Reddit Fags on 4Chan About to Go 1488

Reading these threads is hilarious on half-chan with the reddit style text and language, but they're red pilling each other. Take a breather and check it out, but remember your filters with all the bbc and porno shit.

Attached: reddit_about_to_go_1488.PNG (1369x578, 160.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:].,]


fuck that was the wrong link

Urbagroids gonna groid

Getting some good laughs

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Maybe I'm late to the party and 8ch has raided and I'm just now seeing it.

Better discussion than all the sliding over here about who's the shill and zion drumpf shit

Don't mock them user … help them, you were once a blue pilled normie too, but because those who had gone before you, showed you the correct path, you came to realise the truth too.


Good on them, we all started somewhere.

checked double dubbies of harsh truth

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I'm being nice and spreading dank memes. There is one nigger though and he is just getting BFTO. A MAGA ahem… MIGA hat on a nigger is still a nigger. Poor lil fella.

I don't get it, whats the point of this thread and what is the main message?

Exactly, we were all faggots once, but we transcended that shit when we started taking red pills. Dont hate on the newfags and redditors, instead instruct and recruit them, dont push them away

It is to stop calling each other shills here and do something worthwhile and help redpill the newbs from reddit that are now on /pol at cuckchan

Big city poverty sucks, don’t it?

If you bribe people with better living conditions and assurances of safety, they’re often willing to turn their backs on horrid, violent ways of living.

But nah, y’all want to submit yourself to the trustless all-stalked world of the conservative immigrants.

It's that moment, when a reddit newfag finally journeys over and sees some redpill shit.

The Reddit Cuck Discovers pol. I'm going to personally ensure 100 Murdoch Murdoch T-shirts are sold out of these cunts with daily prayers sent to Saint Tarrant. Weed out the rest.


It's easy to say whatever you want when your entire world view is predicated on popularly pushed lies. Like your post here. Takes you cunts 5 seconds to word salad, too bad you will never invest a similar length of time into investigating your deeply held beliefs.

Attached: Episode 1 The reddit cuck discovers pol.webm (960x720, 11.74M)

kek thx user

No problem. Here's the Ellen Pao one.

Attached: Episode 6 Ellen Pao's gift to pol.webm (960x720, 6.35M)

user, you are making me want to make a place where people can get MM in webm format.

Here, take these DVDs for being such a good Fren.

Attached: MurdochMurdochDvDToFren.png (961x798, 2.93M)

OP should have used the cuck with swastika lenses for the image.

user makes a point.

Template made for next time lads.

Attached: RedditCucksGetinFaggots.PNG (1431x1038, 1.17M)

Holy fuck thank you for posting this, my sides just called 911.

what's depressing to me is that these retards are still at the stage of
you'd think, with all the race realist stuff, the 13do50 stuff, etc that we'd be past this stage, but apparently normalfags live in this isolated bubble that reality often does not touch at all.

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It's a slower process than I'd prefer, but we need to increase our numbers so at least it's creeping right.

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Speaking of numbers, I just learned this - when the Nazis took on Weimar Berlin during peak degeneracy, there were 250,000 communists vs 200 Nazis at the start. at 11:22



Baby steps. Can't take the car out of park without knowing where the break pedal is.

No shit, with seemingly every major internet community coming down hard on views contrary to the left-liberal orthodoxy people are left with few alternatives. When reddit bans people for speaking out, when they shut down subreddits, where do they then go? 4chan or here, some of the few places on the net where freedom of speech can still be found. Places where, coincidentally, voices like ours are the loudest.

Republicans are just as blue-pilled as democrats. You're retarded.

When redditors are talking positive about something right of where they were a day ago, that's a good thing. Feeling the Bern to leaning Republican is good.

It creates an opportunity to redpill them and add to our ranks. Could grow exponentially for some time.

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You are what's wrong with this place.

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It's moving the overton window right.
Day 0: Democrat
Day 1: Republican
Day 2: /ourguy/
Not rocket science retard.

eh, baste enough.

next step though would be a proper hatred of all jewsnot just one set of jews at least i went from niggers to jews fairly shortly. probably due abandoning juden peterstein and reading works by that hitler guy internet nazis liked.

Truth. Two headed snake

i've found that letting the hate flow unironically allows the love for your own race to flourish possibly through some kind of psychic reawakening by feeling some kind of passion

They take what said, re-frame it to something polarizing and then slide with it.

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Wtf is going on in this thread? Why does the OP seem to imply there are significant differences between this Zig Forums and the other one?

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Take these posts above. See what I mean here

Part of the reason 4/pol/ is so shit now is because it got flooded with newfags. This has happened before, like during gamer gate, but the larger the group is, the longer it takes to redpill due to them reinforcing each others beliefs when they encounter each other on the forum. /r/TheDonald was a very large group, meaning that tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of newfags invaded 4chan. Another reason 4/pol/ is shit right now is that for various reasons, oldfags have been leaving, meaning that the redpilling process is going even slower.
Because off these two reasons, for the longest time NatSocs were a minority on that board. But the same thing is in the early stages of happening that happened in ~2013: The better arguments are winning, the wise are converting to our cause, and the cowardly are going back to Reddit. If by some chance the mods were to actually start doing their job, 4chan would be habitable in the near future.
Also, reminder:
If you're not actively advocating for National Socialism on 4/pol/, your missing out on helping mass convert to our cause. Inb4 some leftytard screencaps this and says that NatSocs are shills: We have a right to post our opinion on the internet just as much as any other group

National Socialism is politically incorrect, but National Socialism /= politically incorrect. Anything that contradicts GloboHomo is politically incorrect, and much of that is opposed to National Socialism. If you want to make this a NatSoc only board, then congrats! The kikes win.

All who oppose the Jew are brothers, but if you insist on thinking and acting otherwise, you've done their work for them.

Okay retard

i would devellop on what you said:
you label something as politically incorrect when you are unconvenienced by what is being said, while knowing it to be true.

This happens every summer, by January those who can ascend will have done so.

[your kvetching has increased]

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Yep, same with reddit, twitter everywhere really. Truth is our political position (it just happened to be NatSoc) Hypocrisy is our greatest weapon, the two faced kikes subverting everything are so easy to expose.

having accepted nigger facts, you're still a long way to go until the JQ, unless you were already an antisemitic leftist (which I doubt in this case, they sound like MIGA boomers)

this is the continuation of a process that started with the following kopipe in 2013

Hi people reading this- I was recently shadowbanned on Reddit for a post I made on a link to InternetAristocrats newest video on /r/gaming, [].

The post was not infringing upon the rules, and apparently, according to the user /u/SpiritualSuccessors, many people were shadowbanned en-mass as from what can be seen on the Subreddit, which has a bot that will automatically detect if you are shadowbanned and notify you.

/u/SpiritualSuccessor is a kind enough user that he manually notifies you to the post of which you were shadowbanned on.

I was shadowbanned on this post; []

Evidently, the admin [/u/Ocrasorm] was looking for an excuse to get rid of the thread, as what has been seen with the recent censorship on Reddit and other websites in relation to Zoe Quinn, eg, ZoeGate / 5 guys & fries.
More fuel for the b-b-bonfire.
More fuel for the b-b-bonfire.

Suddenly '4chan raiding' is 'Vote manipulation'
Suddenly '4chan raiding' is 'Vote manipulation'
What can be seen here is the admin generating a narrative to remove two links [three actually, two InternetAristocrat videos on /r/gaming, and /r/ videos, one MundaneMatt video on /r/videos- which are quickly gaining speed and reaching /r/all

He apparently can't distinguish between a non-existent 'raid' and vote manipulation, which are both not occurring.

That being said, the fiasco of being unable to distinguish is a ruse given he clearly knows what he is doing, and is going to probably remove the legitimate threads for 'vote manipulation'
He still continues to insist that a '4chan raid' is happening.
He still continues to insist that a '4chan raid' is happening.
Here I'm calling him out on his shit because;

1. Not only does raiding never happen anymore, as it's quickly removed by moderators / janitors and is bannable

2. He is fishing for excuses to remove the threads that are picking up incredible speed on /r/gaming and /r/videos.
RIP in pieces random anonymouses, shadowbanned for no apparent reason other than upvoting and contributing.
RIP in pieces random anonymouses, shadowbanned for no apparent reason other than upvoting and contributing.
We were discussing the threads and Zoey in particular on /v/, where we then started to gain floods [including myself] of anons posting that they were shadowbanned for no reason.
Rip in pieces, as more people are en-mass shadowbanned for apparently no reason at all.
Graveyards of long dead soldiers, who died in the Shadobanacaust.
Graveyards of long dead soldiers, who died in the Shadobanacaust.
rip in pieces
Apparently you can be banned for 'brigading' from /r/SRD
Apparently you can be banned for 'brigading' from /r/SRD
Incompetent administration.
Posting and browsing two different websites is considered 'vote manipulation' apparently, as mentioned above.
Posting and browsing two different websites is considered 'vote manipulation' apparently, as mentioned above.
This fellow person gained a similar response to what I got, from /u/Orcasorm
Oh boy, more examples of this administrator not knowing what the fuck he is doing.
Oh boy, more examples of this administrator not knowing what the fuck he is doing.
More people being shadowbanned, donated by a lovely user.
More people being shadowbanned, donated by a lovely user.

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Go back to fucking reddit u retarded niggers

The shit you post is really incoherent

Murdoch murdoch is so funny man.
is there a place i can donate?

but how else will i get my newest images of BLACKED user?
on a serious note, i unironically started enjoying lurking on 4chan lately, its still shilled to hell (and some anons are larping as shills i think to purposely bait out redpills) but it definitely has its moments

according to their AMA and a few responses in youtube comments they only accept donations through merch purchases, there are fansites with a bitcoin link but i am 99% sure they are fansites with no affiliation with the trio

Zig Forums and all of the other boards on cuckchan has been like that for a while, there are islands of actual discussion and redpilling in a sea of shit. I have been trying to redpill them, the mods hammer ban you if you aren't careful but you could bypass it by resetting your router.

Attached: How bad can it get_.webm (768x432, 15.25M)

Thanks for the whitepill

Kek, but no one ever talks about this place because they don't want the word getting out. This was about how 4chan/pol was destroyed, first post-Gamergate and more recently openly a shilled honeypot. The mods are kiked here too but not as bad (yeah redposter, we know, we know you're actually JIDF).

huehue monkeys and spics use reddit? I always thought reddit was just a bunch of liberal whites or middle class shitskins living in the west. But cuckchan if you take away all the American posters it's nothing but Brazilian and Mexican flags that do nothing but shitpost and larp as nat soc while continuing doing degenerate behavior such as drinking or getting high .


lol christians accept homosexuals now. no CP. nothing. fucking cuck.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide" as they are the ones that force their vulgar larping upon any effort by Whites defending their interests. Every time Whites try to create some networking similar to every other ethnic group to obtain, jobs homes, healthcare, education, etc., White Nationalists deliberately derail such efforts out of spite.

In addition, White Nationalists or by any other name have repeatedly called for the murder of entire groups of innocent Whites including Boomers, Christians, Gays and others.


How was temple, moshe?

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide" as they are the ones that force their vulgar larping upon any effort by Whites defending their interests. Every time Whites try to create some networking similar to every other ethnic group to obtain, jobs, homes, healthcare, education, etc., White Nationalists deliberately derail such efforts out of spite.

In addition, White Nationalists or by any other name have repeatedly called for the murder of entire groups of innocent Whites including Boomers, Christians, Gays and others.

Who gives a fuck. This isn’t 4um. We don’t care about 4um. Get out.

You're still trying to get this schizophrenic meme to stick, you fucking spicnigger?
Does it hurt to be this fucking ineffective and worthless? Get a new hobby, nigger. This one ends with you crawling under a moving bus to escape your misery.


What else, nigger? No one here will ever buy your fucking delusions, faggot.
You have nothing but everlasting and embarrassment and ridicule here so far. Do you actually believe that's going to change, street dog?

Are you 14 years old or a trolling Jew?

stop replying to obvious shills user its just some schizo kike

Gays are not innocent.



thank you

i had no idea either
kinda gives me hope

is that buffcorrel in the beginning?

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White people will be a minority in a few years… meaning you are living in a fantasy world. I would be surprised if white votes were not already a minority.

This is how far 8/pol/ has fallen.

Jusrt don't be a retard about dispensing the red pills. You must always try to identify where the target is and hit them with just enough Truth to make them start thinking and eventually drift a little more in the right direction, but never enough to trigger CrimeStop. Because then they shut down and you lose them. It is like fishing, you don't just mindlessly jerk the pole and start cranking like a maniac at the first movement of the bobber. Gotta have some style and finesse.

No faggot, you should not be shitpoasting from a real IP, at least use a free VPN. But most of those IPs are banned, the paid ones aren't as likely to be banned. Then you just flip to a different exit node.

Things are dangerous now, before spring, come the 2020 cycle heating up it is likely to become very dangerous to be publicly exposed as a CrimeThinker. Start improving your OpSec today. We won't be able to afford losing people to preventable things like lousy OpSec.

Yeah, because poverty operates at the cellular level and biology does not, right niggerlover?

Nigger lover spotted. Higher correlation with niggers and crime compared to poverty or employment. Genetics exits.

Why in the fuck would anyone even go to leddit one single time? It's common knowledge that it's a complete echo chamber. Anything short of total revolution against the mainstream kike faggot PC establishment is the definition of bluepilled. Stop going to these "websites" that don't allow content and "platforms" where you can't fucking speak. They're oxymorons that do not do what they claim. Every one of them is a fraud, including kiketube, jewgle, etc.

Holy shit. Wake up, you fucking normalfags, god damn.

Don't worry. The Freddie Gray riots are what touched it off for me, and I went from "libertarian redditor who thinks everyone is equal, it's just poverty" to "We need to gas these jews NOW" in the span of about three weeks. I had never been prrsented with hard data and evidence up until that point, and I was in my early 20s. As soon as I was shown it though, I really had no choice but to change what I believed. We view all this stuff as readily available information, but it really isn't. Start sharing it with people in a presentable manner with good sources and data to back you up, and you'd be surprised how quickly even the dumbest normie will have a lightbulb go off in their head.

I should clarify, by "even the dumbest normie" I really do mean a normal ass person. The extreme left like antifa or redditors of today are total lost causes.

I see what your saying but fuck that.

Most people aren't taking that Red pill until their 20s or 30s.

It's probably because they are trapped in the zog indoctrination chambers until their mid 20s. Then they discover the harsh reality, and it turns them FAST. Ironically, the harder they push the zog narrative, the easier it is to redpill normies worth redpilling. It really does work in our favor, because there is no one more loyal than a converted zealot.

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

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When dealing with redditfags I like to ppeal to their feelings first - for example by posting "The Stranger" by Rudyard Kipling. You can't always reason with people who have been taught to feel rather than think.

The Stranger

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

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Well yeah - and it always goes this way, and always will until imageboards are closed down. In the absence of censorship of the "Evil Nazis", environments with free speech always swing. Even on cuckchan, all the influx of boomers and redditfags does is eventually increase the number of redpilled recruits to the Rahowa Army. You just have to endure the cancer while they get there.

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Personally, I go there to maintain my sockpuppets on ChapoTrapHouse. Gotta know what they're up to, what the latest Leftist discord tranny "memes" are. The antifags are increasingly into all that Temple of Satan shit, and fedposting non- stop interestingly enough (they've gone accelerationist it seems). They also still think cuckservatives are Fascists, and everyone here loves Trump and secretly Israel. They're actually getting really anti-Israel too on that topic - surprisingly so. is another good site to keep an eye on too, filled with ones that got banned from Reddit for being too extreme & fedposting too hard.

The hacker 4chan has hacked Steve-O and dropped a redpill

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fucking nailed it