World might be coming to an end thanks to Trump's imperialism, but I am still here wanting to have a deb8 on IdPol

World might be coming to an end thanks to Trump's imperialism, but I am still here wanting to have a deb8 on IdPol(PERXON WAS MISGENDERED FOR THIS PXST)

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Fuck off aiden

Idpol and intersectionality are awful. Don’t be a tool of porky!


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These arguments are making me hawt, such reason ! Socrates wants to have intercourse with such a bigboi brain
Srsly any actual arguments ?

Well you just debated one of us ;)

Yeah, here isn't the place to do it. I'm not fond of identity politics, but ANY conversation on leftypol regarding idpol turns into autistic screeching about trans/gay people.
Basically, people here dont hate idpol for any genuine philosophical reason, they hate it because it doesn't affect them and therefore they dont give a shit.

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tumblr chan are you trying to cause trouble again

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No its just because you are a faggot.

This has been gone over ten billion times. The correct and agreed upon answer is that idpol is bullshit but that racism, sexism, etc… is still wrong. Fuck off if you don't agree.

I dont even like identity politics. It divided the working class, and the root of most problems idpol tries to solve is capitalism.
However, i rarely ever hear this. A lot of people on this sight that claim to be anti-idpol in reality engage in their own anti lgbt idpol, so its hard to tell who's genuine.

Zig Forums is not a hug box, you're invariably going to see a few edgespergs that think being gay is le bourgeois fun. You know damn well it's not majority opinion.

Radical feminism is good though.

You mean Aidan's nth factory clone.

There's broadly the following categories here:

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TERFs are good
Homosexuality being something bad is a spooky and stupid claim.

terfs are just liberal cunts that want their special snowflake woman card back

You're actually new as fuck or just being willfully ignorant if you think that is the prevailing narrative on Zig Forums or that it ever has been

Wait just a sec, lemme put my class divisive flag
I don't think I've ever met any radfem that supports the free market. You are correct that they fight for privileges based on sex, but that is fine. Nothing could really go wrong with having an armed women's army commanding men.

If it isnt one of the prevailing attitudes its certainly one of the loudest

There's maybe a handful of people who are vocally uncomfortable with gays, but most of us are bi.

based mods

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I would assume actual communists would not be on board with identity politics given that you want to squash all culture into le comrade crew of global citizens. I think that's possible to do, but only if you manufacture a fake space alien invasion.

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Not true btw.

Well I don't think it's true

why not

absolut brainlet

Name one single problem that isn't related to economic factors.

Crypto polcucks and lurking Assershits get mega triggered and have to scream about something that literally doesn't matter

Because they're still spooked as fuck and even if they've come to the realization of the necessity of communism they're still possessed by bourgeois ideology

Answer my question first fag

Studies show that a lot of homophobes are self-hating gay men
fragile masculinity and male insecurity directly link to this, which isn't directly economic
Toxic masculinity also leads to patriarchal family structures which suppress women and children based on authoritarianism.

homophobia is by itself economic in nature

meaningless vaguely insulting buzzwords, tumblr's version of "cuck" and "soyboy"

100% economic

Read Engels

why don't you quote him

Male insecurity and fragile masculinity is what Zig Forums is, it is a bunch of insecure males trying to retain their ideal image of masculinity in themselves, this correlates with their fetishism of the patriarchal family and rejection of egalitarianism, a male-centric worldview all spawned by their self-disappointment.

I don't have tome to read engels right now, how does is patriarchy caused by our economic situation?

are you THAT guy?
you think that all problems in society come from the lack of class consciousness and so class infighting starts as a way to relieve the lack of power we possess, so we instruct it on minorities?

Because everysingle problem is related to economics

Show those studies and yes homophobia is economic in nature
No it's not true, these are caused by the economic system too. also back to reddit
Not sure

Which is a consequence of not fitting in the pre set models of the neo liberal establishment, which is caused by economic inadequacy
What the fuck are you even doing here in the first place if you don't know the ABC?

long story short, families used to be egalitarian or matriarchal when division of labor was equal between men and women, but once the means of production available to men (farming and animal husbandry) started outweighing those available to women (tailoring, homemaking) family structure took a turn for the patriarchal. women can only be liberated by becoming fully integrated into socialized production

that sounds awfully reductionist

yeah I totally agree
but I think that there are cultural scars we have that need to be actively healed through "idpol" activism and awareness.
that doesn't mean we have to live in a safe space either

we cant deny the role that religion has had on society

This sounds awfully tumblr

Nice liberal publications you got there. Those are the same calling corbyn an anti semite czech spy and assad a criminal

it takes one to know one you argument-less gaiafag redditor normalfag naruto watcher

not an argument you brainlet pole dancer

They are just reporting on studies, they never conducted that shit themselves, the only bias that they have is the journalists who had an interest in this issue.

Instead of talking about idpol, we should be talking about how psychopolitics and a culture of narcissism have become instruments of control under postfordian capitalism. People are actually more beholden to monolithic bureaucracies than they have ever been.

The liberal dependence on 'psychological studies' of dubious scientific validity(seriously look into replication rates) is undermining whatever's left of democracy and muh liberal values. We live in a post-liberal world in which the ideal of the autonomous individual that formed the core of liberalism has been undermined into nothingness and wageslaves have lost almost all control over their lives and identities, all the while the logic of capitalism has further encroached upon every aspect of existence. Even as a 'minority' you could be aliterate petty bourgeois individual with your own snowflake opinion and sense of detachment from the world. but not anymore, our media/work environment demands total involvement and total assimilation. Unlike Jordan Peterson I don't believe we can go back to the golden age of capitalism, our world is the deranged product of postwar social engineering, the organisation of life (ie. work and consumption) on military lines. The corporatocratic( military industrial) and 'egalitarian' aspects of post war liberalism are inseparable from each other, together, they have eroded the very concept of 'fairness' that formed the basis for liberalism and egalitarianism in the first place. Trump's presidency is an exercise in the absurd precisely because he presides over a managerial business technostructure that remains formally committed to 'equality' thanks to 50 years of civil rights legislation. Outside the perfectly regulated world of corporate pr, hr and moderated social media lies a lawless exteriority of brute force, drone strikes, police brutality, abjection and drug abuse, which is really the necessary flipside of the system. the inside need an outside. we are trapped between Hobbes and Disney.

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The us federal government is completely run by Israeli intelligence, and they kill, experiment on, and torture American citizens who say that this is wrong. Murdering people for oil is good, criticizing murderers is bad. Am i doing this right?

This but unironically.

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Why would you make this thread OP we have this goddamn thread every other day and it always sucks.

Only correct answer is:
idpol = bad
racism and sexism = also bad

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Don't forget: racism and sexism = forms of idpol.

Most mainstream "leftists" as well as Berkely-attending, MSNBC-watching liberals are so blind to economic class issues that they don't even REALIZE that "police brutality against low income people" as a group is "a thing". MSNBC never mentions "police brutality against low income people" so it must not be a thing!

Imagine watching helplessly as all your loved ones are harassed by police and hauled off to jail…and then getting told that, as a white person, you don't know what its like to watch helplessly as all your loved ones are harassed by police and hauled off to jail.

Let me clarify: Low income people are DISPROPORTIONATELY effected by police brutality including low income whites (Mostly low income "urban" whites effected). I'm not talking about random, isolated incidents here. There is a definite pattern.

Go into a room full of a dozen low income whites from urban or semi-urban areas and you'll find that most of them have been brutalized by police or wrongfully arrested at least once.

Also, the fact that low income people like me can't criticize the culture of our own neighborhoods that we were born into without being called "racist" by upper middle class white pieces of disingenuous shit also makes me hate IdPol.

I assure you, I don't "hate IdPol because it doen't effect me" or because I'm trying to be edgy, asshats.

PS: My neighborhood is, like 60% white, btw, but I can't criticize the culture of it because everyone here listens to hip hop, dresses "stereotypically black", and speaks in AAVE?

Not my fault that everyone born after 1980 listens to rap and speaks AAVE, but neither does that change the fact that my neighborhood is about 60% white. Middle class people get to live around relatively tolerant environments while us low income people are stuck in a hypermasculinated, materialistic, heteronormative, hierarchical "hood" culture that we're not allowed to criticize because rich college kids will cry WACISM, WAAAHHHH…

Leaving us poor folk to culturally rot while middle class areas, being allowed to criticize their own cultures, become more and more progressive and tolerant each generation.

And yes, this is SubLumpen, some of you know me here I'm sure.

This is like a joke someone would make about idpolists

you might be a fascist

lol based mods

While issues such as racism, homophobia and misogyny do exist and affect people, we must not put these ahead of class issues, as economic/class issues being solved will solve many of these problems.


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