Anyone feel the left is losing hard?

Anyone feel the left is losing hard?

From the liberal left, they are losing themselves to Trump's policies and 4D chess move, they are betting on all this Blue wave, basically waiting for the republican to be complacent, despite the fact the republican has always been the smarter party.

From the communist left, all of them move to liberal left, even the DPRK and Cuba who are now liberalizing, or outright weak organization like a bunch of turk and american bases in Syria.

From the social media left (lol), you have socialites who now move to liberals (tranny, book nerd, soyboys) while the anti-idpol "leftist" moves right ward because the socialites become too disgusting for them.

Attached: leftypol strategy to isolate pol.jpg (1790x644, 201.19K)

defeatism should be a bannable offence

This is too dystopian for me.

defeatism shills get out

I'm just speaking the truth bruv.

go and tell your Zig Forumsyp cohorts all about it

I'm sure they monitor this board 24/7 for news and hilarity.

It's always been an uphill battle, doesn't make the ideas wrong.


Grey market growing in DPRK, KJU purges his old hardliners and now desire friendship with SU.

Cuba, well, it has always been Kruschevite post-SU downfall.

DPRK is shit. in other news, water is wet.

Man, ☭TANKIE☭s gonna roast you for that.

Alt right has receded or disbanded members and Trump is in deep shit. Be patient.

Next Great Depression occurs in 2030

America is dying though. We aren't losing at all.


NATO breakdown is good for everyone, american included.

7 years from now faggots like you will be shitting themselves as they get dragged out of their basements into the street and shot

Attached: leftwingdeathsquad.png (706x694, 497.55K)

By who? The government?

Not many sectors of American capital, and that is what counts.

The actual americans suffer war sickness so maybe it's time to stop the profits a bit.

It's all taxpayer money anyway.

Trannies will shoot over you.

And pissing over themselves when I say >she ????

That seems to induce angry shouting and physical altercations rather than urination.

Attached: joker_bemused.jpg (1280x720, 98.1K)

What prompted this


Doesn't matter. Even if the chance is 0.1% its better than the 0 of not trying at all.


Attached: here comes the tolerant left.jpg (800x435, 120.49K)

Short answer: No, quite the opposite.


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