To mutualists and left-wing market anarchists: what are your specific issues with anarcho-communism (including...

To mutualists and left-wing market anarchists: what are your specific issues with anarcho-communism (including Bookchinism)? I'm curious since there's a lot of ancoms that shit on le markets in Our Discourse but I haven't seen much return fire the other way around.

Direct me to some reading but so far from what I've gathered so far:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Communism never breaks the logic of capitalism.

I'm skeptical about planning, even decentralized planning but I have a lot of sympathy for ancoms and if I was not a mutualists I would be a Bookchinist.
You pretty much already sum up why, but also because I believe that market forces are still better than planners because market forces are impersonified.


you will have better luck asking >>>Zig Forums or better yet >>>/liberty/

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Why do mutualists side with "an"-caps over communists? Isn't that a bit counter-intuitive?


We don't, maybe except some mutualists about Marxism-Leninism, but that's a debate among anarchists in general.

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pure cringe

Not really.

Not really.

I don't consider any "Anarcho-Mutualist" from "liberty" to be one.
Marx had some of his ideas inspired by Proudhon. So I highly doubt any actual an-Mutalist would completely object to leftism and see more along the other side.

What could it mean?

It's defending state planning in the context of a developing capitalist economy, which isn't really a very controversial position for a right winger to take considering that a sizable number of western countries did similar things during the early to mid 20th century.

Shit son we may as well count Ancaps as leftists now.

Attached: devoid of intelligence.png (226x223, 6.95K)

So literally just a capitalist as always.

disagree, current liberalism (individualist / western) is on a slow but firm trend towards authoritarianism, surveillance state and police state will be stronger in the coming century
because of the hedonism/consumerism everyone is lazy and wont do shit until you point a gun to their head, pollution overpopulation etc. only will be considered problems when its too late


There would be no Marxism without Proudhon

Marx was simply a realistic analysis tbh. His points would have come up eventually.
Anarcshits were never needed tbh, you can't prove to me they would have help in anal_sis progression.

Marx was just a plagiarist anyway, most his arguments against of capitalism have already been by more original anarchist thinkers before him.