Leftists have no teeth

They talk a big game about death to the bourgeoisie and gulags. Death to "petit-bourg" bar owners to make $50k per year. lmao. Yet these pussies don't have one body count to their name in decades. Even the fucking incels have a nice body count going. Leftists are afraid of the streets. They don't have the balls to go seize the means of production. All bark and no bite. You let Mr. Shekelstein fuck your wife in front of your face and you just let him do it.

Western workers are too docile. They feel unsatisfied with their wage cuck lives. But they aren't willing to die to try to make a better life for themselves. So for the average normie wage cuck, they just drink booze, do drugs and hang out with their normie friends on weekends and try to make the best out of a shit situation. Because ultimately they know that slavery is better than death or prison.

And in the third world, they're just fighting for socdem concessions that the first world won 80 years ago. Somehow they are revolutionary? Bitch please.

Unless you're willing to fucking die for what you believe in, you're a LARPER. And you're not doing jack shit to spread class consciousness either. Leftists have absolutely zero influence on economic policy whatsoever. Not even succdem Bernie Sanders can beat Hillary Clinton. lmao. You need to win the hearts and minds of the working-class and it's not working out. The working-class has too much to lose to do revolution. They're not happy with what they have. But the alternative is even worse (death or jail). While the lumpen are willing to do violence due to sheer desperation, they eat each other alive in order to get ahead. There is no unity there.

Your only hope is to maybe get Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn elected this time. And that is still capitalism. And you need to bank on the reality that the bourgeoisie are just going to let Bernie Sandes and Jeremy Corbyn tax them to pay for the job guarantee program and free college. Some European countries have free college. But I think free college in 2020 is going to be a hard-sell in the United States. I don't want to invest my tax dollars into kids doing stupid liberal arts programs. If society is short on doctors, I don't mind paying taxes to ensure that bright young kids can afford to go to med school and become doctors. But free college for everyone who wants it? No. Waste of money. You don't need college to do most jobs. Lots of jobs require a college education due to already existing credential inflation to begin with. Free healthcare is probably doable in America. It's worked well for Canada and Europe. Health care costs are lower per capita here than in Burgerland. It's an easier sell than free college. And if America doesn't accept free health care, that's just because they are hopeless classcucked.

The money to pay for workers in the jobs guarantee program has to come from somewhere. It's going to come from taxes or the hidden tax of inflation. With inflation, everyone else who isn't in the jobs guarantee program is going to pay the people who are in that program.

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Is this another "Zig Forums thinks liberals are left" episode? I think it is.

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If you read my post, you would see that I made a clear distinction between leftists and liberals. lol. At least the liberals have some sort of influence on SJW policy. "Real Leftists" have absolutely zero influence because economic policy is still very much capitalist.

nah it's a "Zig Forums uses Zig Forums lingo to try and gaslight lefties but fails miserably because it doesn't read books" episode I think. it's a new one but I already think it's shit

"read books hurr durr". The average normie on the street doesn't fucking read. How do you expect to do revolution exactly?



we educate, we do the reading and condense it into a more easy to swallow form for average folk. We can't all be intellectuals, but don't you dare suggest that there are no proles who aren't left leaning.

sure but that's not enough for revolution. People are largely classcucked out of their minds.

Do you think that I like being a cuck to market forces? No. But I have no fucking choice. I have no fucking choice. Where is the revolution?

Then we focus by various means to create the onditions that precipitate class conciousness. You're either a Zig Forumsyp wearing a paper thin mask or a defeatist brainlet. kys either way.

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inb4 gommunism won't work because Karltural Marx killed 100 billion kulaks with his own hands

Proposal: some of the workers in the job guarantee program produce food, garments, and housing for the rest of the workers in the program.

That feeling when even supposedly Zionist like Orban and Trump are more prole-friendly than Sanders and Corbyn.

What are you talking about? Trump signed the tax cuts and further reductions to the already meager SNAP program.

Which means better salaries for proles.

More taxes =/= better.

they're prole friendly cuz they support my reactionary spooks and everyone knows true proles want to lynch faggots and niggers unlike lefties who are out of touch with the working class

I'm a defeatist. I am not a Zig Forumsyp. Muh white race is even more of a lost cause than muh socialism. And that's saying something. Trump is not Zig Forums. Zig Forumsacks are useful idiots for the Republican Party and they are fighting a war for Israel.

I've tried many times to preach anti-capitalism to working class people. Including liberals. And they just don't get it. I told my liberal sister that we are slave and she laughed. Liberals don't even internalize their state of being as slavery. They just think I'm lazy and want an easy way out or some shit like that. Why do you think I became a petit-bourg crypto hustler? It was the easiest money I ever made. I gotta get that bread. You can go flip pizzas for Mr. Shekelstein and be mad at the bourgeoisie. I'm gonna go hustle. What the fuck else am I gonna do? If I go shoot up a bank, either I'm gonna get shot or thrown in prison for life. When you are dead, it's over. You're no longer conscious. Experiencing life as a slave is preferable to being dead or having your freedom completely stripped from you (prison). That's why capitalist exploitation continues.

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Well, it's not an idea, it's reality.

I swear I've seen this thread several times. is this a spicy new Zig Forums psyop tactic? if so I don't get it.

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But am I wrong Zig Forums? Am I wrong when I say that leftists don't have any teeth. Your bourgie boss cuckolds you and you just grit under your teeth "fucking bourgie" and keep working for him. Because you know the alternative of death or prison is even worse. I at least quit my job and started working for myself. Not everyone can just do what I did. But where are the conditions for your revolution? You know that your wage cuck job is better than death and prison. And so as long as the wage cuck job is preferable to death and prison, you will continue to allow yourself to get wage cucked.

So as long as wage cucking for Mr. Shekelstein is preferable to death or prison, you will continue to guzzle his cum like a good little wage cuck. And you know it. All bark, no bite.

I wonder who could be behind this post…

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So as long as wage cucking for Brad (Aryan Bourgie Trust Fund Kid) is preferable to death or prison, you will continue to guzzle his cum like a good little wage cuck. And you know it. All bark, no bite.

better now?

The antis don't kill anyone because they're edgy liberals; and as we all know, liberals hold all the political power.

so your against capitalism…but you work at a job and probably own an iphone

leftards irrevocably btfo with kek logic and facts

just go back, nobody is taking you seriously

Because leftists don't want debate. You are a bitch made pussy. incels have more balls than you. When it is time to move out of your parents' basement and get a fucking job, you will realize that wage cucking isn't so bad. When the alternative is death or prison. You don't have the balls to fight the bourgies. And you will never amount the masses that you need to fight the bourgies because people are pussies.

In the Russian Revolution and Cuba, people were living in excruciating poverty. The material conditions were so bad that death was preferable to the levels of slavery they were forced to endure.

Yeaaaah, I don't feel the need to even read all of this one.
Skimmed through, and It's just a rehash of the dozens of other threads made by Zig Forums.

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Cry moar about how no one cares about your internet bloodsports

leftist pussy ass faggot. You talk a big game about killing the bourgies on the internet but you won't follow through in RL.

The right-wing has spilled real blood in the real world. The left-wing isn't spilling jack shit on the street faggot but a garbage can.

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No one cares about larpers scuffling with eachother.

The only thing the left is spilling is BO spilling Chad's cum all over "her" face. I remember seeing that video of her sucking off Chad. You guys have no backbone. You guys are such pussies that your BO became a woman. lmao
