I thought Zig Forums would find this article from the mexican press interesting

I thought Zig Forums would find this article from the mexican press interesting.


It tells the story of how AMLO and Corbyn became friends (also how Corbyn enjoys racemixing with latinas), and how they both feed off each other: Corbyn gives AMLO legitimacy that "fringe" socialists like Chavez didn't have, AMLO de-demonizes the UK and opens the path for socialist internationalist cooperation in Latin America, and the alliance of these 2 world leaders could culminate in the strongest anti-imperialist alliance against Trump and the United States more generally, which could have big implications in world politics if the US were to lose support from it's biggest trading partners and allies.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Also Corbyn's latina wife is a milf.

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And you'd be suprised the international network that is being built, Varoufakis with allies in the US, Melenchon forming a pact with PODEMOS and LeftBloc in Portugal. We are on the verge of a new internationale.

a cuckdem internationale lol

Oh sorry please tell me what advancements in the dialectic ML has made in the last 20 years? Also these groups openly support AES like Cuba and proletarian regimes like Venezuela: get over yoir petty fucking sectarianism.

Post internationales



is this the new Zig Forums line or something?

Based race mixing. Race mixing is commie pilled and based. We all must race mix. Race mixing is desired.

Leftpol oppose Venezuela, however the PSUV is unironically building a soviet structure in the industries they own, corruption in the oil company is being purged and the most recent platform has basically introducing AES as a tennant.

This but unironically.

t. Salty polyup who realises Jez has more game than him.

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While we out race mixing you aint even mixing ayyyy get outa here white boiii

Advanced encryption standard?

Let's not make this weird.

There ain't nothin weird about black booty my friend

Healthy-minded people don't care about race.

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Latino blood is the cure for the Anglo curse. The beady eyes must be purified by the indigenous and latino blood of our comrades.

No, reason:

Any time Mexico stops being capitalist Mexico's elites will then send their military to stop the socialists, if they can't handle it then they'll get free guns from America to do the job. Failing that America will straight up invade and keep Mexico capitalist. Ever since NAFTA passed most things in Mexico are owned by Americans anyway, which was the point of it.

The most Mexicans can hope for is a long, protracted civil war that forces the church against the Mexican state. That is the only thing that could plausibly influence America and only because Americans are spooked by religion. This is the only route that works because nationalism has already been corrupted by capitalism while socialism will be targeted for destruction unless it's done out of churches. But even then it'll take at least some level of genocide against catholics to get regular Americans pissed off about it.

(also $20 says AMLO will be assassinated and covered up by the Mexican media, just watch)

Stopping Anglos requires going through the only entity more powerful than Anglos: the catholic church. That's the only entity in America with enough reach within all levels of the government, in all places of the US, to stop Americans from simply choosing to commit mass murder in Mexico to propagate the current regime.

This isn't "latino" blood as it is roman blood.

Well, Romans did speak latin.
I abominate christian scum, yet if I had to choose between the pedo catholics and the protestant vermin, I'd take the pedos. Their music is far more endurable to the ears. And hey, I bet christanon is a catholic, so maybe you're right.

State-issued latina gfs

even if you convince most priests about socialism the goverment will just kill them anyway, perpetrating a nice cleansing genocide, you know why i know this, because the latin american priests have a history of rebelling against capitalism, and the state has a history of killing them

yes but such things slowed down since the end of the Cold War, as anticommunist efforts waned and the neoliberal "hearts and minds" bs took over. Going back to hard fascism is a turn the church won't appreciate and since they've openly admitted their future is in south america via the beaner pope it's going to attract their attention

all it takes is a bad enough video being circulated and priests showing it directly to people, even ones in upper class communities. That's how subversion begins.


but all the catholics, about 30-40% of America and a clean majority inside major cities, would. This is exactly how America wound up backing both the IRA and England during the Troubles.

I got bad news for you bucko

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Will he come out of hiding as a result, lads?

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where are you getting the meme that mexico is deeply catholic? the liberal mexican elite has been secular since the 1850s if not earlier

My parents are from mexico and the only thing their town has going for it is a government gas station nobody can afford and a catholic church. They also made me walk through the asscrack of new mexico because of jésus and they gave most of their estate (just under $900k) to the shitty church their grandparents came from.

I personally find it all to be incredibly stupid but there's no denying that most Mexicans are hardcore catholic, and consider the church far more important than their government-issued nationality.

This might be true, but its definitely not because of christian sectarianism within burgerland lmao. No one here gives a rats ass about sects within christianity, have you seen how some fox news grandpas get riled up about isis beheading chaldeans and copts and all kinds of bullshit little middle eastern christian sects? To the uneducated burger, all christianity, protestant, catholic, or orthodox, is united against the athiests and/or muslims.

Worse yet: Northern border states are very protestant due to decades of American missionaries. Mormons, Jehova's Witnesses, Pentecostals, Baptists, you name it. The catholic church is irrelevant here.

The worst cucks in Mexico, yet I´m surprised there is a good mass of folks at the border states in the Amlove boat this time. I laughed a lot this weekend with /ourguy/ Paco Taibo II saying there might be some expropiations going on. Porkies getting a bit tense!

No, he and AMLO hate eachother.

Does this mean that latino's will be issued as state bfs?

Also one thing that should be noted about a UK-Mexico alliance is that it basically secures Britain a source of oil that can't be cutoff. I imagine Corbyn will speak to atleast Bolivia over a trade deal for its minerals, maybe even Cuba and Venezuela (and the salt from the libs and cons will be glorious). ALBA-UK alliance inbound.

I'd cream my fucking pants tbh

It won't start off that overt, it will be through Nicaragua and Nolivia fist, but if the Cuban president legalises gai marriage (like he has been said to want) then henwill go for links with them because the libs will be happy.
One problem with Corbyn is his pacifism, if push comes to shove he won't send guns.

The guy doesn't like violence, but is not a pacifist. I mean the whole "CORBYN HEZBOLLA LOVER" is not a meme

He is in terms of UK foreign policy though, that is the main issue. He always argues moralism in conflicts, not antiimperialism. I severely doubt he would say send arms to a US occupied Venezuelan insurgency.

I sure hope so.

I saw that, funnier was AMLO's response, this Taibo guy is likely to become a liability, my take is that if AMLO wins he will be the first against the wall.

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why the fuck are mods removing proleft posts

Anyway, the guy mentioned his family was from Mexico and his family was deeply catholic. I can attest to this with my own family, my parents' village really only has a church. That's what life in rural Mexico is, the church. There's no much else except for government gas stations which nobody uses due to the high cost. Also when Mexicans illegally come to America they live in churches, because they get everything there for free in exchange for most of their disposable income. That's litterally communism and it only stops when the patriarch of an illegal family is able to make a cash payment for a rental unit or trailer house.

Mexico's oil supply will soon be privatized by America, so no unless BP buys them out completely which is unlikely as American oil companies are willing to pay more since it's so close. It'd be pointless for England to invest in land-based minerals anyway when America is pumping so much cash into unmanned underwater mining through UUVs.

absolute fucking heresy

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PRI already tried to privatize Pemex once but that was during the oil glut so no buyers. They'll inevitably try again.

Cárenas is rolling in his fucking grave rn

I think you need to read more Marx lad. Also what is up with all these Cathcom posts, m8? The Church is one of the most powerful reactionary institutions in the world

because in latin america the church is largely anti-industrialist and anti-capitalist because they're the only thing rural people have to fight capitalist expansion with

Romans were Imperialists who genocided the Gulls, and almost genocided the Germans and Berbers.

We need CNT-FAI style anti-Church sentiment in Latin America. Or at the very least Anti-Catholism sentiment.

Literally why? The least we need is a repeat of the Guerra cristera. With so many liberation theologies in the continent, is Catholicism still the reactionary force it once was? That is not to say the Church doesn't stand in the way of say, women's liberation, but still, better to concentrate our energies elsewhere imo.

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Wtf I like racist Burgers now. But seriously all religion needs to be banned, and all clergy needs to be sent to the Gulag. The Catholic Church as fought against socialism before, and will do so again.

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Anti christian*
Or to go further beyond, anti abrahamic religions*

Well anti-religion in general is perfection. However non-christan religions in Latin America have no influence.

New world Communist revolution when?

Why can't I find more people like you here on leftypol :(

Latin American here, the Catholic Church is a bunch of reactionary child molesters and the protestants aren't any better. At the very most there's some based jesuits but they're usually left-liberal. Liberation theology is no longer a relevant force in the continent (since religious thought is also in constant decline, to start) and anyone saying so is either wildly uninformed or delusional.

I didn't say it was, I said it exists, the fact that it has managed to survive despite the Church says something.

Which was kinda my point? Why go after the Church when they're hardly relevant.

in mexico they're literally the entire church bureaucracy, and down south they openly fight against new railroads and new power lines American businesses keep trying to build

Then what about the constant civil conflict in mexico? People there don't want their USA-backed government or the machines that come with industrialization. Hence the constant attempts at secession in the north and south, things that primarily organize within the churches. Which is why it keeps happening, because the Mexican government doesn't have the balls to bomb churches again like they did from 1910-1990. Though this could change, in the past ten years they've started killing anti-government journalists again.

Also "liberation ideology" is pretty much the entire illegal immigrants' cause here in America, it's why my local church has at least five families living in it. Our priest regularly communicates with his equivalents across the border, which CBP can't do shit about because they use official diplomatic couriers from the Vatican. This is also how churches up here manage to subsidize the ones down south without having to give away 40-50% of their earnings in taxes to the Mexican government. The church openly makes political endorsements for the County Sheriff and everyone with citizenship votes against ones who'd actually cooperate with the Federal government. Now it's at the point where the state has made it so nobody can cooperate with the Feds, so all that has to be done is for everyone to watch out for them and report when they see them.

The church is extremely relevant in villages and towns that don't have anything besides a church, especially villages that don't have government roads so only horses and bikes can get in.

We must support CathCom gang in their anti-imperialist struggle

So how many civil wars/rebellion has Mexico had, and when is the next one?

Dont know if this is good or not.

The original Mexican Civil War from 1910 to 1930 was largely between rural catholics and industrialists. The latter won because they got free ammo from America and would regularly shell churches and practiced a scorched earth policy on rebels. Mexico then had a nazi regime from 1930 to 1990 when talks for NAFTA began.

In that time there's been the drug war, which has resulted in local police becoming totally corrupt causing military to be substituted in their place. This caused the rise of various citizens militias: in the north they were purged for being against US interests (namely railroads, factories, banks etc) in that area while in the central part of the country they were deputized and made a component of the national military. In the South the actual communists have been striking and rioting as the national government proves itself to be completely useless and unable to provide basic healthcare, water supply, or security against cartel-backed squatters. This brings us up to Trump's inauguration and his threat to secure the US border which would leave millions of impoverished migrants in northern cities, the exact type of situation local military units know they cannot handle.

At this point the only parts of Mexico with a normally functioning security forces are the capital city, it's surrounding areas, the gulf coast and Nuevo Leon. In all cases it's due to American businesses causing industrialization and financing things like private railroads, private hospitals or private tollways. Which is to say the conflict is ongoing although it is a low intensity conflict. People just don't obey the law anymore because it so clearly serves only one class of people: industrialists (Americans).

Also, this was all demonstrated very recently with the announcement that double-trailer trucks were to be banned nationwide, an obvious handout to American-owned railroads who wanted more business from truck drivers. In protest truck drivers would use their vehicles to block roads, notably railroads and tollways always had enough armed police and tow trucks on duty to clear their spaces but military controlled streets would remain blocked for hours until the driver run off, the vehicle started and driven out of the way.

But in the end, it was American business that ultimately won and are still winning. Now a huge amount of truck drivers no longer have a job and are permanently poor unless they accept American wage slavery. Even though most of the rioting has calmed down everyone is still angry.

And to add insult to injury, all of the trucks obtained gas from the state oil monopoly while the railroads get gas from America. The destruction of much of the truck driving business will help destroy the remaining attempt at socialism within Mexico as sales fall and more gas stations are removed, making fuel harder to get for truckers causing railroads to further benefit. Just as calls to privatize the whole thing to an American firm at a discount become serious under Trump.

Racemixing either works out well or it doesn’t. If your smart it probably worked out well. Judging by the fact that your on a chan, your probably really smart.

So your saying Burger New Atheists who burn churches are revolutionary.

We must Support New Atheist gang in there struggle against reactionary religion.

Race mixing is universally good

Atheists in the west are mostly reactionary imperialists. All new atheists most definitely are.

What did they mean by this?

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The KKK had many catholic members in the deepest parts of the south (which itself is partially former French colonies), and they naturally had friends across the gulf within Mexico. Remember that Mexicans are unironically racist and hate everything less than 50% white, whom they don't believe to be human. This happens on both sides although it's more common on the catholic side as their worldview is more provincial and less tolerant of other cultures like secular industrialists are.

Which is one of the reasons why the catholic communists were never successful, they drove the nonwhites into the cities and into the arms of the central government who armed them in return for the ability to use banks through the designated back (nonwhite) door.

one caveat: this didn't happen so much south of mexico city where American influence is much less

again there's a not of contradictions here, which is why Mexico's NutSac regime won and keeps existing

*there's a LOT

Have any recommended reading for me? You seem knowledgeable on this topic.

Not really because most of this is what I got out of my grandparents. Most of this is transferred through word-of-mouth and whatever American government records exist, Mexico's government covered it all up and explicitly ignores all of it in their history textbooks where all the anti-PRI fighters are just classified as terrorists, bandits and thieves. This is to be expected of a fascist regime. The Library of Congress is probably the best written source because Mexico explicitly censors all their archived media, for example pic related was only preserved because a copy of it was leaked to American newspapers who ran with the story.

But really you can just turn to spanish twitter. Mexico's government is not competent enough where they're able to censor people there, yet. This is how news about truckers' strikes got around despite the total media blackout. Likewise, American unions are a source for updates but they are also extremely biased against Mexicans for the obvious reason that they compete against them:





Note that the above link demonstrates America's thought process on Mexican truck drivers: that they shouldn't be allowed in America. This works to the railroads' advantage:




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