Graduating senior in search of a spicy leftist Senior Quote

Hello comrades, I can already see all the hate I'm gonna get for this post so in a way I already got over it.

Please help a red brother out and give him usable leftist quotes which he could actually put in a senior quote. Something not as common as "Working men of all countries, unite" or your usual Labor quote by comrade Marx. Something spicy and edgy.

It'd be even better if it includes alcohol as a point of reference as my College days have quite literally been defined by spreading Commie propaganda and getting shitfaced and organizing parties.

Thanks in advance, love you.

"The Jewish nigger Lassalle, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week."
— Karl Marx, 1862

"Workers of the world, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!"
~ Rom, stardate 49565 (2372)

"To read too many books is harmful"

"Work Is the Curse of the Drinking Classes"
~ Friedrich Engels.

Any quote from is good.

"one coat equals twenty yards of linen"
-Karl Marx

Fucking this. Best DS9 episode.

"Read Althusser"

,,google bookchin"
or this:


"How does a Montenegran masterbate? He digs a hole, sticks his member in it and waits for the earthquake"
~Slavoj Zizek

“All events in history seem to happen twice, first as tragedy, than as farce.”

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OP user here - thank you, gonna use this one.

"To read too many books is harmful."

"The hand grenade beats in the chest! Let the heart burst! Let the clenched fist strike the first blow for Chairman Mao!"

i hope you realize that isn't an engles quote

tbh Engels said a lot of shit so he probably said something about alcohol

"Suck my dick" -Jason Unruhe
Or alternatively
"Fucking end yourself"

Well it isn't a "quote" per se, it is the name of an article he wrote about temperance and shit. Still technically wrote it, so you can attribute it from him.

I'll kill you all, honestly. Any liberal, any conservative– if I could, I'd nuke you all and sleep like a baby. The proletariat will rise in a storm of biblical nuclear fire.


"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas." - Joseph Stalin
Try to find a quote about how college is reactionary or something.