Reminder: idpoltards prefer the Oppression Olympics™ over the liberation of the working class...

Reminder: idpoltards prefer the Oppression Olympics™ over the liberation of the working class. They are not our comrades. I am fucking angry just reading this plebbit post, my god, make it stop.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Liberals get the bullet first

Where's the discussion about the workers?

I would say up untill the end they do make some decent points. There are many Zig Forumsyp converts here with deeply rooted issues regarding race and sex etc. that they can't just "despook" themselves of. It is a problem, and if you're denying that you're probably part of the problem.

Yes, we call them ChristComs. They are not ☭TANKIE☭s.

Every. Single. Post.

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please leave me and my spooks alone, thanks

Yes, christcoms are absolute trash, but Zig Forumsyps that become "Stalinists" because they heard he banned gay mariage or "enforced traditional values" or other garbage, are worse.

I like how they put muke and bat'ko, as of now these to people are thoroughly drenched in "what I call fake-leftism" where you make everything about being a fucking trap, and an obsession of btfoing the alt-kike with memes that make our movement look less serious.

So basically every socialist revolution ever was crypto Zig Forums.

People don't deserve communism

get used to hearing this for a long-ass time, it seems to be the new strategy of reformists.

Workers don't exist in bourgeois intellectual circles. Work is below them. Only idiots work.

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Hello christcomrade, I just want you to know that I love you unconditionally

If old-school traditional communists are considecommunists by these socdems, perhaps destroying them first would be in our best interests, leaving actual fascists for later?

I've yet to understand how gay rights have anything to do with Marxism.
I do understand women rights have a lot to do with property relation. But queers?

Neoliberals love identity politics and show off their devotion to idpol causes every chance they get, as long as they're marketable. Trans people aren't marketable though, so they don't get as much back patting from progressive media. The leftist idpolers are engaging in moral one-upsmanship by picking up fringe causes nobody else wants to touch, imagining that places them above the mainstream social progressives.

tl;dr They aren't being materialist.

Seems fake as shit

The fact that this person is posting here then anywhere else should tell you something

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The fact that there are bigots here in no way invalidates the criticisms of liberalism or idpol you tribalistic faggot.

Pretty sure I never claimed anything of the sort. Also, tribalistic faggot? Why?

You're all cringelords I hope you die.

be careful not to cut yourself on that edge, son.

what does it even mean?

meant for OP

this smells like a false flag

Social justice is desirable as an outcome, but it can only be approached in the form of framing it in an already-revolutionary context.

Not true btw. Social justice as SJW and liberals intend it is bad

How so?

Did you just fucking not read the second half of that?

When I think of Social Justice I think of healthy and stable families, women who are free and not chained to capitalist property relation, minorieties who are have a chance to build nice communities and countries, respect of the other sex, good infrastructure for people with disabilities, good welfare for people with diasease and the total annihilation of bourgeoisie culture.

Even in a revolutionary context im not looking forward for all this stuff. Social justice has nothing to to with the rabid identity obession of these people.
You can translate most SJW values in a revolutionary context and what comes out is Nazbol for blue haired people.

So in other words, you agree with social justice in a revolutionary sense, but feel like whining about SJW's for no particular reason.

You are describing the practical results of liberal social justice, not its purported ideals. We are just better at envisioning their goals than they are.

Proof that redditors are incapable of understanding communication on the chans.
Although the post is onto the underlying reactionary elements that lurk among leftypol users. One must always stand guard against both left and right wing deviations.

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It's certainly not an ad hominen to point out identity politics is inherently atomizing. Intersectionality tries to solve this with a moral appeal, but ultimately, politics isn't about moral appeals it's about self interest. if are to be a labor movement we need to appeal to workers interests as workers, not as black or trans or women workers.

I'd prefer not to frame it in stalinist terms, we've got to guard against reaction and ultra left circle jerking, but for specific reasons, not because there is a "true" party line we must all abide by.

This. The real problem with intersectionality is that it facilitates class collaboration within one's category/categories, which is of course completely counter productive if you are truly trying to build socialism (or even just a politically conscious working class.)

It's a bit more nuanced than that. Intersectionality and similar identity movements suffer from a map-territory dilemma. They falsely believe that there is no contradiction between ideology and cognitive biases; it sounds briefly tempting, but in practice they just try too hard to understand others' motivations, leading to Orwellian horseshit like NAP Violations.
Occam's razor applies here. People in left wing politics (outside of very unusual movements like nazbol) having prejudices is not a failure of the left, it is a failure of people to recognize their own biases.

I literally want to kill liberals now

Identity is a vector of consumption. Homosexuality and homosexual identity are modern tools of preserving and perpetuating the status quo of capital accumulation. Its analysis has everything to do with Marxism.

SJW's are actually sabotaging social justice.

Homosexual identity can indeed be used to sell some shit, but homosexuality itself? That's pretty dumb


Who are their opponents and what dichtomy did I imply? I have a really hard time figuring out what the fuck you're talking about.
Not what I said. You sound like a drooling retard tbh fam.

gay rights are a general good idea even if they arent marxist

That doesn't have anything to do with the post.

fr tho if yall think that blacks in the us dont have it tougher than whites by virtue of their skin colour, even when taking race into account, yall need to wake up to the reality of our modern capitalist society

False flag detected

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Him naming Zig Forums was the giveaway. People on Zig Forums barely even know about Zig Forums I find it hard to believe that anyone would legitimately complain about such a minuscule, irrelevant board, especially over on reddit.

Homosexuality itself is a product of capitalism. I don't mean the desire for guybutt per se, because that goes back as far as there are people. But "homosexuality" being some sort of "orientation" instead of just something people do is moderno bourgeois prudishness and commodification at work.

They dont and thats the problem. They dont know how to engage blacks, native americans and hispanics at the organizational level and aren't willing to discuss historical issues that plague those communities so they complain about Intersectionality. They think that these groups wouldn't matter in their made up revolution and that minorities who own property or have a stake in system as it is wouldn't fight against them.

Until leftists are willing to confront the historical exploitation of minorities (especially in the US) instead of blaming "porky", leftisism will remain dormant.

Leftists do "confront the historical exploitation of minorities" though. In fact very often that's all they do. The problem is that when you help minorities you can end up helping bourg minorities too, which is something that should be avoided.

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Untill leftists are willing to confront the historical exploitation of majorities (especially on planet earth) instead of blaming "whitey", leftism will remain dormant.

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so basically
how will this do anything?

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Just imagine this shit right here.
Is there a lower low for the left than this post right here?

Idpol doesnt improve the material conditions of minorities or proles. All it does is make liberals feel better about themselves while maintaining the status quo


This is what the liberals are about, feelings, self esteem, and self improvement.

None of these things hurt capital and none of these things actually improve the material conditions of the proles. or of black people, gays, muslims, etc.

identity politics serves fit to divide the lower classes against each other while making the bourgeois liberal feel as if they accomplished something of merit, while nothing ever actually changes and the rich get richer.

Once one breaks out of the idpol capitalist matrix one realizes that even if lower class whites are racist they do not have any actual power over anything

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Oh and to be against idpol also means to be against white supremacy

Thats a fair criticism and you are right

That not what i meant, i am saying that there is alot of deep seated resentment from blacks, indians how they were treated in 1900's. Im saying you have to confront those issues instead of not just calling them idpol.

Are they more than a hundred years old?

So you didn't mean "instead of just blaming porky"?

haha, the cunt who wrote this should get a boot in the ass. what the fuck?

ok, first, i wasn't even at the god damn stonewall riots. what a fucking faggot.

and, even funnier, this fucking shit denies there are any fags and trannies on this board by invoking idpol.

finally, this whole post, he admits he's a 'white cis male.' this is just pure distilled self-hatred on his part. he so badly wants to draw a line between leftypol and his brand of 'intersectionality', even though any black person with an ounce of brain cells will acknowledge he is just as culpable in the racism he so heavily 'despises', regardless of whatever shit he talks against people that look like himself.

this is probably the thing that pisses me off most about white people right now : all the shitlibs that think they're somehow off the hook for any oppression if they simply spew the right kind of idpol / propaganda. they really do see this as a kid of 'original sin' that they've had forgiven, but anyone who doesn't toe the lines of 'intersectionality' 'feminism' and 'social justice' must atone.

it's so heavily liberal it is surprising these people have the nerve calling someone like myself a fascist.

even funnier that they act like white people should just accept any kind of behavior from anyone that is non-white, 'because history.'

yeah, racism sucks, and i acknowledge us history and all that, but these people who act like minorities have some kind of inherent revolutionary potential, or even try to whitewash history make me really sick.

pic related has 'noble savage' and 'white man's burden' written all over it, just by the fact that this fucking faggot is a white male

fuck this asshole ;lkajd;lkfajdf

Yeah i thought that sounded super faggy tbh. Wtf does violence positive mean? Just word salad all around.

Pretty sure it's some sort of bullshit budhism or deviation thereof.

I laughed real hard when I saw that. Idpol found a way to make saying 'I'm okay with a hard line' sound as cringy as 'I'm a non-heteronormative gender non conforming…'

I'm a solid so the jokes on him.

This is great, I have finally found my true sexual orientation.


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This is really the crux of the matter. It brings to mind something Zizek paraphrased about the Holocaust: there was nothing ennobling about it. The people who survived through it were not better people for the experience, and Jews as a community did not "learn any lessons" or whatever. Or maybe they did - they learned some terrible lessons. What we are seeing today in occupied Palestine only serves to bitterly illustrate this point.

Similarly, there is no upside to the marginalization and discrimination that blacks, women, sexual minorities etc. face and have faced. It has not unlocked in them some kind of deeper understanding of the human condition, or gives them the elusive revolutionary potential the whites workers are deemed (by other mostly university educated whites) to lack. It's the same for poverty, it does not ennoble man, but only makes him mean by necessity. Noble savage is exactly the right description to use.

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blacks have issues in the united states, especially concerning things like police brutality. trying to brush these off as not being important is stupid and completely ignores the conditions of our current society.

what the actual fuck

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Sounds like a fed trying to create an equivalent to "sex-positive" for violence.

Or any race supremacy.

False flag detected.
Other posts itt are dead giveaway shitposts too.

you sound like a conservative

marxists are pro lust.

Translation from plebbitspeak?

What a fuckin strawman

You sound like a liberal.

what a fucking nonargument


My leftist lecturer best mate keeps talking about power dynamics and supporting self-expression and oppression of Trans people because they are victims etc.

Everything is subjective morally yet he claims leftist credentials.

He was a staunch lefty all his life but then went to muh Uni, became an academic and is now a bi-sexual.

Yet he never reveals who his influences are.

Please help; He supports reaming in the EU because "Muh racism"

He is a ethnic minority

Leftypol/ choir rendition of this when?

Who needs to consider work in the Uk when mummy daddy will leave a fat inheritence and you can manage a Buy-To-Let property portfolio whilst going off trekking to find yourself and help muh poor people

I don't disagree that focusing on class is the right way to approach things, but this faggot should maybe be less flippant about specifying equality for groups that were historically getting put to death. Just because they want to specify certain groups aren't mistreated doesn't mean they're monopolizing the discussion. This kind of dipshittery is what idpolers can point to when we try to focus on class and capitalism first.