What is your opinion on Varg Vikernes?

What is your opinion on Varg Vikernes?
I am noticing that lots of Zig Forums users are being dissuaded from the alt-right and Trump and going more towards what Varg tier beliefs.
I recommend you check his youtube channel, has some very good insights on civilisation and it's effect on human beings.

Now to make it personal I will show you my track to starting to believe these beliefs. I want you to discuss and criticise my beliefs.
I first was a capitalist, meaning that I believed that the free market is the best system, which brings out the most advancement in technology and human living standards. I still believe these things, however from a different perspective.
Capitalism gave us modern medicine, supermarkets, automobiles, computers. Everything that gives us comfort and wealth comes from this system.
This is a bad thing. It degenerates and weakens the human form. Humans in the past were stronger, smarter and better in all things physical and mental than we are now. Capitalism/civilisation has a big part in this, it allows the weak, the sick, the handicapped and the degenerate to survive and procreate. This only further weakens the human being. I see lots of boys that are very effeminate, or homosexuals today.
This is a result of that comfort, as people are more adapted to comfort their kids will be too, in turn making them weaker human beings.

We'll take a turn to Marxism now, now I do not give one iota of a damn about the intentions of whoever instated the system we got in eastern europe, I care about end result. And in that respect, marxism is a better alternative to capitalism.
Compare west and east europe, in the west the men are weaker, physically and mentally than east. In the east they had to suffer under an opressive soviet regime, the healthcare was is shit, not allowing the weak to survive. The people there now are still stronger than the people in the west, but with capitalism coming in this will however change for the worse…

All of you seem to have the belief that capitalism brings only pain and suffering, yet the opposite is true. Capitalism brings comfort and wealth, to the detriment of the human being's physical body and mind. This is what has happened to you. YOUR PARENTS lived in comfort, you are adapted to comfort, and having so many transexuals and homosexuals in your group proves it. You are weak. Begin unfucking yourself, stop watching porn, start working out. Stop working in a system which seeks to destroy you.

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Great music, garbage politics.
Didn't read your whole post but I saw something about homosexuality and effeminate men, so I can tell you're just young and misguided about where you should place your concern in society. Best thing you can do is avoid retards like Varg who think some secret sect of Jews are killing off the bees because anuddah shoah or something.

We generally like varg on here. Obviously he's not aligned with our believes, but he's a cool dude who just wants to live his way.
Now regarding your beliefs, as much as I like neo folk, paganism and the idea of living in old and simpler times where there wasn't all this bullshit, you can't undo history. Varg belives in a total collapse of civilization to achieve this, that's simply impossible. Even if civilization collapse you can't undo the knowledge and everything that happened. This Idea that history and progress is a monolith that shouldn't progress or shouldn't change is impossible. Not because change is a positive thing, but because change is something that happens. On a biological level with evolution, on a societal level with civilization ecc. You can't stop history in a specific time, as Ideal as it sounds. If civilization collapses it will look like mad max more than the Witcher. Also what you say about communism is wrong: communism made those countries more livable than before, more healthy and more civilized. The shortcomings were related to the fact that those countries were poor as shit. Obviously I'd rather live in a poor country myself because the people are better there. While Imho it would be beautiful, it's just crazy to belive this.
In communism, you will be able to live in your commune outside of the modern world, live an autosufficent life ecc.

Let's be honest tho, you are seriously convinced of this stuff or you are one of those "traditionalist" that in reality are just against capitalism and whatever they percive as degenerate? Because I know a lot of "traditionalist" that are like this just because they don't want to see niggers or asians. I mean what will you do about let's say mixed race? If they are able to survive the collapse of civilization this means that they are strong willed people with good genes. You'd accept them in your group.

Also, it's sounds comfy, but maybe we idealize it too much. So much time passed that we can't be sure on how society was.

Every now and then I watch a video of his. I actually agree with a lot he has to say but I generally avoid his videos about paganism honestly.

Soviet healthcare was more widely available and in some regards better than in the West.

The rest of your post is hysterical anti-human garbage. Traditionalists and anprims will be turned into biofuel under FALC.

Lazy, read the hole post and you'll get the context to not make such a garbage reply.

I recommend you watch this one: hooktube.com/watch?v=7eilZTgurr4

Why were they poor as shit? Remember that before the split up, West and east germany were the same country. Yet the end result being that the west was full of gays and weak people, and the east being full of strong people. You can reply that this is a simple way of saying things, but it doesn't need to be anymore complicated.
Even today East Germany is the one that is the least tolerant of invaders, and West Germany being the most tolerant to invaders.

Do you even understand what I am saying? Capitalism makes people, the human form, weak.
It sure is smart to give your enemy a heads up, brainlet.

==Cuban healthcare sure is top of the line! t. Micheal Moore== for a select few

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Kill yourself brainlet.

I generally like Varg, though there's a lot we disagree on. He's certainly an interesting character.

There's a saying that came out of some ecology summit years back. 'Collapse now and avoid the rush.' Varg lives that in, I think, the best way he knows how. I respect him for that. Truthfully I aim to live more simply, somewhat similar to how Varg does now, as time goes on. A (very) rural home, a big garden, more time spent in nature, some sense of self-sufficiency and less dependence on industrial infrastructure, a simpler, if more challenging, life. I think these are good things that will become more and more necessary to adopt as capitalism crumbles further. Within this realm I think Varg's assessment of the state of things is a fairly accurate one.

My contentions with Varg's views stem largely from his insistence on pure genetic heritage being of overwhelming importance and the way he ties that to what we might call folk mythology or traditionalism. Both of these things are pretty spooky in their own right, and in a sort of classical Stinerian sense they are, I think, an outside narrative (an ought) that merely supports Varg's own prejudices. I begrudge him nothing for desiring a white wife to have white children with, but, as they say, change is the only constant in life, and I think some of Varg's most deeply held beliefs are wrapped up in a clinging to an idealized vision of the past and traditions which, sooner or later, as with all things, must change. His ideology is, therefor, ultimately unable to cope with those inevitable changes that don't make life more bucolic, simple, and white. Climate refugees, for example, are a factor that drives Varg's ideology (Europe for Europeans) - yet they are an inevitability of the collapse of the contemporary systems (economic and ecological). The West's plundering of the global south and the inexorability of climate change mean that these groups will come into conflict with white European traditionalists as they migrate or die. Varg's ideology can, as far as I am aware, only fight and exclude these people, and I think that this is a weakness which puts a shelf-life on his traditionalism.

The only other aspect of the post that I disagree with enough to mention is this-

Gayness and people who defied traditional/contemporary gender roles existed way before capitalism and the creature comforts of industrialization. This is just dog whistling for people swayed by the notion of 'degeneracy' having an active role in the destruction of civilization. It is social control mechanism that, as I understand it, largely stemmed from Christian virtue ethics, which Varg is generally pretty good at dismissing as spooky bullshit, though in this case I think he buys into it. I can't say I've seen him discuss trans/gay issues in a video, (If you have a specific video of his which addresses this I might check it out to get his opinion) though I did read his, like, 10 rules to live by? A few years ago, I forget what he calls it or if there were more/less than ten entries, but the one related to this issue was something like 'Know your true gender'. I'm not sure if this was intended as a sort of 'to thine own self be true' kind of message, and I would assume not, as this policy he has is likely intended for his idea of a more tribal traditionalist village/hunter gatherer pre-and-post-industrial life, in which making babies is a big priority for your tribe and that endeavors that don't benefit the tribe directly are seen as superfluous and/or wasteful of precious resources, but that's just the sense that I got after watching and reading some of his stuff - never sat down and read Vargsmål or any of his other books to get a more fleshed out picture of his idea on the subject, but I digress. Varg is a true Zig Forumsommando and someone that would be good to befriend before and after SHTF, though he's probably not the best ideological leader one could hope for (or the best neighbor, if you're sufficiently tan).

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"Being a People's Deputy in the Moscow region from 1987 to 1989, I received many complaints about criminal negligence, bribes taken by medical apparatchiks, drunken ambulance crews, and food poisoning in hospitals and child-care facilities. I recall the case of a 14-year-old girl from my district who died of acute nephritis in a Moscow hospital. She died because a doctor decided that it was better to save "precious" X-ray film (imported by the Soviets for hard currency) instead of double-checking his diagnosis. These X-rays would have disproven his diagnosis of neuropathic pain."

"Not surprisingly, government bureaucrats and Communist Party officials, as early as 1921 (three years after Lenin's socialization of medicine), realized that the egalitarian system of healthcare was good only for their personal interest as providers, managers, and rationers — but not as private users of the system."

"So, as in all countries with socialized medicine, a two-tier system was created: one for the "gray masses" and the other, with a completely different level of service, for the bureaucrats and their intellectual servants. In the USSR, it was often the case that while workers and peasants were dying in the state hospitals, the medicine and equipment that could save their lives was sitting unused in the nomenklatura system."

The healthcare sure was great, for the ones in charge. The common pleb got nothing compared too what the commissar got.
Do know that I think this is a good thing, it allowed only the best to survive. Unlike the west, where capitalism made the healthcare where the weak were allowed to thrive and procreate their weakness into the next generation of people, further degenerating the human form.

Except there are people dying while equipment goes unused because they can't afford it in the west right now.

Read your post, didn't change my opinion in the slightest

Exceptions don't trump the rule.
Healthcare in the west was better than the east.
You are stupid and don't understand the meaning of my post.
The healthcare being this good is a bad thing. It only further degenerates your people into a weaker kind.
The east didn't have this problem their healthcare was so shit, natural selection only allowed the best to survive. Only among the upper echelons of bureacrats was the healthcare good.

That's retarded. What a shitty belief.
They survived thousands of years before Christianity, and will survive after Christianity is gone.
Go and mix yourself out of existence, buddy. Your next of kin won't be able to survive here. We'll still be here whatever you do.

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Survival of the fittest implies that the west is more fit by your own fucking standards you dipshit. Just because your standards of "fitness" don't follow what reality (or Darwinian theory for that matter) says fitness is, doesn't make the slightest difference to nature. Sorry you don't understand evolution. Try reading a scientific book instead of learning from shittily made jpegs from pol.

Wanting to bring children into a dying world ruled by suicidal cancer monkeys seems irresponsible and cruel, but to that point I'm a lesbian and have never wanted children, so to each their own I suppose. All the same, I don't envy the world your children will inherit. One where food will not grow, mega-fauna and fish have all but disappeared, and clean water is a rarity. This isn't the result of 'mixing oneself out of existence', this is the metastasis of human civilization spreading so far so fast, and 'traditional values' will not heal this damage.

I do disagree though, that

The 'old ways' have been gone for a loooooooooooong time. Industrialization killed them. This is the equivalent to saying 'We still do Christmas, with a tree and presents and all that - this is just like they did back in the day! We hold fast to our traditions and values'. What people are clinging to is anything that defines them, gives them an in-group. My contention is that insular in-groups that define themselves by 'blood and soil' are binding themselves to concepts which are arbitrary and directly counter to change, therefore limiting, especially in a world were abrupt changes are coming faster than ever.

To put that differently, I'd rather write a book that people can still learn something from in 100 years than have 5 children who each had 5 children. Caring about genetics is silly. Caring about ideas (not to be confused with culture) is how we could have progressed as a species. Fortunately for what remains of life on this planet, we will be gone before too terribly long.

(*snickers* - didn't Varg himself even say something about European men who have time to devote to working out having maladjusted priorities? I.e. that if you have enough time to go to the gym to work out you're doing something wrong, that is to say not finding a traditional wife, or raising your traditional children or working your land -traditionally-? Why are you wasting your pure, European time on Zig Forums, friend? - I'm mostly kidding here, but it's worth pointing out that shitposting is a failure to uphold this virtue of time management).

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Here your thinking is not Darwinian enough. It's the survival of the fittest, and fitness is a function of the niche an organism is supposed to be fit for. The thing about humans is that we, through our labour, transform the niche we as biological organisms occupy. And in turn we are naturally selected for fitness in this niche we have created for ourselves. We change, which is logical as we have changed our environment. All this primitivism is seeking to go back to being adapted to a world that no longer exists.

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You are the sort of genetic trash that humanity needs to filter out tbqh

The same agricultural technologies that made industrial capitalism possible by lifting the burden of agricultural labor from much of the population also finally allowed for a permanent end to malnutrition. Thus, under capitalism, the "human form" became stronger than ever. Stop with this silly aesthetic idea of "strength" and accept that a childhood vitamin A deficiency does not improve character.

Shit politics, actually overrated music, and a literal thug who would be dead today if he'd been in America. Worth remembering that besides murder (the only person who has ever validated the "self-defense" story is Varg himself, and if you read it his narrative also shows decidedly little remorse to the point of outright insulting the guy he stabbed like 30+ times in "self defense") and arson, once he also violated his parole by stealing a family's car and loading it with weapons and running off. Raceswap him, and he instantly becomes an example of why blacks r bad.

Musically, the guy he killed was way more important to defining Norwegian black metal - and was a better musician in general. Attacks on Euronymous's character aside, the guy was actively lifting that entire scene up and influencing pretty much everyone.

To add - Varg once defended himself from accusations of Nazism by disavowing socialist economics. This is the guy's level.


the only videos of his worth watching is where he shows how to play his songs

Sperg Vikernes' is "famous" just because he killed Euronymous. Too many people has so much shit in their head and they waste time listening to this bloody moron spewing bullshit. And a quick reminder that C(o)unt Grishsperg planned to bomb an anarchist squat in Oslo before he murdered Euronymous. Plus he was found in possession of explosives when he attempted to escape from prison.
Hopefully one day he'll be locked in an asylum together with his wife, who is possibly even more deranged than him, fuckin' hell…

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He's right 40% of the time, the other 60% id just Zig Forums talking points

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Euronymous is only famous for his one riff which was then featured on In The Nightside Eclypse and Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk by Emperor, other than that, his little record shop is vastly overrated in as to how much influence this guy actually had. All the "inner circle" bands had different roots, Burzum was based on EBM, Mayhem on Death Metal and Darkthrone on Punk. They all developed their own style independently, the only thing that united them was their production which was a rebellion against the top tier production of the Tampa Death Metal guys. Every single good Black Metal band, every innovative Black Metal, would be influenced by Burzum and not by Mayhem. Mayhem was just a lot of show and maximum edge.

But the fact that many innovative Black Metal bands from that era, like "Forgotten Woods" or "In the Woods…" didn't draw any of their influence from the inner circle should disprove your theory.

I'm sure he knows a lot about paganism, at least Nordic paganism, and whenever he delves a little into it it's actually interesting. I watched some video where he explained the idea behind the traditional depiction of dwarves, and it stuck with me, because it's interesting and meaningful. He should focus on that. Maybe write books.
The constant whining about Jews almost seems like it's on a different Autism Level level. In one video he literally does the typical photo of Aborigene vs photo of some white girl with the caption "WOW DO YOU STILL THINK THESE ARE THE SAME RACE???? THAT'S WHAT LEFTISTS WANT US TO BELIEVE". It's fucking retarded.
I like the music.

I think you're both going overboard in either direction. Euro and Varg were equally as influential on the second wave sound and scene. Varg introduced the hypnotic, repetitive songwriting that defined atmospheric black metal while Euro helped popularize the tremelo riffs that everyone associates with the genre and put in a lot of work to incubate the scene with his label and store.
Ehhh later on they incorporated punk but early in their career they were heavily influenced by death metal. Their first record, Soulside Journey, is literally a death metal album. They carried that sound over into Blaze in the Northern Sky while incorporating early black metal aesthetics. Blaze is arguably the first blackened death metal album.

Hes like an islamic terrorist but for nordic paganism.

racist POS

his music sucks

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Fuck off, his music is great. I don't know how much of a pleb you have to be to not appreciate it.

Varg just liked a quote from Michael Parenti in his newest anti-capitalism video.

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wahhh theyre racist so conversing about this person's good ideas is bad
hi leftpol

Seems like a cool dude.

I think Varg is right about a lot of things, namely civilization's eventual collapse. However, I think he is a bit up his own ass when he says things like "Middle Easterners will die off in Europe without technology" which is complete bullshit, but I understand he probably doesn't believe that stuff and just wants to justify having a European exclusive Europe (which I'm not necessarily against). He also believes that Paganism and Tribalism will make a return after said collapse, which I think is very unlikely and is only wishful thinking on his part. It may be sad for him, but Paganism will never ever make a return. There's a reason Abrahamic religions became popular, because they have the ability to unite people regardless of tribe. Whatever belief system is practiced after said collapse, it won't be paganism, it will be some sort of universal religion or philosophy. Right now Atheism with Christian morales serves that role

Forgotten Woods is my fav black metal band. it's a shame nobody talks about them.

I also like their side project Joyless. It's tripping as fuck

nice meme

no but seriously, he's turned into bit of a meme tbh

watch out we've got a genius over there

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i think Varg can bring about naturally conservative socialism

jesus my guy, just open your window and jump. holy fuck what a bunch of fascist nonsense wow

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Isn't he the nigga who shot up a restaurant or some shit?


I think she worded it really badly with "Jews gonna be in the center of it", I didn't think she meant "control". She obviously is Zionist scum but Zig Forums makes a big deal out of fucking nothing.

No you ignoramus, not knowing Varg makes you a cultural pleb

GULAG better suited for him. Asyllum too comfort for him + in gulag he will be assraped by Russians just like he secretly dream every day.

Varg shows the Alt-right as the useful idiots they are.

proof the Soviet Bloc worked.

the childfree life is something brought on by capitalist "false progress" and that will land you in the wood chipper just like any fedora atheist male. same shit, different day.

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Marriage and reproduction in a capitalist society is a good thing for the profiteers as it brings in more consumers. However, mass anti-natalism is a reaction to capitalism, as capitalism makes it more difficult to maintain a family. Why spend the best years of your life raising children and spending money them? By the time you're 'financially secure' you're at the point where you probably don't want children anymore. People don't have to reproduce but those who act as though they're going against the system when they abstain from child-rearing always make me cringe because it's th system that has made it to where people desire children less

proofs that modern people are weaker and dumber than people from the past? or are you just a boomer that misses [insert time period here]?

Wow. Just wanted to say thanks, OP, for showing me the light. I had been avoiding this idiot's videos up until now, but having watched a few of them, I am now 100% Stalinist - the only redemption for this guy, and anyone who sympathizes with him, is a fucking bullet in the head.

Isnt varg just ted kaczinski lite

Pity he isn't full commie, but other than that I somewhat like him

Please. If "Atheism with Christian characteristics" ever becomes the norm, just kill me. People have the "right" to believe what they want (as long as it doesn't effect other people's "right" not to!). That means people will inevitably divide their beliefs into tribalism or nationalism or whatever. The "right" to believe what you want ends when ideological and religious imperialism begins though.


what's your point?

You don't get to bemoan the decline of nature, ☭TANKIE☭.


Half of this shit isnt even true.