Was the final...

Was the final, indirect message of this movie that black people all over the world are willing to enslave whites but just don't have the power to do it?
I mean the antagonist's plan was to arm black people around the world in to overtaking the system. No one told him his plan was retarded and that people might not accept going in a Nazi masturbation fantasy just because they were given laser spears.
How can liberals not see how racist this movie is?

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it was a boring mediocre marvel movie and people are only politicizing it because they have nothing better to do than stir drama on social media

Have you considered killing yourself? I'd suggest giving that a try.

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>This makes the movie racist, for portraying the antagonist as a black nazi with retarded ideals of Nazi masturbation fantasy

You first and second sentence literally say the opposite.

he was stopped but T'chala because T'chala is not racist and he is the role model for the audience
His arc was to be less nationalistic and to be charitable to other nations, as a call for world peace.
Isolating people and focusing on just your homeland's problems is what caused killmonger to become a villain, by being abandoned by his uncle after he murdered his dad.
The movie ends with T'chala setting up youth program shelters at the end of the movie where Killmonger was abandoned so that no other child in that area would be alone and become evil.

try harder m8

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the antagonist is wrong but the movie acknowledging his plan was possible is racist since it assumes black people would agree with him.

if the rest of the black people in the world decided not to help the antagonist in his black world conquest his plan would fail regardless of what happened in wakanda. The movie, by not making ths point implies that his plan would work and that blacks are willing to revolt against whites if given the opportunity.

To know that your ancestors were slaves and that you are systematically targeted by cops as a result of the war on drugs will make you hate whitey

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The message was very simple: Oppressed nations of the world, have no fear. Le based white CIA man is coming to save you.

How can idiots not see how the antagonist is not the character you're supposed to root for?

it shows no matter what race you are a burger is a burger

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if you really wanted to piss of the hollywood jews, you would just not give a shit about capeshit

your outrage is part of the marketing now

His revolt was based more around class than race, though. I think the focus was Black Liberation, but the plan required oppressed groups of the world to agree. That's why he was sending weapons to places like Hong Kong.

Unironically this. Take for example, The Interview. An extremely unfunny movie that generated revenue purely because of the controversy.

Granted, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but don't subject yourself to liberal trash.

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Fun fact: more whites are killed by the police than blacks and black cops are far more to gun down black suspects than white cops

*far more likely

If anything, this is an imperialist movie. It attacks "isolationism" and black nationalism. No, Killmonger was not an internationalist, he was your typical edgy blacknat who only wanted to help black people, and T'Challa is portrayed as a good thing. T'Challa's main character development is based mainly around dropping Wakanda's isolationism and creating humanitarian missions across the world. I hope I don't have to explain that "isolationism" and "humanitarianism" are both big buzzwords within the liberal justification for empire, if the recent call to attack Assad and Russia on humanitarian grounds for their supposed barbaric gas attacks, any anyone who disagrees with this is an "isolationist".

Of course, this being cape shit, some right-wing message hiding behind a facade of progressivism or post-ideology is par for the course.

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i agree.
But thanks user for being the first one to understand my point.


Is it all to impress whitey or is it because the police is an anti-working class organization? I’m sure mag e you’ve also noticed that left-liberals think that all these deaths are due to racism but conveniently overlook the class aspect of this, which is actually the main thing.

Do you really believe it’s black millionaires getting down in the street? Blacks make up 8% of American millionaires btw which isn’t that far off from their 13% population threshold. Does the evidence show that rich and “middle class” blacks are dying as fast as black proles or even at the same rate as white proles? If that isn’t the case then maybe it isn’t mainly about race.

*gunned down

Killmonger: Not Socialist

T chala: global socialist


So does this mean theyre not targetted at all?

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Nah, just a regular liberal.


Slow the fuck down. I'm not american, but I always thought the problem was more about class than anything else. The problem shouldn't that blacks get rekt, but that law enforcement is a bunch of psychos with an easy trigger. Putting it on race won't solve anything, they kill everybody, they are monsters. That's the narrative communist should push otherwise whites and other people, not rightfully but understandably, wouldn't give a shit. You spread cop hate by saying that cops kill everything, which is also true. I mean even old Chinese who play pokemon go get rekt in your country

How so? The ancient traditions were stupid.

Is it racism or is it classism? I really want you to think about this independently once instead of repeating lines you heard from Soros/Ford funded BLM activists. To think that black cops kill other blacks because of
racism then you have to believe that all or the majority of black cops are killing other blacks because their secret white nationalists/internalized racists.

We would also expect that the white cops would be more willing to kill blacks then their black counterparts if racism was the real root behind police violence. After all isn’t it a racist system and since white cops stand to benefit inordinately from racist violence then why aren’t they the ones pulling the trigger more often or at least at the same rate as our “crypto-white nat” black cops?

The people killed by the police are overwhelmingly working class men of all backgrounds. It seems if we have to ascribe a PRIMARY cause to the phenomenon of police shootings then we would rule in favor of class and not race. And that’s the difference between socialists and liberals—I don’t believe that the black petit-bourgeoisie and black capitalists are oppressed by the police even if you can legitimately show a number of cases of police racism.

Not at all. Bad analysis leads to bad politics even if the moral indignation makes us feel good. We should all be angry that the police are anti-working class organization that murder hundreds and even thousands of workers a year as this guy points out:

how is this and global wefare related to socialism?
he is still a king for fuck's sake.

I dont know it just a cape movie

"uh hey guys don't you think Black Panther is liberal shit?"


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This guy gets it….

The irony is that the Avengers Infinity War trailer has a scene where T'challa's sister (or whoever she is) says that she expected their de-isolation to start with the Olympics or a STARBUCKS, y'know the starbucks that uses slave labor in S.America and has many other questionable practises… the fucking irony.

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