Capitalist lifestyle on a Socialist check

America has so many people in it who depend on a Socialist check, yet it is illegal for them to live like a Socialist. The poorest urban classes in Socialist countries either like in shantytown slums like in Latin America, or they live in massive communal block apartments like in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet countries.

Those nations don't say to the poor "here's your Socialist check, by the way, it is illegal to build anything you can afford to rent." We have so many homeless people and people paying nearly all their income in rent because we refuse to allow Socialist housing to be built. We refuse to allow shantytown slums and we refuse to allow massive communal apartments.

The 1-bedroom and studio apartment models are Capitalist ideas. Socialists just don't get the luxury of living in one. If we allowed Socialists to live like Socialists instead of demanding that they live like Capitalists. Then the poor would be housed instead of homeless, and housing costs would drop for everyone in the city.

This just isn't sustainable to give so many people a Socialist check and then making it illegal to live like a Socialist.

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We should just execute everyone who signs up for welfare. If you're too stupid to have your own retirement plan and need to rely on social security, you're a fucking parasite.

Fuck off nigger, work for your fucking food.

Every fucking time.

Can't agree more with you,poor people agree with socialism because they need help and capitalism is stabbing them in the back with labor laws and rent. If you guys really hate socialism push to end these insane permits requirements for working or doing business. The shits about permits is insane, where I live you can't even put a car patio without a permit. -_-

Where are you from, user, wtf.
The US is a socialist union of states.
Wake the fuck up.

I knew this illiterate union fanatic that deliberately married an ugly broad because her family had some money from a prosperous dry cleaning business. He morphed into a hard line communist but he lives in a $3 million house in the best neighborhood, with doctors and top attorneys etc. I explained to him the contradictions in his positions and he got angry and cursed me. Well his socialist party got into power and he rejoiced. But OMG you should have heard him when his socialist government tried to bring in an 87% inheritance tax. When I tried to explain to him how communism is opposed to free enterprise and referred him to the movie Dr. Zhivago where the good doctor's family home had to be shared with fucking dozens of bums. It was worth his abuse to see his tiny uneducated angry brain going into convulsions from all the fundamental contradictions of his own life which he was totally unequipped to analyze.

Suck start a shotgun yid.

capitalism is incentivised on things, national socialism is incentivised on ideals, communism is incentivised on revenge


Capitalism is founded on greed
Communism is founded on envy

Great idea. Honk honk.

Reminder to sage.

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I bet if you didn't waste money on vices and unneeded shit like your iphone you wouldn't have problems with rent
go back faggot

Yeah no I like living in a first world nation with building code standards you fucking hideous mong.

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Sorry not you, the guy you were replying to.

If you go around looking at the favelas of Brazil. You notice jobs all over the place. There are so many shops inside these favelas. In the US ghettos, you don't see jobs.

The US isn't free at all when it comes to building things and starting a business.

Americans can't keep this up mentality forever. "We are Americans, so everyone deserves a Capitalist lifestyle." As we look more and more like Latin America, a lot of people are just going to have to accept Latin American lifestyles.

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Can you be more dishonest? Like if every single poor person was a investing badly their money. Oh please, you know life is pretty much a zero sum game -_-

I know it's the corrupt fags, but we can't really do much to get these fuckers out of power, everyone is so brainwashed to approve them whatever the fck they do.

I knew this illiterate union fanatic that deliberately married an ugly broad because her family had some money from a prosperous dry cleaning business. He morphed into a hard line communist but he lives in a $3 million house in the best neighborhood, with doctors and top attorneys etc. I explained to him the contradictions in his positions and he got angry and cursed me. Well his socialist party got into power and he rejoiced. But OMG you should have heard him when his socialist government tried to bring in an 87% inheritance tax. When I tried to explain to him how communism is opposed to free enterprise and referred him to the movie Dr. Zhivago where the good doctor's family home had to be shared with fucking dozens of bums. It was worth his abuse to see his tiny uneducated angry brain going into convulsions from all the fundamental contradictions of his own life which he was totally unequipped to analyze.>>13510729

That's already far advanced on the West coasts biggest cities. 5 or 7 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment for example just to be able to afford the rent. It's a miserable way to live, if the bitter gossip they feel compelled to spread about their apartment mates with the most acid rancor is any indication.

It's only a matter of time till you get 15 wretched guys sharing a 1 bedroom 650 sq ft apartment as a common flop becomes the new normal.

Jesus, I give up. I don't know how to internet anymore.

Wow yeah let's get rid of child labor laws right away in the name of free enterprise..

15 wretched guys sharing a 1 bedroom 650 sq ft apartment

In Frisco, you could charge people to watch

Building code didn't exist 70 years earlier, and guess what, buildings from this time where standing and are still standing strong. The only major change with all these regulations is just again socialism for the rich, majority can't do business and the few ones gets all the bucks. Anyway America is getting weaker with time because of psycho Jews. More divided with time,and the ones who have the most will also loose the most.

Well why is that? it is because the Bay Area refuses to build things. They have a 4 story building height limit in much of San Francisco. You really just have a bunch of people competing over 3 and 4 story apartments built in the 1950s.

If the Bay Area built large communist style apartments like this. Then the cost of rent would go down for everyone in the city. And the homeless would be kept off the streets. You would also have to pay less money in local HUD taxes.

So many of the homeless in San Francisco actually do have money coming in, from jobs, Social Security, SSI, or welfare. But it is illegal for them to rent an apartment because San Francisco and California refuses to allow Soviet style apartments or Slums to be built.

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leftists are notoriously shit with money.
they buy worthless degree in bullshit courses to "justify" their delaying in entering the workforce.
i've read some shit about a couple of them, they were living in a car, and spent 300$/month on coffee.
yes, you read that well. 300 on coffee.
that's leftists for you.

Better doing child labor and be able to secure a job than being in America where they ask you ridiculous license just to wash a fucking toilet and you could very well end up having no jobs therefore.

why tough?
i'd rather the niglet to starve than him doing something to avoid starving.
for once, i'm agreeing with the leftie, albeit not for the same reasons.
"think of the chilrun"

I bet if jews didn't exist we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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Right wing propaganda, lets look at this another way.

Right wing free market capitalism is the reason we have open borders. They're building a global sweatshop with all the profit going to the billionaire class.

Like if only niggers could get starved by the Jews, you can't be serious. Just wait and accept all the laws the Jews are throwing at you without any criticism, you can't climb their hierarchy with hands clean.,and they progressively will take everything they can using their favorite scheme "money for polcy".

The US is not Denmark. We've imported millions of illegal browns. And we have a 12% black population. We have more in common with Brazil racially and culturally than Denmark.

The low IQ blacks and browns can live in shantytown slums. It is not sustainable to keep demanding that people with low IQ who have never participated in Capitalism to live a Capitalist lifestyle. Let them live a Socialist lifestyle in a slum.

Let Capitalists live like Capitalists- detached houses and apartments. And Socialists live like Socialist- slums or communal apartments.

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Very convenient that they forget to mention the demographics of Denmark and the average contribution of each citizen is a net plus in productivity.

Letting them live was the mistake in the first place.

You are a fucking idiot.

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Are you a millionaire or a gullible sucker?

Americans cope by pretending blacks are 12% of the population. That means that 1 in 8 people in any city, statistically, is black. Does anyone believe that that ist true? America is mostly urban so wailing "muh white countryside" is no argument since the countryside has such a low population.

It's 13% average.
Less in the rural areas.
More in the Urban areas.
I live where there is less than 1% Africans.
40% American Indians.
But all I see are Mexicans and Canadians tbh.

ftr, Leafs are a mix of Scot and Franc.
Dutch, really.

200 years ago, capitalists brought nigger slaves to "America," because they didn't want to pay Europeans high wages to work in their fields.
Today, capitalists bring in spicks because they can't pay the niggers high enough wages to work in the fields.
Capitalism means you don't have a Nation.
Crony capitalism means the Kikes can have a Nation, but you can't.

Population dense areas are AIDS-ridden cancer factories.

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And these people have the gall to accuse everyone who doesn't like their degeneracy of being repressed homosexuals…

Nigger, only white and asian men pay more in taxes that they get in return. You're doing nothing more than supporting wealth being taken from white and asian males and given to brown invaders and women.

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You must have typed and 8 instead of a 4 in your browser. This is not a murica board.

Leftypol, the relatively free trade that capitalism offers is extremely good for whites. The average white man is doing great. With more welfare, more of their money is taken and given to browns.

Let's slash taxes on everyone except for rich jews, let them be involuntary sugar daddies for NEETs.

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They tried. They were called ghettos.

It just increased the crime rates and welfare mammas.

The Point, get to it.
YES, if USA became Socialist, it would be impossible to bring everyone's Standard of Living UP, so, yes, Standard of Living would go DOWN.

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No, you just need to give Jose the local gang leader 33% of your check and he makes sure your shack doesn't burn down.

BTW the US Military is the largest socialist program in world history. Think about that long and hard at the next Trump rally. He's close to Hitler but not for the reasons you might think.

Wow, I mean, we had edge too in the 80s but still…

While the distinction between capitalism is important to make, the distinction between between capitalism and corporatism is equally, if not more, important to make.

If you're talking about the modern west, you should be comparing the common man's socialist standard of living to the common man's corporatist standard of living.

Honestly some people are so poor they would gladly send their children to work. The fact that this is illegal is purely (((moralistic))). If you were a 13 Year old member of a family, struggling to put bread on the table, wouldn't you want to help contribute if it was legal?

Remember why the (((state))) doesn't want you living off the grid. Just pay your taxes and receive your welfare check goy! They want as many people under their fingers as possible, ruined by debt and controlled by welfare payments.

Fuck you nigger.
I signed up for welfare because if the state is stupid enough to offer me free gibs, I'm going to take them.

I never said I wanted to increase welfare spending. I want to DECREASE cost of living.

And to do that, it means welfare recipient have to make due with lowered living standards. That means they can't have a 500 square foot apartment on Section 8. They may have to make due with a Soviet style communal apartment or a shanty.

You’re right, russia is so based right now

Even better: kill all leftists and all non-whites. Problem solved, without having to abandon the best system (capitalism) to put it's subversion (corporatism) along with socialism that tries to take freedom away from white men.