Oh my god

I figured it out, it make sense now.

Xi Jin Ping mentioned how China wants to be a global leader, as in leader of the globalised world.

Yet China has been patient with western reactionaries and their isolationist/"me-first" stances, why is this?

Simple: To turn globalisation on the capitalist nations.

For example, people in the UK and USA are drunk on nationalism: they think their country is not bound to third world labour anymore, and that if they shut out the world and only trade between each other, they'll win and the rest of the world becomes a "shithole"

What they don't know is: the minute the USA and the UK turn isolationist: bam, the end of pax america and western led capitalism.

EU? unworkable without american protection. Latin America? Was always beholden to american influence.

China, by leading the USA into isolation, will by default, control the entire capitalist world, and will be free to do what it wishes.

And what does China's State Idealogy state about globalization?


"there is considerable optimism within the CPC that despite the current capitalist dominance of globalization, globalization can be turned into a vehicle supporting socialism."

BOOM, burgers btfo

tldr: Kick america and the UK out of global economics, and implement socialism through the capitalist ruins

Attached: hmm.jpg (360x360, 16.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


China sees Globalisation as a way to develop their Productive forces and not get crushed by Imperialism. As they saw that Isolationism only leads to Socialist Countries being sanctioned and the economy of them getting worse and worse so they, in the end, bleed out.
The fall of the Soviet union was a big blow to the socialist movement because many Socialist Countries were dependent on them.

They're bound to fund socialist in coming civil wars. If China supports socialist insurrections out of self preservation and to increase its influence around the world. I don't really care whether or not their economy is capitalist.

xi jinping thought is the real 5d chess

I think I am going to have to disagree with you starting from here

You assume that they will do what they promise, which they have not done.
They will just take over america's position in the world if what you say happens.

I see you have never been to China, user. The CCP will be lucky to keep their power intact after the next global credit event.

Bold statement. Care to elaborate on why it is "impossible"?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-04-28 15-32-31.png (1366x768, 116.63K)

What exactly do you think you're proving with that image?
There will be no socialist revolution. The next stage of human organization is not going to be centralized command and control economies or any other top-down form of governance. Socialism as you think of it is impossible under such conditions.

Figures contradicting your belief in the CCP's frail grasp on political power in China
Your bold claim still lacks any substance. How can you so accurately predict the future course of history?

The poll contradicts nothing and is a totally useless datapoint. You really think your average Chinese is going to respond truthfully? LOL
Even if the responses were accurate, their grasp on power is tenuous in a different way. Their credit market is a house of cards and keeping it up is strangling the productive economy,
You're right. Secret knowledge. ;)

Of course, it's a long con.

afaik communism as an idea isn't even that popular in China, so why lie specifically about something as specific and plausible as this?

If this poll or the overall report are to be considered useless, then what should we consider unfounded statements by some random person on the internet?

More like 7D Go

See, the difference between our revolution and yours is pic related. Don't worry, things will get better for everybody. =)

Attached: satoshisorry.png (2758x454, 215.41K)

Not true. The only crucial armed division of USA for NATO allies is it's naval power, which is currently the best in the world. With enough investment EU wouldn't need USA's military muscle. But since living in so many parts of the US offers you either living in relative poverty or joining army US have much bigger amount of army recruits, EU would be probably forced into reintroducing conscription would be doing just fine.

If you genuinly think this you are pretty delusional tbh. I've spend half a year living there and its still alive and well. The ruling party needs to use it to legitimize its rule to the impoverished.

Full conscription of all able bodied citizens for 3 or 4 years after highschool is a good idea tbh. It teaches them the skills they didnt get taught by their parents, it provides those in broken home structure, it forced you to mature, it trains dicipline and work with people from all walks of life, it teaches you to overcome hardship and how to use weapons which is important if we want to shoot the generals, and this army would not need to only sit on their ass all day, they could very easily perform social services. And another benefit is that the military would not be filled exclusively by people who idolize the status quo and/or killing people. Any socialist state should have this as well tbh.

the EU has to surrvive the reactionary wave first too tbqh

To be fair a US-like militarized EU might just be the outcome of the current wave of pan-european-ish fascism. Most of these reactionairies aren't the old nationalist ones anymore, they have more of an white nationalist tinge to it.

they don't want a unified europe, and it will likely descend into a factional thing once reactionary germans refuse to pay for greeks/spainards anymore, resulting in the breakup of the economic side of the EU

You consider trustless peer-to-peer currency to be your "revolution" and also assume that we communists are unaware of or ignorant enough to not stay updated on the various technological advances emerging out of the historical process?
One of the many differences between your "revolution" and ours is that we are not satisfied with just circumventing the convential banking system for payment processing by substituing them with massive hardware mining farms.

Also tell me oh wise one, master of secret knowledge, from where does the majority of the hardware produced that is necessary to maintain your network stem from?

I'll provide you with a picture as a hint.

Attached: bit.jpeg (400x400, 13.24K)

Fair enough but most of the militant reactionaries are in the south though.

tbqh china is already going to roll out their own govt ensured crypto soon

Yep, you have no clue. It's okay, bitcoin can be hard to understand because their is tons of mis-information out there.

It's cute but not unexpected that a regular here thinks that such a thing will do anything other than make the on-ramps to actual crypto smoother.

Attached: happydedede.jpeg (224x215, 15.82K)

Crypto-autism coins are never going to work. They are too slow and use too much power, as well as not providing any usefull functionality beyond larping capabilities and buying child porn.

Literal 4D Poker.

Attached: Xi_ActivateIt.png (680x460, 237.21K)

I've most likely read more whitepapers than you and you're probably one of the top buyers that i dump my bags on.

muh satoshi's true vision!

Then we need to support Xi in his struggle to make China the new hegemon. That way we get something to work with rather than the classcucked US with literally 0 revolutionary potential.

government sponsored crypto is going to be much more relevant, and it will be likely less volatile to bitcoin retards holding and selling, which is the entire reason bitcoin is a meme anyway

N-no… it's "impossible" you fucking statist!
Behead those who dare slander bitcoin

Considering how the Chinese make all our shit, if anything they have literally tricked the west into handing them the means of production.

Americans and America does know this. The former don't give a shit while the latter are panicking and trying to prevent it. Why do you think Trump's own party is fighting him on trade reform? Because they don't want the global system painstakingly created over the twentieth century to collapse. But it is too late, simply because there are too many areas in America hurt by global trade to keep the free traders in the majority. Hilary learned this the hard way even though she won the popular vote. America's military industrial complex isn't happy with this move but they're already recalibrating themselves for a Pacific standoff instead of being a global police force.

That said when this happens, China will collapse too because at least a quarter of their GDP is in US-bound exports. There will be no survivors.

They won't. Their economy will collapse as well, leaving only India, EU and England as the remaining globalist capitalist nations. But the EU won't last another ten years, meaning it all falls down to England and India.

We need autarky gang.

China doesn't. Most of China's exports are injection molded plastics and very cheap stuff that is easy to build anywhere. This can be observed in the NAFTA renegotiation, as Mexico wants all Chinese car parts, components and materials banned from the entire North American market as they want that industry. China does make some electronics but if you actually check most semiconductor components come from America, Japan or Korea not China.

Most of the stuff actually exported are capitalism's flotsam: disposable plastic tableware, plastic lawn chairs, shitty lamps and shitty vacuum cleaners. All of which is designed to fail after a given time per planned obsolescence. Which is why America won't have any problems getting away from Chinese imports, because everything they produce is designed to fail and be replaced with newer things anyway. It's also designed to be so simple production can be outsourced anywhere (this is the capitalist's hedge against governments actually forcing them to pay living wages), so moving production won't be difficult either.

America itself largely produces everything it actually needs, and can maintain the current levels of cheap plastic crap through Mexico and Canada. Which was the original point of NAFTA for Mexico and Canada anyway.

Most Intel chips are Made in USA or Made in Japan, so are AMD. Qualcomm uses Samsung which is Made In Korea. Chinese fabs are made for the Chinese market only and use dated designs/tooling because everyone is keenly aware that the Chinese government will steal their designs.

Most westerners would buy chinese shit if they could get it though. The price difference is pretty amazing. China is going to rape the west.

China will definitely experience a recession but they won't be taken out of the running. They have a billions people to consume their goods and lots of factories. They aren't going to go back to being totally third world.

China isn't going to rape anything. If anything protectionism means higher wages for domestic workers, improving everyones' prosperity as people stop buying useless shit that breaks after a year. Regardless of that enough of America is already so poor that they cannot meaningfully participate in the cosmopolitan global economy, so it's not like things can get worse for them.

No but they'll be stuck with a perpetually stagnant economy and bankrupt private setor who will have to devote increasingly large amounts of money for debt servicing payments to the government, who will then have to spend the money on debt relief so more debt relief can happen. Capitalism will fail there like it fails everywhere else.

This is so stupifyingly wrong. China's consumer market is no where near prime time. They have entire cities that are empty because no one in their stupidly exploited proletarian class can scrap enough money to make a down payment.
They buy a bunch of cars that's about the extent of their consumer market.
Xi isn't clever, US pokies know he's trying to make a Chinese consumer market that would make China independent of the US market, they're cutting the legs up from him now.

Oh yes, about Intel…


This isn't anything special about China, it's just a corporate company doing shitty corporate things. Except now that this is being framed as a national security issue, Intel is going to have the government's rod up their ass in the future. This assumes the hacks weren't put there by the NSA in the first place.

Amazon is on the cusp of becoming America's largest company and it's practically a top-down command-and-control economy unto itself. They set their own prices and will deliberately sell popular goods at a loss to drive out competitors using supercomputer algorithms that Allende's Project Cybersyn engineers could only dream about. The company even has a patent for predictive shipping that ships products before (!) anyone has even bought them.

It's privately owned, sure, but it's building the technology that will make socialism possible, just as Marx predicted. This notion of a "free market" based on competition is a quaint, bygone notion that doesn't accord with the realities of the emerging 21st-century command economies and modern allocation-and-distribution control.

Attached: xi_jinping.jpg (348x145 110.59 KB, 9.93K)

Huh, maybe this Marx fellow was on to something when he noted that the germ of socialism is contained in capitalism…

If Americans' wages went up their economy would fucking collapse.

protectionism only works if America can actually pick up the slack of production that quickly from China, and they clearly can't: Washington and other bureaucracies ensure that it will take a painfully slow time for America to re-industrialise to fully sustain her own internal needs, and in the meantime prices for common goods would likely skyrocket, leading to widespread riots and criseses.

Additionally with how America has been shitting down Mexico's throat, they may not be able to count on them for cheap labour.

wrong on four points:

1. all the shit made in China is Walmart shit that Americans can live without, it's not anything actually important to the functioning of the state eg food, fuel, construction materials, weaponry, or transportation

2. the means of production are already there, they just can't be used to make consumer products. This is most noticeable with plastics, America has the most advanced plastics industry evidenced by the huge autoclaves being built but it's only for protected industries like aircraft manufacturing not auto or lawn chair manufacturing which are not protected

3. unions have been totally destroyed so finding a new wagelsave force is easy

4. the plan is to shift production to Mexico anyway, who has a large surplus population that will tolerate unacceptable working conditions just to eat. Mexico is absolutely fine with this and America hasn't been "shitting down their throat", since Mexico is looking at least 20-50% GDP growth should China be told to fuck off. Even if Mexico somehow elects a non-puppet President they can just be couped by their military like it was last time, assuming elections aren't just rigged.

This reads like American chauvinism with blackpilled paint. Mexico is only a fraction of the population of China, and has none of its advantages re: infrastructure, education, and integrated industries. There's a reason the US had been going so hog-wild on the TPP before the orange rng came in: you have to throw together a surprising multitude of lesser states if you want to make up for just one China. There is no version of a full trade war that does not involve a collapse of living standards in the US in the short and medium term.

Amazon is no different than Sears. The technology to facilitate socialism, the US Post Office, is well over two centuries old.

Sears and Walmart both do this to and have done it for decades now.

This isn't special either. Why do you think stores are all full of seasonal crap on the first day of the new season? Because it was shipped a month before. Same for things like sports trinkets, they know when there are big games so they ship product in advance. The concept of having a big warehouse full of crap is pretty dated anyway, modern last-minute production methods (used to cut costs) largely replaced it even though it meant slightly longer shipping for end customers. Amazon is merely running an effective capitalist operation, a thing capitalists can't seem to find the desire to do anymore.

This doesn't make Amazon special, or at least more special than Walmart or Sears in a broad historical sense. They're just a new face on an old business, a business that relies upon the US Post Office to subsidize their operations.

As if any of that matters to a capitalist, who'll just build it all themselves as they did in China a century ago and Mexico a century and a half ago. Regardless Mexican industries are far more integrated with America's, per NAFTA Mexico was forced to privatize most of their state conglomerates which were largely bought up by US firms. Chief of which was their railroads, which are now nearly 100% US-owned. As a result at least 40% of American car parts are actually made in Mexico. It's difficult to get more integrated than that and Mexico wants a larger piece of the pie.

At the very most people won't be able to get new toys or new plastic furniture for a few months. Most everything the US needs is made in either the US if not North America as a whole. Just check out a Home Depot, already there's more Hecho En Mexico products in there than Made In China products. The only stores truly affected by a Sino-American trade war would be toy stores, all of which are already bankrupt because Americans can't afford their prices anymore.

You sound like a boomer when you say these things. China is way past the stage where they work their way up by making plastic toys. You are trafficking in 90's memes.

Sure, but little of that is actually exported to America because American companies have other places to get things like semiconductor components. Hence why Beijing has to try and buy out foreign firms _now_ rather than already owning them, and why Trump cockblocking it is such a massive problem for them.

At any rate, I use toys as an example because it had the highest markup and highest profitability. That's gone now because Americans can no longer afford it, as a stark example of how much of America has been rendered off worse than the previous generation. This is a problem for China as it is a problem for American businesses, because as Americans look for solutions the first one they will try is protectionism as it's the path of least resistance.

I think you mean "literally every electronics store and a huge amount of solar investiture"

No because again most electronics are actually made in America, Korea and Japan. Even if final assembly is in China, most semiconductor components are made outside of it. Labels are misleading in this regard unless people actually rip open their PCs and check the serials on each individual component.

Also solar is already mostly American because that's how the EPA, DOE and state-level subsidy programs all work as most required some level of Buy America compliance. Trump's Tariffs are forcing reinvestment in American industry further, meaning the split won't be so hard when it does happen. But even then solar is small compared to most other forms of electricity generation, including nuclear power (America's #1 export to China, which is why China got mad when Congress refused to renew the Ex-Im Bank thereby making nuclear reactor exports more expensive). The larger concern is batteries but even then this is avoidable by picking new sources for materials, especially ones in South America, Mexico and Australia. And ultimately if Americans can't get batteries H2 cells would just fill the gap, a technology that is already available to consumers in Japan.

This isn't to defend Trump but his plan to swap Mexico for China will work without hurting Americans, if only because Americans can't get hurt anymore than they currently are (at least within swing districts that determine who runs the government).

Have fun working with no fucking silicon.

*entire cities that were empty but are now rapidly filling up as continuing agricultural modernization allows urbanization to proceed at a brisk pace

If Americans could "live without" they wouldn't keep piling on debt. I don't know if people are going to get their pitchforks if lawn furniture, skate shoes, and computer printers suddenly quintuple in price, but it definitely will lead to a great deal of discontent.



An awful lot of the industrial machinery used by the chinese is still produced in the united states, so yes.

Again, I don't think you seem to recognize the sheer scale of what China has.

I'm not saying that the US could not replicate it, it definitely could, it's a question of very real scale of consumption versus a supply shock. It will take years for the US to catch up to anywhere near its consumption levels for silicon.

you're forgetting taiwan as well

the idea is that wages will also rise in order to meet these price increases
america was richest when it controlled the lions share of global production and the transition to a service/high tech economy has harmed all but the capitalist and professional class
with low wage work being done in mexico and higher quality products being made in Canada and the states there's no reason living standards and purchasing power wouldn't improve in North America after an initial slump that can be dealt with by government intervention

If wages rose America's economy would probably go into a deep recession though.

Why? the American economy relies heavily on consumer participation for its GDP
richer consumers would mean more spending. we need to get the capital out of the hands of the capitalist class that either sits on it or uses financial instruments to make more capital to then sit in it

Closer to NutSac tbh

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧word filters🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Wishful thinking

no thanks, regardless the materials for intel chips is usually sourced from America or Mexico

thanks for reminding me, as Taiwan's existence is significant to things

I hope Cyber Maoism comes once Xi's era is over and they launch a globalized digital cultural revolution.

Attached: ade14ed373beddbafc604a96046a235d9bb761ea8e843d5f63afbf3ce107a564.jpg (500x750, 92.31K)

Yes, yes, let's all defend the Nazi regime that the West put in power there. Surely, we should hope that their war against the subhumans Putinbot Russian puppets goes well for them.

Another aspect you might be forgetting is that China's respect for Intel's copyright to CPU instruction sets comes from their need to sell goods to america, if America decides to go full protectionist they might have no reason left not to copy and sell their own x86 or x86_64 processors globally


I think with American pressure we may see Chinese CPU chips being sold globally soon as parts of various electronic goods.


China already has smaller-scale products being sold in the form of Hiscilicon and Rockchip processor boards.

It's not so simple either, when you start with protectionism in America the blame will still get put on mexico, which will be next on the chopping block after china.

is this a real post or bait? i can't tell anymore. OP just look at china right now. it's not anything resembling socialist nor does it look anything close to being "on the path."

whatever china is doing is solely for china's benefit. all this rhetoric about socialism is similar to what the USSR did, but i would even put the ussr above china in terms of being 'on the path.'

You aren't the first one who thinks like this OP.

CCCP end game is to pull out Stalinization of the world, mark my work

also just want to remind everyone that china is up africa's ass buying up resources and land there. just like in america. they're literally just going to replace america and sit on top utilizing third world labor the same way uk/us do.

china is literally a case of "we hate the usa because we ain't the usa."

and they are pretty much surpassing us, i acknowledge that, but this whole china=socialist meme is really sad/pathetic

The CCP has to eventually confront the implementation of socialism, otherwise there will be another peasant/worker rebellion

False, keep crying NATO shill.

Looking forward to it. Fuck my Zionist backdoored CPU. I trust Xi with my data.

The key difference is that China doesn't have over 80 years of anti communist brainwashing to make a revolution extremely unlikely.

They already sell ARM chips, and some low-level mips processors

yeah but not much in the way of desktop

It's an improvement.

Attached: Xi grand plan.png (458x960, 514.3K)

This is the key point. Even if the US could cobble together a sufficiently large alternative producer base out of it's South American vassals and impoverished underclass, none of this will happen instantly. The economy is not a frictionless machine; all of the things being hoped for itt will only come about after huge shocks to the system that will not have a ready-to-go outlet. Add to that that the people in the driver's seat in the US are not wise stewards and long term thinkers like the men and women in the CCP, they are two bit crooks and hucksters. How the US will react to these disruptions is anyone's guess.

china telling communists Chinese communism is still real is like an adult telling a child santa is still real

you've done it lad, you made an even crazier post than op

I don't know, Mark Blyth knows China well and he reckons they're serious and genuine about communism. They believe capitalism is good for development but won't last. They don't have the emotional and cultural attachment to it 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧westerners🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 do.

fuck off you closet nazi

How can we refute the "China neocolonialism in Africa" narrative?

colonialism by it's default term requires immense force projection and a unwilling populace.

China does not enter into negotiations with other countries forcing them to do these negotiations in the first place.

Is it 100% unexploitative? Probably not, but it'd be hard to call it "colonialism" given all the other antics european nations have carried out in africa, from couping thomas sankara with force etc.

I mean for the CCP to literally stay in power they need to at some point return to striving further for socialism, otherwise it'll be the end of them

They are the main driver of imperialism (from their own end and others reacting to them) in the world right now.

Just like how France and England don't force their former colonies into negotiations either, yet somehow their bourgs all show up and willingly accept oppression in return for mineral extraction.

China literally caused Zimbabwe's current food crisis by demanding repayment of the loans they issued them in USD. Not only is this literally the same tactic France and England use upon their colonies but it also directly causes American financiers who sell USDs to profit.


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