What's the communist viewpoint on race realism? Does it have a scientific basis or it's just pseudoscience?

What's the communist viewpoint on race realism? Does it have a scientific basis or it's just pseudoscience?

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You already made this thread two days ago but about women instead of race, and it got anchored, and we already told you that most people do not believe there is a massive difference, if any, and if there was it would not matter because the groups have massive fucking overlap, even if their avarages may be different, so treating the group differently makes no sense, they are not a seperate cluster with no overlap.


Even if it were true that black people were irremediably less intellectually capable and more crime-prone than white people, that would be nothing more than a descriptive observation and certainly not a prescriptive statement. So what if niggers tend to have a lower lQ than honkies? That doesn't mean we should treat people differently by default. To argue otherwise is scientism — that is, pure ideology.

'Unemployment and inflation are not caused by immigration - bullshit, come off it, the enemy is profit!'

If the difference between men and women doesn't exist, then even more arbitrary lines in the sand aren't going to give you confirmation for whatever biases you try to justify.

It's one single anarcho liberal. 100% of the threads he makes are idpol garbage

commies pretended genes aint real and sent biologists to gulag

there is A B S O L U T E L Y no reason for people with different environment, different need for different tools, different shelters, different climate, different clothing, different everything to develop the same

intellect, and quality of life really, correlates with ice age glaciation populations
sure its incredibly complex but basically the less shitskins you have, the higher quality of life you have

also explains why you can send a bunch of prisoners in bumfuck nowhere deathworld colony like australia, or iceland, or any such barren resourceless places, and have 1st world countries and why today's liberated colonies of shitskins have a shittier quality of life than they had in colonization, example zimbabwe-rhodesia, apartheid-south africa today (lawlessness rates, public unrest, rape, daylight street murder, etc)

doesnt matter what your ideology is, it cant survive race denialism, enjoy police no-go zones I guess

If intelligence and crime are set in stone, how do you explain the Flynn effect and the recent drop in homicide rates?

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there are no benefits in ignoring race, it just hurts everyone in the end

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as others have said already, with something as broad as race, there's more within-group variation than across-group. So racial averages aren't helpful for much. the reason they're so appealing to maga chuds and alt-righties is they tend to be below average dummies. But by viewing themselves as part of the above average "group" they can see themselves as superior. It's basically a form of stolen valor.

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Lemme guess: You were absolutely convinced that this would be a "gotcha!" moment for you to celebrate.

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race is real my dude
look up 'alleles' (gene variant frequencies) and what they do to brain developing, my dude
the brains form and develop according to the rules, very basic and easy to follow rules, genetic rules

nope, even the children of exceptional individuals simply regress to racial means
twin studies and adoption studies too demonstrate just how genetic intelligence is

there is no future in ignoring race, it simply leads to a brazil or zimbabwe tier failed states

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If you believe lQ should determine discriminatory policies, does that mean we get to herd retarded Zig Forumstards, stormweenies and aut-rightists into concentration camps for the intellectually stunted?

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Baboon… BABOONS are running amok in our societies!


This is high school stuff dude

gtfo spook
(3rd pic is referring to that "gaslight" video some fascist made about race realism a while back)

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I dont get how do people do it tho. This is essentially creationism tier wrongness. Look up divergent evolution. Look up evolutionary pressure in stressful conditions, and how natural selection rapidly selects and 'makes' races, of all species. Look up shit that humans went trough, from famines to plagues to alpine/desert tier climates. Look it all up and tell me race isnt real.

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Madagascar, Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Sao Tome, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Niger and Rwanda all have a lower homicide rate than the US.

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What a joke

Even if the bourgeosie were irremediably exploitive and owned all the means of production, that would be nothing more than a descriptive observation and certainly not a prescriptive statement. So what if bougies tend to exploit peoples labour more than proles? That doesn't mean we should treat people differently by default. To argue otherwise is scientism– that is, pure ideology.

Progressives use race and other "isms" to attack western culture and Capitalism. They hate it because freedom results in unequal outcomes. Blacks have lower levels of success because of "a legeacy of slabery" and racism is "deeply ingrained" throughout the West, blah blah blah. The traditional family unit is oppressive etc. In the Marxist view, if western culture is rotten to the core, it must be destroyed and the workers paradise built upon the ashes. This is why progressives/communists attack successful institutions to slowly undermine them. Did deep and the leaders are open about this. You really are a bunch of creepy losers who are jealous and look to the government to make every thing fair. Pathetic fucks



black people, white people and yellow people do not exist. Humans are not racially pure like some other animals who are isolated, they constantly interbred and have had contact for a long time. Furthermore, their genetic and generational distance apart compared to other animals is very small, due to recent common ancestors. The genetic diversity within humans is very small, even if there are (not even that massive) phenotype differences.

lmao do you really think the actual homicide rate on the ground in Niger or ruwanda is lower than the united States

get a grip fella

Flynn effect? More like Flint effect.

Dude lead lmao.

If race dont real explain how chinese people never give birth to subsaharan african children.
And by chinese and subsaharan, I dont mean the passport. You know what I mean by it. Everyone does. From political activists in the streets, to inmates in prisons, how do you explain the ease of recognizing race among literally everyone but people who try hard not to?

Step it up.

enjoy they anchor, boys

This post of yours was an irredeemable waste of bandwidth and I strongly suggest suicide as a remedy for your intellectual vacuity.

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wouldn't surprise me at all. short of countries at war, most countries in europe, africa, middle east and asia are lower than the US. The US and latin america are unusually high with homicide rates by global standards

Forgot to add: The way races are defined in their majority usage does not reflect population distance.
Those charts you see "charting the differences" are incredibly misleading, you can make any population, no matter how similar, appear different by plotting the few genetic markers that correlate to ancestry and plotting them in isolating. Even a population with only 4 DNA letters different can look vastly different if you only plot those letters and use the differences between those populations to plot the extremities of your graph axis. The same way you can take two test scores of 7.8 and 7.9 out of 10 and plot them two ends of a spectrum, making it seem like theres a huge gap, even though its almost the same.

Just because race isn't a valid or meaningfull catagorical system doesn't mean genetics do not exist, you illiterate nazi.
I can group my family by if they have blue or brown eyes, and two people with blue eyes wouldn't give birth to someone with brown eyes, that doesn't mean we are different subspecies of human, just that we happen to have a very small amount of genetic difference that expresses itself as phenotype.

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Very small amount of genetic difference equals very large amount of measurable brain developing difference.

We share 50% of our genes with bananas and rice, 70% with rats, and 95% with monkeys, but I guess those 5% really make a difference.

Do you have any evidence to support your claim that peaceful countries like Sierra Leone or Malawi do not track their homicide rate properly?

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damn dude
confirmation bias at its finest

And out of all the genetic variation found within humans, 85% exists within a population, and 15% between them. A white person and an asian person can be more similar genetically than an asian and another asian. Humans vary only up to 0.5% between each other genetically, as a maximum. That 95% is actually shared with chimps, our closest relative.


There has only been 7000 generations between the start of the out of africa migration, and now.
Simple things, like hair or skin colour, are very easy to code for and mutate. This does not go for the structure of a fucking brain, which is coded for by thousands upon thousands of genes, if not more.

If you want to argue that races are real, even though there is much more variation within a group that between groups, or that human races have drifted apart so far in only 7000 generations to be considered seperate species or whatever, go ahead, but know that you have no scientific evidence to back anything up.

Human development index varies more between races than it doesnt. Listen, I get that this shit is incredibly complex. Near infinite moving parts and variables, we dont even have human genome mapped, and we dont even know what all the genes even do.

But here's a thing we absolutely do know without a shadow of a doubt: shitskins suck, living with them is a pain, they were never anything more than outdated agricultural equipment, and all the Arabs, Chinese, Slavs and basically THE WHOLE WORLD recognizes this.

Why we have to bleed trillions of dollars to affirmative action in order to make problem glasses wearing shitlibs happy, is beyond me.

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I am working class and all that, construction worker, doesnt get much more working class than that, and I've found multiculturalism much more oppressive than capitalism. And I am not alone.

Almost entirety of right wing everywhere is just working class masses who too found multiculti to be much less bearable than capitalism. Which is why right wing populism exists in the first place.
Feral shitskins and welfare tax have been used as a bioweapon against the working class for far too long. Only international corporation overlords, and their sheltered 'leftist' shitlib children, are pro shitskins. Average Joe that has to deal with shitskins without gated community or private guards is sick and tired of it.

Idk man maybe the minorities look better from the distance on your golf course. You must be not interacting with and paying their welfare or something.

If you believe sharing your neighborhood with darkies is as oppressive as wage slavery, you might have a problem.

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> Not accommodating my racism means you're a bourgeois liberal leaving in a Beverley Hills gated community. You can't possibly be working class and opposed to racism.
This meme really needs to die.

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It's both the locals and "shitskins" from the working class who suffer under the system. You should de-spook yourself on this, the real division is still one on base of class, no matter how you may feel about it.
"Multiculturalism" as it exists nowadays (mass immigration, urban neighborhoods that are basically ghettoes completely separated from the local community, etc) is a product of neoliberal capitalism. Neoliberals want to stimulate immigration from poor countries because those people are willing to work for less. Also mass immigration wouldn't happen without the continuous occurrence of imperialist wars which are also caused by capitalism.
However if by "multiculturalism" you just mean you're a racist and can't handle seeing people of another colour around you, then I don't really know what to say man. In that case the right has managed to successfully lure you away from your actual class interests by installing in your head the idea that race is what matters most.

Literally quoting Lewontin's fallacy.

Listen, this whole bullshit is simple:
Corporate overlord profits from exploiting dirt cheap labor,
Libshit 'leftist' liberals farm gibsmedat voting blocks

And dont even get me started on how retarded and incompetent they are when you have to work with them. We swear out loud, we drink on the job, and we are not the brightest bunch around here, but even we are amazed at how injury tier retarded these niggers are. Lazy, uppity, dangerous and retarded.

You go work with one but I swear if I have to suffer niggers for no fucking reason one more time I am voting for the third fucking reich and porky shitlibs that brought them here shouldnt get the rope, but a one way africa ticket.

So basically you agree with us that capitalism is at fault. All you need to do is despook yourself on this racialized idpol bullshit and you're there. Good job!

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No! Just because capitalism exploits construction workers especially, it doesnt mean affirmative action, redoing everything a nigger does, and explaining it over and over how to do it, and paying the damages out of my pocket, as well as paying the welfare bill, doesnt exploit me just as much!

I dont now what you do in this life, but I dont think it is manual labor, because if you did you'd have to deal with drunk and/or high niggers all the fucking time, and you would have to pick up their slack, and you would have to suffer working with them because otherwise it would be racist.

a lot of people are clueless about where their taxes go, wildly overestimate the amount spent on "feral shitskins" and then buy into scapegoating.

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Talk to literally any evolutionary biologist duud

Not that guy, but I fucking worked in a machine shop before transitioning to maintinance. This idea that socialism is gibmedats just shows that you know fucking nothing about socialism and this fallacy you have in your head about how it's a niggers fault your pay or situation is shit is retarded. Unless your the fucking one owning the place, your situation and pay is completely due to the decisions your employer makes, not some nigger you work next too. You know how many difficult people I've had to work with my entire life? I've probably dealt with more assholes then a twink in a gay bar, but I'm not stupid enough to think my barely livable wage position is do to the chatty spic or the blazed out cumskin or the cunt of a chink spitting chew into the machine across the room. Unions exist for a fucking reason, and it's because historically employers really don't give a shit about you. If there is profit to be made, they don't give a shit if your nigger, a spic, a chink, or a faggoty twink, they will take your fucking pay and grind it into the fucking ground and fire you the minute they can get someone who's willing to eat scraps to hold a job. I don't have to like the guy next to me, hell I could want to tear out his fucking guts out, but if the alternative is living a life eating out of the changing hand of others for the rest of my life, you damn well know I'll stand beside him if it means a chance to own my own work and feed myself by my own hand. We can all fuck off from each other in socialism, no one is making you be friends. And I could honestly give two shits what spooks your pasty cunt keeps shoved up there or retarded personal opinions you spout from your boyfriends faggoty little cumhole, if we get to socialism your free to keep them and disassociate from whoever you want. But fuck off with this idea that Jamal making $8.25 an hour is as big a problem as the suit paying you $8.25 an hour and making more then $500k a year.

Couldn't have said this more accurately. It's seriously fucking delusional to think muh nigger coworkers are a bigger problem to you than porky extracting your surplus value. Screenshotted

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