Cantwell gets locked up, looks like shit, just whines on his show

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And never forget when racialist Evalion joined the nazbol gang.

The right just keeps losing.

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help us PLEASE we're on the same team


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So, when do Dave Rubin and Colin Moriarty fall?

Varg lost his mind in prison. He will never return to Norway.

I'll just leave this here.

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girls can't be right wing. don't mention them, the left wing has complete control over girls


I mean, do you really think "guy who makes videos about spooks in his car with wife + kids" is worse than "guy who killed some dude, burns down churches, is in black metal"
I think jail probably improved him

It did. But he talks about the guy he murdered at lot. I bet he has nightmares about it. Seems like a broken sad man.

Bravo to the Norwegian prison system I guess.

Honestly Varg is the only redeemable guy from that entire list. I wouldn't even qualify him as a reactionary, and he's actually admirable because he lives what he preaches and has practical knowledge. The only other reactionary I find tolerable is that fag Marcus "The Golden One" or whatever, but honestly only because he's partly presentable and partly LARPy to absurd levels yes, humans and orcs, he writes and speaks as if in a fantasy novel

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He probably is a bit haunted, but yeah, imagine what he'd be like if he went through the burger prison system instead.

Don't forget that Varg has expressed support for Pol Pot and dislike of capitalism, he's just still too full of ideology to recognize communism as an answer to capitalism

Are you homosexual by any chance? Because I can't imagine a girl with a drop of self respect to even looking at this guy. Too big, too stupid and fucking ugly.
10/10 meme material tho

Does Sam Hyde even do shows, what does he do

I mean people book Cernovich for christ's sakes, and he was on Adult Swim! How do you not network after being on fucking adult swim enough to just collapse like this

What the fuck did Sam Hyde do to fuck his shit up this furious and fast

I'm a girl and he just kind of looks like your crazy friendly uncle

Varg is like that anyways, so it fits. His personality fits his form rather well.

The rest of these people…they're actually less attractive than varg. They're all wet…greasy wet, unwashed face for 8 months slime

Varg stabbed somebody what did the rest of these people do and why are their faces always so wet

he's presentable relatively. He's to be civil, which is particularly unique. Most of the dumbasses in OP's list only know how to lash out.

Sam Hyde went full fash, thernovich didn't. It's as simple as that really.

I meant the golden one, varg is a cool uncle.

I like how Varg calls out the rightist bullshit. Then says: "I have never seen anyone from the Left say anything bad about me. It's always the right." Thats very rare comming from a guy who was an ex-nazi.

He use to do stand up, but people didn’t think watching him read the cross demographic Autism Level statistics of black people for an entire hour was that funny, so they stopped booking him.

Sam got redpilled when he saw what his fans looked like IRL at the HWNDU debacle. Now he hates his fans and he realizes the fruits of his creative work are terrible so he descends into depths of irony humanity has never seen before.

These people washed up fast.

I honestly don't find anything bad about him, tbh. He lives a life that I would like to live as well and his ideas aren't actually evil, bad or even wrong (yes, even the ones you'd specifically call "reactionary" I agree with to some degree), maybe in the future I'll move to the countryside.
However, Varg's Achilles' Heel is that he seems to me to genuine believe that time can run back, and that history can just undo itself if people knew the right way, like in one of his recent videos ranting at Southern Euros for bringing various practices to the rest of Europe, as if it wasn't inevitable. On the other hand he just advocates for those who listen, not humanity, and says we should just prepare and fuck off to the countryside.

Sam hyde was never funny to me for some reason

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Yeah, his "second ice age" videos are kinda weird. He's like a hippy with some conservative ideals. Don't know why I like him.

Do you remember when all these fucking people were so full of hope before charlottesville? Remember HWNDU? They were assured that this was their time and that the overton window had already shifted, openly displaying their fashy views without the pretense of irony.

Now look at them. It's just fucking hilarious.

What struck me the most was the temerity of some of these nerds IRL. Like this weird type of autist confidence that enabled them to act like huge cunts to random people.

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Their whole movement was about getting working themselves into a hissy fit about imagined persecution from SJWs, liberals, the left, Minorities. Then when they actually manifested that persecution into existence through their incessant hate, threats, and overall vileness, turns out they weren't as tough as they thought they were and folded like a cheap suit.

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Then dissolved into tears the second they received any pushback to a man.

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This is one of the only funny things Sam Hyde ever did other than that whole fake TED talk thing.

He was really funny on Fantano’s show.
Funnily enough Fantano got a few hitpieces written about him later for doing this once Sam went off the deep end.

On the premise that I hate fantano, poor guy is getting a lot of hate because that magazine "slate" called him a white supremacist.
This magazine thinks that the wire is about white privilege, the americans is sexist and Le carré best book is the honorable schoolboy

Literally who? I have grown into communism with ☭TANKIE☭s that would put ☭TANKIE☭s here in shame for their anarchism.

Fantano dodged a bullet by not jumping too deep into the alt right/skeptical atheist crowd, and distancing himself immediately when things turned shit ridiculous fast>>2467650

I would have expected him to do it

Based. Where do you live?

I mean, he is left on social issues. He's just one of those "I only like humor that doesn't hold back baby!!!" guys.

Is Sam the American version of this man?

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who tf is that

The man who will bring down the Fifth Republic

That’s Afroplasm

Sam Hyde is an accelerationist Posadist in denial.
He is only a libertarian because he dreams of seeing the STEM students of Cambridge, MA get raped by Peter Thiel's future bionic tentacles while New England as a whole get nuked by Kim Jong-un.
He needs to take the CCRU-pill.

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Millennial Woes is attacked for being a fat, degenerate chain-smoking fag who whines in his dark bedroom and does nothing to further cause. Styx on the other hand, I'm not sure he fits with the rest. He's just a weirdo who makes five videos jerking off Trump everyday despite him being a massive letdown. Don't know enough about the others to comment

That's what right-wing intellectuals have been doing for the last 150 years though.

Smokers did nothing wrong. I don't know why nazis keep breaking balls with smoking.

I fucking lost my mind laughing when I saw the /mlp/ thread on his monitor in the dopamine video
Even if the Dark Skyes incident was all a joke it still mad Sam look completely and utterly pathetic

Enjoy your lung cancer, I align more with Otto Asser, but I see nothing wrong with trying to have one's people as healthy as possible.

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Then you should quit being a nazi, because only really emaciated unhealthy nerds who are going to die early believe your shit

Styx doesnt even consider himself alt right i think he said he was a libertarian in some of his videos.
I actually discovered styx before he blew up because i have an interest in the occult too.

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I don't consider myself a Nazi or even a WN anymore tbh. I don't think getting rid of whites in America is realistic, not to mention that blacks have been here almost as long as whites. I'm more into post NSDAP Str.asser after he started hating Hitler for killing his brother / the way his regime operated in general and stuff like Brazilian Integralism. I've been on Zig Forums a lot more often lately, though. So who knows where I'll end up. And believe me, white nationalism, at least in America, attracts a certain type of person which I am repulsed by, which is part of the reason I tried to get more open-minded and branch out. I won't pretend I don't hold a preference for my race though.

Varg is a special case. He was far right way before any of this american shit. I think he doesnt really like americans or american politics.
He also subscribes to an obscure ideology called Odalism

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Styx is just a pure opportunist that rode the Trump hype and shilled his channel on 4/pol/ for Patreon bucks. That said he has some very ``interesting`` views on the holocaust.

You sound like me from a year ago. I even had ran a Asserist page on facebook for a few months but shut it down after I couldn't be on the right anymore.

Unironically ebin.

I wonder if Varg regrets killing Euronymous. They would probably agree on 90% of things today.

Yes, but Dieudonné stopped being relevant because he hid 50,000€ in cash somewhere in his own theater and got caught by the French fiscal services. He probably decided to keep it quiet after this and just want to do shit with all the money he saved after his fifteen year long career in peace.
Sam Hyde stopped being relevant because he blew up his only chance to become a well-paid professional comedian for himself and his friends Nick and Charles.

There are both edgy right-wing comedians that appeal to the average witty millennial, but while Dieudonné fell for the Soral meme and got some money out of this, Sam Hyde fell for the Zig Forums meme and probably still lives either in his car or in Fall River, MA around opiate addicts. That's the main difference.

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Sorry, it wasn't 50,000€ but 650,000€ in cash.

Are you talking about Otto Stras.ser or me? Otto's ideology is a lot different from Hitler

It seems like a lot of people have a similar experience, moving from Zig Forums, to Str.asserism to more leftist ideas. I've read the Communist Manifesto and have been reading some Lenin recently. I don't entirely agree with it, but it's interesting to say the least

I'm surprised how long Chapo has outlived these people, I thought they'd just be a fad that would fizzle out after the election while the right would last at least somewhat longer. But the opposite really happened. I mean, anyone could have seen it coming in hindsight

So instead of an open fascist, he's a confused fascist.

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All power to ya. Asserism is probably the only right wing ideology that I respect.

I'm putting FAT money stacks on Stefan ending his career after being accused of being a sex pest within the next half decade

There is no way this guy hasn't done something like that, it's impossible. Cult leaders don't build themselves up without a sexual assault somewhere down the line

I'll double-down that it was he assaulted his own wife or daughter. All cultists have that going for them.

True, very likely

Varg hates Christians

Can't wait for the day they're scared to leave their basements again

that day is basically already here

Don't forget Sam Hyde is blacklisted and even his own fans are starting to turn on him.


You're a jewish plant too. And so is he. Him too!

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When all your main influences are plants, like, more than 20, I wouldn't be reacting nearly as smugly, I would be panicking

Who isn't a plant?

him lol

At least they have to hide when it comes to right wing, left wing movements are dominated by zionists and you dont seem to mind. Everyone on OP's list is part of the machine except maybe varg, but hes a dummy with no real influence anyway

The only e celeb i would give the benefit of a doubt of being grassroots would be metokur

No, I think all the main zionists are liberals and the far right, at the moment. None of us are fucking zionists if that's what you're suggesting

If you're surrounded by zionists propping up the most Zionist president in American history, m8, get your shit sorted out. We're not of differing opinion about the zionists, you're just surrounded by them all the time. I think you recognize it, but only opportunistically so far, least, that's how it looks to us

You look shady m8. Real fucking shady

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I'll believe you when I have a reason to start

Nah, you're a plant too

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Quick run-down pls

Yes, I'm curious too

People were giving him shit for advertising on instagram or something and they were complaining how he never makes content anymore and is ripping people off. Some of the comments are unironically saying he's done and they're giving up on him, he looks like shit, etc.

How much longer before Sam offers his body on camera

I give him a year

That's one of the hilarious things about Varg. He thinks that "the Christians" murdered and oppressed his ancestors as if said Christians weren't his ancestors just because he's neo-pagan.

This seems to be a common disease within European nationalism, like Britbongs whining over the Roman and Norman "invaders" like they're not the descendents of said "invaders".

It will forever be known in history as the Night of the Wrong Wives.

Nah, he's in Ohio. Good OP though.

Yeah I'd probably go play D&D with him out in the woods and drink wine and stuff. I don't share his worldview but I don't have a problem with guys like him who just want to be left alone.

The most charitable interpretation I can make is that the alt-right is a lot like a smaller version of the New Left in the late 60s. There were several years of organizing before it exploded in the Days of Rage, descended into infighting and spawned some offshoot terror cells that failed to accomplish anything except blowing themselves up. But the central problem both had is that their politics were rooted in "free speech" and self-expression; if only they could "express themselves" would the masses wake up and join their cause. The violence that followed were acts of expression in a more radicalized form. Mark Rudd talks about this.

Yeah so I come from a Texas-German background and am quite comfortable with that. I also have looked back and read about how many of the settlers were early Marxists including Karl Marx's brother-in-law, who was a communist. I definitely hold a preference for that heritage, though my larger point being that there are always different ways to ground one's heritage.

One of the more encouraging things I've seen on the (socialist) left right now, even if it's not expressed so openly yet, is the idea that if you're white it's pretty much a lost cause to try to renounce one's white identity, and act with a "white savior complex" and to go in and organize black people into the revolution. Black people will see right through that shit. So the WN answer is to go "fuck it" and retreat into a tribal identity.

But ultimately what matters is who owns capital and who doesn't – who has the wealth and who doesn't, because the rich are still picking everybody's pockets. So that's where white workers (you and me) organizing on the basis of class can work with blacks and other people doing the same thing. Workers of the world unite, comrade.

Oh here's a documentary on striking coal miners in West Virginia (most white, and some black miners fighting with them) who had members murdered by private goon squads in the late 70s:

no🅱️ cli🅱️🅱️ing

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Nice trips. I just wanted to point out that Mexicans do the same thing: LARP as Aztecs and criticize Spaniards for murdering and oppressing their ancestors quite true when genetic surveys show the average Mexican is more European than indigenous.

I've seen other Latin Americans do this, especially if their left-leaning and on a certain level its fine since kicking out Spain was a world historical progressive event but at the same time where does the LARP end?

I feel for the indigenous people like the Mayans and others who are left-out of Latin American societies. Paradoxically its a bunch of "whites" and mostly-whites going on about how their Indian and how everyone has Indian blood who are marginalizing them and in some cases oppressing them brutally.

idunno, I kinda like the guy. He looks like he's very much on the new succdem wave in the US, and cosidering how much he used to shill up to faggot youtubers like Sargon and whatnot, it honestly gvies me hope, that not all young amerifats are stuck in this reactionary stinkhole.

I like his Music reviews and such. He's a shitlib and a socdem with bad takes on most issues coming from a socialist standpoint. But for the average person he offers the most nuanced takes on things in the youtube community, especially compared to like Philip DeFranco. At least that's the impression I have gotten since I started watching him a few months back.

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Except Spaniards are their ancestors. This is something that pisses me off enormously with all these pseudo-indigenous movements of Latin America. Besides a very few isolated communities in the jungles, there is no one in Latin America that hasn't at the very least a good 50% of Spanish ascent.
They criticize them for murdering their ancestors, but the truth is that is something their own ancestors did.

Analogous to the "1/16th native" United Statian. Being "white" isn't fashionable, it feels like the default option, and no one likes the truth of Capitalist uniformity. So that's what they do, claim they're a special minority.

what are you implying user

"Obscure" as in he fucking invented it. Varg's his own fucking thing, he's made that perfectly clear ever since his early days in Black Metal.

U wot m8? People on the left are the ones trying to oppose zionism while the right in burgerland are trying to stop us from even doing something as benign as boycotting Israel. Hell, the alt-right's beloved "god emperor" is such a zionist shill they literally made a commemorative shekel with his face on it. And its not just Trump either, pretty much all the nationalist leaders in Europe are pro-zionist, even the literal neo-nazis in Ukraine work with Israel

Go look up any news story relating to Israel on social media and you'll see the people speaking out against their crimes are overwhelmingly leftist while the people defending zionism are all right-wingers with stupid MAGA and pro-Israel crap in their profiles. Even the libs are starting to get sick of Israel's shit

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And this is why the so-called "alt-right" is fucking cancerous garbage. If they cared one whit for their futures (fascist porkie status-quo bullshit notwithstanding) they'd drop the "MAGA" horseshit and just speak out against the Zionists already.

I don't think there's a more anti-kike section on the internet than the "alt-right".

Even communists hold their tongues when it comes to jews.

the fact that you think being "anti-kike" means being anti-zionist says it all, really

it's like saying "heh leftists, you dislike obama but when I was shilling my obongo hussain nigger memes you called me a racist!"


Communists cannot say kike.