Generation Identity had a rally in Kent recently. Attached is an image of all those involved

Generation Identity had a rally in Kent recently. Attached is an image of all those involved.

What can we do here to get them fucked over?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is it what a postmodernist political praxis looks like?


Apparently so. They were disgusing it as an arcitectural conference apparently

literally who
tbh liberals are far more of a problem than pretend neofascists


Disagree. They're both liberals, fuck em

so they're a bunch of larpers who throw up banners on the weekend?

The inevitable reaction to the pro-diversity crowd, but just as idpozzed.

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Holy shit
that is literally the plot of Shin Megami Tensei IV: FINAL

miss me with that weeb shit

It's a decent rehashed game. You get to kill YHVH in it. The whole plot is that Lucifer and the Archangers were actually pawns of him used to continually cause wars so humans will always despair and beg him for help.

LOL. They got fucked off at the event space. Went to the pub instead. Provoked antifa.

Get off the internet. Organize against them. Stop them wherever they pop up.

Who is the wee scrape on the right in this pic? I can't remember his name. He got bashed and bloodied after provoking antifa.

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Anti-fasc took the W. So much cut footage in this vid.

Do you know about the FLA (football lads alliance) and the group that split from them, the DFLA (democratic…)? Like the EDL they began by trying to build support at football grounds to push their Islamophobic shit under the original guise of non-political anti-terrorism. Since then they have revealed themselves to be nasty political profiteers off of peoples misery. The DFLA gathered in Telford under slogans like "A vote for labour is a vote for rape" and told an older counter protester "I hope your granddaughter gets raped".

This fucking mutant:

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At the end
So they literally got beat up by kids?

Looked like a mix of antifa and local activists. Fasc don't care about nuance. For them all anti-racists are antifa. Their ideology is based so much on internalized humiliation they can only externalize it by making people who oppose their politics look silly.

"Right see the thing that's got it all fucked up now is camera-phones.
How the hell am I supposed to beat up a fascist in front of complete strangers
When I know they've all got cameras?"

If that is the best they can do in a country of some 60 million, I wouldn't be too worried.

Looks like a fairly normalfag crowd tbh, I don't think the usual insults thrown around here apply

Fuck these racists.

There's like a dozen of them.

what's the point? if they get their way, they're just fucking themselves over. be dialectical.

I'm sorry but in the UK we do what works. We stop fascists organizing.
GI ran a campaign where they tried to harass or stop rescue crews helping people drowning in the Mediterranean called defend Europe. Pic related.
"The crew who chartered a 422-tonne vessel called the C-Star for their latest efforts aimed to send refugees “back to Africa” by harassing and blocking search and rescue vessels run by NGOs"
The biggest embarrassment in anti-fascism was the French left not opposing the front nationale in the 70s because they saw them as "just another right wing group". Who came second in the most recent French election?
Downloaded it. Doesn't want to post.
What we see in this video is very clearly who started it. GI walked up the road looking for a confrontation. 0:44 GI ripped a mask off of an antifa. This lead to a small scuffle over the mask which then continued further into the car park. You don't see this provocation in other videos. In this article is a video that starts after the masked was ripped off.

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who cares. They aren'r doing anything of significance here.

Except liberalism is shrinking and some of the more left-inclined liberals are drifting towards socialism. Fascists are growing and absolutely relentless in preaching their message online. Liberals have gotten lazy and aren't used to defending their treasured status quo.

Anti fascists care I reckon. Groups like this can grow exponentially by exploiting tragedies. They present themselves with nice graphics and are smartly dressed which most fascist groups don't even think about.

TFW no ginger antifa GF protecting you from fascists

LMAO @ all these internet-lefties who don't understand how fascist organizing is against the interests of the working class. Fuck off.

Imo who cares who started it?

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Italoanon here.
Iirc, CasaPound belongs to this GI network too. They too were involved with this ship trying to harrass rescue vessels in the Mediterranean. Interesting thing is the ship was blocked in Cyprus because it was reportedly full of people from South Asia and they were trying to let them pass as crew members. In fact, they were themselves acting as people smugglers! LOL! Nice defence of Europe! And yet, no arrests, no prosecutions, no inquiries, no nothing… Strange, innit?
Apparently there were also dodgy links to some "defence" agency I don't remeber where, which provided Ukrainian "contractors" for this Defend Europe pathetic show.

I don't know about the 70s, but I've read something about the FN and their biggest enabler turned out to be Mitterrand. Apart from his shady past in the far right before and during WW2, he personally pulled the strings to give them more visibility on the state tv and a semblance of respectability as a party like any else. The rationale was for them to weaken the gaullist and giscardian right: his government changed the electoral law to proportional representation sensing a defeat for the left in 1986, thus avoiding the "republican" rightwing parties to get an absolute majority and embarassing them into opening talks with the FN. In the end he failed because the centre-right won a majority anyway, while giving for the first time a quite large parliamentary presence to the FN.

Anyway, when those nice gentlemen start sperging about their shit, they should always been reminded about picture attached.

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I know. Caring about online posturing is for the uninitiated. We know the lows tabloids will sink to get readers.
For fascists, when is something sufficiently self-incriminating or self-owning? To some degree they want to be told they're wrong.


Fascism is an eventual result of capitalism and front only became "known" because they are a response to its crisis. If you want to actually stop the development of fascism, you would be targeting capitalist institutions and infrastructure, not pretending fascism is a separate force on its own. Right-wing parties are currently gaining traction because their is no organized left-wing alternative, the playing field has been sacrificed in exchange for a popular front with SocDems and Liberals.

You also arrest people for tweeting opinions over there. Maybe you should start by fighting against that of you hate fascism so much.

Italoanon again here.
Now that I'm thinking about it, London was a safe haven for rightwing terrorists in the 80s - Maggie's years, basically.
Something really interesting about far-right terrorism in Italy is not just their connections to Gladio-Stay Behind, secret services and shit like that. They've also always been in cahoots with mafia. When some of them managed to escape to London, they instantly turned in middlemen to launder dirty profits from international drugs and arms trafficking. Much of that was facilitated by Maggie's savage liberalisation of the finacial sector. Those were the years when all the skyscrapers in Canary Wharf began to be built, after all. Money were pouring in from absolutely everywhere.
I don't know if there are resources available online in English about that. Iirc there was an European Parliament's inquiry about far-right groups and one of the conclusions was that Bong secrete services actively helped them.
Anyway, googling this gentleman could be an interesting way to start.
Also, if any of you has some grasp of Wopalian, check this

Pic: an example of proper praxis.

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Something about Mussolini's body makes me laugh.


Read here

Thought as much. Utter paranoia, is this board really as bad as 8/pol/?



He's right tho. You can't challenge both. Mass immigration is an aspect that is inerenth to imperialism and free murkets

Come again?

fixed that for ya

You can be. But being anti-immigration alone is worthless idpol. To fight immigration you need labor action that prevents porky from replacing you, not waving posters with roman statues and supporting national porky over globalist porky. Stop with the "ordinary people" shit, ordinary people are perfectly capable of engaging in stupid pointless bullshit instead of something that benefits their interests.

Sorry m8. I thought you were saying that you can challenge mass immigration while a capitalist system exist.

Those "ordinary people" aren't organizing against porky, reactionaries or religious fundamentalists. At best they are organizing on a platform for a porky system that they think will be in their favor.

They're organising against a feature of capitalist exploitation. Would you rather they didn't do that, or are you under the impression that doxing and harassing them is going to make them fully class-conscious?

In the wrong way you reactionary faggot.

If you aren't against the system as a whole yoh are for it, read Žižek.

Stop caring about that bunch of LARPers. Seriously, look at them. They're 30, and you can bet half of them do drugs.

It's like antifa m8. They are not against capitalism or a form of capitalist exploitation, they are against one aspect specifically while being consciously or not fighting for maintaining the status quo

I don't know about American Antifa, but European Antifa is consistently anti-Capitalist and class-conscious, even if it is true they tend to get lost in political tribalism and the consequent identity politics.

Antifa where is live it's like american antifa. The concept of antifa is inerenthly wrong and gets coopted by anti communists too easily

Being against Fascism is inherently wrong? Or what did you mean by that?

This user has it right
fascism doesn't exist in a vacuum, it's simply the natural progression of capitalism as it degrades
It's why antifa are useless at best

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Yes being against fascism or what do you perceive as fascism with the only explanation being "they authoritarian" "they against minorities" ecc. Is not an explanation and can be easily coopted by anyone against these things (which is what liberals are).
You have to fight fascism in the name of communism because you have to make clear that your position is against capitalism, not the authoritarian version of it. Otherwise you are not giving an explanation and making sure that everyone that hates the establishment will not side with you because the antifascist group is pro establishment.
Capitalism and liberalism always leads to fascism, you want to fight fascism you fight these two, and fascists larpers too if you want, but there is no use to it after you defeated Porky.

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Saying the _Front National_ is Fascist is naïve, at best. What about you stop trivializing the meaning of Fascism.

Anti-fascism can't only be concerned with fascists once they get into power. It creeps its way in insidiously. The Robert Paxton quote is a good basis for understanding what fascism is but I wouldn't call it a 'working definition'. It misses how fascism threatens democracy because it shifts mainstream political discourse to the right. It moves the Overton window to the right.
Don't focus on Front National making concessions to the center. Focus on the French parties making concessions to the right to appeal to the same base. Not everyone that votes FN is a fascist. But I'm sure every fascist would vote for FN.

Anti-fascists in the UK stress a lot over having the correct analysis of groups that pop up. National Action were obvious nazi terrorists. But the Football Lads Alliance, they presented anti-terrorist ideas whilst working with out and out racists and got >10000 people on a silent march through London. Groups mobilized anti-racists to leaflet this march (not a counter-protest) and got a very verbally abusive reaction. The FLA have peaked but the anti-racist mobilization has grown.

Groups at the forefront of anti-racism and anti-fascism are informed by Trotsky's united front tactic (plz no shit the bed at the mention of his name) which involves attracting a mass audience to fight in the immediate interest of the working class while articulating the struggle against capitalism and the fight for socialism.
This doesn't make us immune to sectarianism. Locally, activists have sunk away, we don't see them anymore. They used to believe in it.

Code for "I'm too shook to go onto a anti-fasc demo.". We do what works, united front tactics. Where are the Blackshirts, NF, BNP, EDL? I don't hear about them anymore. They must have been defeated by osmosis through regular left wing activism. Saying capitalism will always lead to fascism is as much of an oversimplification as saying it must lead to communism.

Antifa aren't useless. Putting down other anti-fascists in the face of a greater threat is peak sectarianism. Individuals from it wouldn't be as kind to the groups I work with. I will say that they can be very counter-productive. But maybe if at a counter protest anti-fasc outnumber fasc 5 to 1 and there's no police, marching on them before they march on you is necessary.
In the GI video you can see them almost react by saying "we aren't going to give you what you want, a big scrap". They know these plonkers try to scapegoat all anti-racists as antifa.
There were groups physically confronting fascists before WW2 in Germany.

What the fuck is wrong with people on the internet? So many blueprinting ultra-leftist plonkers. No sense of tactics.

and what's the context for why you're posting social democratic anticommunist propaganda? are you seriously pretending that the cuckdems weren't stirrup holders for Hitler?

I'm just saying that these guys were antifascist too

With groups likeFLA entryism and infiltration is probably the best method.

If you think Burgerland is in a similar situation to Interwar Deutschland your retarted.

They prevent Communist Revolution which was the only thing that could’ve stopped the Nazis. Because of this they are partially responsible for the Nazis and all that died in WW2. They have blood on there hands.

"We did not resist, we did not throw hurdles into the way of the victorious political opponent", wrote the author. "The old ones (in the SPD leadership) are concerned about their fame. Like old, ridiculous actors or singers they never notice when the curtain has fallen."

"We were, and stayed, in all the full blood parliamentarians, that is, we talked about things, but they did, they mastered them. While concentration camps were already being built and many of our followers were shot dead we got into fierce struggle for seats."
When the Not Socialists entered in 1932 on a ford with the Zentrum and thus won a majority in the Reichstag, Hoegner and his comrades considered it merely an "enjoyable game". It is true that the Social Democrats sensed that "a black and brown government was in the air," but they had no other idea than to "annoy our Zentrum colleagues with the song of the black-brown girl."
On March 23, 1933, the SPD alone voted against the Enforcement Act, which gave the Hitler government an almost unlimited power of power. And when the SPD chairman, Otto Wels, had explained the reasons why his party had to refuse to approve this law, Hitler once again hurried to the podium, kicked off the SPD, and concluded, "You, gentlemen, are no longer needed I do not want you to vote for the Enabling Act, but Germany should be free, but not through you. "
Hoegner: "That clapped and snapped like a whip on our heads, that fell like a fierce fire on us."
Nevertheless, at the Reichstag meeting of May 17, 1933, the SPD, together with the Not Socialists, voted in favor of the program proclaimed by Hitler to remove the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles ("equality of Germany"), which caused astonishment
The last Reichstag meeting, to which Social Democrats were admitted, was "even more agonizing for many of us than our presence at the meeting of March 23, 1933. At the time we had expected to lose our lives in the worst case, but this time Some of us felt that we were losing our honor. "
But when Hitler began his speech, the comrades experienced a surprise. The new chancellor avoided any attack on the SPD, even for the Nazi opponent Hoegner sounded the speech "extremely moderate": "A more gentle peace speech could not have been held by Stresemann." When Göring called for the vote, the members of the SPD parliamentary group rose and voted in favor of the Reichstag declaration.
Hoegner described this as follows: "Thereupon an agitator of the other deputies broke loose, and even our most implacable adversary, Adolf Hitler, seemed to be moved for a moment, and he rose and clapped us applause, but the President of the Reichstag, Goering, stood up Spoke magnificently: "The German people are always united when their destiny is. Then the German national deputies began to sing the German song. Most of our ranks were singing. Some ran tears down their cheeks. It was as if social democrats, who were always cursed as the lost sons of the fatherland, had for a moment immortalized the common mother of Germany. "

Zig Forums's battered wife syndrome is concerning, kekistanis won't flock to communism in drones because you bash antifa nor do we need them

That was my point. Antifascist can easily be anti communist

meant for

1. abusing the shit out of "state of emergency laws"
2. massacring worker demonstrations (bloody may)
3. murdering communists
4. upholding a justice system that punishes communists far harder while covering for reactionary terror
5. calling in the Reichswehr and siding with them repeatedly
6. outlawing the RFB while doing nothing about the SA

they were not antifascists on any level, all of them from top to the sheeple followers and voters are accomplice in the nazi takeover and terror. there is not a single social democrat that died at the hands of the nazis who did not deserve it.

What? So are not liberals. Why should I ally myself with these people? Again I'm just saying that antifa has these people in it too

So are liberals*

calling yourself an antifascist doesn't make you one, how about that take, dipshit?
i guess hitler was a socialist then according to your "logic"? fuck off

great "argumentation", so hitler was a socialist

Oof. Why you have to be so mean? I wasn't comparing anything to Burgerland. I now see as giving the same the solutions to fascism now as to interwar Germany. There's different situations in every country, the UK sure as shit isn't the same as Hungary right now, so this wouldn't work. But I'm sure we would all agree that repeating the same mistakes from then could also be disastrous.

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listen man, if you want to legitimise ethnic English IdPol then all opposing IdPol will also be legitimised. You know how this process ends, don't you? It won't be non-whites who compromise your precious Capitalist institutions.

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This. Read Mao's Combat Liberalism.

I think what that user was trying to say is that the social democrats also wore the veil of "anti-fascism" at the time with out actually being against the institutions which bred and created fascism. They paid lip service and tried a popular front politics rather then united front ones and preserved the established system which the Nazi's were able to seize.

He's saying anti-fascism is a broad term which doesn't explicitly mean being anti-capitalist or being for socialism and leads to a lot of popular front collaboration.

tommy robinson: the ideology?

I don't know how it is in your European cuckoo-clock countries, and Burgerland antifa gets a lot of shit, but over here it seems like it has been highly effective at reducing alt-right organizing since the UTR rally in Virginia. A lot of the fair-weather fascists have been going to ground because the antifascists as a decentralized intelligence agency are scarily effective at sniffing them out. And let me remind y'all that we've dealt with some pretty serious shit like a neo-Nazi driving his muscle car (made in America) plowing it into a crowd in a vehicular terror attack so it's not like these fash aren't capable of dishing out violence.

The argument seems to be that going after fascists doesn't do anything against capitalism. But having a bunch of neo-Nazis running around sure as hell doesn't help either. It comes across as concern trolling tbh

Well that is very true and it is a big problem for the fascists here in land of the big burger in the sky, the United Beef Patties of Burgerland. They both want to overthrow the state to establish an autocratic order, but they also mostly support Trump who they see as this would-be autocrat, despite the fact that he's actual a fucking moron with brainworms, so they're very confused.

A lot of them now are dressing up in red, white and blue outfits and trying to present themselves as American "nationalists" which is what they *used* to criticize the "alt-lite" for whom they broke up with in early 2017 for not being radical enough. They don't seem to have any more upward mobility at this point.

I don't think the problem is being anti-fascist. The problem is being primarily anti-fascist with little else attached and organizing as such. As socialists it should be pretty explicit that were already anti-fascist as we are against all forms of capitalism. Anti-fascism by itself, however, is meaningless and only allows for collaboration with liberals and SocDems.

I disagree. Attaching any kind of sectarian left-wing tendency to antifa groups is a recipe for disaster because you'll get bogged down in doctrinaire battles over theory and correct politics than the brass-tacks of antifascist work.

I won't name any names but I've seen outright communist antifascist groups who refused to work with anyone but members of their own little group of true believers, had no idea what they were doing – ending up with them getting smashed by a larger fascist gang while the cops watched. They are much less effective than the anarchist-oriented or non-tendency ones. It's much better to establish some clear ground rules, emphasize anonymity and a strict policy of non-collaboration with police.

Posting again for the hell of it. When shit started to get kinda scary in the U.S. was early 2017 when these big mobs of right-wingers started showing up at protests armed, and a whole bunch of them were outright neo-Nazis and white-power gang types, along with a bunch of (what I'd call) radicalized right-wing conservatives who just wanted to pummel communists to death. They were unable to sustain themselves when under pressure over time, though, and in order to get those kinds of numbers in one place and one time they had to spend a lot of time and money traveling. They also have piss-poor infosec.

Anyways, if you think the most effective way of dealing with fascists is to have explicitly communist antifascist groups, then point me to a successful example because I'm not seeing them. I've seen communist antifascist groups that say they do X, Y, Z but haven't seen them actually do anything except make dumb decisions resulting in them getting their asses kicked and talk shit about other groups on the internet.

American antifa basically murdered the militant aut-right.

Not that guy, but the American aut-right more or less murdered itself.

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Your acting like that means anything when were forced to water down our political beliefs and collaborate with barely leftist tendencies.
Anarchists have always been completely ineffectual in actually combating capitalism as a whole or sustaining their said goals, and non-tendency leads to collaboration with liberals and SocDems, the people were against.

The issue is that we don't have any real numbers to feel the status of the political waters. If you look at fascist channels of influence, there seems to be very little action going on, apart from calling minorities mean names. They're all losers, for the most part. But am I confident of this? I don't know because censorship has made it difficult to track their numbers. Maybe there are a few hundred thousand, which would amount to very little, still. Half of them are probably flat-earth tier buffoons. The other half are likely devoid of any talents and real hobbies and probably have nothing better to do. It's a whole big farce. Maybe not…