Questions Capitalists can not answer:
1. What use does a private business have for "backwards" national traditions?
2. What use does a private business have for racism and homophobia?
3. What use do multinational corporations have for borders and anti-immigration reform?
4. How can racial purity possibly be considered productive under a capitalist system?
5. Why do most corporations historically attack nationalists?

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I wanted to LARP as a Zig Forumsack and type out a post, but 4 actually got me stumped. Most of these can be answered by "white conservative men with a strong work ethic are more productive than lazy diseased fags and low-I.Q. minorities" though.

1) common culture means the workers can understand each other better.
2) obvious point, Autism Level differences
3)Reduction in takes for any welfare/ reduction in vandlism
4)Diversity has proven to be a failure.
5) It's only the large ones who cheap labor that advocate for this. The larger corps, simply want regulation to keep out new comers.

Egypt, Greece, and Rome really beg to differ. Particularly Rome

Zig Forumsyps that obsess over traditions, race and sex believe themselves to be anti-capitalist, so you won't get them with any of those.

umm sweetie Zig Forums identifies as Not SocialisT not capitalist

If Zig Forums hates cultural domination it should have stayed on its own damn board

umm filter I said Nätïönål Söcîálíst

But words did you change? I see the exact same thing

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I'm not sure if you're an actual polyp, or playing the devil's advocate; but I'll bite
Irrelevant. See 19th/early 20th century America, Colonial India, or modern Europe. The only traditions that generally get supported are the ones that can be commercialized.

That has only become a concern recently when many entry level and manual jobs are getting getting further automated. Corporations generally only care about profits and the surplus value offered by their workers. If an Indian worker with the right skills is willing to do the same job for less, that's a win for the company. Even if they're rarer as a percentage of the population than elsewhere. Race doesn't matter. Personal merit does.

That doesn't matter if the migrants can be employed and indebted. In fact, through welfare, they can appropriate even more money from workers, by having the unemployed spend their welfare on their products. See Wall Mart and food stamps.

Both superpowers of the 20th century were multicultural. Most 19th century great powers were multicultural. At a time where regional differences where much greater than today.
To give an example: in mid 19th century France, not even half the population was able to converse in French on an elementary level.

Industrialists and bankers have frequently been among the most rabid of nationalists. Frequently propping up putsches and fascists.

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i thought the ussr flag guy was stabbing a finland map because of the winter war

Private businesses aren't involved in any political or cultural affairs because their very purpose is to provide services to people who are willing to pay for it.

Private businesses aren't involved in any political or cultural affairs because their very purpose is to provide services to people who are willing to pay for it.

Private businesses aren't involved in any political or cultural affairs because their very purpose is to provide services to people who are willing to pay for it. But if it's a construction company and people want a wall built on the edge of the country, then they'll gladly slush fund their money into getting that wall built.

Not all of us agree with the "racial purity" meme.

Corporatism isn't the same as capitlaism. Corporatism only allows certain companies to maintain an unnatural monopoly with the power of the state. Capitalism allows competition between companies that can provide a better service. Coporate niggers use lobbying to further advance their agenda.

Now here's some questions for you commies:

Why do you think that your Marxist drivel is actually credible?

Why do you think that working to accumulate wealth is "wage slavery", when in nature, you have to work to gather resources to survive in the same manner?

Do you really think food and water will magically fall from the sky without anyone putting in any work?

Why do you think you're entitled to anyone else's labor?

Why do you have such unrealistic expectations that everyone is automatically going to drop their shit and forget their hardwired selfish nature to serve a state that enslaves them under the pretense of "equality"?

Are you aware that you have a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality and the very Marxist drivel you take in everyday makes you even more delusional and less self aware about how the world works?

Why do you only listen to theory rather than applied logic?

So you don't like the fact that people have an identity with traditions and norms?

Please provide more details. There is no such thing as a "national tradition" in the abstract. What are we talking about here? French wine? Belgian carnivals? Spanish bullfighting? If it can be turned into a commodity, capitalists usually have no problem embracing it.
As long as it was socially acceptable, overt discrimination could be used to disunite the working class — by using disenfranchised groups as cheap labor knowing very well chauvinism would muddle class struggle, for instance. Nowadays racism, antisemitism, homophobia, etc is thankfully seen as abhorrent by most and capitalists tend to treat minorities as just another consumer market to tap into rather than a bludgeon to use in campaigns of divide-and-conquer.
Capital is globalized but doesn't actually want borders to be fully open or nation-states to disappear as profit-maximizing require developmentally-differentiated regions, predictable and manageable population patterns, etc. A globalist conspiracy to unite the world into a single entity would actually throw a wrench into the works of international capital.
This statement is factually incorrect. Mussolini was bankrolled by Italian armament firms and his blackshirts were used as strikebreakers; Hitler welcomed the support of major German industrialists and helped them bypass Versailles restrictions. The bourgeoisie's attitude towards nationalism is shaped by the state of development in which local capitalism finds itself. If a capitalist needs protectionism to shield himself from global competition, he'll throw all his weight behind nationalists if need be.

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An-Cap user here. These commies seem to be reluctant to answering our questions.

Because only Marxism took upon itself to explain how everything works based on material relations between humans and not vague feels.

Humanity has lived under primitive communism for orders of magnitude longer than under capitalism. Capitalism is not a "natural state" of humanity. That's a flat-out lie. For the vast majority of our history there wasn't a random guy who does nothing and takes most of the value produced by me because he lucked out and became a "job creator".


I'm not. Why do you think capitalists are entitled to everyone's labor?

It's in the self-interest of the vast majority of humanity to seize the means of production from a parasitic minority. Of course, it's in the selfish interest of the capitalists to perpetuate the system. But they are a minority.

"no u" is the only response I can muster to this ad hominem

"why do you only listen to material analysis of human relations rather than my feels?"

It literally is, lmao. Can you explain how the state is separate from the ruling propertied classes?

Because "desert island" metaphors are inane and ignorant.
Socialism doesn't mean nobody works (which is a bizarre allegation), though it is true it strives for shorter working hours.
I don't know, that's a question for capitalists — not me.
Socialism doesn't care about so-called selfishness nor does it seek to erase it from human behavior. Socialism does not rely on moral voluntarism.
To accuse socialists of being resentful of success is as tired and cliché as Bolshevik skeletons.
Theory and applied logic are not mutually exclusive at all.

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U wot m8, I think you have the wrong person.

Corporatism has nothing to do with what you're describing. Corporatism is the economic manifestation of state-enforced class collaboration. You're thinking of government intervention in the economy which inevitably ends up benefiting certain corporations, which some of your peer usually refer to as "cronyism" — a less ambiguous description.
Of course cronyism implies a capitalist system. You might see it as a distortion but the truth is that the fundamental categories on which that mode of production relies are still very much there.
Which capitalism requires at certain stages in its development. For most of its existence, the American economy relied on the protectionism promoted by the Hamiltonian "American School" of economics. It would never have become a world power without it.
And that very same "perfect" competition causes the emergence of monopolies to begin with. The American government had to engage in "trust-busting" as early as the late 19th century to ensure that didn't happen.
Influential corporations seeking to maximize their profits through advantageous state policy is not a bug, it's a feature of capitalism. That's how businesses operate.

"Communism sucks, it's completely corrupt! I love capitalism and my iPhone! We don't live under capitalism though, but actually under cronyism."
t. anarcho-capitalist

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Cockshott has proven LTV to be scientifically credible so I'd hardly call it drivel, but beyond that, this is a loaded question
When I go to hunt and I kill an animal, there's nobody above me saying "well done, now bring the fruit of your labor to me and you can have the bones and a few small cuts of meat." I get the ENTIRE animal. When working in capitalism, I get scraps of the value I produce, but I have no choice to participate because there's no longer unowned land that I can freely live and forage/hunt on. I have to work for somebody, either myself or another person, for a wage. If I'm not born with significant wealth to be inherited, the prospect of working for myself isn't realistic.
Read above
We are socialists, not welfare liberals. Socialism is founded on the principle that you are entitled to your labor and capitalism is the owner stealing the surplus value of your labor.
Humans are not intrinsically greedy any more than the various other personality traits they exhibit
Loaded question
I can't answer this because I haven't read enough theory :^)

Absolutely delusional


Or China, or Russia, or any country, really

you are seriously so fucking stupid


It's like you guys are operating 3 years behind the current political climate or some shit. Where do you find these guys leftypol?

Hitlerism is pro capitalism.
4chan's cucked and retarded joke of a Zig Forums is full of pro capitalists.
Zig Forums's Zig Forums also seems pretty anti communism.
I think you might be a schizoid, cucknon.


Anti-communism isn't pro-capitalism. Political ideologies aren't that binary.
I don't think you know what that word means.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone there defending capitalism "to death" on 8/pol/. I don't know, perhaps recently it may have had an influx of cuckchan retards so maybe. I suppose you can justify capitalism as a reaction to multiculturalism. If races can't operate effectively together and the nation is already less than 50% white there's not really any point in discussing socialist policies or any economic theory. You'd just be pulling the carriage before the horse. Capitalism is a sort of last resort attempt to hold onto any lingering power you once had, but ultimately will fail in any long term capacity. Still, if your agenda is to somehow maintain a multicultural because you're some civic-nationalist retard, capitalism is likely your best bet I would think.

aren't your types constantly crying about tranny bathrooms being the downfall of all civilization? you shouldn't have to betray your own ideology to make excuses for capitalism

it literally is, though

either you have private property of the means of production or you don't

Lets list empires that where killed by diversity;
Rome was destoryed by Germans and Huns crossing there borders whilst revolting.
Greece could not raise an army since why do I need to im not greek im Spartan. and Egypt got destoryed by a out of touch greeks who ruled egyptians.

great examples

Isn't that a conclusive fucking refutation of the idea of an ethnostate?
even Nations with common heritage like Greece was subdivided based on smaller and smaller cultural groups based on Civic nationalist feelings or Cultural tradition. an ethnostate is delusional to the point that you have to actively erase white people's culture and identity to create a 'white ethnostate' .

Rome wasn't just killed by Gauls and Huns. Let's not forget the disease that infested Europe at that time– Christcuckery. It slowly destroyed the foundations of this vast amd diverse empire for hundreds of years because of its exclusivist, universalist approach to religion.

Applying the contemporary concept of "diversity" to the fall of the Roman Empire is quite possibly the most brainlet-tier take anyone could ever have.

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