The hidden jew

The hidden jew

The collapse of Trade Bank exposed a powerful financial player who had previously been unknown to most Israelis: Benny Revizada, who ran an unregistered bank from a mobile home, and, later on, from a booth near a fuel station on Herzl Street in Tel Aviv. The amount he got from Trade Bank – NIS 144 million – was a drop in the sea of money passing through his hands by cashing checks and loan-sharking.

According to the prosecution, NIS 4.2 billion were deposited in Revizada’s accounts between 1999 and 2002.

Cronies describe him as a fascinating character, who, with zero higher education or even Excel spreadsheets, managed billions of shekels. He relied on his phenomenal memory, common sense, high emotional intelligence and mostly, as he himself told the detectives who questioned him, “a nose for people.”

Police officials say Revizada started his day by withdrawing anything from tens to hundreds of thousands of shekels from one of his bank accounts. “Then he'd go to his booth and sit back. Say somebody came to him with a check for a hundred thousand shekels. Revizada would study him, decide whether he could cover it, and give him ninety thousand for his check.”

Revizada based his business on charging interest tailored to each client, albeit using methods that would make a professional risk manager snort. According to an official, Revizada said that he would mark his clients’ checks with animal-shaped stamps. “For example, he knew that Moshe’s checks were marked with an eagle, David’s had a Doberman and so on. That was how he tracked people.” However offbeat his method, the fact is that he got almost all the money back.

A bank check is a precious, rare commodity on the gray market. Revizada would change the payees’ names on the checks that had been stolen from Trade Bank and deposit them in his own accounts. When Trade Bank scandal broke, his business was revealed, his gray-market bank was shut down and he served four years for tax evasion. Recently, he lost a lawsuit connected with the case, and is now awaiting sentencing.

I wouldn't be surprised if the most powerful jews are some rabbis in some decrepit hole in Israel.

Jews are used to feigning poverty, looking poor, operating out of dilapidated buildings, hiding any wealth they have, being extremely vigilant and good at getting information out of people etc.

They're the cockroach at this point that can survive a nuclear bomb.

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If you think about it, that's pretty incredible. A Jew can run a bank's spreadsheet from rote memory? I mean who else in the world would even think of doing that?

jews have crazy management skills as well

they can manage people from all kinds of third world shitholes without them ruining the business or killing the jew

if you have ever dealt with turd world people (i.e. flipinos) you quickly realize you don't know how to deal with them at all because their thinking is totally alien to you but jews somehow can manage them successfully

they're amazing yet extremely evil people


No they don't, no more than you do. The difference is you don't make use of this potential in yourself, whereas the unnatural jew force eachother into these endeavours.
They're not amazing, they just are criminally stubborn in ensuring kikes do what kikes do.

There's a simple explanation for this…no other group of people dedicated their existence to committing crime for thousands of years. There is no competition to self destructive hedonism on the scale the jewish parasite is pulling operating under. In terms of money they trained their kleptomaniac mental corruption into a weapon to destroy the world.

Being White, aka not a criminal, someone explain this to me like I don't commit financial fraud on the daily.
Why would I take a check for $100,000 and sell it to this Jew for $90,000?

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Honestly, I wondered this too.

this isn't really jew, though.
this is a legit business that was shut down because it didn't conform to the jew
people came to Benny. Benny didn't burn down peoples houses to get them to come to him and depend on him, then tell them they had to work for him for 3 shekels a day to be able to live with him, just enough money to eat and never enough to save anything.
Benny is ok in my book. I like Benny

because you don't have the $$ to cover the check in the account its tied to.
it's called bridge funding / gap lending
the jew calls it loansharking because it is competition to the jew.
Benny is a good dude who helped out people in his neighborhood and the jew didn't like that so they busted Benny. #FREEBENNY

Is this the so-called epigenetics, or do they just learn this in yeshiva at an early age?

I doubt his accounts were accurate, just…maximized (profits).

I dunno but I'm sure it's illegal.

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free market PRINCIPLE is sound
free market PRACTICE is garbage
@BENNY_LOANS is guilty of not paying taxes and nothing more. He probably got charged with operating without a license (a lie charge as no grown man should need a permission slip from incompetent men) and a handful of other made up lies.
Benny got jewed

Why would you people compliment these things for? You sound like George noory ghost politics type of animals.

Neither understanding, nor caring to, the Jewish scheme for making money through loans and interest…
by what criteria would rate the worthiness of a loan to a person/project?

community need?
solid character?
purely numerical metrics?

I'm just curious.

if he's dealing with orthodox people he just needs to figure out who their rabbi is and build a relation with him

the rabbi will do the collection then

with regular atheist shmuels I have no idea

So the priest is the heavy, then? Lending only works with the religiously superstitious?

I don't know what a 'shmuel' is. A species of camel, perhaps?

takes a team of analysts to give a true answer to this question. It's called forming a matrice / lending guideline.
the above are forms of government insured underwriting guildelines a lender can adhere to in order to get their mortgage pools bought on the secondary market (the market that joe smith doesn't have access to). Think retail/wholesale.
There are different levels to the lending business from 1) payday loans to 100) war financing
For about 300 bucks you can legally start lending money in most states. It's a simple registration. If you do this, you will run out of money relatively quick, so initially it makes the most sense to make loans that conform (conforming loans) to a secondary market investor who wants to purchase them as bulk (on margin, but I won't open that can of worms).
Moving on. So you start with 5k in capital. The smart move is to leverage that 5k. So you write up a perspectus and present that to a lender that will leverage you at 7:1, so you now have 35k to lend but you are personally responsible for the first 10% of loss in case of default (not always the case but using an example of what's realistic expectation).
So you decide to lend against catlle.
You lend farmers 80% of the total cost of cattle at 12% annual interest. Now the farmer takes that and builds it into his perspectus and figures out a retail price point (to him it's retail even though his buyer is most likely a wholesaler. Fucking confusing, I know) So this is what's called a "market maker."
I present this so you can have a loose understanding of what really makes market prices. IT's banks. Every time it's banks. They set the price they are willing to lend money and that price sets the market.

t. former financier

Thanks user, that's really quite interesting.

So let's say you want to start a community bank for the oft advertised Northwest Alliance, just to pull something out of the air. Without resorting to a complicated array of other stuff, what are the criteria you personally would use to insuring you are lending to the right/worthy people or interests?

What would be your personal matrix/lending guideline?

~$300,000 for a Federal Charter license.
Banks are an entirely different ball of wax.
I was negotiating the purchase of a Bev Hills charter bank when 2008 came along. When you buy a bank, you take on the assets which include all the deposits.
You're more talking about boutique lending.
Honestly, depends on the security (underlying asset)
Cars? 50% loan to the current value is risky commercially but 90% loan to value for Benny seems to have been a good price point since he obviously made a shit ton of money. 144m on 4.2b is nothing. that's like 2.5% or something.
Benny was a saint in the neighborhood and I'm sure everyone is pissed he got shoa'd.

religious communities are close knit and these people generally only go through rabbinical courts

nobody wants to be expelled or shunned
there's a list of all registered banking institutions in the US
They literally have a license to print money

I know you didn't ask this, but for most reading they think banks lend money. They do not. I repeat, banks do not lend money.

"what the fuck kinda drugs you on?"
Banks lend CREDIT. YOU GIVE THEM AN ASSET in the form of a Promissory Note, in return, they CREDIT on your behalf the seller of what it is you buy and you are responsible for paying back the BANK with real labor.
At no time in the process did the bank spend one dime on the transaction. They PRINT MONEY.

I hope that makes sense. The more people that come to them for a loan, the more money they make since more people will be trading their labor for imaginary credit that did not exist before you signed for it.

It's a big shell game. If anyone needs further explantion, let me know.

So this is a story of a lender who made loans that would have been riskier for a larger, more impersonal commercial enterprise, but because he knew his customers/community so well, it was less risky for him. Thus he could make less risky loans, and charge less interest.

It sounds like he was just more efficient. That's the goal of structuring a society around capitalism, is it not?

~$300,000 for a Federal Charter License
- While researching the Comprehensive Annual Financial reports a number of years ago, I read the circuitous requisites needed to start a bank. I forget now what it was called, but it was out of the Yale library. It was abit ambiguous, and could be construed as self-referential. Were I a lawyer, I could see an obvious way to structure the bank such that it reported to nobody.
- Where does the money for the Charter License go? Is it in escrow?

I was considering more along the lines of business lending.

I know that the dollar is literally just a unit of measurement.
When you exchange dollars, it's always dollars of something. Like dollars of coffee beans. Or dollars of credit.

You report to absolutely nobody.

Business lending is relatively unregulated. You can do that right now. Pick up the phone and call a local business and see if they need some cash.

Back before the internet, there used to be a thing called "bookies" - people who would take bets on sports events verbally, commit it to memory, and then pay out or demand payment later. Some would manage hundreds of clients, with nothing ever written down (because what they were doing was illegal). What these Jews are doing is unusual, but not unprecedented. Human memory is extraordinary, but modern conveniences have softened our minds due to too much reliance on crutches like writing and digital storage. Illiterate people have incredible memories, and keeping entire books or sagas memorized to recite them to children or friends used to be a very common thing.

of oil
nothing more
dollars measure oil

nobody forgets someone that owes them money. ever.

Thanks user. I have wondered about that lo these many years.
So if someone without any scruples opened a bank, and the pyramid scheme fails, there are no repercussions.

No, thats illegal.
but it won't be discovered until it fails
Bernie Madoff

That's not something I keep track of. I just try to do the right thing. Were I to run a bank, I would have to write things down, because I'm not gonna fill my head with things like who owes me what. There's more important aspects to life, better ways to find happiness.

It seems to me that fractional reserve banking is just like any other pyramid scheme.

I have a feeling Benny was a whale watcher. Little LEvy getting his first G-ride wasn't paying Benny a visit. What we're not being told is he is the fall guy in an organized crime racket.
That world is nothing but lies. Everyone lying to each other all the time. I didn'twant a part of it.

Except in a pyramid scheme you have to have something in order to lend out the next level in the pyramid. Banks don't need that something. Think about being naked in your room with only a pen and piece of paper. Someone comes to you and says "Hey loan me 100 grand" you simply say, "Here's your 100 grand" and hand them a piece of paper with "100 thowsund doolars!" written on it.
Congratulations, you are a banker!

The pyramid scheme guy at least has to take possession of value in order to lend something out.

Obviously, why else would they roll him up for tax evasion? Also, it's not out of the question that a shitload of those loans never actually happened and he was just laundering money for drug dealers or other rackets.

The word 'dollar' came into use before the discovery of large deposits of petroleum. It's a more generic term.

I know your feelz. But not everyone on Earth wants to lie. Evidence yourself. All cynicism aside, we just need copious, enormous, stupendalarious amounts of patience and perseverance to bring a better society to fruition, one where we can be of sterling, honest character with each other all the time, and still carve out a good life for ourselves.

My take away from this conversation, as before, is that I just don't understand banking the way I should in order to open a bank. Maybe a Savings and Loan institution is a better way to go?

And this is why banks are the most evil institutions of the past six thousand years.

no fuck that
go the way of Benny.
They will never, NEVER give stiff sentences for financial crimes.
I could pick up the phone right now, cold call somone, get them to break out their credit card and sell them the Eifel Tower for 100,000 dollars. My punishment would be, at worst, a fine of maybe 1000 bucks. NO jail time. Then when the loser of the 100 grand went to file a civil suit, I would claim indigency and file BK.
Seriously, just fucking go for it. The risk/reward paradigm is far in favor of the shuckster.
I simply cannot operate on that level. Wish I could, but I don't have that thing necessary to do it. I can't fuck people over even if it's for the better of everyone. (aside from the fuckee, of course).

Here's a shocker, too.
My father was a jewish judge. Lol
Problem: My mothers family is Bavarian. Every single one of them was/is law enforcement. That sense of justice/virtue overshadows my greedy jew side.
This world does not favor virtue.

Rest assured, a more honest, forthright world is coming like a 100 billion ton freight train. One way or another.
It won't be in this lifetime, nor the next, but the one after that will be interesting, And after that, smooth sailing to the stars.

Do you have to register as a bank in order to issue money and lend multiple times your monied holdings?


No they dont lmao. Jew are worse at literally everything when compared to an aryan.

yes and no.
to general citizens, always yes. to businesses, not always yes.
to businesses, you can lend on margin so long as you have the margin to lend. That's a fancy way of saying if you can get a loan, then you can lend the money you get from the loan to a business without a single license or registration certificate.
Just make sure you have a promissory note or you might have a difficult time proving you are owed money.
I'm sure there are plenty of places online that have templates available. The promissory note stipulates the expectations of the lender and lendee.

depends on the jew depends on the aryan. The best financier I ever met was a spic. Incredible mind.

The word "dollar" is derived from swedish "daler" which is derived from medieval german "thaler".

Seems Benny is a victim of regulatory capture. :D

Thats thilly

I guarantee he feels that way!

I liked the German version better.
The Wannsee conference was complete bullshit, Eichmann's tortured fever-dream. Both Jews and Nazis alike have made up more nonsense about their war than any one person can possibly wade through in a lifetime.


The funny thing is that jews are not all that smart, they're just criminals. They don't have the moral restrains that most normal white people have, nor the intelligence. Almost all advancements in science and mathematics is done by white men, not niggers, not women, not asian bugs, not even "smart" jews, but white man. And the thing is that they're actively promoting for the destruction of the white race out of a place of envy and disdain for the beauty of the european man. But who will advance science, do the actual work when white men are gone? In their own vanity theyre condeming humanity to thousands of years of intellectual stagnation, not that their rat brains would understand it.

Found a better version of the same video.
Do keep in mind that Eichmann's confession has itself been royally embellished, and then reinterpreted for Hollywood.

Tonight on RT "The Hidden Jew"
A New Blockbuster Movie

Two things, for one the other guy i assume was taking about the general population of the aryan vs that one of the jew. Also, knowing one good spic financer does not imply that all spics would be good financers. It of course depends on the person but you can assume quite a lot from the average spic and average jew.

Thanks for the info. I didn't know that.

I would disagree.

They have vastly superior skills to aryans in exploitative areas (verbal manipulation, management, relationship building, value extraction).

They needed aryans to invent and create but there are enough ashkeNAZI now that are almost entirely aryan to get rid of us and to largely move tech companies to israHELL.

why are all antisemitic threads on page 15,16,17,18,19,20?

How come all kosher thread end up on page 1?

Someone's been cleaning the bathroom with toilet bowl cleaner mixed with bleach again.

oh lawd u cant make this shit up

should've went BTC lol

I would like to test your theory.


financial user, how do I get a 800+ credit score?

2 revolving credit cards for 3+ years open tradelines at 32% balance to limit.
1 installment loan for 5,000 or more open paid to half and paid for 2+ years.
1 secured loan like an auto loan or mortgage for 5+ years either paid in full or paid on time for the duration.
If you've had a cell phone with a carrier that takes monthly payments, get a (fuck I think it's a form 1008 but don't hold me to that) verification of payments made form and send it to your cell phone company, then send it to Transunion, Equifax, Experian and have them add the tradeline t your credit report for a depth of history. For an 800+ score I believe you will need a full 7yr history to show.
Do not send if you have late payments (over 30 days late from due date) obviously.

at least Im doing half those things, is it true If I close an old shitty discovery credit card that it will completely take off from my credit history and chop points off?

No not true
Yes true

Excellent post especially about some filthy rabbi in a cheap suit or rather a panel of them with some decrepit old yentas thrown in and a couple college age or even high school age kids thrown in. Exceptional kids. It's the synagogue. It's not a church or whatever. It's a fucking bank. The rabbis and all those others running it sitting on its panels are bankers. To attend the synagogue and be a member you have to pay for your seat. The better the seat, the better the synagogue the more you pay. One good seat at Schara Tzedeck Synagogue is $100,000.00 a year.

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If you had a dragnet for them they're chameleons. They'd become more goy than any goy.

is it bad to never have a balance to make payments on a credit card and always have it fully paid? I keep being told from people that thats a bad idea, but these are broke fucks telling me this so I dont really know

I've done that religiously since 1980 and my credit score is 839 out of 900 with which is effectively perfect. I'm not rich though. But I'm doing OK.

Paying your bills is not "bad" per se (philosophical debate here) I'm just telling you the most optimal scenario.
If you don't have a 40yr history of paying your bills on time like the user below you, then it's favorable to maintain small balances to increase the scores. Lenders like to see activity.

Everyone ITT should be well versed in economics and know how jews manipulate currency to generate money.

Yeah right, he just took the money and byebye.

Idk, Ill think Ill just wait for my credit to go up (which I have to anyway) instead of being a retard and paying interest on fucking gas and groceries like the broke people around me keep saying is a good idea

Can't manipulate what doesn't exist.
They manipulate PEOPLE.
When getting a loan, I thought it was hilarious when people would thank me. If they would just demand their loan amount in gold, the entire system would shut down overnight.
Credit has no real value and only dumbfuck goyim believe it does.
Benny didn't believe that and neither did the people he worked with.

I will never take a loan of anything other than real value.
It's voluntary slavery.

it lets you not live in a shithole

I live in a very nice place with a very nice yard and a very nice gym and a very nice volley ball court and a very nice fire pit and a very nice bbq and a very nice hot tub and whats even more nice?
Not a single tradeline of credit.

It would seem it lets YOU not live in a shithole.

Im really not interested in paying in monopoly money, If I have to use it then its going to be someone elses and im not going to break my back for a pittance, so yeah, I want credit, not living in some shithole "because its cheap" busting my ass for 40 years for some shithole company and have nothing to show for it like my parents

*20 years

pick one


This. Paying interest is idiotic. Compound interest is a killer. Amazing how many people graduate from high school that don't understand this and just blithely sink themselves deeper and deeper into debt. Women in particular are given to this idiotic vice.

Jewish boys are expected to start cutting profitable deals by the time they've had their bar mitzvah, that is 13 or so. If not they have the acid tongues of their mothers to contend with.

It's a dysinfo meme. I found no proof of this at all.

Synagogues sell seats for yom kipur but the prices are not crazy out of this world compared to the incomes in Manhattan where the priciest one is located.

Jews who studied finance have the easy track into banking positions that goyim will never get to (banking as a well paying career for goyim is a lie) but that's about it.

Yid speak for psychopathy.

Paying it off before you accumulate a balance for them to make interest isn't as good as letting a little bit carry over. You have to set the hook. They prefer people that aren't complete deadbeats but also aren't rich enough to just take interest free loans out on a whim.
However you CAN still increase your credit paying off early, you just need to be committed. Get a department store credit card, buy jewelry, wait for the end of the month after the debt is reported, then return the item for full credit. A year of that and my score went from basically non-existent to 730/740+- (barring normal credit and purchasing.)
You can learn to screw the jew enough to at least break even but you have to be as diligent as they are defective.

Let's celebrate story time with half-jew boy here. All gather round.
Not all crooks are jews but all jews are… plural-minded.

Any of you guys really want to get rich and don't give a fuck how it's done, have a kid every year. Have 5 kids. Get social security information on each the day they are born and get secured credit cards in their names when each turns 3. Build up a respectable credit profile on each. Play the long-con on each, drawing little by little more on your credit line and paying it off. Drawing and paying. Drawing and paying. Until you call the lender, ask for an extension in credit (in child #1's name), get the extension, cash it in full, don't pay back a dime. File bankruptcy.
Next year comes, do it with child #2 who you've been working a long con with. File BK.
Next year comes do it with child #3 who you've been working a long con with. File BK.
By the time you run through your childrens credit, the first child has had 7 years pass and he's ready for anothe LOC (line of credit)
Rinse repeat.

Cash out a couple million.
Move on.

Welcome to the world of the jew.

I love that you think a credit score is an achievment.
I suppose the slave with the golden chains is king of the plantation.