How do I stop heartbreak from turning me into a misanthropic nihilist...

How do I stop heartbreak from turning me into a misanthropic nihilist? I can't help but feel that humanity is pretty shit and will fail itself, most people don't care about anything except their own narrow self-interest, most people are ignorant and proud of it. I used to hate incels but they have a point, most girls are encouraged by capitalism to be vain and to value men for their wealth, popularity, or status rather than their personality. Confessing your feelings for a girl is "creepy", but some jock treating her like a commodity makes her feel validated. The only solution is Communism. But anyone left of Reagan is constantly being spied on by the feds, if anyone in the US tries to do real Communism instead of LARPing they would get immediately massacred by the state. Most likely we're going to die from WW3 or environmental devastation before any revolutionary potential to overthrow capitalism is actually realized. In the face of this, how do you not lose hope, Zig Forums, and fall into a pit of hopelessness and despair?

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i jack off on the shitter

I'm in a similar place, I haven't had sex in a long while and it will be a long while more.
Don't define yourself by the lack of sex that you are having, or try to put moral qualifiers on the girls who don't have sex with you. It's going to make everything a whole lot worse.
As cute as the confessing is (I like it, wish Americans did it), it does not translate here. The only thing you can do is befriend women and get used to treating them like people and not potential dates. If you see them as humans, women generally appreciate it. Try to befriend leftist women because you're more likely to jive.
Remember that you turn down women everyday, but it's likely you aren't aware of it. Remember that ugly chick that you haven't even thought of dating? You turned her down without giving her a chance. She might be in a similar situation as you. It's not that you can't get anyone, it's that you haven't had luck with the people you are interested in.

Oh and the friendzone is a phenomena that only happens to people that never treated the other as a human in the first place, and allows the other to treat them how they would never let a friend. Ask yourself, "Would I let a friend treat me like this?"

Sorry for the horrible formatting.

This is somewhat true, but, unfortunately, it's true in a different way for men. We just care much less that the men we typically talk to have never examined themselves or the world much, or when they have an unwarranted high regard of themselves. It's easy to move on from men like that, but women we like force endless re-examinations from us.

Listen. There are basically 3 times of men

1. The hugh hefner: the capitalist ideal, rich asshole who gets women by being a rich and powerful asshole. see also: Harvey Weinstein

2. The hip art fag: the hugh hefner types hate this guy, this guy figured out how to get pussy without money. Hipsters, beatnicks, hippies, etc.

3. Absolute losers: bring nothing to the table financially or physically. Post online about how women are EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

You being a total loser doesn't have anything to do with politics.

Try psychoanalysis.

It was much easier to have a relationship in the USSR or Hoxhaist Albania than in any modern Western country, unless you have shitloads of money

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This. Read What is Sex by Zupančič

Do you have a PDF? Front page google doesn't gibs and I'm simply at a loss what to do from here.

Nevermind front page google did gibs

Fuck, need to sign in to read help pls capitalism is oppressing me


Also by Zupancic.

Why would you hate your most alienated comrades?

I'm a leftist on disability. Are you saying I'm not allowed to get a woman?

KYS fag you're worse than an incel, at least they have a sense of solidarity.

You don't deserve to have one and are probably dsygenic anyways

Judging from the intelligence of neo-Nazis on this site, you don't even have to add "probably" in your case.

By not being a fucking faggot

Because they're almost universally cunts.

How many do you know personally though?

Why do people say this? Incel angst is the most sympathetic of all.

I think people hate incels because it's acceptable to do so.

this kind of thinking is why you can't get girls you loser

I agree. It's one of the last socially acceptable forms of hate among liberals and the left. When insulting incels, there's no fear of social exclusions because no one cares about them and they have zero social standing.

Hatred of fucktards is completely justifiable and you know damn well that incels aren't just unfortunate victims of circumstances beyond their control

Stop giving a shit about humanity, focus to yourself and your close peers, if you survive WW3 or environmental devastation you will witness the birth of a new world, and if you die you will be free from your nihilism.

Hmm no, that's exactly why I can date women. You might want to reconsider your strategy.

Suffer and learn; develop tolerance.

By not turning into a misanthropic nihilist

Agreed, a true nihilist is a dead nihilist.

A true nihilist is the last person left.

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do become a misanthropic nihilist. misanthropy is sensible and nihilism is factual, and both of them make it all easier to bear. Its comforting and melancholy when you realize there is no paradise for you to be let back into.
Just try not to be bitter or depressed. Zen nihilism, user.


or be autistic and or bipolar and or schizophrenic.
but, those are just the very worst examples. some of them are just moderately autistic and unlucky. in either case, whether they have a really shit hand or just a handicap, their unpleasantness is preceded by their circumstances outside their control. they're fucked from the outset or just a little but dont happen upon a good social situation like you're supposed to, as can happen in our atomized and alienated society, then get lonelier, less able to socialize, more unhappy, more frustrated and bitter, which makes people want to be around them less, and so it goes. or, tha thappens because they're just as lonely as any normal person to begin with, but abnormaly bad at coping with it.
some of them are naturally unlikeable, yeah. but even when they're naturally unpleasant, worse nastier people with better social luck and less autism and better coping skills dont have their problems, at least not nearly as bad. as evidenced by those who take great pleasure in being mad and mean to the socially acceptable target.