Do you need to be white to embrace National Socialist idelogies?

I am not white btw, so can i, at least, embrace some NatSoc ideologies? I am not a full-flown NatSoc , but I do agree with the idea that there is a Jewish conspiracy trying to take over the world, and I also believe the Jews are directly and indirectly causing most of the pain and suffering in the world. I believe most of society's problems are caused either directly or indirectly by the Jews.

I am not saying I want to become a National Socialist. I am just saying I acknowledge some NatSoc idelogies despite not being white myself.

Attached: image.png (246x298, 12.51K)

Do you have to a horse to to contend horse races?


Attached: vi.jpg (776x851, 507.76K)

No. There arabs and even niggers who followed the national socialist ideology.

Attached: dunenatsocs.jpg (633x550, 58.61K)

There were*
Typing like a nigger again

primarily respect nature
love animals
love trees
love earth
love diversity (what???) you heard me
respect the right of Gods creations to exist
respect the right for self-determination within the races of man
charge interest get hanged
faggotry goes against God, so no go.
women should never be treated with disrespect but should never have a voice in politics
children are the life of the nation and any crime against a child is punishable by swift death.

That's pretty much NatSoc ideology. A bit of tyrannical rule by the people, if you will. Oh, also you don't leave a member of the nation dying in the street. You take care of your sick brothers and sisters no matter the cost.


Attached: nignazi.png (1080x723, 406.09K)

Kys nigger

no you dont have to be white
you are confusing stuff
being a nationalist-socialits soes not imply your skin color since it draws on affiliation i.e. citizenship for a NATION, hence the phrasing NATIONAL-SOCIALIST

heck even you can be a brown skinned french national socialist when you have brown skin and a french citizenship…

heck, you CAN even be a so called "white supremacist" when you have no white lineage whatsoever !
you are admitting the white race is superior to all others , no big deal , just agree that every other race is inferior and you are good to go.

you will never be able to actually be superior, since , in our theoretical example, you are not of white lineage and therefor are excluded from the matter at hand. same thing as why women cannot ever transition to be men and the other way around , its natural predetermination.
same as you can be a homosexual white supremacist anti diversity faggot, no problem there but you will most likely have some dissonances with other pro white , but anti fag , supremacists… you get where this is going

next time use your fucking brain for once before posting
dont be a moron
think before posting / speaking, if in any doubt whatsoever, dont speak/post in the first place.

Every race should feel theirs is superior. Much like a fighter should believe he is the best fighter on earth before getting into a match. Anything else, by definition, is masochistic and self-loathing which are disgusting traits in a man.

has absolutely nothing to do with national-socialists.
it's a completely unrelated topic
since it is not even targeted directly at religious aspects e.g. semitism it's not even to be called "anti-semitism"

it's the same rejection of foreign projection of influence as it is the rejection against north corean influence in south corea , or belarussian influence in poland and belgian influence in ukraine for example…

just because the NatSocks in old-germany pointed out and actually weeded out the culprits of the problems they were facing back then it does not mean rejection of someones influence is directly matter and core value of national socialist ideology.

however it has intersections but they vary depending on the nation which is matter at hand
thats why it is important to specify topics and to be precise, instead of making vague assumptions or questions…

did you think this would be easy ?

Biological quality of human biomass. Build your ideology from that.

National Socialism is ethnonationalism, accepts racialism. Is against racemixing and does not allow non-whites into white countries


(pic related)

Attached: Excerpt.png (567x612, 129.02K)

Nope. White is also a weaponized term used against us. The foundation of NS is race realism, based on natural law. That means blood and race must be secured above anything. The jews are systematically destroying every other race on earth, and the Whites/Europeans/Anglos/Aryans are getting the full jewish hate, because they are the closest race to uphold the natural order. they are the biggest threat to a jewish world of slavery, crime and sadism. The jews are agents of chaos, who act pathologically, self destructive and parasitically. Nobody is safe from them.

You first need to identify what your Nation is. The socialism part is basically the only means of actually getting your Nation its own Nation-State: Capitalism means you don't have a Nation.
Nations don't cross the race barrier. Race is merely a delimiter of the Nation.
A good example of non-white National Socialism would, of course, be Uncircumcised Korea. The line of the Worker's Party of Korea basically boils down to "Korea is One," which is about as clear a line on the National Question as you can get.
Anyone claiming to be a Nationalist of a country that is a multi-national cesspool of shit, like that thing called "America," are liars. Just like Uncircumcized Korea, the line separating "Canada" and "America" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.
Many States in the world as essentially Nation-States, with either no minorities, or only vastly small amounts of them (Vietnam, Poland, etc), where they are clearly recognized as not really being part of the Nation, even if they are legal citizens.
Many States are not. "America" is probably the most horrendous example, but there are many, many others.
To be a real non-European National Socialist simply involves: recognizing what your real Nation is (this may be difficult for you, depending on the education propaganda of your country of origin), and realizing socialism is the only way your people are ever going to be truly represented by the regime that rules over you.

There are Nazis from all kinds of races today, just as way back when.

However, I would expect anybody advocating for Nazism to be against race mixing.

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you don't have to be white but the nation has to have the same culture

created after World War II to 'wrap things up'
instill a guilt complex into all people born with white skin.
people who feel guilty are easy to manipulate since most importantly they owe you, right !?

this is one of the base narratives.
also this is why most of the documents from back then are forbidden or prohibited and a general taboo.

just watch some hitler speeches and try to comprehend in what circumstances people had to live in back then
they revitalized themselves against the actual opressors, the gatekeepers in key positions , the slave masters and spindoctors of the time back then who just happened to share for the most part one and the same religion.

what they learned from the past is not to put themselves in the frontlines again
they use others this time as their pawns but do the same thing
they invade countries and push their foreign behaviors on the natives, doing this with the same methods they used 100 years ago, adn they know whom they are dealing with , thats why they use others do do their dirty work this time so they do not end up on a train…, back to their home country again…

Yes. and since natsoc acknowledges the integrity of border structure as a key aspect of defining the nation in the first place this is imperative. everyone stay the fuck where they are coming from.
migration prohibited as long as ethnic lineage is confirmed and or if strict immigration policies are obeyed, to be clear it is unrealistic to completely prohibit racemixing .
HOWEVER it should be allowed on certain terms and requirements, as well as strictly monitored (up to the point of privacy but no further).
think of you go on vacation as a tourist and you get struck by armor's arrow. you fall in love with your based vietmanese natsoc tourguide and its mutual until the day of recogning. so you decide to choose your home to be based country and want to have based 14 children… things like this are not particularly bad, genes and socialization / education will sort it out as long as everything is inside the certain based constraints.

Attached: 14yrspeech.mp4 (640x360, 6.07M)

National socialism is anti-white, so… no. Aryan just means white nigger. Nazism is about putting the most nigger whites into power everywhere.

Your skin isn’t white, it’s peachy-beige.

remember to filter and report all shills

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

You don't need to be white to embrace the truth. Nobody wants you here, though. So fuck off.

Attached: Diversity.jpg (1600x1200, 543.71K)

oh yea and also if the "peach" gets tanned (e.g. working under prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight) my skin is brown as well. skin color doesn't matter its the ethnical lineage and the abilities and resources inherited by the ancestors. you know exactly what is meant by white in terms of skin color and racial origin.
same as even the darkest "blacks" from the depest corners of the congo arent BLACK , but brown instead … doesnt matter if you skin anyone the colors beneath the skin are the same.
you know exactly this is just a regulatory terminology by humans to categorize behavioral differences, however it is faulty to describe anyone of not darker then light skin as a nigger even when describing such as so called wigger
it is clear that the appropriation of black culture is meant and intended to be pointed out yet the terminology used implies a affiliation to black ethnicity
which is just not what it is. furthermore you wil lhave to admit that even amongst the so called white ethnicity there are inferior subjects as they are in every race, the narratives of varying kinds of supremacy imply this.
this overextension is summarized as pride goes before the fall
>being a "nigger" calling other "niggers", "nigger"…
19. A people who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish.

58. Tyrannies teach what to think; free men learn how to think.

57. Propaganda is a legitimate and necessary weapon in any struggle. The elements of successful propaganda are: simplicity, emotion, repetition, and brevity. Also, since men believe what they want to believe, and since they want to believe that which they perceive as beneficial to themselves, then successful propaganda must appeal to the perceived self-interest of those to whom it is disseminated.

Attached: truthbetold.mp4 (1728x1080, 11.86M)

No. Dumb question, honestly.

exactly when are you going to stop shill posting? When the boots are kicking your doors down?
Your empire is crumbling. You guys have lost. The fuck are you doing?

I very much agree with 57. Many fail to realize or omit brevity as an important factor in propaganda. Not our adversaries though, they do almost fetishize it.

its easy ,a 101 how-to derailing a thread by insult, ( instill off-topic conversations/verbal fights through accusation), and or switching the topic by brining up unrelated stuff.
i hope i do not have to remind you not to reply to shills since this is clotting the thread even further;

The Extension. — (>>13498586)
This consists in carrying your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; in giving it as general a signification and as wide a sense as possible, so as to exaggerate it; and, on the other hand, in giving your own proposition as restricted a sense and as narrow limits as you can, because the more general a statement becomes, the more numerous are the objections to which it is open. The defence consists in an accurate statement of the point or essential question at issue.

The Homonymy. — (>>13498587)
This trick is to extend a proposition to something which has little or nothing in common with the matter in question but the similarity of the word; then to refute it triumphantly, and so claim credit for having refuted the original statement.

It may be noted here that synonyms are two words for the same conception; homonyms, two conceptions which are covered by the same word. (See Aristotle, Topica, bk. i., c. 13.) "Deep," "cutting," "high," used at one moment of bodies, at another of tones, are homonyms; "honourable" and "honest" are synonyms.

This is a trick which may be regarded as identical with the sophism ex homonymia; although, if the sophism is obvious, it will deceive no one.

Every light can be extinguished.
The intellect is a light.
Therefore it can, be extinguished.

dont reply to shills, just report and filter them

Attached: speech.mp4 (640x360, 11.56M)

Yes you can be a non-white National Socialist.

I feel like there is this idea that Zig Forums hates all non-whites. I'd like to point out that Zig Forums only REALLY hates jews. Everyone else, with a few exceptions due to historical incidents; is entitled to live in their home lands. We do not like that many white nations fund foreign countries, and we do not like that foreign countries often exert influence over whites; but it is pretty much understood that Nigeria belongs to the Nigerians, and should thus be ruled by Nigerians. Japan belongs to the Japanese, and should thus be ruled by the Japanese. The vast majority of people here are anti-Imperialist; we just want to be left alone.

Thus the hatred is reserved only really for invaders. You might call them immgirants or refugees. People who come to our nations and defile them, leech off of them and have the audacity to constantly cry for more. We realise that such people are in the minority, and thus there is no hatred for some random nigger in Uganda. There is no hatred for some random spic in Chile. There is no hatred for some random slope in Vietnam. We might have varying degrees of respect for them based on their historical achievements, but there's no genuine hatred and no desire for genocide.

This does not apply in cases like South Africa, Haiti or Zimbabwe where such abominable evils are being persecuted against our brothers. We might have had some sympathy for the nationalist positions of Haitians or blacks in Zimbabwe if they weren't butchering and raping women and children and all manner of evil. The Bantu flat out don't belong in South Africa so they have no nationalist claim; we actually do have a lot of sympathy for the Khoi people, those native to South Africa, and they in general are allies of the whites in the region and see the Bantu niggers as the biggest threat.

Turks and Arabs are generally hated for historical reasons, and there are certainly some who would like to see them genocided. That does not apply for most races of man though.

We call people niggers, chinks, pakis, etc. mostly because it upsets other people and is amusing. Other than offending your delicate eyes with harsh truths and mocking designations; you'll actually find that the people of Zig Forums believe in the concept of fairness FAR MORE than any other group out there.

Zogbots and shillbots have been flooding this board since it was created. The best way to respond to zogbots is just to annoy them by saying "Holocaust never happened". They hate when you do this.

Sure. You cant be a white National Socialist but you can be a *insert race Nation here* National Socialist for your own Nation. Of course that assumes that your Nation is capable of the qualities & good character that National Socialism demands.

Civ nat detected.
Nation is a thing of blood not an application form or a multiple choice quiz.

its divide and impera (or divide and conquer,or divide and rule) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

Elements of this technique involve:
· creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign
· aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the sovereign
· fostering distrust and enmity between local rulers
· encouraging meaningless expenditures that reduce the capability for political and military spending

probably even bots who spam randomized arguments able to fit to almost any poser caregorized in a certain fashion, replying to them is a waste of time since nobody will actually read your reply and answer to it, its like argueing with a brick wall only intended to waste your time (resource) and discourage you from putting up effort since debate is futile.

same with this (((>>13498680))) reply , you could have posted this into any thread dealing with a certain topic and some one would reply and derail even further…

you detected nothing i am just speaking in general terms to adress a question and i am trying to explain this by the best of my abilities.
nation is not a thing of blood its a thing of mutual treaties among other nations (ruling forces ) it is defined by its borders .
you are talking about heritage or lineage , ethnical and or social.
it is different to have certain "B" origins while folowing idea A compared to having "the original" "W" origin and supporting idea "A" as well.

it does on a certain degree exclude the subject with a certain origin from a intersection of people following the same idea but having a different set of underlying beliefs at the same time . to make it more clear, one cannot expect to be accepted by a group of lets say for example all white german white supremacist natsocs while being maybe a natsoc himself but from a non white lineage. however the person could still follow the thought of white supremacy and become submissive , but should not expect to be welcomed…. if you know what i mean…
i am not talking about probability at all , just theoretical based on the given arguments of exclusion.
it is and was about a common thought, to embrace a common ideal, to put it into effect and to eventually sacrifice the most precious thing a man has to offer for the greater goal to be fulfilled.

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You don't have to by a Nazi faggot for the Jews to be pro White and anti Jew.

You fucking retards keep playing their game and they always win.

There is no hope left in saving Whites

Whites refuse to move one inch to defend themselves. No one has made any effort to create anything normal in real life while the albatross of White Nationalism/Alt.Right continues unabated.
I think by now one can clearly see nothing will ever change under any circumstances. Most Whites will never publicly defend other Whites suffering from the planned ethnic cleansing. As long as they get their scraps of meat.

Bye bye White people

don't forget to livestream it and post the link on Zig Forums before becoming a hero of the white race, thanks.

also blackpill torfag go join some movement if you want to take direct action

Of course you cannot, National Socialism was originally for Germans to protect and keep their blood pure, if you are not White your blood is too polluted and therefore, is too weak to permit you to become a National Socialist.
I mean it should be obvious, why are you even on Zig Forums anyway ? if you are asking you probably know the response.

More like bye bye Jews, you know we can win.

exactly that.
the truth will prevail
never forgive
never forget

Attached: albatrostika.png (1488x1488, 1.36M)

You fell for the slimy redefinitions, you dumb faggot.

Attached: nation.png (744x166, 17.24K)

it's true. even us jews hate jews. the blood needs to be vanquished from the earth. "The ground is SOUR!"

no. the rassengesetze were originally intended to keep their blood pure
again, racial superiority or preservation of racial integrity is not a fixed key factor of national socialism in general.
you can be a russian national socialist or a swedish or south african or congolese, doesnt matter whatever.

as long as you are not of true german ancestry you surely are unable to rightfully claim of being a true "so called nazi" (where nazi means a german citizen and former member of the NSDAP) as long as you were born after 1945.
and fuck me if i'm wrong but there are not that many former NSDAP members alive today.

answer (pic related) your feelings mean nothing and wil lchange nothing a nation is a nation and white lineage is white lineage , as much divided from brown lineage as a fucking nations borders jej

Attached: REPLY.png (744x166, 22.5K)

Was the Incan Empire a national socialist heaven? Can we consider the Incan Empire to be Aryan?

I believe the answer to both questions is a strong resounding YES!

and most certainly YES.
but they inevitable got BTFO'd by the spainards and portugese, rightfully by natural selection.
darwins theory at work

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Nation objectively means bloodlines. That's what the word has always meant, only the shitty kosher redefinition that's been pushed aggressively can mean anything else. Your traces of nigger ancestry make you incapable of understanding that.
You are illiterate, and do not have the brainpower to realize that a nation is not automatically a state or country. Hell, the only nation states around today are all shitskin exclusive. Like Israel or Haiti.

Attached: anon makes an excellent post.png (932x81, 16.17K)

Hispania (Spain) actually worked with the natives. They even helped them overthrow the Aztecs and then set up the first newspaper in Mexico…. 100 YEARS BEFORE THE ANGLOS HAD THEIR OWN!

Also, Portugal never made it to the Inca Empire, wtf are you talking about?

You're free to post evidence otherwise instead of insults.

Don't even bother talking to >>13498828

Both of theses people are trying to derail the thread by spewing absolute retarded shit, i learned today that most of the Feds here are doing this to create a diversion( i got proof), don't fall for the JIDF trap user.

היה לנו רק שינוי במשמרות
אני לא צריך מתרגם גויים
לשמור על הידרדרות
השואה מעולם לא התרחשה
להרוג את עצמך

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((( )))
Is that the new buzzword? How (((natural and organic))) that a couple of shills have started to spam it today!

Lol, you can at least hide the fact that you are fed by not spamming the same way you do on every thread : Red Letters, Exclamation point.
Dumb fucking kike.

Yes, and you don't have to be a white supremacist, just apply the "national" of national socialism to your own race.

they sucked it from the initial posts, since their sockpuppet squad has been assigned to monitor this thread (as they became aware of whats going on behind the initial QTDDTOT posts) they now need to push and shill more untill they "win", they won't get their pay when they don't obey…

Attached: JAHOUDKUFFARGOYIMBURKEKJEJ.png (716x973, 302.07K)

How isn't this spic banned yet?

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You've already showed your low IQ and impulse control by making shitty threads on Zig Forums rather than lurking and figuring out the truth for yourself. You don't want to learn and get better, you want to be handed knowledge and spoonfed. So, no, national socialism is not for you.

because its knumbskulls like

who are redundant
you know it i know it but what are you going to make a living of when Zig Forums closes and there is nothing left to shill for you ?

Try harder.

Counterbumping JIDF slide. Filtered and gassed.

save the precious thread


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(((They))) were piling on Trump to pull people towards the Yang commie shit pretending to be accelerationalism, exactly like how (((they))) pile on him in other media to pull the public further left.
You can see how it stopped when the YangGang shilling was over.

Not at all. You do however need to be white if you want to participate with those whites also embracing their national socialism. If you aren't white you will never be part of a white man's nation. Period.

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What gets me is how blatantly obvious the manchurian candidate is yet they are still pushing him. Niggers were bad enough. Unless they can pass for a white person like a fucking jew, no one will vote a foreign national in. That's just handing the keys to your enemy and even the jews won't just hand over the USA to them just to get rid of white people.
White people's saving grace is we can be worked with. The jews need stewards ultimately because they are themselves very lazy and the other races absolutely cannot be trusted. Those other races wouldn't think twice about extermination if push comes to shove. At best those nations get support positions used to help undermine any moves whites attempt to bring things back into balance.

Mentally ill larpers think that "National Socialism" is real.

Try. Harder.

It has more basis in reality than your holohoax.

Of course they do.

Attached: Juden Raus.jpg (332x152 117.49 KB, 20.82K)

It's a leftpol mod.

He wasn't first, nigger.

*yawn* yea sure… pics or didn't happen
see (pic related) its proof that columbus discovered the entire american continent all by its own they made this picture of his footprint on columbus beech on columbus day from columbus as saint columbus sailed with his mighty vessel the columbia to discover america for his queen columbina of portugal in 1776
also this is the date when saint columbus founded the americas and started the great civil war where the north colonized the entire south of america in a relentless battle using biological warfare and advanced high-tech-almost-appeared-to-be-of-alien-origin-weaponry.
dont deny it also its no shame to admit your igonrance
you will probably deny that columbus discovered earth's rim as well when he sailed all along the icy artic border of earth's plane surviving only on old dried biscuits and whale bladder…

Attached: columbus_puerto_rico.jpg (474x466, 80.13K)

Fucking kill yourself.

He's a tool for kikes.

Lurk 2 more years, amerimutt.

Nations arise from the natural expression of local genetic clusters within larger species & sub species. Each genetic cluster or bloodline has its own character arising from its general characteristic, its 'racial soul' if you like. Thus Nation is not State, government, culture or ideas, these things arise FROM the National character. All alien ideas & cultural practices are filtered & expressed through the distinct character of that Nation.
Nation is a great extended family, looking back through the generations of their ancestors the living people of a Nations blood find themselves related to more and more of their own people but not to others.
Nation is a thing of Blood, the people of that blood Nation are its living manifestation and it grows strong or sickens through them. Evolving through time and struggle the blood Nation is passed down through the generations in an unbroken lineage reaching back millennia. In turn the people that arise from that blood & are its living embodiment have a duty to pass on the sacred Blood of their Nation unpolluted to their children so that their Nation will continue to live & evolve.
If a Nation tolerates the suicidal pollution of its Blood or swallows the filth of civic cuckoldry like you then that Nation will perish. First by being convinced that it doesn’t exist to disarm it & then through subsequent miscegenation & demographic replacement without resistance.

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National Socialism is for everyone. A different place for every race. We shall create a beautiful rainbow.

That's actually a different subject. Any sane person can recognize that Jews are colluding, regardless of political affiliation. Implying that you have to be NatSoc to know that Jews are actively trying to enslave the rest of the planet is like saying you have to be a fish to understand that water is wet. Lots of things swim in water, not just fish.

Do you even history, bro?

What a fucking stupendous faggot.

"For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people." Mein Kampf.

"By neglecting the problem of preserving the racial foundations of our national life, the old Empire abrogated the sole right which entitles a people to live on this planet. Nations that make mongrels of their people, or allow their people to be turned into mongrels, sin against the Will of Eternal Providence. And thus their overthrow at the hands of a stronger opponent cannot be looked upon as a wrong but, on the contrary, as a restoration of justice. If a people refuses to guard and uphold the qualities with which it has been endowed by Nature and which have their roots in the racial blood, then such a people has no right to complain over the loss of its earthly existence." Mein Kampf.

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"A people that fails to preserve the purity of its racial blood thereby destroys the unity of the soul of the nation in all its manifestations. A disintegrated national character is the inevitable consequence of a process of disintegration in the blood. And the change which takes place in the spiritual and creative faculties of a people is only an effect of the change that has modified its racial substance." Mein Kampf.

"What makes a people or, to be more correct, a race, is not language but blood." Mein Kampf.

"there is only one right that is sacrosanct and this right is at the same time a most sacred duty. This right and obligation are: that the purity of the racial blood should be guarded, so that the best types of human beings may be preserved and that thus we should render possible a more noble development of humanity itself." Mein Kampf

"No boy or girl must leave school without having attained a clear insight into the meaning of racial purity and the importance of maintaining the racial blood unadulterated." Mein Kampf

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I mean i could go on but i know you’re crying already so i guess that will do it.
You will never be white & you now have my permission to kys.

Attached: you will never be white.gif (500x281, 2.47M)

and even in your english translation it is clear that he makes a differentiation between nation ('national character') and race [lineage] ('the purity of its racial blood')

i agree and it is irrefutable that a nation for itself (a theoretical ideal and homogenous nation, lets use this construct here) dilutes itself by means of interracial relationships.

i dont want to refute his thoughts but you have to admit times have changed, people have the ability to educate themselves, have become more autonomous, mobility has increased and you cannot deny that there are other races/ethnicities on this planet ( some confined for the most part into their own nations more or less ) others more diluted into nations like the u.s. where the amount of diversity is higher than in other countries.

however it is neither necessary nor indispensable for a nation ( as a construct of sovereignty over a given area, including jurisdiction, legislative, executive and so on… ) to maintain 100% pure racial integrity.
BUT of course it again has to bee monitored closely and according to the general development of our paradigms populus.
[ think of chinas 'one child policy' or 'coerced sterilization' in austria in the 1980's, again they coined it and demonized the self preservation of an ethicity again tabooed and put into the 'evil shelf' when i read about eugenics i think of a grooming cat, i dont see anything bad, on the contrary it is positive to keep defective influence away, be it by precaution or follow-up-care…

i dont have to prove anything to you i have absolutely nothing in my lineage to be ashamed of, also i dont give a fuck if you need a translation of mein kampf from the most precise language on this planet into english (kek) to understand what the people in the 1920's in germany had to go through and why hitler wrote what he wrote, obviously you can't or don't want to understand what he is saying. maybe if you stop believing that what you are reading means what you want to believe and instead start accepting what it actually means.

Attached: checked.and.approved.jpg (640x360 5.47 MB, 5.47M)

why is it for you so hard to contextualize

hey (You) (pic not totally unrelated)
claiming nations are no construct of human civilization interaction and diplomacy
instead are mere phenomenon created by evolutionary magic…
instead proclaiming existence of a group of somekind of freaks of nature makes automatically a nation…
buhuaiseheddd… k-k-kike s-s-shill f-f-fed kk-k-kike

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Are you a nigger?

This. You can believe a lot of different things, but miscegenation is absolutely unacceptable, and every National Socialist should intend that we segregate. They must either support an apartheid state where the superior race governs the nation as a whole and the lesser race(s) self-govern (to an extent) or everyone being in their own countries and completely in charge of their own destinies as a race.

someone needs to write a book to explain that the struggle is not white vs POC is should be jew vs gentile. POC should be brought into the gentile coalition.

My condolences.

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Here ya go Paco.



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National Socialism isn't necessarily a Whites only ideology, though it may seem that way. There are non-White NatSocs. In fact, the only National Socialist party from the 30's that survives to this day is the Syrian one. If you're a non-White in a White country, all that's really expected of you among NatSocs is not to sleep with White women. Although if you're in a mongrel country i.e. Latin America, then don't do any gay mestizo nationalism shit. You should be focusing on making your country as White as possible.

Please try and avoid any inferiority complex stuff. People sometimes misunderstand our message. We're not saying that we are perfect, and therefore, must subjugate everyone else. National Socialism isn't saying that we are perfect. It says that we are STRIVING to be perfect – the opposite of degeneracy – the Will to become the ubermensch. I've seen so many White NatSocs who are upset over having brown-hair and brown-eyes; they're really missing the point. National Socialism isn't seeing someone trip and laughing at them, it's offering them your hand to pull themselves up.


National Socialism is a specific German form of fascism essentially. It can be applied to a larger grouping of peoples to a limited extent, (i.e. Europeans in part or whole) but I don't think it could ever fully be applied without changes or localization of its form to native regions.

In its original form its a German thing, but its basic principles apply to any people because its simple. It's taking the spiritual nature of a people and applying a way of life that governs them. The basic tenants of it is the people serve the state and the state serves the people. Ultimately the job of the people and the state is to serve the community and the best interest of the people entirely, always. Everything else comes secondary. Individualism exists but you as an individual do not supersede the collective. Your rights end when you do short-term and long-term damage to the community as a whole. So the, "muh conservative gay" doesn't really matter. Short-term the damage may not be there but long-term the damage is total.

That's not too far off from fascism in general which is why some would say NATSOC is just a German variation of that, especially since it came after. If you're non-white the fundamental principles are still valid but you have to design everything else yourself.

why even respond if it's just a non-sequitur?

No, but you'll never be human

Goyim of the world unite! unironically

Mutt confirmed, lol.

This bot is broken or something.

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No he doesn’t. Racial soul arises from racial blood, most specifically National racial blood. Culture & character is a racial construct.

These things only prove National Socialism correct.

No one is denying that apart from the anti racists you niggers rape baby.

Because that is what a Nation IS: Race, bloodline, lineage, pedigree creating character, culture, identity, Nation.



The truth of National Socialism is eternal.

I understand very well, you gaslighting whore son.


Simultaneously a piece of worthless mongrel shit & yet hilariously cant help but prove the inferiority of mixed blood with its inability to understand what is clearly & repeatedly stated.

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This thread is a fucking shit show. National Socialism, does not permit racemixing and does not encourage ethnicity mixing. National Socialism believes race to be the nation and visa versa, a race can spread across continents and it's diaspora still belong to the Nation. I hope one day that this globe of ours becomes a beautiful National Socialist ethno-globe but I realise I'm in a minority camp with that one and it's well beyond the immediate scope of what must be achieved.
Anyone shilling anything contrary to what I have just said is a shills, a mutt, a nigger or a jew. Anyone who legitimately thinks there a NatSoc and finds contention with what I said needs to read most of the new awakening reading list, lurk two more years and then return.

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For the lurkers, this dude is legit and the guy he's replying to a pilpul kike.

This sub human nigger putting the black sun in his shitty cover like it's some sort of joke or something, how fucking dare you ?

Theses are some of the shittiest covers i've ever seen, filthy mestizos scum

Shit thread. Any thread that starts with a question is shit.

Daily reminder to all newfags that its your civic duty to lurk rather than bump such trivial useless garbage threads designed to make you want to respond.

national socialism is for every people of the world. except jews.
germany was hostile to some other ethnies due for their own lebensraum interests, but that's history. hitler wanted to free all french colonies in africa, btw.