I see here a great deal of russophiles or to be more precise Putin fanboys. What the fuck...

I see here a great deal of russophiles or to be more precise Putin fanboys. What the fuck? As a Russian I have to say that the Russian Federation IS an imperialist power, not from the major league though.The Russian kleptocracy invades Ukraine and annexes Crimea and how the hell it's not imperialism? Putin's oligarchy sends mercenaries to Syria to fight for oil and other resources and how the hell it's not imperialism? And it's only their recent crimes, there are more if you still remember. Are you fucking revisionist?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think anyone denies putin's shadiness, but rather acknowledges it as a lesser evil than america

While Russia IS imperialist and there are wankers on Zig Forums who think Putin is the second coming of Stalin, your case for it being so is weak. Imperialism isn't strictly when a country invades another, it's an economic phenomenon. It's more prudent to point out Russia's economic exploitation of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus when arguing for its status as an imperialist power.

А ещё мне не кажется что ты русский🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

The BO here has a very black and white/utilitarian view of geopolitics and enforces that view through moderation.
Sort of like pic-related, except replacing Germany with the United States.

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Коли він вже розкулачить Дерипаску і інших олігархів і введе планову економіку тоді й буде.

Не русский, а россосиянин, да. И хоть империализм означает не только прямое военное вторжение, я попросту привёл наиболее показательные примеры. Увидев с десяток постов с поддержкой Царя, я чуток приохуел, показалось, будто попал на форчановский /pol, а не левую доску.

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Извини, попутал. Просто тут это больная тема, админ банит за критику Путина, Ассада и вообще кого угодно кто не любит пиндосов. Ну и залётышей с Zig Forums тоже немало, да.

Fucking moon runes.

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There's no lesser evil between exploiters, we must equally condemn all of them. Do you think Russian capitalists somehow better than American ones? The fact that Russia is far more weaker as an imperialist power than the USA shouldn't make you sympathize Putin.

>>>Zig Forums

Russian and Chinese influences in the MENA, Africa and Asia should be supported, not as the capitalists they are, but as a lesser imperial powers that might rival America.
There won't be communism anywhere when a single global power who can divert all their attention to their anti-communist struggle worldwide exists.

This is the point where you start screeching and calling me a putinbot btw.

Nah, I just dislike em less than the yanks.
That being said, I like russian culture (Tchaikovsky and the like) but I recognize both the US and russia are capitalist powers.

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Russian imperialism is the lesser evil.

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Blindly supporting whoever opposes America while being ignorant of geopolitics outside of whatever is the hot topic on American TV currently is an amerimutt meme by itself, neoconism turned on its head.





read mao
read lenin
read marx
read engels

Lenin was an Anglo shill. If the Bolsheviks wanted to be real anti-imperialists they would side with the Black Hundreds.

COINTERPOL: The thread.

Try harder next time anarchild.



Terrible false flag, you make your intended mock look better

I don't think satire - even bad satire - counts a false flag mein duden.

Ебать вы долбоебы, конечно.


This doesn't define "imperialism" for Marxists and most others on the left who have read anything about imperialism. "Imperialism" isn't just when one country invades another. I'm not sure how many times this needs to be said.

Fucking retard.

I fucking hate you russian anrchowhatevers because you openly fight against legitimate worker's(the miner's strikes in donbass against ukrainian neoliberal oligarchs) and antiimperialist(syria) struggles around the world.

Like it or not, even under capitalism Russia isnt an imperialist entity since it does not economically exploit any country and it doesnt depose any government and stage astroturfing neoliberal color revolutions.

The only good Russian leftists are eurasianists and nazbols since they openly reject all western propaganda bullshit.

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This isn't even Reddit spacing, this is brainlet-having-a-spergout spacing.

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> ah ah criticizing capitalist and imperialist superpower is because they're not AMERIKKKA and ISSRAHEIL

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I am in doubt as of the identity of this gentleman contributor.

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I'm a actually reactionary panslavist as well as economically bolshevik so I wont support liberal western crap.

It's one thing to criticize the Russian government, it's quite another to take the side of NATO backed neo nazis.

And yes, the liberal 'all sides are bad' position effectively means taking the side of US imperialism and its proxies.

Socialists say No to ALL imperialism regardless of origin. Solidarity or death.

Russian firms regularly exploit anything they're given control over, at the very least Kalashnikov Concern makes money from every bullet put into the skull of an innocent civilian. Russia also doesn't do neoliberal astroturfing because they just go for old-school invasion and conquering instead. Otherwise known as imperialism.

are you actually retarded

the ukraine was not "annexed"
there was a vote in the crimea after the EU and USA staged a coup in kiev disposing of the legal government that had the majority of votes coming from the largely ethnic russian population in the south east of the ukraine.
they had every right to secession and joining to the russian federation since the current kiev government is not theirs and had not even constitutional bourgeois democratic legitimacy.
Syria asked for russias assistance. if you were educated on how basic principles on Leninism and antiimperialism and what national souvereignity and international law is, then you wouldn't even try to push this idiotic false equivalence with the USA sending in terrorist factions to change the government.
russia having other interests and incentives to deliver that help doesn't make their actions that of imperialist aggression.
only the most fringe ☭TANKIE☭s would deny that russia is imperialist and it's a complete non issue.
you however are pushing liberal propaganda to counter what is essentially a straw man of antiimperialists.
in short, go fuck yourself.

that's not what he said, again with strawmanning rather than actually adressing arguments presented
what else to be expected from liberals
go back to retard chamber >>>Zig Forums

There's no strawmanning here. Let me make my argument a bit clearer:

turns into:

you're defending capitalism and capitalist states, which is what the Russian Federation is. The Soviet Union has been dead for 27 years now.

Im defending the RF's foreign policy, not its oligarchy.

Give me one actual example of Russia practicing Imperialism since the USSR started.


From 1991-present: Chechnya, Tajikistan, Dagestan, Georgia and Ukraine (a country which specifically disarmed itself of nuclear weaponry to appease Russia)

Russia could have chosen to stand down in all these cases but did not because they wanted control over these regions for it's economic opportunity, Otherwise known as imperialism.


You literally believe that Russian regulars have invaded Ukraine? The War would be over so fast it would make your head spin, the Russians would be having vodka in Kiev the day after if that ever happened.

Solidarity with the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev! Down with the subhumans puppets of Putin!

wtf i love Jeljcin now


Forgot to add that.

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Yeah man russia should just let NATO fragment its territory and enclose them with satellites bro. Any form of defense is imperialism dude.

We know what you're doing shill, kill yourself.

No and you're ignorant of history. The United States is contractually obligated through Ukraine's disarmament deal to invade Ukraine on Ukraine's behalf if Russia invades. This was done to ensure they handed over their nuclear weaponry, and the newly created Russian Federation agreed to the deal in order to prevent Ukraine from having nuclear weapons. If this deal is broken, say by the revelation of Russian soldiers in Ukraine, then the US would be forced to commit ground troops to the Ukrainian side and more or less declare a vendetta on Russia. This is not a situation anyone wants, especially not within the Kremlin. So all claims of Russian soldiers in Ukraine are denied or masqueraded as separatists, even though bodies of dead Russian conscripts keep coming back from Ukraine.

It is also why Russia does not commit air forces to the battle, because if they do America would immediately match it with their own. This creates a situation where American and Russian fighters would be fighting against each other, again a tense diplomatic situation nobody wants and nobody in the Kremlin benefits from. So it is fully avoided leading to the current, messy stalemate until America decides to commit their own air forces.

If the neo-nazi regime was such a concern to the Kremlin they could demand repatriation of all Russians to their Russian homeland (in accordance with international humanitarian law, for whatever that is worth), similar to what happened in the Yugoslav war but without the ethnic cleasning. America would supervise an orderly evacuation by the Russian military, who would fly Russians back home where they don't have to pay taxes to a regime that supposedly hates them. This would decisively end the conflict peacefully without risking a direct conflict between nuclear armed powers.

Even if the goal is to weaken Ukraine, the regime there was dealt a death blow at it's birth when they agreed to hand over all their nuclear weaponry. Keeping Russians there only invites attempts to secede parts of Ukraine into Russia, a fight that only ends with the contractually obligated American intervention. No matter what Russia's current strategy in Ukraine is shit poor because it's only risking a larger conflict.

Ukraine was not part of RSFSR in the Soviet Union therefore there is no territory to reclaim. Nothing is being "fragmented" here. Russia and Ukraine are separate countries, and have been since the USSR was created. Russia's attempt to redraw borders using a Tsarist blueprint is, like the Tsar was, imperialism.

The only time Russia might have been able to claim Ukraine as a legitimate threat was when Ukraine had nuclear weapons. But Ukraine gave those up in exchange for Russia promising not to invade them. Russia instead chose to invade them.

Didn't Ukraine have the most amorphous borders until very recently? Like the reason there's a majority russian speaking demographic in the east is because it was part of the USSR. I mean that doesn't just happen randomly.

It didn't happen randomly. The Tsar put Russian speakers in Russian colonies in Ukraine, as part of his imperialist desire to annex Ukraine. This stopped when the USSR was created and Ukraine was formally created. Modern Russia is attempting to undo this because they are imperialist.

You are conveniently overlooking that there was free movement of peoples between Soviet republics in the USSR. Russians could choose to live in Ukraine if they wanted to I want UIDF to go

Russia will be encircled by NATO if they don't do any imperialisms.
Also none of these treaties and agreements are worth the paper they're written on. The lead up to WW2 had lots of these flimsy agreements, the lead up to WW3 will be no different.

The UKRSSR was also a government independent of the RSFSR which the USSR enforced. Russia was not allowed to annex Ukraine and vice versa. Russians who chose to live in Ukraine were choosing to live as a minority in a new culture, assuming they didn't want to assimilate. Ukraine's national identity itself was created and protected by the USSR, because the USSR wasn't capitalist and had no need to impose imperialist and subjective notions of culture onto it's citizens. Which is why Russia's declaration of independence from the Soviet Union happened six months before Ukraine's.

Why is being encircled by NATO a problem when Russia encircles NATO? Russia even has the arctic circle which gives them direct access to the United States. Russia also has Iran, Pakistan and China to be friends with. Europe is just another continent.

Fuck off liberashka. The ukrainian government has deputies and oligarchs that want to wipe out the Russian(And soviet andany other leftist) identity in Ukraine as well as to put NATO bases on Ukrainian soil. It was western imperialism that installed the faschist and neoliberal government there, not Russia.


like what?

LOL its as if I'm reading an SOHR or RFE-RL
propaganda piece. Unlike western europe, Russia doesnt sell weapons to islamists, right wing dictatorships and death squads. In fact, you could say Kalashnikov gets money from saving innocent civilians through their bullets killing the FSA in Syria :D

Retaking a wahhabist terrorist state subesrvient to western and saudi interests.

Invited there

How can the RF invade itself?

A proxy war created by western imperialism. Also georgia itself provoked Russia by murdering its peacekeepers, even the the Eu recognized that.

I severely doubt youre an actual Russian leftist since all your "points" are regurgitated drivel from the Russian neoliberal 5th column and dozhd TV.

The citizens of crimea themselves(both Russians and Ukrainians) seceded on their own volition. Russia simply protected their secession. if Russia hadnt intervened it would've been a 2nd donbass with nazi death squads terrorizing the local populace.

Dont forget khrushchov illegally even according to the soviet constitution gave crimea to the UkSSR.

And so does Russia, who wipes out the leftists when they're busy supporting Russian Not Socialists (otherwise known as nazis) through the Donetsk Republic. This is why every leftist group there has failed (including the hilarious civil war between different marxist groups) while the nazis survive. Russia picked a winner and that winner was neither socialist nor leftist. At least until America gets involved, a situation the entire region is careening to if Russia doesn't get out very soon.

No, it was the USSR who created Ukraine by forcibly taking it away from Russia. Now Russia is taking it back, a process known as Imperialism.

Just like how the citizens of South Korea and South Vietnam seceded on their own volition without any American support? Stop being stupid.

If nazi death squads were real Russia could have (as they are formally allowed to do) moved to evacuate all Russian speakers back to their homeland (Russia) as is their right under the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Russia in coordination with the United States could have airlifted all Russians out back to their ancestral homeland.

why are you defending the capitalist regime that killed the USSR, seriously

Yes, but now that the Russians are already there living in Ukraine should the racist government of Ukraine be allowed to discriminate against them freely? That is not something I can support as a socialist, sorry. Your can justify it with all the post-colonial rhetoric you want but it’s still common workers and peasants rising up against a fascist racist regime supported by the most powerful imperialists in the world.

Not teaching Russian in schools is not discrimination. Regardless if trumped up fears about nazi death squads were a concern at every point Russia could just evacuate them back home to Russia where they don't have to pay taxes to Ukraine's government. Russia has far more than enough resources for it and the military capability, and the right to do it under UN humanitarian law. They didn't because that was never their goal, exploitation was.

And only to be completely controlled and manipulated by a different set of imperialists, one different color for another. It is absolutely pathetic and nobody should be defending it especially after the marxist civil war Russia encouraged in the DNR. That sort of behavior is not only unacceptable ethically but is explicitly anti-socialist. Which is what Russia and Russian puppets are, against socialism.

Youre comparing apples and oranges. South korea and south Vietnam were artificial regimes created t serve US interests while the opposition to the Ukrainian oligarchy in crimea and the donbass was a popular uprising by the proletariat and other anti-neoliberals.

So you want Russia to cuck itself by folding to the US imperialist pet project that is post maidan ukraine? That would've basically completed the Ukrop task of ethnically cleansing the Crimea from Russians.

Name me a single airstrike Russia did in crimea

is that why Russia roped the socialists off into a city and had then fight to the death? The remaining ones were then sent to jail for murder.

Russia cucked itself the moment it declared independence and destroyed the USSR, there is nothing to save in the current regime which is directly working against socialism both inside and outside of Russia. So yes cuck it fully, maybe after workers get fucked over by the west they'll actually rise up, a thing which will never happen under the Kremlin's rule due to nationalism. I'm not going to defend capitalists and I'm not going to suggest that capitalists, including Russia's entire government (which has done more to destroy socialism than any other government in history), shouldn't be killed.

Youre a morally disgusting piece of shit for denying this, especially after the odessa massacre that happened in plain sight and of which Many ukrainian deputies(Farion for example) are proud of.

All Russian media is banned. The victory day parade is banned


Surrendering to imperialists and faschists does not cause worker's uprisings. An empire keeps going strong until it encounters a strong enough external opposition. Look at how the Roman empire survived for so long. The same will happen to the western empire if Russia doesnt resist it. Also faschist regimes, no matter how corrupt or oppressive last very long. Look at franco's spain. Even when they're deposed, since they destroyed all socialist organizations, capitalost liberals take their place. The same will happen to ukraine if there's no bolshevik opposition like the one in donbass.

The "infighting" led to death squads and the entire socialist cause there being destroyed. The DNR's current economy is largely capitalist as well, with coops having corporate sponsorships and investors dividends. This is literal wageslavery you are defending.

Good, I'd want capitalist media banned too.

I'm talking about Crimea.

It would be peak anti-imperialism to destroy the entire ukrainian oligarchy to military action and allow the citizens of the Ukraine(including galicians) to elect candidates not affiliated with either the west or Russia.

The DNR's current economy is largely capitalist as well, with coops having corporate sponsorships and investors dividends. This is literal wageslavery you are defending.

Any evidence?


So then why should Ukraine surrender to Russian imperialism? Capitalism will fail everywhere and will do so due to it's inherent contradictions, attempting to carve out one space or another for a specific capitalist regime is utterly pointless. And in Russia's case their adventure in Ukraine has exposed the limits of their empire: they will not commit air power because it would cause the US to get involved. Which is why the conflict is largely a stalemate and why Russian soldiers keep coming back to Russia in body bags.

You'just keep on parroting the most flagrant and baseless western propaganda. I'm out. Also Ill donate to the Prizrak Brigade.

Open tacc, even today there is an article about how Roseneft is helping create jobs in Donbass by sponsoring an oil refinery which fuels their military vehicles, which are all provided by Gaz which is private now.

fuck up asswipe, I AM RUSSIAN and I had to deal with this shit during my conscription time. The bodies are coming from somewhere and that "somewhere" are trucks coming from some place close to Russia's borders. It does not take an idiot to figure out what's going on and why it is being kept secret.