Image from International Scientific Commission (“Needham”) Report, pg. 317 (p. 354 of linked PDF)

During the Korean War they had the perfect opportunity to test their plans out on a poor and backwards populace who the world would never believe, and were easily dissmisable as either hoaxes, propaganda, or conspiracy theories

For decades, the U.S. has strenuously denied the use of such weapons. At the same time, evidence of such use was kept from the American people. Even today, very few are aware of what really happened. Only in February 2018 was a full documentary report on germ warfare, prepared and written by mostly West European scientists, released online in easy-to-read format.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pictured: Excerpt from the 1952 “Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China,” p. 287 (p. 325 of linked PDF)

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The tale begins with an American plane repeatedly circling over a small North Korean village one moonless night in Spring 1952. Under official records previously available, it was on surveying. It was not. It was dropping the Bubonic Plague.


That night, Pak could barely sleep without screaming at the top of his lungs. His temperature rose to 107 degrees fahrenheit.The doctor kept him on Sulfadiazine, and placed him on a glucose IV. Nothing was effective.

America is fucking vile. Always has been. Always will be.

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The afternoon of April 4, at least twenty five other villagers began getting the same symptoms Pak had.

And at that point Pak was failing to the Bubonic Plague. Delirious, he drifted in and out of consciousness. His lips were turning blue. His vomit was greenish-yellow, and frequently the vomit he gave reportedly contained excesses of blood.

Pak's lymph nodes in his groin were swollen to a visible degree and extremely painful. That night, his body temperature started to rapidly fall after hitting 108 degrees Farenheit. Pak died shortly before midnight.

The US denied involvement in any capacity committing biological warfare during the Korean War. Unsurprisingly, they were lying.



Out of a population of 600 in the village, 128 went down with plague and 97, practically a majority of all infected by the fleas dropped, had succumbed to the weaponized Bubonic Plague and died.

(The ISC report states that “SIA/1”was the “First Report of the Korean Medical Service,” while “SIA/4” was the “International Democratic Lawyers’ Commission (Korea) Report.”)


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Dr. Ch’en knew a good deal about plague. He was the author of a 1941 report for Kuomintang authorities detailing a germ warfare attack by Japan’s biological warfare department, the infamous Unit 731, on the Chinese town of Changteh, in Hunan. He had plenty of experience with both plague and the experience of being attacked by biological weapons.

He wondered, why identical cases in China from plague carrying fleas used as weapons, appearing also in the DPRK. It was unlikely Japan was the culprit, it pointed to one sinister, plausible theory.

The US hired scientists from Unit 731 after World War II

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I hate America so much

Colorado beetles were air dropped over Eastern Europe during the Berlin air lift to eat crops. Fucking cappies.

>Pictured:From Dec. 13, 1946 memorandum from Frank Tavenner, Chief Prosecutor, IMTFE, to Soviet Major-General A. N. Vasilyev, concerning possible prosecution of Unit 731 for use of biological weapons (link:

==And so as it seems as of now declassified, the United States found specific members o f Japan's Unit 731, infamous for their experiments on US Combat Veterans, Chinese Citizens, and prisoners of war. Scientists who performed vivisection on patient's strapped down alive, given various forms of viruses or infections, raped women when they were able, and wanted to create the perfect biological weapon; were actually not found guilty by lack of evidence, but by bribe.

This is a Japanese Project Paperclip, and far more devious than Paperclip could have been. They hired war criminals from Unit 731 to continue their research in the United States

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Friendly reminder that this could have easily happened to Vietnam too, but by that point America's military was filled with faggots who considered this sort of behavior to be morally unjustifiable. The WW2 generation did not give any fucking shits about killing innocent gooks because they considered them subhuman.

Eat shit. Eat all kinds of shit. They used scientists from Unit 731.

Are you serious you fucking deviant shit, get the fuck out of here

"Friendly reminder" what the fuck is this tumblr get the fuck out of here

Get the bubonic plague and die

And? The doctor who gave birth to me was supposedly from Unit 731 or some sort of associated group. They found jobs all over the west coast, go check the "honored alumni" rosters at major research hospitals like Stanford. Most of them made a lot of money since they were good surgeons. Do people outside of California not know what any of this is?

how do you think agent orange happened, it was considered to be a cleaner alternative to biological warfare

If you've ever heard of Japan dropping fleas carrying plague during World War II, through Unit 731 it's because it's commonly known. Unit 731 was one of the most hideous organizations for military application of Biological and Chemical weaponry tests on countless subjects.

The man responsible for reporting this mass influx of fleas used as weapons by Japan, found that what the US was doing at the time during the Korean War, surpassed that used by Japan on China. And in similar pattern.

Unit 731's research never stopped, it simply found a home with more money, and a new war. Their atrocities committed in China were now several fold larger in Korea.

The US has denied it of course. Now we know it was the truth.

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I see the boomer internet defense force has arrived.

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Specific scientists guilty of war crimes were not charged but given to the United States to continue their research into biological weapons applicable during the Cold War, and used in the Korean War.

This is quite different

well, the US government. But go to med school on the west coast, all the Jap names that show up right after WW2 aren't a coincidence. My sister herself had to watch an ancient video of one of them ripping apart a cow with a knife when she was in vet school.

well yes, we already know the US chemical corps dumped modified flu virus on San Francisco in the 1950s to study how disease spread. This was declassified years ago. There's also MKULTRA which Zig Forums constantly whines about.

I mean compared to other shit the US government has done this is pretty low tier stuff.


They used agent orange though. Why are you lying?

Agent orange was considered a humane alternative to biological warfare.

He's right you know..

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I really don’t think they have a fuck, it was about how much they could get away with, without the public finding out

A Top Marine Officer Presented a Biowar Timeline

>Col. Frank H. Schwable, pictured as POW, People’s China, March 16, 1953 (link:

“The general plan for bacteriological warfare in Korea was directed by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff in October, 1951…. The basic objective was at that time to test, under field conditions, the various elements of bacteriological warfare, and to possibly expand the field tests, at a later date, into an element of the regular combat operations, depending on the results obtained and the situation in Korea.”

Schwable continued, “Terrain types to be tested included high areas, seacoast areas, open spaces, areas enclosed by mountains, isolated areas, areas relatively adjacent to one another, large and small towns and cities, congested cities and those relatively spread out…."

"All possible methods of delivery were to be tested as well as tactics developed to include initially, night attack and then expanding into day attack by specialized squadrons.”

It wasn’t until May 24, 1952 that, according to Col. Schwable, “General Barcus, Commanding General, 5th Air Force… directed General Jerome to extend the bacteriological warfare conducted by the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing into its operational stage. We had millions of fleas at our disposal, and we used them.”

==“The general plan for bacteriological warfare in Korea was directed by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff in October, 1951…. The basic objective was at that time to test, under field conditions, the various elements of bacteriological warfare, and to possibly expand the field tests, at a later date, into an element of the regular combat operations, depending on the results obtained and the situation in Korea.”

*gave a fuck

Get out of here fed.

Fuck off

by that point the military was afraid that they'd kill a shitload of innocent south vietnamese/american supporters in the process, and that the bugs would spread uncontrollably causing massive destabliization




You're retarded, go to /liberty/ or Zig Forums, stop posting here it's not your playground to distract the class by arguing with the teacher.

No, tried to cover up and then fucked that up like they were fucking everything up at the time.

I'm not even arguing against the basic concept that the US government is evil. Just that by the 70s there was a growing realization that attacking random peasants through biological (and later chemical) warfare only caused people to hate America more and was ineffective. This is one of the broad reasons why the US government started building stealth planes and laser-guided munitions (including building the GPS system) for more "targeted" strikes. A concept which really came into it's own in the Yugoslav wars, and which mated very nicely with UAVs in the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. And as the latter conflicts demonstrated, all precision strikes do is cause peasants to hate America more.

It's almost as if there's a recurring theme here of a giant military-industrial complex trying to invent some clever way to kill people humanely, as if such a concept wasn't a fool's errand.

lefty communists have failed to create anything substantial towards the progress of humanity and everywhere their politics rules creates suffering mass deaths and starvation. cry me a river. The reason the cia is the way it is is because its filled to the brim with communist supporters doing the work of zionist believers.

You have the CIA working under that mindset and the CIA is the warmongers of the world working against freedom and the more war death and destruction.

Tell me why the CIA which has been communist controlled since the 60's with operation mocking bird isnt your best friend..why dont you support mass death gulags and execution squads?

Look up project Edgewood, too.

because they support private industries, and run them through the drug/gun trade?

Nobody believes you because this is about declassified documents, not the ketchup stains on your shirt

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This is your brain on the Tennessee education system

What on God's Green Earth are you fucking smoking

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I wouldn't put "Gettng scientists from Unit-731 a second chance for their research on a fresh new populace during a war," a small deal. Hiring Unit 731 for your shit to be dropped by the USAF is probably among the shadiest of all possible things you could do.

They were about to be tried as easily guilty in international court and the US just said "NOPE, SCHWOOP, WE NEED THOSE FELLAS AND THEIR FLEAS, REV UP THOSE FLEAS"

And when war came out, the same men guilty of killing Chinese families the same way, killed people in the DPRK the same way with a bigger budget and more fancy equipment.

That's pretty fucked actually.

Especially fucked considering the complex the Unit-731 scientists they used was all in the same complex. Experimenting on US prisoners of war, as well. And if you were a test subject well, you were never going to escape and you would die in the most horrible of ways. You name it they did it.

How low do you have to be to decide

Saw a book called ' The Killing Winds ' about tests in US on civilians of much crap , spraying FLU from a barge in San Fran Bay, to tossing lightbulbs with germs into the NY subway at rush hour. See also Dugway Proving Ground.The chemical , drug and MK ultra studies overlap , University lab and pharma companies also in the mix. This is where todays fucked up drugs got their start, and why the violent outbursts of some on anti-depressant is well know and predictable, its not a bug its a feature. Silent weapons for quiet wars , use the violent nutters to disarm and weaken America. Add E.L.F. infrasound tech. subliminal programming by T.V. + Movies the potential for zombie control is staggering. What was the first Kingsmen movie all about ?

I'm glad this came out. For a long time I assumed, lie most people, it was just Soviet/Chinese propaganda due to the lack of evidence available. I'm glad they were above lying about biological warfare. I didn't expect the US military to be above this, but just assumed they didn't bother seeing as their bombing was destroying fucking everything anyway.

This is the one that did it for me. How the fuck can the US have pulled this much shit and not have it be a bigger god damn deal. So if I have this correct, they used snatched Unit-731 scientists by bribing the international court that was going to declare them guilty, as an insane plan to use the bubonic plague in a World War III scenario. They tested the effectiveness during the Korean War, hundreds or maybe thousands of North Koreans who didn't get annihilated by bombs started getting covered and sores and vomiting blood, but the US just said "Wasn't us baws"

They allowed former Unit 731 scientists who specialized in dropping fleas with plague on Chinese population centers to perfect their delivery system on Korean civilians

I have had about enough of people telling me how socialism is evil, and America is morally righteous in everything it does internally and externally.

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Japan did it first, America just hired everyone they fought against a new resume after the war.

This is sick stuff.

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Because in the end the average American could afford their own home, their own car, and their own TV. Everyone has a computer in their pocket now and unlimited access to information. It's not hard to see why the government can keep doing whatever they want, so long as people have every conceivable need met. The only need that can't be easily/cheaply found in America is sexual reassignment surgery, but flights to other countries for that purpose are also cheap.

Also, remember that all these plans and strategies completely melted down in the Vietnam War. No matter what the US government threw at North Vietnam nothing could stop the red tide. Every person involved with this ended up either quietly retired or humiliated when Saigon fell, and their domino theory was completely dashed by Nixon's new Detente with China. The inheritors of this were people like HW Bush, who evolved the strategies using different forms of warfare (more spec ops, espionage, stealth bombers and much later drones).

Also as an interesting point of comparison: HW's strategy worked much better. Where biological and chemical warfare couldn't stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, the use of armed rebels, commandos and stealth bombers successfully prevented communism from spreading through the middle east. The Soviets were stopped in Afghanistan because Americans were much less cautious about giving high-tech weaponry to rebels (which we'll come back to), and Saddam was unable to hold Kuwait due to American F-117 and B-2 raids on his tanks. Then the UAV came, and made long-duration missions not just practical but also routine.

It's only melting down now because despite the change in strategy, Americans keep killing people while the tech they use spreads out. The most obvious was the use of US-supplied Stinger missiles in the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu. Meanwhile, the breakdown of Iraq to ISIS (in a fashion similar to SVA's breakdown to the NVA) demonstrates just how weak America's hand is in nationbuilding, no hearts and minds were won. Meanwhile IS expertly used stolen tanks, guns, and drones to carve a path of destruction through Syria. Didn't help that the "moderates" Obama armed melted away once they realized America wouldn't be helping them with airstrikes (the only thing that has pushed IS back into check, for now).

I only saw your post because I forgot to bookmark Zig Forums, but can an average income really afford your own home in America? By which I mean an actual detached house, not some shitty apartment inside a tower block.

TVs are just cheap toys these days, I seriously hope there aren't people under the age of 40 who think that owning a TV is a mark of prestige or luxury.

But you're more right than wrong, not even shitty unaffordable healthcare is enough to incense Americans.

Anyway I'm off to Zig Forums

this is fucking sickening

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I was wondering this, too - I really doubt the SRS situation is half as dire as the housing one. And while computers have become very common, they're also kind of past their peak - now that cheap cellphone shit is more the standard, the entire market for computers is getting shittier for the price paid.

Why are you fools so gullible?

I really don’t know where he got this. Correlation doesn’t equal causation, but most millennials earning average wage in their cohort don’t own a home. Whether it’s possible or not remains unproven. Also, as the housing market has recovered, the price of a home in a lot of areas has gone way up. All current trends point to it being at least more difficult than it was.

This is how they treat their enemies. This is how they treat their own:

If only I had the apophenia you had, maybe I would have known

Holy shit, sometimes I am really glad to be on this side of the US border (and white).

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Nothing new. Its a guarantee the government is still conducting experiments to this day on Americans and other people around the world. I doubt these ongoing experiments will see the light of day.

It wouldn't surprise me if the reason nothing has been done about Flint is because it's a US experiment to see how americans would react to worse water conditions.

Like the E.P.A. causind release of TOXIC sludge from a mine in Colorado River ?….. co-inky-dink.

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I'm sorry but you need at least a double digit I.Q. to post here.



When I was in school in SK they thought me that American troops gave candies to kids.
And people say that NK is brainwashed…

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They probably did it’s just all the other nasty shit that American troops do besides that that’s the problem

The Korean War was a bit different in it wasn't as much a ground war as a constant bombing campaign aimed at eradicating the North Koreans entirely. That's why they used these fleas probably.

Bomb a location to hell, look for the survivors, drop the fleas carrying the bubonic plague.

That's what I was trying to say.
They said the candy shit because they were trying to show us how good they were.
Plus I doubt that the candy shit is real seen how they used to and still do rape everything on sight

And that’s by the design by the way, the whole housing American dream meme is designed to create a petit-bourgeois class of relatively privileged workers that won’t or can’t afford to go on strike. gotta pay that mortgage :^)

If housing prices fall then it no longer makes sense to buy, it would make more sense to rent. The house in the burbs meme and the burbs itself isn’t all bad it’s the homeownership that’s the problem is the boomer equivalent of praying your shit coins will moon and hoping it saves you from wage-slavery.

Boomers could use the fleas they grew up avoiding as their fathers dropped them on the Koreans.

American soldiers will do that kind of thing and I know for a fact they did it in WWII. Maybe they just feel guilty about all the bad shit they do so they think giving some local tramp kid from the village makes up for it.

It’s also something they are trained to do to try to improve their image in the eyes of the population. It literally cost them nohing too, they get candy in their MRE rations and since the places they occupy are so poor the idea is people will think their really generous since chocolate in those times and in some places today is too expensive/in short supply for the local population to buy regularly.

It won't work anymore.

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It never really did (see: Vietnam War) South Koreans are just chucks who teach their kids about how Daddy America fought bravely against the big bad commies.

Fucking autocorrect

Every day I am more and more convinced Khrushchev should've launched the nukes.

Then again, this is evidence in favor of why they shouldn't. The US would have immediately gone above and beyond using nukes in nuclear war. Those that survived in a cold war nuclear scenario would also face, who knows

plague carrying fleas?

I WANTED TO. But he wouldn't let me press the button.

But without US in the picture, they'd be ultimately better off.

Its the road getting there that's blocked by catching the bubonic plague after surviving a nuclear ICBM

I would also recommend people check out this book

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Yeah, Unit 731 was the real deal. And just like in Germany, we scooped up their war criminals all for the right price of an international judge

One of the lead researchers in charge of Unit 731 went on to found the Green Cross Corporation and infected several thousand Japanese with HIV in the 80s.


So allow me to reiterate my statement.
This is the US government we're talking about, these are the same people who have
Cue montage music.
And those are only the confirmed ones
If conspiracies are to be believed

I literally don't know why this is considered news at all, the US gov has done much worse, they're probably the worst villains in all of history at this point.

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I don't believe in the farfetched shit. This and other things you can conceive of are probably the limit.

They're awful shit. But it's realistic awful shit.

But you're absolutely right to say right now the United States is quite a tyrannical and evil power