Tfw you realize that most of your favorite books, movies, video games, TV shows...

holy fuck, Phil Greaves was right. It seems like everywhere I dig into mass culture, I find fascism/imperialism. It is basically impossible to enjoy most art and entertainment produced under capitalism, as it is usually fascist in some way. It's not just superhero movies and Harry Potter, your favorite art flicks like Twin Peaks and The Wire are also undeniably fascist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What is "Fascist" to you? I really don't understand how you are using it. Imperialist, I can understand, but fascist?

Phil is always right

Fascism and imperialism can and should be used interchangeably in common parlance, as all imperialists support or directly implement fascism, and all fascists serve or implement imperialism. However, fascism is a specific thing. Fascism is the inward-direction of the imperialist oppressive apparatus by a state. Any characteristic of imperialism can be found in fascism and vice versa, except for that imperialism is directed outwards (to other countries), while fascism is implemented by a bourgeois state on a segment of its own populace (an internal threat– communists or oppressed nations). Fascism must serve an imperialist state to be fascism, whether that means it is comprador fascism (Pinochet, etc) or self-directed fascism (USA, Britain).
How does this relate to mass culture? Mass culture can only express a limited range of the whole fascist apparatus– its propaganda arm. This expression ranges from overt (American Sniper, Top Gun, Dirty Harry) to the covert/liberal cryptofash (Twin Peaks, The Wire…). The ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas of society. In a fascist society, the vast majority of art will end up serving fascism. If you really investigate and analyze the products of mass culture under fascism, you will discover in most cases either overt or covert fascism.

Like it imperialists itself?

Not "itself," but an internal threat. For instance, in the USA, freed slaves/Black Americans. Objectively the USA uses fascism against its colored population. This population takes on a characteristic "like a third world country inside a first world country," is subject to mass incarceration, incarcerated labor, torture, summary executions. Why? It threatens imperial profits because it has a revolutionary class character. Imperialism is parasitic on other nations. Fascism is when those nations are internal, or when the entire nation is subject to a comprador state.


Honestly, you sound like a conspiracy nut who sees illuminati triangles in everything.

Tell me more about how Beavis and Butthead was fascist.

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>>>Zig Forums

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Literally fucking what?
On top of the SSRs there were even special ASSR's For countries that couldnt be self reliant without the Russian economy

In what way was it an ethno-state?

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>free Tibet!!!

I could go on. All of Lynch's filmography is like this. Here's the opening scene for our protagonist in Wild at Heart:

Then there's Lynch's collab with Marilyn Manson, a major popularizer of fascist iconography. Lynch's involvement with the bizarre Transcendental Meditation cult. The dude is a fascist freak.

Lynch's anti-littering PSA where NYC is being invaded by niggers, hooligans, and RATS

weird obsession with midgets or deformed people

Lynch shares stage with Transcendental Meditation Hitler fanatic who thinks it's a shame Hitler didn't succeed

Just like most other forms of Federal goverement power was divided between the Supreme soviet the SSR goverments The Local Goverments and even more power was given to local govs in the case of the ASSRs
See my first answer but replace the word "power" with law
The production was decided by a mixture of the supreme soviet the SSRs and local govs

During the Russian civil war The Bolsheviks activly worked with socialists in other areas like central Asia the Ukraine and the Baltic

The Wire is my favorite show.

Please explain how it is fascist/imperialist.

Wasn't David Simon a leftist?

It's copaganda.

soviet patriotism is social imperialism

made by mao gang

Harry Potter? Fascist. Star Wars? Fascist. Twin Peaks? Fascist. The Wire? Fascist.

Golf? Proletarian.

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ur rite phil should play handegg instead

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he should play football


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Portraying cop as genuine human beings isn't copaganda per se. Because they are.

Why is it copaganda then?

Genuine human beings!!! Hitler was a genuine human being! OK then, let's make a movie about how nice he was to his kids or some shit. the show deliberately creates a convoluted situation in which killer cops are actually really nice people at heart and shouldn't be punished, and instead should be sent into schools to deal with all the rowdy black kids. the problem with the courts in The Wire isn't that they're rigged and sent countless people to prison on faked drug charges, but actually that the courts are rigged in the favor of wily gangsters! Mass surveillance? Awesome shit!
You are a cop lover. David Simon is a cop lover. I defy you to find a single statement from David Simon where he condemns the police.

also let's see, bad guys in the wire:

Cops need to be demoralized and generally mocked at all times. Being a cop should be seen as being a fucking loser, much like how popular culture sees jobs in fast food.

I didn't get that subtext at all. (Anti-nuke in the New Twin Peaks, sure.)
You have a point there, this also shows up in Mulholland Drive. (Not really fascist though.)
Eh, grasping as straws here.
Ok. Still not fascist per se.
Typical Hollywood liberal. Most just don't seem to know about the Lamas owing slaves or the Tibetan uprising being backed by the CIA.
Almost all the people littering where white.
The point of the Elephant Man was to affirm his humanity, no?
A Spook. The guy in the talk came off poorly, but Lynch said he didn't speak German and didn't know what the booing was about.

You could make a case for reactionary or conservative elements in Lynch's work, but fascist?

It's explicitly spelled out, all the ominous shots of the electric wires, the black lodge characters saying "electricity," the electrical socket shit

how is demonizing the homeless not fascist

The cops and FBI are fascist so yes, it's fascist.

The typical Hollywood liberal is a cryptofash.

Aside from like, the opening scene, which depicts a white woman being raped and impregnated by actual elephants?

Fight Club wasn't fascist, prove me wrong

That doesn't even need explaining. Anprim Nietzschean terrorist fantasies, obsessed wound-licking of emasculated aryan men. Look at the rest of Palahniuk's oeuvre for even more blatant fascism, such as the incredibly racist Pygmy.

that's why i only like scifi shit. i know it sounds gay but just about any other peace of "art" is filled with reactionary pure sniff ideology

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I don't get it, most scifi is just as bad.
But on a similar note, that's why I watch anime. Even though a lot of anime has reactionary propaganda or is escapist, at least it's generally really stupid and trivial, so I can basically just view it as an absurdity.

I get all that. Electrical wires where also used as a metaphor for the universality of the life force (or some such, it's ambiguous as always.)
And in the old Twin Peaks cream corn was presented as the manifestation of human suffering. While cherry pie was depicted in a favorable light. . . . All of which adds up to general weirdness in my mind, not some rightwing agenda.
Sound points, I just think you are over playing your hand by labeling those things as fascist.
Forgot about that part.

Unreadable garbage. And how could someone with that poor of grammar have perfect spelling? Hated that book.

You seem like a major dimwit.

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Fuck you too.

Phil is unironically a king. Where were you when you realized he's 100% right?

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Rammstein were a GDR psyop created during the last days of the Democratic Republic to prevent another rise of fascism.

Good post. Now watch this drive.

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back to r*ddit with you cuck

Does the Marxist definition of fascism differ from how fascists themselves define it or what? I've read a handful of books written by self-proclaimed fascists such as Oswald Mosley, William Joyce, Adolf Hitler, Giovanni Gentile, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and it's none of what you say. I suggest you read some of these authors. Not saying it'll change your mind or anything but Marxists and leftists seem to label everything they don't like "muh fascism". Alternatively, go to /fascist/ and ask or look around

Yes and Zig Forums thinks that mass media is full of multiculturalism and communism.

Not to mention that fascism is not inherently imperialistic, though many varieties were. Chile's MNS was not imperialistic if I recall correctly. Fascism in each country rises from the soil and people, there is no one "fascism"

OP thinks everything is somehow fascist, he's a moron.
nothing but gay porn all over that board

is Phil rich?

Zizek is crypto-fash himself, I don't know why people here venerate him so much. The guy constantly excuses imperialism.


Tl;DR white mans burden.

as expected of /fascism/ then

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Twin peaks is just a fucking horror, it doesn't make any statement. But I can see why you consider it like that.
But the wire? How retarded can you be? You are literally trying to hard to come up with these conclusions, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

No one knows what fascism really is and it's deliberately made to be that way. In reality it's just explicit bourgeois control over society once they feel threatened.

This is a really insincere and ignorant statement. It doesn't matter if there was conscious intent or not, the ideology of the author/writer is displayed through their work even with something as "innocuous" as a children's show. And when the creator's personal ideology is rotten then his work will also exhibit those beliefs.

What are you talking about?
There is literally no ideology what's so ever in twin peaks.
Point out how did you came to this conclusion please. Also The Wire, you really need to explain this one to me

I've already linked articles about the wire and the creator's dodgy political beliefs being displayed through his content.

As for your "There is literally no ideology" - this smacks of false consciousness where you are blind to very overt ideological process thrust upon you because it is the only thing you know. You say there is no ideology because you're probably a liberal who knows no other ideology except that served by capitalism.

Someone already elucidated the reasons for Twin Peaks being crypto-fash but you're adamant in denying them even when you conceded to many of his points. You're not willing to have a proper discussion.

I got AIDS reading that shit, it's obvious that he didn't even atch the fucking show,
You seem a retard that doesn't see understand how twin peaks works tbh.
If I try hard enough I can find right wing agenda in everything, even movies made by communists.
You are paranoid and sound like pic related.
Twin peaks doesn't glorify traditional america or whatever. In the show, and whatever other lynch movie, traditional americana and genere staples are depicted in a warm, familiar light because when the moment arrives to show the rotten inside these things the expectations are subverted and this makes the horror part more scary.
If anything lynch spent his carrer exposing the rotten under the clean facade of the american dream. The homeless are evil dirty people because in they are something that doesn't belong in the american illusion. But again, He never glorified Americana, he criticize it or use it as a tool to scare.
I just hate when people don't know how to analize art and still think that their opinion is worth anything

What a mess of a post, try over and this time bring actual arguments.

You know I'm right.

Was that an argument?

Several people have already explained for you why ideology can seep through into an artists work. Why do I need to drill it into you?

What you described lynch doing is the classic display then disavow tactic. Create a fascist utopia in whatever medium you're working in, but then spend 5 seconds at the end to disavow it.

harry potter actually is fascist, she accidentally wrote a world where magical hitler was right and breeding with lesser races weakens you as a people

That's not true. Most of his movies are about the rotten that hides behind the surface. I explained in my post how he use the american dream as a tool.
Really, I'd understand if we talk about dirty harry or american sniper, but lynch a made who made a career out desecration of the american dream doesn't have fascist elements what so ever.

Come on, in The Wire the cops are a bunch of losers and psychos, also gay. The niggers instead are cool. And the union leader is actually a hero.

But the half breeds are all strong than the pure bloods. It's still fascist though, but only because liberalism is just fascism-lite.

Not only that, but in season 3 you can see what the creators intend as good police: community watchers who help people in need, not foot soldiers for the state

Of course it does. Here's the older Soviet interpretation of fascism:
However, I am trying to update it slightly given the historical knowledge we now have of fascism (its recurring forms post-WWII and its continual assitance from NATO).

I have never heard of this shit and have no idea how it is related to my historical materialist, Marxist-Leninist analysis of fascism.

No I don't, I have never said "everything is fascist."

LMAO shut the fuck up liberal.

No, Lynch is worse than this. He never disavows his fascist utopia, he only constructs a narrative where the utopia is being corrupted by evil spirits.

What about making examples? Take Mulholland Drive for example.
And name something that in your opinion is not fascist propaganda

what are you talking about?

I'll at least give it a read

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How sad you are to think a few shitty franchises comprises "everything". What a pathetic worm.

I already listed the most obvious fascism in Twin Peaks and some of the other shit Lynch has done.

In US-NATO media? Very tough. It's totally awash in overt and covert fascism. Maybe the films of Paul Thomas Anderson, he likes to adapt a lot of anticapitalist works. Maaaaaybe some Kubrick, he seemed to have a big concern about secret Nazism in the USA, but he strikes me as a "neither Washington nor Moscow" type, and Full Metal Jacket dips heavy into "ironic fascism" in its ostensible criticism of US imperialism (his soundtrack choices are the worst part, they make the film far too enjoyable). However, you can find plenty of non-fascist storytelling in proletarian literature as well as the films and media of the Soviets, China, DPRK, etc.

does a snake use venom to poison itself?

Drive was fascist, it was probably a massive influence on the maturation of 4chan fascism.

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And I already gave you the explanation for those and how you could read them as an attack on the american dream
But he made a movie glorifying the porn industry
But he made a movie were homeless kicked the shit out of the protagonist.

This what happens when I follow your reasoning

What kind of mystic bullshit is this?

If the overall message isn't clear to the audience, how will it serve as propaganda? And your version is certainly not clear if you have to try this hard to convince this board that you're right.

And you were already BTFO.

Been a long while since I've seen it, but yeah probably. Hence why I said maybe.

Yeah A Clockwork Orange is fascist as fuck on the face of it, I forgot about that. Like I said, Kubrick is even more iffy. He may have had some kind of secret message in it, like he did with his other movies. But I'm not particularly offended or attached to Kubrick.

What, the beginnings of an actual analysis and criticism? (Note you have barely justified your conclusions, whereas I've given numerous points). Perish the thought.

The point of filmmaking is to impart messages without the audience necessarily noticing. This isn't "mystical," it's basic propaganda.

No i wasn't, I was told that I didn't make an argument which I made
All that I'm saying is that art hasn't got only a single key reading, If one tries hard enough can see communist or fascist propaganda in everything. Which is what most amerimutt conservatives nuts already do

You don't need to make a message explicit to leave an effect on the viewer. That effect, if experienced dozens of times as when consuming mainstream media, will manufacture behavior and can curtail dissident thought. If you are banged over the head with "both sides are bad as each other, violence is bad, any peace is a good peace" then you're less likely to voice your discontent. It hammers the message that this is the best it can be, that change is always dangerous.

Not to mention the very apparent, deleterious effect video games have on young male's views on politics. Most on Zig Forums see the world as an RTS game where each faction has to produce more units to survive.

Most video games can be seen as fascist training experiences, but we're always assured that it has no effect on people. It probably doesn't considering everything else is already geared toward engendering fascist sympathies, so video games aren't exceptional.

This is infantile, I'm not advancing a "single key reading," I'm advancing a basic Marxist analysis of mass culture.
"The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas.”
-t. Karl Marx

The ruling class is fascist and imperialist, mass culture under their rule will necessarily be fascist and imperialist. This will happen regardless of what the deliberate "core theme" of a movie or show is, the media will advance ruling class ideas either overtly or incidentally. You only have to look to see the constant perpetuation of fascist myths and ideals in our media. However, much of it is plainly overt.

Everyime I hear my liberal friends talk about politics, it sounds to me they're talking about a grand strategy autism simulator and applying their gameplay mechanics to the real world.

I wish I could come with some deep analysis about this, but it's what I've observed.

That's because they get all their political analysis from Game of Thrones and House of Cards.

I don't even disagree with this man. It's just that you take the wrong movies. Why criticize lynch, who imho is not advancing ruling class ideas in any way and the wire which is a critique of capitalism while you can take movies that actually do that? Take the entire spielberg catalog for example or even harry potter. Imho not all of it advance this idea, only the more mass marketed one

It probably has some tenuous or direct link to the spectacle's ability to dissolve complex matters into digestible information, having it appear as an analogue to fiction.

Yes, I am pointing out the "wrong movies," IE the movies that fascist masscult taught you are great and important works of art, which only intellectuals can understand, and which you grew to love.

Lynch, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Refn, etc. etc. are the Marvel movies of petty booj intellectuals.

Hey if you actually read that article instead of saying it gave you aids, then you'd realize that the wire does the ol' hitler swindle with capitalism. Transposing all its faults onto some tangential, marginalized other.

The audience doesn't have to understand how propaganda is functioning, but the message "both sides are bad" or "any peace is good peace" has to be clear or else you're not relaying information. Suggesting that the message "electricity is evil" in Twin Peaks is clear, and that its function is to inspire fascist sentiments in the viewer is absurd. If you do not have a clear message for the audience to take away, it cannot function as propaganda. Your example of "both sides are bad" is a wonderful example of a clear effective message accessible to most, the function of which most folks don't ever realize.

It is mystical to believe that you're tapping into some hidden chain of symbolic associations in the human subconscious, a process that apparently only a select few are privy to.

But the cops in the Wire are also the bad guys, to the other cops, and as a whole to the people they brutalize (which is also portrayed, like in the one young polish cop who blinds a youth for example). The Wire is very open about the idea that capitalism and bureaucratic organizations are the real problem in society.

You libs are so easy to trick. What next, American Sniper is really anti-imperialist because it shows the dude shooting little kids.

You're an autistic liberal, you are totally clueless about film analysis and marxism.


Away, brainlet.

But the point of american sniper was not that the invasion of Iraq was wrong. Seems like a pretty important distinction; in the American Sniper universe, it's doing bad things for a good reason. In the Wire universe, it's doing bad things to perpetuate a rotten system, which is shown as such.

I thought the whole point of the series was that blood didn't matter