Live: AG Bill Barr holds summit on combating anti-Semitism

AG Bill Barr (jew) is holding some kike conference in D.C kvetching about evil white people. No idea how long this is supposed to be but it's a good talking point for why jews are this countries greatest evil

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What else are jews gonna do? More and more people become anti-Israel and redpilling themselves on the nature of jews. Kikes need to keep the ebil white nazi caricature going if they don't want to be shoah'd for real at this point.

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Listening to this shit is a great redpill

Trump appointing this pro-Ruby Ridge kike was such a brilliant chess move.

This fucking rat

what's the over/under on them allowing chat?
I got this one in the bag!

(((Shill Barr))) can gas himself the traitorous PoS. Even without whites it's the spics (AoC) and niggers (Omar) leading the way to gas them so no matter what happens the kikes are all gonna die by the hands of whites or their own golems and I could not be happier.

Kikes in a nutshell

Oh please please please pleeeeaaassseeee make it illegal to criticize jews! PLEASE!

God is guiding them, lads!
God is guiding them right into our sights!

Keep pushing you filthy rats until mankind will crush your criminal vermin asses.

The chutzpah coming from the mouths of this panel of kikes is just breathtaking. They would be better off not holding this so called "summit" as it just exposes them even more, which is actually the opposite of what they want.

Another classic case of kike overreach.

Bill Barrstein, Zognald Trumpstein are disgusting pieces of shit who love sticky jew cum all over their faces on the daily.

Trumpsteins Jew dick sucking knows no bounds. Nothing he says on Twitter to AOC can overcome that simple fact. I would rather vote for the dems than this Jewish dick sucker.

They really think words on a piece of paper will protect them from Cooter Rawlings when you tell ol' Cooter he can't say a certain word!
They're that detached from reality.
Nobody can do more for our cause then the jew itself. All we have to do is sit back and face to bloodshed!

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He all but c&p'd the God Emporer Henry Ford, user.

"Into the camp of this race, among the sons of the rulers, comes a people that has no civilization to
point to, no aspiring religion, no universal speech, no great achievement in any realm but the realm of
"gimme," cast out of every land that gave them hospitality, and these people endeavor to tell the sons of the
Saxons what is needed to make the world what it ought to be?"

Don't discount a good thing because of who did the good thing. Don't be foolish.

But no summit for the forced deportations that were promised yesterday and never materialized? This is why America is such a fucking joke it only literally exists for ZOG.

Ironically that's what's going to get them shoah'd for real. Like the boy who cried wolf, they're going to cause nobody to give a shit anymore.

Barrblatt is probably a pedo just like Trumpbaum. All these kikes like Jeffery Mossad Epstein probably have Barr and Trump on video raping and murdering kids in jewish satanic rituals in his pedo island temple.

But the MAGA retards will keep sucking Trumps dick.

Their eventual goal is to outlaw criticism of Jews Israel and Zionism.

Check out how the Maylasia PM handles the Jews asking the questions. He knows this invite was a set up so the jews could pwn him, but watch how he wins the crowd over

Shut the fuck up, kike.


Check this out too, pure gold.


These rats acknowledge everyone wants them exterminated!


Literally the entire world hates the jews right now.
It's never been this great. I see a new horizon. A new dawn. A golden dawn coming.

Daily reminder that the illustrious gentlemen at Fash the Nation discovered William Barr's father, Donald Barr was a kike.

What a legend

Wow, nothing disproves jewish conspiracy theories of jews owning the US government and having ridiculous crony undemocratic influence and power over the state by having a summit dedicated just to and only them. By the way does anyone know a good oven model that lasts well into the future? I was thinking Miele.

That this fat jew-loving spook was behind ruby ridge and waco murders.
Even though he pretends he wasn't.


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tl;dr kike summit
14 For you, brothers in Christ, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Jesus Christ: you have also suffered like things of your own countrymen, as they have of the Jews 15 who murdered the Lord Jesus, their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they displease God, and are enemies to all mankind:
1 Thessalonians 2 14-15

Because the Jews are enemies of all mankind.

You voted for Bernie last time too, faggot.

TRUMP 2020

Listening to these yids, they hate America and the constitution that much and wonder why people want them dead.


They should be more focused on keeping the US stable. As soon as the US can no longer man its military bases, it's over.

Never forget that the first piece of legislation to be voted on during the extended government shutdown was the anti-Israeli boycott shit in its first form (which was voted down), and that many had to fly back to DC specifically to do so.

Is the enemy of mankind.
jews trying to steal that, too, eh.

Couldn't be more obvious what is going on. We are literally undergoing a Bolshevik coup right now and Don the Co is part of it along with his whole administration. All kikes. I've been so furious for so long about this shit. Antifa running crazy with no consequences, even trying to blow up an ICE facility but the priority is always kikes kikes kikesWhen does the party start?

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John 1:49
>Nathanael answered Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel."

Matthew 27:11'
>Now Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor questioned Him, saying, "Are You the King of the Jews?" And Jesus said to him, "It is as you say."

Mark 15:9
>Pilate answered them, saying, "Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?"

Mark 15:12
>Answering again, Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Him whom you call the King of the Jews?"

Mark 15:18
>and they began to acclaim Him, "Hail, King of the Jews!"

Matthew 27:42
>"He saved others; He cannot save Himself He is the King of Israel; let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in Him.

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Do normalfags ever wonder why "anti-semitism" is an issue 24/7 throughout their entire lives?

Yeah it's pretty cool how they hated him so hard they called him king

this is literally the life of the normie

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They'll lose again no matter what, their hubris and shortsightedness will get them shoah'd by Stalin and then they'll lose their first government to gentiles again.

And they rejected and murdered him, their own prophets and messiah and he stripped them of their covenant for it.

John 1:49
After this, Jesus traveled to Galilee for he did not want to travel in Judea because the Jews were trying to murder Jesus.

Matthew 27:11'

Flies, the lot of you.

Fuck off jew.

Why though? The bible does not say jew anywhere, it says Judean. Kikes are not Judean, or Israelite, or Hebrew. They are khazars (ashkenazi, named after ashkenaz, the biblical person they descend from, clearly showing even they know they are not of Israel), or arabs who converted to talmudism/judaism. The people of Israel are white people. Pilate recorded that Jesus had blond hair like his mother. Ptolemy records that the Hebrew race traveled out of the middle east and populated Europe, particularly Britain. Flavius Josephus said only 2 of the 12 tribes of Israel were under Roman control, the other 10 were numerous and spread across Europe. Whites are God's chosen, not kikes. Kikes are the sons of satan. They corrupt and subvert using lies, causing whites to go against their own kind and against God, just as the bible says.

All within the past 16 hours.

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I wish we had a president who stuck up for us like Trump sticks up for israel.

Fucking facts! smdh

The subject should be removing hollywood. If they can't do it themselves….

Heil dubs.

This is a sign, we must dump Trump, seek out the new Hitler and make him leader.

Don't forget white collaborators. Ben stiller is funny.

quads checked

Is it difficult to type that out?
Come on, have some fun with us!

I know so many blacks that are jew aware and all of them are obsessed with it and have done their research, the jew may have gambled on loser. It not just whitey aware.

>As all human beings, Jesus Christ was born in a particular place and at a specific time in history. Although His Father was God (through the agency of the Holy Spirit), His mother was a Jewish woman named Mary. Her husband, Joseph, was Jesus’ legal father or guardian. According to the genealogy from Mary, on His human side Christ is descended from the Israelite tribal patriarch Judah and his descendant King David (Luke 3:31, Luke 3:33; compare Acts 2:30; 2 Timothy 2:8).

>The biblical testimony is plain. The book of Hebrews tells us that “it is evident that our Lord arose from [the tribe of] Judah …” (7:14). And those descended from Judah are known by the abbreviated term Jews. The apostle John wrote that “He came to His own [the Jews], and His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). Both a Samaritan woman and the Roman governor Pontius Pilate clearly recognized that Jesus was Jewish (John 4:9; John 18:35).

>We are further told that “the scepter shall not depart from Judah” (Genesis 49:10). The scepter symbolizes the promise of kingship and salvation. Jesus, the King of the Jews, is the Messiah. Christ (the Greek term for Messiah) is the ultimate fulfillment of the ruler mentioned prophetically in 1 Chronicles 5:2: “Yet Judah prevailed over his brothers, and from him came a ruler.”

>The Bible’s final book refers to Jesus as “the Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Revelation 5:5). On Jesus’ human side, David is called His father, meaning ancestor, in Luke 1:32. Romans 1:3 likewise says he “was born of the seed of David according to the flesh.” Thus, from numerous testimonies, He was certainly a Jew.

>What ultimately counts, however, is that He is the Savior of all mankind because He died for all men, women and children, regardless of their race or other ethnicity (John 3:15-17). Indeed, in Christ we are told that there is no division between Jew and gentile—for all become one in Him (Galatians 3:28).

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Maybe they should have listened to their follow tribe member (((Stephen Steinlight)))

>Does it matter that most Latino immigrants have encountered Jews in their formative years principally or only as Christ killers in the context of a religious education in which the changed teachings of Vatican II penetrated barely or not at all? Does it matter that the politics of ethnic succession — colorblind, I recognize — has already resulted in the loss of key Jewish legislators (the brilliant Stephen Solarz of Brooklyn was one of the first of these) and that once Jewish “safe seats” in Congress now are held by Latino representatives?

>Even with these caveats, 'an era of astoundingly disproportionate Jewish legislative representation may already have peaked. It is unlikely we will ever see many more U.S. Senates with 10 Jewish members. And although had Al Gore been allowed by the Supreme Court to assume office, a Jew would have been one heartbeat away from the presidency, it may be we’ll never get that close again. With the changes in view, how long do we actually believe that nearly 80 percent of the entire foreign aid budget of the United States will go to Israel?

>It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry,' theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

There is no distortion of this text by paraphrasing it, it is freely available online in full:

Dr. Steinlight for more than eight years was the National Affairs Director at the American Jewish Committee (AJC) where he oversaw its public policy agenda centered on First Amendment issues, civil rights, immigration, and social policy. A policy maker, with unquestionable credentials.

Oh another great quote from Steinlight

>I’ll confess it, at least: like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one.

The golems are getting ready to mash the jews into peanut butter (an Aztec/Mayan/Supposedly Also Black Invention).

And still they murdered him and he turned to the gentiles. What's your point?

Mahathir is a legend. He names the Jew, he even had a mossad did 911 conference whle he was prime minister of malaysia.

Look up poll data. You'll quickly find out the race that hates the jews the most is …blacks.

You can achieve world peace through humanity's hatred of these kike termites.

It starts when you start it.

Fucking hell, the audacity of this fucking mischling kike.

Even people with basic intelligence wonder why the jew is constantly brought up as the ultimate victim and why others have to allow for its opinion in almost every country.

Huh. I guess jews really are retarded without nepotism they aren't anything.

They are PHARISEES, then they kept changing the name but not the culture. They have literwlly not changed for thousands of years. Think about that.

The jew is trying to have a world wide bolshevic revolution, while the entire globe and all races are waking up to them with a world wide lightning fast communications system, the first in the history of the world, is used by all, and they want to do it the way they have always done things. The Jew has played himself.

They have certainly used Christianity against its believers in gradually dismantling the core of Western civilization, under the guise of progress. Every step of the way, from the incorporation of niggers to the open arms for illegal immigrants.

Get over that bullshit. A jew is a jew.

kek kikes cant go few decades without getting shoa'd again why do they never learn from their behaviours

why not listen to einstein the guy they promote is the smartest ever?

Anti-semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction. - Albert Einstein

i am sure now the next pogrom will finish the jews off for good.

I think most normies don't know what the hell is going on half the time

So how about the game, user?…

Kek, even lefties of trannyera are starting to wonder openly about the grasp of Israel on America's governance. With some more push, the normies can be redpilled on zionist control of America's media, congress, intelligence.

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Yeah.. it's almost like actual National Socialists in the US are essentially non-existent and relentlessly persecuted by the capitalist establishment.

Daily reminder this kike can get (((Epstein)))'d because of his connections, his father's connections, and involvement in the pedokike's defense. Hopefully some good guys find something to gas him with soon.

Good Point imo

Lulz Him trying not to laugh

checked and christpilled

Repeating the same kike lie does not support the kike lie. The word jew does not occur in the bible. There is not a single jew who descends from Judah.

This is so much better than I could have ever imagined!
So much better!

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is the dude to his left trying really hard not to laugh?

for u

I think so lmao I just posted the same

The jew has literally jewed the jew with his jewing. It's a jewinception!

Check this out,
I don't know how he could keep a straight face.

It goes even further back than that. It started as early as using lepers in ancient egypt. Go read up on Osarseph.

The jews have been doing the same MO for literally 1000s of fucking years. It's goddamn insane.

glad with all the corruption going on, the AG has time for this

This is from a year or two ago. This isn't from the Barr summit.

Remind me to disinvite you to my birthday party.

I wanted to thank you for bringing up the "MAKE THEM HATE THEIR RELIGION" topic, I had forgotten that was a thing. See it's in the Frankfurt Schools playbook (attached / cntrl-f 'christian').

It was a process of `adaptation to the
existing real social situation', in which any hopes of a collapse of the ruling class and of a victory of their own
class were so out of the question `that it would have been pointless and uneconomical, from the psychic point of
view, to persist in the attitude of hate' which was typical of the early Christian proletariat. Fromm's social-
psychological procedure was to conceive of ideas on the basis of the lives and destinies of human beings

A lot of good stuff in there that I'd almost forgotten so thanks for reminding me!

Has anyone seen the kikes so scared before? The whole summit was beyond hilarious too, not just whining and saying they're the biggest victims ever more than natives or blacks or admitting nobody left or right likes kikes but a whole stereotypical kike kvetching about muh shekels. Thank Christ the kikes will all be gone soon forever and prophesy fulfilled.

speshul protection for spshul peepol

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So what are you going to do about it?

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First user in a while I've seen pierce through ALL the shit. And of course, your first response is some kike claiming the commies lost. Another with the snide dare. Both sporting bot selected quads and dubs to mimic board culture. This shit is so crazy. What a timeline, eh lads?

post dank memes, anons. I've had an extremely rough week. I could use a smile.

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Those dubs of truth don't lie, the 2nd American Civil War might actually come soon with the kikes realizing that their numbers are up.

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oy vey those zionist kikes are the bad ones but those neoliberal kikes are the good ones honest just let more jews into power please you can trust us :3 what are you an antisemitic nazi?

Fucking hell.

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You aren't going to like this, but something is fishy with you fuckers.

sees it too.

There has been a few cracks that have shown a touch of light through the mire.
"Keep your enemies closer".
A lot of fuckers specifically placed by Trump ('s handlers) have fallen. Gloriously. Many, who were meant to look like they (((opposed))) each other have gone down.
I'm holding out 8% of my prejudice that Trump may pull the most ebic triple cross on global kikery by playing both sides of their own Hegelian Dialectic off each other, with their own hordes of shitskin golems tearing them apart for us in the end.
We can hang, Aryan style, innawoods for a bit, and then run clean up crew after the collapse and cannibalism, with a push here and there for acceleration.
Could it be that Drumpf is pissed some kike kiked his daughter, and he's taking eternal revenge, or a dozen other some such?
All of his virtue signaling for Israel seems too contrived. Why so much publicity about jews in the jew media. Wouldn't they want to be silent, and shadow lurking? Or are they truly this blind and numb to reality and their own optics anymore?
I swear I smell a whiff of something none of us are expecting. But we're close.
I can't get a solid bead on any of it, but it's close. It's like 9 games of musical chairs going at once.
The music has to stop sooner than later.


and this

Cease questioning it. What's coming has been rolling toward us for 6000 years or more. However, for the first time in History, we may finally be able to eradicate this demon from this planet forever. But we'll have to be very "White" about it, and we may have lost some of the more dependable abilities hidden by time (and kikes), and racemixing.
Honor the Gods, and seek guidance from your Ancestors, lads. There is a path. We'll find it if we are diligent.

Hegel would be proud.

Based. No wonder we haven't heard about this guy.

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The audacity of these kikes. Jesus was right, they really are a den of vipers, children of Satan, and even the Lord was baffled on how they would ever escape the fires of Hell.

This farce of a summit has taught me the kiddie fiddling yids don't have much time left and they know it. Everybody hates them (again, for the six gorillionth time). I'm reminded of that old saying "nobody wants, nobody likes, kikes kikes kikes".

I guess since only 16 people were shot in Chicago on Independence Day, America can discuss luxury issues such as the potty mouth jews have been subjected to recently since Trump abandoned the plan to make America great so he can focus on Israel's expansion to Iran.

Serious question; why don't the jews consider themselves disabled so they can be even more victimized? I read a while ago they're trying to use the 'genetic memory' research to prove their children are suffering from the holocaust like their parents and grandparents were, but wouldn't that be a disability?

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