I've been noticing something; Is Anarcho-Capitalism just a way to seduce people into embracing Americanism...

I've been noticing something; Is Anarcho-Capitalism just a way to seduce people into embracing Americanism? Seems like there is no way it will actually ever happen. Seems like the reactionaries agree that

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Most Ancaps support autistic people like Pinochet and are borderline fascists but lie and ever admit it. (Rightists are pathological liars)

Anarcho-capitalism is fascism without a leader, for now at least.

I live in the USA where that flag means "do not engage this gun-worshiping bootlicking retard".


I mean Libertarian Capitalism. WITH market regulations.

Showing how the free market is good seduces people into supporting politicians who privatize everything, Even though total free market is a myth, and Anarcho-Capitaism will never ever happen.

Pinochet was autistic? He was a bloodthirsty anti-social murderer. But never heard of him having autistic symptoms

Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron. Capitalism requires state enforcement.

Two people can voluntarily decide to make an exchange. But what's the stop one party from killing the other and taking their shit if there are no police officers, courts and prisons? Private property laws are protected by the state. Otherwise I can just shoot you and take your shit.

And whenver ancaps dream up of a system to "enforce" private property rights without the need of a state, they need up re-creating the mafia. "DROs" Dispute Resolution Organizations.

In my experience there are two kinds of ancaps/lolberts. The ones that genuinely want freedom but have a warped view of capitalism and it’s ability to provide it, and the ones that are basically fascists who see the market as a better tool than the state to enact social Darwinism. The former are often quite interesting to talk to and depending on how you frame your arguments quite easy to turn into leftists of some stripe. I find it’s pretty easy to make the argument that capitalism is antithetical to classical liberal values and individual freedoms. The latter kind deserve the wall and are typically unredeemable.

Imo the left, at least in America, would do well to embrace the imagery and rhetoric of the libertarian movement and mobilize it against capitalism.

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Literally Fascism.

Petty bourg gets threatened by both the real bourgeoisie and proletariat, and noone likes lumpens.

Libertarianism offers superiority of their class, despite all of it being pure unrealistic pipe dreams.

Fascism offers demagogy, and, while it will only court the Porky for reals, it may actually maintain delusion for them long enough, not to mention recreating pre-capitalist hierarchy and putting someone beneath them.

So, Libertarianism is a stepping stone for petty bourg to position themselves perfectly for embracing fascism.

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Ancapism doesn't exist outside the internet anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much.

Autistic is now used to mean "stupid"

not entirely, it can also mean single minded and obsessed with one particular subject

While claiming to be Christian no doubt even though their book starts with a fable about how snakes were banned from legs because they tricked the woman into eating a Devil Fruit.

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In fact now I'm remembering that humans are specifically instructed to vendetta snakes for all eternity.

And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and hers;
he will crush[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”

For a Christian, isn't using a snake as your logo the same as using 666?

I have a uni class with one and he is fucking insufferable.

there is a guy that works at a "Christian" restaurant near me where tons of cops like to eat. every day the parking lot is full of these people, some of them even flying the gadsden or the confederate flag from their pickup trucks. it's the best place to get funny photos of ridiculous bumper stickers. but the cops have chased me away a few times.

I'm talking more in the terms of parties and organisations, MLs, syndies and others have their groups but what do Ancaps have?

There are a lot of de facto AnCaps in the Republican and other such parties.

be that as it may, are there any dedicated ancap groups that aren't college campus tier

Are there any socialist orgs that aren’t meme tier?

i'd say SF in the UK are decent. they're more into the revolutionary unionisn aspect. can't say how big they are though, they're pulling a CNT by keeping that a secret.

Perfectly put.
I'd like to also ad a libertarian view on the fascist-libertarian pipeline: youtube.com/watch?v=LJKklcxperw

I think libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism represents the easiest first-step outside of mainstream political discourse for most Americans.

It is, I think, easy to be untrusting of the American government for the people living here, so the idea of 'don't tread on me' being applied to serious things (guns for protection, drugs for recreation, etc) and to less-serious things (collecting rainwater on your property, not getting building permits to fix your deck, etc) is easy for most people to identify with. Plus there's already a somewhat established libertarian community, and I think that this individualist view is less… looked down upon, by the mainstream (on both sides) than going further towards collectivist left is, which most people here have no basis of understanding (i.e. they think communism is evil but libertarians just want to be cowboys - sounds stupid but this is America and I've heard a similar sentiment voiced before). It is essentially an easier way to identify as someone who doesn't support the current established order of things, but probably hasn't looked at or thought about what the end-result of their ideology entails.

As to 'embracing Americanism', I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I think it has to do with that 'rugged individualist cowboy island unto himself' mentality, and if that's the case then I think it does somewhat apply, and that's certainly something propagated by the libertarian/ancap community, both in seriousness and in jest.

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I saw a guy wearing an ancap hoodie at the grocery store a few weeks ago with a gold A and the words "Austrian School of Economics" underneath. It was an IRL ancap encounter. I was a triggered soyboy for sure.

He had a black wife though so I don't think he was a Nazi.

This is the best take.

I liken it to entryism as well. A lot of the white nationalist types have been bound up with the right-libertarian movement for ages, but people move from movement to movement as the political landscape shifts accordingly, right? You'll see them latch onto different tendencies, political campaigns, etc.

So in the early 1980s, the white nationalists were behind Ronald Reagan (Don Black of Stormfront and his KKK buddies even tried to overthrow the Dominican government in 1981 with a group of mercs by convincing them the U.S. government secretly supported them – like alt-righters thinking Trump and the cops had their back before Charlottesville).

In the late 80s, they threw in with David Duke's various campaigns. (Who Murray Rothbard supported btw.)

In the 1990s with Bill Clinton in the White House, the white nationalists went over to the militias and threw in for Pat Buchanan's presidential runs, and when he lost the GOP primaries in '92 and '96, they shifted to Ross Perot's independent runs both times. After Perot left the scene and the militia movement came under too much heat after OK City, they drifted over to the National Alliance. When William Pierce died in 2002, the National Alliance gradually collapsed over the next few years, and the Ron Paul movement was there to scoop them up in 2008, when a lot of these guys drifted into libertarianism.

Now Paul is out of the scene, so they drifted over to the alt-right groups, which glommed onto Trump. But like Reagan, Trump is just a senile old racist with worms in his head, and who used white nationalism to win the presidency and doesn't actually care about them, so they're lost and drifting around again. They thought Paul Nehlen would be their next Duke-like candidate but he's unreliable.

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I can actually see this working, at least at some smaller scale to start.

"No no, this isn't communism, this is, ah… Jeffersonian Societal Duty! Yeah, that's it."

It might work.

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Libertarianism and classical liberalism are the catholic church of Capitalism. It's not just ancaps. It's also the skeptic community (Sargon of Akkad). It's not specifically americanism but the dream of what liberalism that was painted. Liberalism was a major failure and they refuse to admit it.

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Anarcho-Capitalism is just a way to seduce people into Capitalism.

not long ago a cop came at me when he saw me taking photos of dumbass bumper stickers outside this restaurant. he was a chubby balding fuck in sunglasses who power-walked at me like the T-1000. I backed away while taking photos of him. when i got far enough away he stopped pursuing me so i put my phone away & called out to him "I'm in a public place I'm not doing anything illegal". he quickly made the "cut throat" gesture at me then tapped the pistol on his hip. two actions that his body cam wouldn't see. my word against his.
this is life in america, now. I'm thinking of writing a book.

the extent it is capitalism is the exact same extent there isnt a state

I have noticed the same but its about them using totalitarian state to protect private properrty rights.

Jesus dude. I've had a cop point his gun at my face and tell me he'd shoot me in the head if i moved before, but at least i had
the cops called on me.
Very interesting about the bodycam work arounds as well. I figured out another one of their tricks as well while watching bodyvam footage on youtube. When yhey want to shoot a fleeing suspect they get behind cover and then fire their service weapon where the camera won't see, then they yell something like "SHOTS FIRED SUSPECT IS ARMED!"

On that note, Titoism is underrated. Like, with a bit of adapting it would be the perfect type of communism for america.

Honestly there is a lot to work with in American history for leftists. These retards that go around talking about how America was built on evil racism and oppression are only hurting themselves. It’s not that their factually wrong, it’s that nobody likes to be told that their entire identity and history are evil and need to be rejected. It also goes without saying that the struggle against oppression is just as much a part of American history as oppression itself. Even the panthers recognized the value of invoking American national/historical pride in their work, their 10 point program begins with the phrase “When in the course of human events” ripped straight from the Declaration of Independence.

Imo the left should start talking about aspects of American history and identity that are positive from a leftist perspective. We should celebrate the revolutionary war, the abolitionist movement, John Brown and the Union Army. American communists should hold memorials for Gettysburg and Bull Run. We should celebrate the labour struggles of the early 20th century and hype the shit out of WW2, all the while telling people that they should be proud to inherit a history of struggle and revolution. We should tell them that the most patriotic thing they can do is rebel, and stand beside their countrymen against the Wall Street parasites and their fascist stooges. Above all we should make ourselves be seen as he ultimate realization of traditional American ideals of freedom and opportunity, not the enemies of these ideals.

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America is unironically a lost cause as long as its global empire exists. I don't see any point in coddling amerifats and their insanely liberal history. America needs to die.

Their empire hasn’t been doing much for the average American lately, at least not as much as it used to. I think that if the next recession is at least as big as 2008 we may see Balkanization or some similar crisis.

*block your path*

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Just like every single empire in history. Its' average citizen got to get drafted and as a cannon fodder and finance wars. Its' elite got to reap all the prizes.

This, I unironically use American imaginary and invoke American history and call myself a Marxist-American. The beauty in that is when I get accused of being a communist(I'm not I'm a sucdem) I just say yes and argue why communism is as American as apple pie. I love the union its the faggoty right wingers waving the flags of tratiors. A real American is a socialist.

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America, the birthplace of liberalism, is actually socialism.

Really activates my almond.

America wasn't the birthplace of liberalism. No liberal philosophies or practices were created in America. American revolution was a simple secessionist movement.

Many iconic American figures that are associated with American spirit have socialist leanings. As shown above, and also MLK.

America is the first republicanist power in the world.

None of them are the founding fathers, who actually gave a shit about what America was.
MLK is a fucking communist spy.

What is "republicanist"? Does it have something to do with "Liberalist" I keep hearing about on the chans?

Yes, it means a non-monarchy power.

Well certainly, there were a shitload of those then, especially considering who came up with the world "Rex publica"

No, America is one of the first, since it rejects monarchism and desires liberalism/republicanism, also the first place with Constitution that deems everyone equal in rights.

user, I… Do you know how many American people in the original republic had the right to vote? Also something about some civil war over something?


The Union cause was literally endorsed by Marx. In the context of a capitalistic vs a slave economy, capitalism is inherently more progressive because it develops the class structure and industrial capacity that creates the conditions for socialism. Thus it should be supported by socialists, this is basic historical materialist analysis.

On top of that you clearly missed the point of what I was saying. The actual historical realities are less important than how we can spin them, we don’t need to convince people that the civil war was a fight for socialism. We need to convince them that it was a fight for a set of ideals of which socialism is the logical conclusion.


Socialism developed out of liberalism because it is its logical conclusion, not only that but liberalism was itself a revolutionary philosophy at its inception, and thus socialism is the natural progression of its intellectual and political tradition. It’s obvious that capitalism has failed miserably in upholding liberal ideas of individual freedom and personal agency. Anybody who thinks that liberalism is antithetical to socialism needs to actually read classical liberal political theory.

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The American Revolution wasn’t revolutionary in the sense of overthrowing a previous mode of production. Early capitalism and liberal governance were already established in Britain since the 17th century. The American revolution’s legacy was more intellectual than material, mainly in the sense that it was the first political project to codify a system of inalienable human rights. Although similar rights existed in English common law, the Americans were the first to set them in stone and present them as inherent to all humanity, rather than simply the development of one country’s legal history.

Something you’re missing is that those restrictions on women, blacks, and poor people were all deemed unconstitutional.

not really as a former Libertarian, I saw how flawed it was. and I live in the states.