Double Standards - in other words about discrimination of men

Usually when we hear about 'discrimination', it usually occurs to us that people with disabilities, defenceless women and minorities of all kinds, who are
struggling with a mass of barriers and difficulties, and who, although perhaps not very numerous, are able to speak out very loudly about how they
are being persecuted or harassed, are struggling.

Few people will mention discrimination against men at the outset, but despite appearances, such
a phenomenon not only exists and makes itself felt, but has recently begun to increase significantly. Although we, the men, are the ones who
'persecute' in popular beliefs, today we are increasingly becoming victims.

A method that assesses the forms of hardship and discrimination facing men and women has revealed males have it harder in 91 countries out of 134. Women were disadvantaged in only 43.

Nowaday Men are disadvantaged in 91 countries compared to 43 nations for women.

Attached: men_vs_women_1.jpg (596x453, 75.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How about you man up and solve those “problems”


But these are REAL PROBLEMS :

-Discrimination against men in family courts

-False accusations of sexual harassment and rape

-gender discrimination against men in school and university admissions

-tax & healthcare discrimination (Men pay over 70% of income tax but the vast majority of public spending is on services for women. There is more
money spent on breast cancer than lung cancer and prostate cancer combined, despite the fact that lung cancer alone has 3-4 times more fatalities
than breast cancer. A man's chance of getting cancer is 44% and 23% of men will die from cancer, 38% of women get cancer and 19% die. Yet there is
vastly more money spent on cancer for women, this is lethal discrimination. Women pay 60% less tax despite spending 300% more in domestic spending than men.)

-government and corporates sponsored sexism against men

-Social sexism against men

This is real sexism, and the victims are men. Men are being discriminated in education, the law, society, losing children, dying and having lives destroyed because of real sexism. Sexism against women in the western world results in hurt feelings, sexism against men destroys lives and is often lethal.

Why is sexism against men accepted?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 62.7K)

Real racism is when jews deport Africans to white countries to kill white men.
Real sexism is when females get all rights which men have and men do not get any rights what female have.
Real inequality is when migrants who are deported to white countries have more rights than it's native people.
Real antisemitism is when jews kill innocent Palestinians

Because white men have become the most pathetic, degenerate and disgraceful group of human beings to ever exist. Adolf Hitler was the last chance for redemption, and what did white men do? Play to the tune of the eternal enemy, and our souls have been forfeit ever since.

Is halfchan down, or something? What the fuck is going on here?

Men and Women are different end of story. Start demanding things from Women, if you're worth anything you'll get it.

Checking the dubs on that timestamp.
Whole internet has been fucked for like two weeks now. Don't know what, but something is up.

Attached: 11B65AC7-36D5-41EC-AA17-6720F806CD82.jpeg (720x393, 41.96K)

Just use surrogate mothers and nannies.

How would him manning up fix all women? What do you even mean?


6/10 bait

Definitely I cant agree with you . Look at achievements of white people civilizations in Europe and in North America and compare them to rest of world .

Besides niggers and abos are probably the only races on the planet that, in millions of years of evolution, have accomplished NOTHING. even the "Great kingdoms of africa" aka the slave trade outposts that grew to populations over 10,000, only got great because some sandniggers taught them how to read and write after they converted them to islam. not a single civilization worth talking about sprung from the negroes mind without some other superior race handholding them the entire time.

They are not just stupid primitives; if they were, they would be like the germanic tribesmen of the migration period and try to learn from what is obviously a superior culture to their own. they are not just delusional psychotics; if they were they would be an anomaly, something you can contain and put in a psych ward.

They are pure, concentrated dark energy, pure unadulterated failure and Gods greatest disappointment. they, and everyone who thinks they and their shit culture are worth talking about, are the reason Satan rebelled and thought humans were worthless compared to angels. they are the reason humanity hasnt conquered space. they are the reason aliens dont visit us.

Attached: 1563102447146.png (1237x1017, 107.51K)

There are some Israeli solutions that I would like to implement in Europe , for example, visitors from Muslim countries are thoroughly checked for links to terrorists before they enter Israel. According to European standards, this is racism and discrimination! But is it wrong? Jews protect their country from illegal immigrants and their enemies. Why can we in Europe not do the same profiling on the basis of crime statistics?

Attached: the-green-is-the-arab-world-the-red-is-israel-20565230.png (500x610, 117.17K)

Ya, even though you’re a bit of an unhinged lunatic, i agree with the basic premise you got goin there bud

The vast majority of that landmass isn't even part of the Arab ethnosphere, let alone the Arabian peninsula which is where Arabs belong and the only place they can rightly claim as theirs - also where Israel is. Israel did not even exist as a nation until 1948 when it was illegally created from an occupied military junta intl the state of Palestine by the United States and Britain. Since its creation Israel has started multiple wars, each of which has been about invading lands owned by its neighbouring nations and stealing them. They are currently still trying to conquer Syria, and have been trying to get the US to soften Iran so that they can invade there too.

Explain to me again how Jews are being persecuted?


Philippines just made interacting with women in a public space illegal.

"innocent" Palestinians . Is it a joke ?

Attached: tv7zv.jpg (640x480 35.75 KB, 60.36K)

Far more innocent than kike landgrabbers.


Yeah, and? Fuck off.

So explain this ?

Attached: MEMORIAL_jpg.jpg (640x480, 52.92K)

So maybe support them personally if you love them so much.

Well this turned into a JIDF thread quick af

This is expolvol2, also known as Jamal. Do not reply to it seriously, every post it makes is disingenuous.

Support who?

Your favorite Palestinians you traitor.


Attached: when the towers drop.mp4 (480x480, 1.54M)

All women are slaves to men. Treat women as the slaves that they are, and kill anyone trying to prevent you from doing so.

Check IDs before replying.

FTFY OP. Only this group gets the kike-commie discrimination treatment in current year.

sage for >>>/mgtow/ slide

fresh cohencidence OC

Attached: pure-cohencidence-israel-targets-europe-with-nukes.png (865x896, 584.89K)

Did you know there are muslim ‘No-Go’ zones in the USA ? How about moving to such a place and getting to know your new Muslim neighbors? You will find out what kind of "nice" people they are.

Attached: michigan-muslim-sign-800x450.jpg (844x616 159.86 KB, 971.83K)