europe (mainly Russia) ― which is exactly what Putin wants and they have been taking advantage of this for a while now. The Westerners would fled home crying after spending a month in Eastern Europe in the shoes of the average Eastern Europeans. As for the women here, I too can speak out of experience that they are as big of a whores as anywhere else in the world — they simply need more deception here, as they would be socially judged a bit more. It is not a coincidence that most camgirls are from Eastern-Europe — the same can be said about pornographic actresses.

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t. kike

And how is that not good for pro-whites, and bad for the Western regimes?

If E-Europe is the shithole you describe, then it's even more important to remove the fucking elites ruling the west. It also becomes a holy duty to oppose the western elites by any means neccesary, you do get that?

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Try saying that to the Boers who are amongst the strongest of the European people, where university educated people live in shanty towns and face violence day & night due to BEE that reserves the right of 80% of jobs to Blacks, leaving the Coloureds, Whites & Indians to fight for the last 20%. The only thing they won't like is the weather. Russia would be a paradise to them compared to parts outside cape Town.

I look at Russians as a cultureless, aimless people severed from their heritage by marxism, actually, who are devoid of a true identity. All of their national heroes, their national achievements, traditions, and uniqueness have been erased from mainstream consciousness. The same thing happened with chinks. They're a conquered people. They'll always be a conquered people.

ec418b is a payed Russian shill who comes in every thread where his master, Putin is in danger of getting uncovered. He uses the same pathetic tactics all the time: try to paint anyone anti-Russia as necessarily anti-White and constantly rants about «glowniggers». He is try-hard in proving that he is White — each and every comment of his will containt the word «White»: probably this is the script he has received at the Фабрика троллей (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_web_brigades).

Examples of him from another thread pointing out Russia's deception and Kremlinbots:

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Always watch out for Kremlinbots and Bolshevik shills. Notice how 930f01 is shilling for «National Bolshevism» («NazBol»): the scizophrenic creation of Alexander Dugin.

Summary on Dugin and Duginism:

They talk about that all of the time. I bet they had shitting family lives or something

unless you understand what was done to Russia in the 90s, how it was looted, how it was almost taken over and a Rothschild frontman (Khodorkovsky) put in power, you don't see how

The other Kremlinbot has arrived (aecd0e). Same tactics all the time: try to paint Putin as anti-Jewish because he took out a couple Jewish oligarchs in the 90's so that his other Jewish oligarch friends could take their businisses.

Examples of him:

He tries to discredit the fact that Duginism (Eurasianism, National Bolshevism, Putinism) is just neo-communism as Golitsyn foretold, mainly with namecalling and other shill tactics. He failed though, as he got caught posting a Dugin quote:

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Nigger, Russia was destroyed in 1917 and became the center of the bolshevik empire known as the Soviet Union. It was looted of everything, including heritage, culture, and identity. All that happened in the '90s was some poverty. Russia was long dead. The Russian identity was long dead. Marxism killed it.

Leftists legitimately are mentally ill. Throwing aside all our jokes and everything that people say about them, they truly are degenerates and mentally ill from broken homes and have such a poisonous view of themselves/the world that they feel the only way they can feel better is by inflicting their miserable existences on everyone else. That is their sole purpose. It is, quite literally, like a virus and the vector is them spreading it to youth and infected more and more with it. That is the best way I think it can be described, a literal virus that is spread from one to another through various means and, from there it's a domino effect. Look at this historically and what happens in every society that was inflected with liberalism. It is destruction in biological form.

Take a hit of Zyklon B and rethink your arguments.

Dugin is literally a meme and was never taken seriously bu Putin.

Baste ZOGbot! Russia is truly the last hope for the white man! I want to move to Moscow! Right next door to one of the largest mosques in Europe! Pic related is Moscow! BASTE!

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This is why we need kike free first posts.

Liberalism is the child of Marxism so, yes, you are right but I just consider them one in the same. Since very few assholes in the western world even know what Marxism is it's easier to just call it liberalism and ease them into the bigger picture.

I was wondering when the feds would show up. That didn't take long.

Not arguments. Try again but cite your sources this time.

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It isn't the last hope that was literally a Stormfront meme. I remember when it began. Nobody believes that shit or that Putin is some grand wizard whose not still answering on some level to the kikes. Perhaps not internally as much anymore, but externally he is just like every world leader.

Continuing this meme is pretty retarded when you can literally pull up an image of any Western nation and expose how they're just as shitty as the other in slightly different ways.

What kind of specialized shill knows Russian?

Should Zig Forums be honored?

Why is Russia supporting pro-whites in the west a problem, if you oppose genociding white people?

Glowniggers are called glowniggers here, just like nigger are called niggers, fucking newfag specialized shill.

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Nice, he's still a kike puppet though.

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All bad, actually.

Do not forget that he is «literally Hitler»!

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You don't get the anti-white aspect?

Russian media don't hate white people, so white people like it better.

Why can't Western regime media not hate white people?

Now you've crossed the line and posted cringe.

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Dunning and Kruger called with a message for you. You made the allstar team

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I haven't been on Zig Forums for a while. Is this comment supposed to be parody or something? What the hell happened to this place?

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Putin has pillaged russia as much as -all- of the jew oligarchs combined you stupid putin shill.

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What the fuck, do you think he will just piss off the millions of muslims in his country?

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Oligarchs / Tycoons (mostly Jewish) in Russia.

Abramovich, Roman (net worth - $9.1 billion as of 2014). […]probably one of the most famous "Russian" oligarhes in the world. Jew Roman Abramovich is one of the richest (or probably the richest) thieves and criminals in Russia, close friend of Yeltsin and protector/curator of Putin[…]Duma member […] President Vladimir Putin changed the law to abolish elections for regional governors, and on 21 October 2005 Abramovich was reappointed governor for another term." […]

Vekselberg, Viktor. Jew […] the richest man of Russia 2012. $15.1B as of 2013. This oligarh of mixed Jewish origin is the owner of numerous oil and metallurgy plants of Russia […]On good terms with Kremlin and personal frien of Vladimir Putin […].

Mikhelson, Leonid (net worth - $15.4B as of March 2013). Jew. He controls Novatek - one of the most important natural gas companies in RF. . Deals and partnership with Kremlin-controlled Gazprom is a source of much of his fortune.

Prokhorov, Mikhail Dmitrievitch . multibillionaire (net worth - $13B as of 2013) of Jewish-Russian-Osetian origin, jew by mother's side […] politician, and owner of the American basketball team the Brooklyn Nets, and different nickel and gold producing factories in Russia. He is well known for his contempt towards workers and awful working conditions in his factories. On decent terms with Kremlin.

Aven, Pyotr. Jewish oligarch banker (Alfa Bank, Alfa Group), controls Russia's largest private bank. (net worth - $5.4 bullion as of 2013). Connected to Putin and key Putin's administration officials since early 1990s.

Deripaska, Oleg (net worth - $8.5B as of 2013). Jew […] member of the Board of Directors and CEO of United Company RUSAL, the largest aluminium company in the world and a President of Enplus Group[…] Vladimir Putin with Oleg Deripaska, said to be the richest man in Russia and a member of the Kremlin elite. A known buddy of Nathaniel Rotschild. Deripaska is often described as "100% Putin loyalist", "Kremlin-friendly", "closely connected to the Kremlin" and even "the oligarch closest to Putin".

Fedun, Leonid. ancestry unclear (though sometimes believed to be a Jew). (net worth - $7.1B as of 2013), owns one of the most popular football clubs in Russia. Anti-White. Likes Jews, finances campaigns and drives against "xenophobia" and "anti-semitism" in sports (among football fans).

Fridman, Mikhail Maratovich. Jew […] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Consortium, which is now one of the Russia's largest privately owned investment groups. In 2011, Forbes assessed his wealth as $15.1 billion, making him the 7th richest man in Russia […]On excellent terms with Kremlin, member of Putin's Public Chamber; […]one of the founders of the Russian Jewish Congress[…]large contribution to the work of the European Jewish Fund […] developing European Jewry and promoting tolerance.

No,m he will just pay them like he does the chechens,

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>it will wither away (((naturally)))
See how mentally ill these people are?

This is why I will never support the right wing. Too many of them think being cucked by oligarchs and bureaucracy is awesome as long as they have a government that pays lip service to white culture. White culture is only improved when the white man’s social and material conditions are improved.

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Fuck off back to leftypol than nigger

Hackerman wouldn't leave such an important job to a mere lackey.

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Amen, brother. He's been quoted saying wierd things like, "some people consider Russia to be the Mother or Fatherland (can't remember which" and stuff to the effect of "and are willing to fight for it." Well, der, they're Russian. But he typically doubles back to some nonsense about how there are many different types of people in Russia.

As for Jews, his wife's father's name included Abramovich (various spellings). This is a very Jewish name. Also, she taught and learned several foreign languages, indicative of the ole verbal IQ and divorced him once he started moving the country in a more nationalist direction. His daughter married an oligarch son of a banker (who divorced her). In addition to coming from a (((banking))) he had ties to Jew centers of Belarus and Germany. His last name was Shamalov.

Easy, Putin is the front man "leader" of the Ziocon faction of the Hegellian Dialectect. He gets to openly promote Russian pride, just like other (((conservative))) factions across the world, long as they still always answer to their (((advisors)))


Of course, you don't get to run a (((modern))) country unless you down with creating the new ideal "human"

TBH this is all anyone should really need to know about Putin and whether he is a truly free leader of a free people. Face it, you don't let your daughter marry into the tribe, unless your planning/already are joined to them.

user's really need to get with the 21st century, the "war" is over. All governments are owned properties, this is now a attrition conflict, they are breaking down all peoples, ethnics, religions, INTO ONE…with them conveniently placed on top.

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Typical troglodyte right wing response.

Look at this disgusting street shitter pedo,not only he thinks he Russian, he has a profile pic of a Russian girl and subscribed to little Russian girls too, fucking living turd, he makes my blood boil.

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Fucking pathetic. Your brain is mush, your ideology is being a cuck for lip service and you’re literally walking proof that evolution works backwards. You’re the reason the world is so stacked against the average white male, and you deserve the wall.

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lol glownigger please, educate yourself

I love the way Stirner and Bakunin trashed Marx.