Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, David Graeber, and David Harvey support imperialism in Syria


>• impose economic and political sanctions on Turkey’s leadership;
>• embargo sales and delivery of weapons from NATO countries to Turkey;
>• insist upon over a dozen US military bases in Syria’s representation in Syrian peace negotiations;
>• continue military support for the over a dozen US military bases in Syria.

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Also Blairite MPs support Turkey so they can fucking die

America giving weapons to ANYONE is de facto imperialism.

For what purpose?

Chomsky and Graeber surprise me. Harvey and Butler don't, though.

The OP's opposed to the US military bases, not an embargo of Turkey.

Is she related to Murray?

And the US drops guns into Turkey like a motherfucker…

Graeber was always an idealist utopian who was fapping to over a dozen US military bases in Syria from the very start.


Was Iran during the Iran Iraq war an imperialist power then?

I wasn't aware of that, actually. That's too bad. Chomsky was the more surprising of the two, though, since he's typically been opposed to interventions. He did advocate for a strategic Clinton vote earlier, so maybe I shouldn't be as surprised when things like this pop up.

Phil greaves wrote something about Graeber you can check that out

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America and Israel give more weapons to Turkey than they do to the Kurds. Everyone forgets that Ocalan was captured in a CIA-Mossad operation.

Sorry, meant imperialist agent.


Nice try philosemite but the over a dozen US military bases in Syria willingly takes guns from the Zionist entity.

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Not trying to make a meme arguement, actually imterested how you view the situation of the Iran Iraq war since thiss is a similar situation.

Of dear…

Are the stuffy liberal academics finally coming around on NATO being bad?

Is it still imperialism when two proxies of the same imperial power fight each other?

It's probably better to think of them as only partial proxies, especially in the case of Erdogan's Turkey which has its own ambitions which it can pursue somewhat independently of US imperialism, unlike the over a dozen US military bases in Syrian project which is entirely beholden to the US.

Or R.ojavan. I didn't realize we had that word filter.

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What the fuck does it have to do with imperialism? This is precisely about undermining Turkish imperialism in Kurdistan. You just want your daily dose of vulgar anti-imperialist outrage porn, don't you?

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OP is a fag. The letter calls for economic actions against Turkey, that sort of thing.

She co-edited the meme book everyone is supposed to google.

Since the retreat of ISIS the US has largely withdrawn support of Rowjova, unsurprisingly.

Begone newfag!

Hasn't Chomp always been against NATO on the grounds it is an arm US military enforcement?

Erdogan has been brazenly making steps towards his own shot at imperialist control of Syria and possibly further, in a manner so direct and brutal that it's actually getting the other members of NATO to try to get him to back down. Slapping the shit of a direct imperialist isn't imperialism you mong.

I've been absent for a while from here. Last time I was on Zig Forums, Zig Forums was only recently created.

Philosemitism is the major evil of today. Just ask any Arab,.

And nothing of value was lost.

You are literally referring to people as jew-lovers. We can attack American imperialism & its relation to Zionism without this crude rhetoric. Which anyone with a functioning brain stem will recognize, at the least, as being potentially antisemitic.

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Exposing philosemitism is the way to counter accusations of "antisemitism", yes.

What are you referring to with "philosemitism"? It seems to me you're talking about imperialism but conflating it with jewishness, which is antisemitic.

Critics of Zionism = "antisemites"

Lovers of Zionism = philosemites

This isn't anything new.


Yeah these are losing terms. You're going to make it very easy for zionists to claim that opposition to Israel is rooted in hatred for Jews rather than an opposition to imperialism in general.
Philo-semitism is not at all specific to Zionism. It's an older term that refers to Jewish people generally. Why not just say Zionist and anti-zionist?


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Love of Jews is the reason why support for Zionism exists.

I love Jews. Jews are BASED. Why don't you love jews you anti-semite?

They are overwhelmingly reactionary, tribalist, anti-universalist and cry wolf.

Pure idealism. Israel is another result of the general process of western imperialism. It does not require some special affection for the jews to exist, nor does one have to oppose jews in order to oppose Israel. Conflating jewishness with zionism will only draw the battle lines in the wrong way.

Holy shit, what a fucking embarrassment this board has become. Zig Forums is literally 50% "ex"-Zig Forumstards now.

But that's not what philosemitism means you gigantic faggot. I would accuse you of being a Zionist shill trying to conflate criticism of Israeli imperialism with antisemitism, but this board has so gone to shit that I wouldn't be surprised if you actually believed the worthless garbage you keep on spewing. Strongly consider offing yourself.

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At least they are easy to spot, like this guy . Absolute cretins, the lot of them. Easiest tell is equating liberals with "the left".

Graeber and Chomsky are fags, but this means literally nothing.
We must critically support the Kurds in their fight against Turkish imperialism

You are the philosemite, since you defend Mossad's capture of Ocalan and Israel's ally Turkey. PKK is an enemy of Israel, by attacking it you de facto support Israel.

damn… from the very beginning of the conflict i predicted turkey annexing parts of syria but at a certain point i gave it up because it was looking unlikely and i wasn't sure how they could pull it off. now it looks plausible after all even though i'm not sure they could actually pull off a diplomatic coup to get such a thing accepted by the international community

you've been pushing this meme HARD for a month now. I really have the feeling your some kind of intelligence agent or paid shill coming onto this board to cause a schism through forcing this meme into people's conscience

Wait wait, are we supporting Turkish neo-Ottomanism and their jihadists now??

I think it's a lot more likely that he's just a retard, like many people on this board nowadays.

They are only calling for a T*rkey embargo. Turkey not only is a lackey of w*stern imperialists but also a reactionary regional power. I'd say Iran and Russia are preferable.

turkey is coming close to russia nowadays you know that?

t. state department


Obviously it's western imperialism to allow them to send you guns

but once western troops start marching in to murder the locals and take their land and resources that's A-OKAY and "fuCK AnArKIdDIes!"

most of the ☭TANKIE☭s on this board are literally nothing more than butthurt crude anti-capitalistist contrarians when it comes to the middle east

i mean i thought erdogan and putin are warming in relations no? or is it a ploy by erdogan to wrest more western concessions so he can't go through with his threat to pivot to russia?


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Erdogan is dependent on NATO arms and NATO logistics, he can warm to Russia all he likes: at the end of the day his tanks are german and his planes are french.

You're right, but expect to be banned if you stick your neck out a bit too much regarding (vulgar) anti-imperialism.

at the same time NATO quite obviously needs him because Turkey's geostrategic position on the bosporous. He's needed to keep immigrants from flooding europe too like gaddafi previously. This is the reason Turkey was even accepted into NATO in the first place. They even invaded Cyprus and NATO couldn't do shit

Boycott Chomsky and mail him that he's a traitor to the left

[email protected]

MIT Linguistics and Philosophy
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 32-D808
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

pic unrelated

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why not integrate kurdistan into syria, seems like a good option

Here I was, thinking that ISIS was a dead meme. Boy oh boy, I'm pretty disappointed that Chomsky supports this nonsense.

Get out. We don't need your nonsense here.

Post-1945 American imperialism, if you're going to be that petty.

it all makes sense now

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Yer, this.

Fugg forgot to sage the cancer thread

Are you fucking daft?

You are aware that there has been something like 5 stalin-stache in a year and half and all of them were despised?

Will this stop the debt meme?

Because it is a meme.

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Literally all right-deviationists. Chomsky and Bookchin have defended Amerikan imperialism in the past. Butler's "feminism" is just neoliberalism. Harvey supports economism. Graeber is a crypto-Kantian and crypto-PoMo. Fuck all of them.

Lenin should have refused taking arms from kerensky during the kornilov affair too I bet?

I don’t like Turkey either but the people who signed this letter are doing the work of Western imperialism by agitating against them. Lenin even once said that carrying out pro-war propaganda is a “crime”

You're either for Assad or you're for Amerika/Zionism.

seeing a lot of echoes in those names. of course the would support imperialism.

I tend to like Turkey and Syria but I fucking hate kurds/turds


Hold on now. The Turks have no right to be in Syria either. It's not like the SAA has invited them in. And lest we forget, it is only because of ratlines from Turkey that IS and the various Al-Qaeda offshoots in Idlib got as big as they did. What the Turks are and have been doing is wrong by any definition. Condemning what the Turks are doing in Syria seems a very anodyne thing to do, and hardly something to go all cuckoo about.

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is this board 100% compromised by turkish imperialists or are you retarded?

Honestly I've been under the impression that it was always the same guy

You fucked up then mate

Why is Cenk Uygur posting here?
Social democracy isn't socailism, Cenk.

what the actual fuck happened to this fucking board holy shit. i get, you tankfuck, you don't like the kurds, but Jesus fucking Christ this is some advanced faggotry that these braindead fucking stacheposters are showing right now. Fucking gulag yourselves.

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forgot shitposting flag

I'm a tank, I like Marx, Lenin and Mao, but this place has been the fucking worst ever since it became a ☭TANKIE☭ board. Even though they were annoying, the quality of discussion was much higher when this board was dominated by leftcoms and anarchists.

Tankie means that you unquestioningly accept and support anything these guys ever said or did as if it was a religion. Most people on here like at least Marx and Lenin

This isn't true at all, and there are many """"""""""tankie""""""" poste around here that are obvious falseflags by butthurt individuals.

I like the current ancom posters we have, finally we have actual ancoms instead of anticom redditurd posers.

The imperialism is on behalf of Israel and jewish power in the region. It's not on behalf of capital.

Imperialism is not "done in behalf" of capitalism, it is itself capitalism in action. The Zionists are another capitalist faction with significant pull in the American government.

Israel controls American foreign policy entirely. What interests did the Americans have in the Middle East before Zionism? None.

Uh… oil? Getting it out of the ground and shipping it out. Pretty important.

Do you have any more buzzwords in stock? Because clearly this posts doesn't have enough of them.

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They don’t have any right as you pointed out but opposing Turkey is very different from wanting sanctions and military intervention (I.e. “aid”) against them. It is very likely that those Western countries will use the invasion of Turkey as an excuse to invade Turkey themselves and this letter seems to give them that license.

Why do they want arms just for the Kurds? Why not for Assad too since his people have fought the Islamist invasion of their country in a extraordinary tenacious manner as well?

*invade Turkey or Syria